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Current Another RP is also surviving; Tri-Mon Crossover has received prospective players' renewed enthusiasm!
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My RP has survived the heatwaves. Noble Arms prospers.
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Waiting for heatwaves to end in the US and EU and my own region.
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Soon to start a new RP.
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Most Recent Posts

Edit: I and DB talked it out.

I also consulted the New RPGuild Admin, POOHEAD189, as to some rules regarding FCs I want to use.
Hi, DB; what happened to the NS version of this RP that you're running a new or parallel version of the game here?

Edit: Was going to make an OC, but the ban on Anime FCs is a deal-breaker.
Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki arched an eyebrow and said, pointedly, to Rin and the Professor, "Legitimacy is what drives those under you to do more than the bare minimum needed to avoid punishment. You two have none from me from this point on - Good day."

And he marched off to detention, letting Matsuru walk him and the other students out, even as he thought, How did that damn professor realize I was scheming? Or was he using a stereotype and accidentally found himself correct? Well, no matter; I have potential partners for the scheming he mentioned, thanks to his actions - But why would someone so smart deliberately take the most alienating course possible? Doesn't he see that this instance of collective punishment would drive most of us into each other's arms?

He dismissed the possibility it was deliberate, pending evidence, and was now weighing which of the other students he needed to fall in with his plans - His social skills were borked and thus he needed a diplomat, someone who can get others on his side and smooth any potential disputes and misunderstandings over. He also needed an intelligencer who could collect and analyze information alongside him so that he was not blindsided by things he didn't know all the time. What was he useful for, then? Why, the nitty-gritty of combat; he may be a Quirkless, but he had experience in licensed murder.

Kazuki Yamagata can even tell himself that he knew that killing people was wrong; that necessary evils were still evil. That allowing too much violence risked making mistakes.

But how self-aware was he, if he can ask himself? When pushed to it, can he suppress his murderous instincts and not go off the deep end? Pursing his lips, Kazuki decided he needed a counterbalance, someone who could keep him on the straight and narrow and not become as bad as the enemy - No, opponents for now; thinking of people as enemies so quickly is bad for one's mental health and the behavior required to achieve his goals.

He'd wait to be put in detention, and try and get the seat next to Mia; he needed to be in close reach of the no-doubt outraged young woman so that he could try and pass her a message on old-fashioned paper, a note carefully slid to her table, saying in childishly neat and perfect English: Cherry Blossom, I should have sided with you from the start. Forgive me for asking this of you, but can you smuggle more notes to the other students here, if you want?

Then he tried to locate Yui Kazuma, Jun Mawatari, and the other students who were more vocal against their professor's decision; he planned to approach them should Mia give her consent to being his note-passer. What notes did he plan to pass? Well, a simple set of questions: So, who here hates Jun and the Professor after their actions? What can we legally do about it? And more importantly, what should we do about it that won't end our education early?

There was a fine distinction between the second and third questions, an implication that took some thought to see. But that was fine; Kazuki knew that those smart enough to see it were ideal recruits for the conspiracy he was trying to form, assuming that Mia would be on board - Which she might not be.

Senbonsakuraza had always snubbed the more unhinged members and aspects of the other Hawks Agency members, and to be blunt, he, Kazuki, also known as Armory, was an edgier person at fifteen and sixteen than he was right now. So Mia had a good reason to think he had not grown out of the bitter and angry young man who relished the use of weaponry against villains with Quirks. Nevertheless, he held no hate and a massive amount of admiration for the older young woman (yes, awkward phrasing!) so he wanted to befriend her or at least be on her good side.

Was it too late for him and her, though?

All the while, the irritating feeling that this state of affairs was somehow deliberate on Rin and Professor Shimura's parts was still burning at the back of his head... Was this part of an even larger set of manipulations?

Kazuki arched an eyebrow and said, pointedly, to Rin and the Professor, "Legitimacy is what drives those under you to do more than the bare minimum needed to avoid punishment. You two have none from me from this point on - Good day."

...Alternatively, if Mia continued to surprise him with her defiance and ability to find the unorthodox 'Third Option' that was better than the presented options, Kazuki would choose another course of action as well - Swallow his pride and arrogance and just accept that Mia/Senbonzakura was the woman with the plan and go along with her actions and thus reap the benefits of her success and his part in it, suspending his own plans for the time being so he can learn how to plan better.

In this alternative scenario, instead of assuming Mia would go along to detention, Kazuki would openly move to accompany her, saying within everyone's earshot, "I was wrong not to have sided with you, Ms. Mathers - Let's do this together; you'll want an extra pair of arms and legs for what you will need to do."

The irritating feeling this was a deliberate gambit on the part of Rin and the professor to drive certain students into working together still won't leave him even in this scenario, but Kazuki knew better than to discuss this with Mia or anyone else, not when he had no proof at all and could just be indulging in wishful thinking.

@Lewascan2, @Aku the Samurai, @Thayr, @Verjil.

As FatPrincess has left along with her OC Master, she will be replaced with an NPC Master so that Rider/@GubGar can keep playing.

And as Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald is still alive in this universe...

This means that the Original Lord El-Melloi will be the Master of Rider.
Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki remembered Rin now; who knew that shy and introverted girl from the Hawks Agency had such ferocity in her? Nodding at her words, Kazuki took note of Yusuke's power copying quirk, and wrote down all he was able to observe about it on a piece of paper; best not to write it on something that can be hacked into.

Then he noticed Hebi continuing the drama, and to be honest, he understood her reasoning; the force used on Yusuke had been overwhelming and disproportionate and the threat to the class, though humorous, was not tolerable. Maybe he should pitch in with his opinions? He was allowed to have them despite being a Qurikless, after all. However, a reputation for insubordination was not something he wanted to cultivate so early; he wanted to be sober, professional, and worthy of being a hero.

But then again, some heroes are insubordinate, aren't they? Looking Rin in the eye, Kazuki said, "With all due respect, we've been taught trigger discipline and how to use force the right way under Hawks; have you forgotten what we've been taught already, Student Adviser? But I will admit that the fault lies with both sides; us for being skeptical and letting Yusuke get under our skin, and well, I've already said my piece about your actions - Now let's discuss dorm arrangements like you invited us to."

Kazuki spoke, "Honestly, I hate to say this, but a Quirkless with guns might be the best dorm-mate for Yusuke - I'm volunteering myself, as distasteful as that sounds. I also don't think we should concentrate students with destructive powers on each other, too; that sounds like a recipe for disaster. Now, as for my opinions on the Hero Billboard..."

The young man then paused, and opened his mouth to address both Rin and Kaiga, "Endaevor retiring should be greeted with gratitude, not lamentations; he's given us a lot after All Might's death, and he deserves a happy life after that. Besides, this means more room for the new generation, aka us, right? This makes me wonder if Quirkless Hero Deku should be rising in the ranks now... Yes, I am one of his fans for reasons obvious as all heck."

What he was going to say next was unnecessary, but very rewarding, as he looked at Rin and said to the Student Adviser, "Student Adviser Himura, once this is done, would it be acceptable if I challenge you to a marksmanship contest after class? Shooting against moving targets, of course - I have not had a serious challenge against anyone since the Hawks Agency days..."

There, that entire set of words and actions ought to calm everyone down and bring things back on track... Well, there was still Gendou (?), who had loudly exclaimed a lamentation earlier. Looking at the younger boy, who was distressed while trying to focus on his studies, Kazuki sighed and said, "You'll get used to this, don't worry. And even if you don't, private study to compensate for any failings with the class exists. So just hang in there."
Andrew Rivers

All right, time to be the do-gooder, Andrew thought as he observed the foes arrayed before him, walked up to the wiry man behiind the leader, and tried to punch him at the back of the head, hoping against hope that this fighter, whom he had inferred to be stronger than this gang's 'boss', would be caught by surprise - He wasn't.

At least he knew that the 'Scout' was trained in combat as the latter had boasted; the kid was prepared to defend himself. Problem was, without the element of surprise, the strongest fighter, the one with a wicked-looking baling hook, was more than a match for an unarmed Andrew. So now, the youth had to draw his gun and risk alerting the crew and maybe being punished, or take on this guy and hope for a miracle win or for the scout to use the distraction he had offered to deal with the gang 'boss'.

He grinned and said to the wiry guy with the baling hook as he took his own boxer's stance, fists raised, "Oi, muscles, you think you're hot shit? Using your weakling of a boss as cover so you can do whatever you want? I and the kid can beat you any day..."

Andrew was going to have to rely on his Trooper Armor and the viciousness of his bluff to survive - For this was a bluff. But by spelling out the weaknesses of the gang and revealing their strengths, the youth was hoping to get others to pitch in, others who, even if not interested in helping an NCR Trooper and a Wasteland Scout (?), would be interested in shanking these gangsters for loot and getting the corpses thrown overboard. Not that jumping these folk was the smartest thing to do; he can admit that.

This was not how he had expected the trip to go; Andrew had hoped to accompany some sort of NCR dignitary on that same mission he was in - After all, this was an official mission set by the NCR military, as far as he knew. He had hoped that he would be around someone he can recieve orders from and also have a general idea of the challenges they faced when looking for a McGuffin to save the NCR in Hawaii. Instead, he had found himself alone, which was a very bad thing to be when in a mission that can affect the fate of civilization. And now, he might die at the first hurdle!

But it was not the time to complain that life was so unfair; he was no weakling despite not being strong enough to win his mission alone. Thankfully, if he won this battle and saved the kid...

It all depends now. On what everyone else would do.

NPC Master for @ManyThings

Name: Oleg-Marie Animusphere
Age: 22
Aliases: The Discarded.
Titles: Heir of the Animusphere Family.

Height: 165cm
Weight: 80kg

Family Backstory: Canon Info from the Type-Moon Wiki

Personal Backstory: Abandoned and left to be raised by a branch family member by his asshole of a father, Oleg-Marie Animusphere soon learned that he had to prove himself to get any positive attention other than pity. The metaphorical jackals were baying around the Animusphere Family, and Oleg knew he had to fend them off or lose everything; that and prove himself to be someone worthy of continuing his father's research, which required a huge amount of resources, not even Magi normally had.

Oleg's father, the infamous Marisbury Anuimusphere, before abandoning him forever, had ordered an agent to investigate the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, only to find out that the Fuyuki Grail was corrupted and thus worthless to him. But then, after finding out someone made an Imitation Holy Grail in Kyoto, he suddenly contacted Oleg, asking the latter to participate in the Kyoto Holy Grail War. In exchange, he was willing to see him again.

By then, however, Oleg had already found out about some of Marisbury's plans and the culmination of the Animusphere Magecraft; CHALDEAS and CHALDEA and a plan that required massive deaths and destruction to make Humanity the top dog of the Universe yet also the most disgusting aspect of it, and decided to agree only so that he could betray his father.

Unlike his counterpart from a parallel timeline, Oleg was not so dependent on his father he was willing to join a plan that was mad even by Magus standards. No, he was going to kill his father, then find a spouse and raise children (if his spouse was male, he'd just get a surrogate mother from a strong bloodline whose family was in dire financial straits) in a way that was better than he had been raised!

Oh, right; he has met with Lorenzo Calungsod Emiya before in secret illegal negotiations to give Noritaka's bones back to Kiritsugu and Shirley (who are still alive in this timeline).

Personality: Rebellious, aggressive, and prone to overconfidence in his Magecraft and his mundane abilities, Oleg-Marie Animusphere nevertheless has the conscience of his female parallel counterparts, and is willing to cast aside his dreams and die if someone else's wish can foil his father's malign plots, which are abhorrent even by Magus standards. A born fighter, Oleg also wants to make it so that killing him would be a challenge, an epic fight worthy of the heroes of old. He does not want civilians killed, if only for pragmatic reasons, but is willing to sacrifice criminals and gangsters because they are scum and do not qualify as innocent; the hypocrisy of this approach is something he is well aware of.

Oh, he also likes cats, dogs, cockatoos, and lions.

Magical Parameters:

Magical Circuit Quantity: E-
Magical Circuit Quality: EX
Composition: Abnormal

Magecraft: Identical to Canon, due to this sheet being for an NPC Master, a full description of Magecraft is unnecessary for now.

Mystic Codes: See the above link.

Skills: See the above link, but Oleg also knows Parkour and Modern Pankration, Boxing, and Marksmanship.


- A lot of money.
- Fine Clothes.
- Casual Clothes.
- A Traditional Japanese House/Mansion.
- Retainers and Bodyguards provided by the various Animusphere Branch Families.

Hey, hey.
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