Avatar of Letter Bee


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3 days ago
Current Another RP is also surviving; Tri-Mon Crossover has received prospective players' renewed enthusiasm!
6 days ago
My RP has survived the heatwaves. Noble Arms prospers.
19 days ago
Waiting for heatwaves to end in the US and EU and my own region.
30 days ago
Soon to start a new RP.
1 mo ago
My Status: Good.


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Most Recent Posts

6/1/2024 - Edited 'Main Lore 2022' to include a line saying that in this universe, Emperor Naruhito has more children, including a son and more daughters.
GM Team Announcement:

Rogue Servants (Independent Servants without a Master) like from Fate/Samurai Remnant are now playable; these will not fill up slots for an existing Class (so you can have a Rogue Servant Saber and a Normal Saber at the same time), but in exchange cannot get a wish from the Holy Grail (they also need a lot of Mana to sustain themselves and without a Master, they need Spirit Fonts/Leylines or other, more... creative methods).
Constantine XI Shielder Lily

Constantine XI Shielder Lily had bought a proper motorcycle with a flag bearing the Palaiologos Coat of Arms waving from a pole at the rear of the vehicle - The boy Servant was not afraid to announce his presence, even as he, from a side rode, drove up to Jan and spoke in Greek, "Hey, hey, you must be a Rider, and one proud of your exploits in defense of Christendom, too! Let's drive to an abandoned lot, shall we? We do not want to endanger the local populace."

And without waiting for Jan's acknowledgement, Constantine XI Shielder Lily, who closely resembled a certain Marty Stu, Stock Light Novel Harem Protagonist from a popular series of media, drove off for the nearest abandoned lot or construction site, saying, "Last one to reach the battle site is a rotten Turk!"

He then winked at a nearby CCTV camera as he did so, daring anyone who used mundane surveillance to interfere. As he found a suitable construction site where the workers had all left for the night, using his Motorcycle's horn to warn off any security guards, Shielder looked for a suitable place to park his new and shiny motorcycle before looking around for Jan under the assumption the Rider had followed him. He then spoke, "Oh, hey, you're Sigismund of Bohemia, right? That guy from Nicopolis? Or are you Wladyslaw of Poland or John Hunyadi? Wait, I recognize your cockade - You must be Jan Sobeski!"

Constantine XI then shamelessly began fanboying, "You are so cool if you are! You already know who I am, right? I'm Constantine, Constantine XI! You don't deserve lies, so I won't say I'm a Rider too like I planned - No; I'm a Shielder and I don't think anyone here knows who a Shielder is and how to fight one... So I still have the advantage of secrecy."

He then drew his sword, which shone with black and white angelic flames and said, "So, want to have a good scrap?"

Kazuki Yamagata

Kazuki was in his dorm, having changed into his PJs; his bodysuit/power armor needed to be cleaned, so all he had was his gun. He had eaten and brushed his teeth earlier, and had taken his sleeping pills and other medication; the terrors of Jaku City were not easily left behind.

War, especially in the industrial age, was hell. When one was Quirkless, it was even more so.

Kazuki and his entire grade school class had been abducted by the Paranormal Liberation Army and taken to one of their laboratories. Many of them died, and still more - Both his friends and some of his bullies - were forcibly turned into Nomu. He had been tortured and experimented on and destined for that same fate.

After all, these villains thought of the powerless as of no worth; and in a world governed by that logical fallacy, who was more powerless than someone without a Quirk? So they thought nothing of hurting a child until he screamed, of gloating of forcing him to see what had been boys and girls with their futures ahead of them turned into monsters. Of how he would be 'useful' for their purpose.

There was no hope. No one was coming to rescue them -

Gunshots were heard in the midst of his despair. In a flurry of wings, salvation descended.

It was the Hawks Agency that rescued him. It was the Hawks Agency he wanted to join in the future.

Where others were terrified by gunshots - Rightfully so - To him, the terror was mixed with fondness; for to him, weapons like guns were a symbol of empowerment, a way for him to be more than just Quirkless. But at the same time, they were a power that could easily be misused.

He didn't know who had rescued him, only that they were probably a woman. He wanted to see her again, and he wanted to thank her, but even in his years in the Hawks Agency, he saw no trace of her, that vision of beauty and power and grace who had saved him.

When can I see you again? I miss you dearly.

Asleep, Kazuki was crying, alone, vulnerable, on his bed. Occasionally he trashed around, muffled screams emerging, various names escaping from his mouth. Friends, former enemies, all innocents undeserving of Nomu-hood. Cries of, "I can't save them... Why can't I save them?!" and "Why can't I see her? Why can't I see her again?"

He was stirring awake early; eyes wet with tears that dripped down his smooth face. Was there someone looking at him? He reached out his hand, still groggy, and said, "Please don't leave me... Please..."

Not a GM Post

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:16 UTC+8

Aoi could feel Myron pressing a small, metallic box into her palm, and him whispering, "Here; this is one of Qingshe's Teleport Beacons; this would allow you to 'download' yourself into my disk in an instant. Will you be okay with using this?"

Suta, meanwhile, nodded and walked off in the direction of Shen Tu; Myron felt a sense of foreboding on how eager the guy walked, as though he was somehow dooming himself through overconfidence. As for Roberto, just in case he needed any more instructions, Myron spoke, "Create a distraction to divert Huo Ren's attention; you're not a cute guy, so you'll have to be creative - Try going up to him and saying passive-aggressive remarks he cannot retaliate against without looking like the bad guy in this diplomatic meeting. Would that be okay with you?"

Seeing Noel continue to try and talk Lieutenant Chea into letting them act, Myron then uploaded two files into Aoi and Roberto's smartphones, saying, "These, by the way, are the reports I can find about 'Yulian Suburov'; let's just say that he's good at dragging off suspected rebels and subversives to where the sun doesn't shine, and the only part of that the Russians do not approve of is his semi-open desire for other men as well as women - The cultural differences that were mentioned. So they sent him off as their 'observer' to get him out of the way while they find someone as effective as he is without being 'disgusting' to them..."

@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:17 UTC+8

People, both Chinese and ASEAN members, were talking about news from around the world, where Ukraine's recovery of Kherson shared near-equal space with Myanmar's National Unity Government overruning several townships. But Cristina would notice something as the updates on the Task Force's phones and local television screens flashed by - Events from the Philippines were popping up more often in the newsfeed. The reason why?

Angelito Jaime, the Hero of ASEAN, was dead, and the Seven Virtues claimed ownership of his Noble Arm, the Bamboo Spear. Because the Bamboo Spear was one of the most powerful portal-cutting Noble Arms on the planet, this meant bad news for ASEAN. Not only that but with the foreign threat stalled, the Philippine Government of National Salvation was being bogged down by constant battles against the local warlords and politically influential clans that resisted the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

In Japan, Crown Prince Shinyahito's sudden disappearance and reappearance fighting in the Philippines alongside his sister, Princess Fukuyo, caused a firestorm of controversy that was paralyzing the Japanese response to world affairs except in one aspect: The JSDF will be mobilized to get the son and daughter of Emperor Naruhito back. Until then, Japanese volunteers who fought on ASEAN's side are reminded that their actions were technically illegal but the penalties would not be enforced.

Will be departing from the RP, but staying in the Discord server with Theyra's permission.
Kazuki Yamagata

"I knew that some things didn't add up!" Kazuki was the first to say. "Your threat to revoke our Hero Licenses was the biggest clue - Professors do not have the power to do that! I had a whispering thought at the back of my mind that you planned to drive us together by uniting us against you, but I dismissed that because you kept up the pressure and made sure everyone hated you enough not to consider the possibility that you had a cover!"

He then faced Ravens/Shimura and continued, "That said, don't you know how much danger you put yourself in, and us too?! What if one of us was provoked to open violence?! You could have been hurt and the student who assaulted you could have lost their future! Worst case scenario, you could have provoked a riot like it was 1969!"

Kazuki let the implications that he was referring to himself hang, by a thread, over the class. His next words were, "And yes, I was perfectly confident in my ability to bring on the hurt while inciting a mob; sorry for the arrogance. You guessed right that I do scheme, back when your cover was up; said schemes are dropped, by the way - They were meant for self-defense and defense of those under me, after all. Seriously, I was just one inch of lost patience away from endangering your plan!"

He then sighed and said, "I'm taking the 100 points for 'dying with my comrades' and the 95 points for speaking up against oppression, by the way. Do not expect forgiveness from everyone else too... Although I'm already giving my own, considering how I am not immune to dark urges in my heart."

Still hyperventilating, Kazuki continued, "And if you must do it again... Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

Because Kazuki knew, in his heart, that Ravens would do it again. The youth was willing to cast aside any hatred or ill-will towards the older man, but trust had to be earned, not demanded or commanded.

And earning it was going to be an uphill struggle; Kazuki knew he had to make it so.
I’m note sure if I’m just missing an obvious link but where’s the Discord?


Edit: Decided that I have no time to join for now, but I do have a Non-Anime face claim.
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