Name: Raven Rivers
Age: 42
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Personality: Raven wants to safeguard what remains of his family, then reunite it by rescuing his wife and son, then take the fight to the Hegemony, in that order. Even then, that last goal can be sacrificed if there is another way to rescue his wife and son. Despite the circumstances of his' joining the Ranger Corps, Raven remains an optimistic and honorable man who is quick to lend a hand, an affecitionately joking word, and a listening ear to his comrades. He is also faithful to his wife and would reject romantic overtures from both women and men (he is bisexual) as long as he is certain she is alive.
History: Raven was born on the agricultural colony world of Plenty, where yes, his family had a farm. They had all the latest crops and agricultural techniques, as well as technology that made their lives more efficient, thus meaning that while there was still plenty of backbreaking labor, it was as distant from the 21st Century idea of a farm as that idea was to the Medieval one. As Raven grew up, he learned how to drive vehicles, handle herds of unmanned drones, and measure the smallest miutinae of moisture and weather in order to ensure the smooth workings of his family's land. He also had dalliances with both girls and boys, but eventually chose to marry early to his childhood sweetheart, a girl named Katrina.
Raven and Katrina chose to seek out land of their own to start their own farm; they planned to have a medium-sized family one day. But just as they were settling in, recruiters from the United Earth Government seeking soldiers for the last years of the Shodane War came into their farming town, offering generous benefits for joining the military. What drew Raven was the chance to earn his family unprecedented benefits, including free University or Vocational education for any children he had with Katrina once they reached the right age. So after talking with his wife about it, he signed the recruitment papers and was promptly shipped off to training.
He discovered his second love (other than men; he was going to stay faithful to his wife so he's not touching them anymore) when being tested for his aptitude: Mechs. He loved humanoid mechs; not the clunky, heavy ones that reminded him too much of farm equipment, but rather, smaller, more specialized units that nevertheless had huge amounts of firepower. And eventually, he got the chance to pilot them in the last battles of the Shodane War, where he won a few medals for trouncing some of the most challenging units of the AI foe. After that, he can be honorably discharged and enjoy the fruits of victory.
His first son, Andrew, was born within a few years of the UEG joining the Confederation. Andrew was a very intelligent child, precocious and daring and a little overconfident; Raven loved him dearly. He also had two other children in the next few years; Laura and Elise, who also proved to be very accomplished girls who were as good at repairing and jury-rigging drones and formulating organic non-carcinogenic pesticide as they were at 'traditional' skills of embroidery and weaving.
Then suddenly, the Hegemony decided that they can get away with snatching Plenty from the Confederation's nose and sent a fleet to take the world by surprise, blowing through the unprepared picket fleet and landing forces on the ground just before the local defense forces were able to send a signal back to the United Earth Government.
Raven's farm was overrun, and Katrina and Andrew were captured while he managed to escape to the countryside with Laura and Elise. He and his girls survived for a few months before help finally arrived in the form of a UEG Fleet, but it was too late for his wife and son - both had been whisked off to Hegemony territory to serve as slaves.
So Raven re-enlisted into the military, joining the Ranger Corps, to find a way to rescue them and reunite his family!
Key facts: - Raven is a High Church Anglican.
- Raven likes J-Pop.
- Raven is a passable dancer but hates dancing.
- Raven is a social drinker, but hates the feeling of intoxication.
- Raven can cook.
Personal Gear: Any specific personal weapons, armour, or other useful equipment and items. List format is preferred.
- Personal Battle Armor.
- Anti-Material Gauss Rifle.
- Plasma Carbine.
- EMP Grenades.
- Combat Knife.
- Medkit.
- Omni-Tool.
- Burner Comms Device.
- Carbon-Fibre floss wire for use as regular floss or an emergency tool of strangulation.
Speciality: Sniper/Demolitions/Assault Infantry.
Anything Else: