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@Ponn personally I see Olivia being someone who goes with the flow of the Ministry so long as they placate her but I imagine she’d be conflicted greatly if she was asked to use her Darling to reign in any errant Magical Girls.

This is, of course, assuming the Ministry is the sort to do that. Camelot is currently only paranoid about them, for example. She doesn't really have any proof of wrongdoing, just unease with the current way they seem to go about things and the unchecked power they apparently possess. That aside, Olivia probably wouldn't be super thrilled about that scenario if it did come about...
Then there's Olivia, who just wants to make friends...

Exciting first day, huh? XD
You can already start to see the dividing line between loyalist Magical Girls and rebellious ones forming.

Hoo boy, can you! I'll admit to some hype over that fact. Gonna be some good character interactions/conflict to be found going forward.
Reading our Seraph’s post reminds me the national flower of Scotland is a thistle. This may not be a flower that handles being Princess carried and having their hand held by an authority figure trying to drag her off to English boarding school while treating everyone like children.

I’m going to relish Nessie’s post.

Pretty much my exact thought process (aside from not knowing the flower trivia). Practically did a spit-take when Lumiere did that.
And a post has been made.

Nice post. I see the IC misinterpretations continue both ways. Fun stuff.
After all, it's worth noting that this is the first time Camelot's Round Table feast has ever been targeted by Pageless... in all of the 1 year+ that she's been actually doing it on a pretty much daily basis at sunrise and sunset. That isn't to say that Lumiere isn't correct about the danger... just not for the reasons she thinks.
If it weren't for Camelot starting the feast later than normal (thus it being so far past sundown and during prime Pageless hunting time) and the increased aggression of the Pageless as a whole as of late, this may have never come up.
Hmm. Camelot's an interesting character to a lot of folks. I could see Lilac being like, "Why is she me but better? She has everything together and I don't. O_o." because she doesn't understand Camelot's internal struggles.

It should definitely make for some interesting character interactions. While on the surface, both of them might perform similar roles, it is the roles they take in terms of making emotional connections that will certainly set them apart long term and define Lilac amongst the team, her bombastic friendly nature a contrast to Camelot's often distant guardian persona. Plus, there's always the chance of Lilac finally coming into her own and developing new Grimoire powers (which I think was possibly going to be a thing down the line? unless I'm thinking of a similar RP I looked at around the time I found this). There are certainly some interesting ways this could play out.
So, uh... Having now tried to catch up on what I haven't read... I'm really thinking I'm just not cut out for Advanced. As much as I like the idea of Karen as I wrote her CS, I don't think I can keep up with this RP; I'll probably just drag down the quality. So I think I'm gonna drop as well, unfortunately. Sorry to have wasted your time, all.

You weren't wasting anyone's time. Hate to see it happen this way, but I personally really liked what I saw from your end. If this is it, I'll merely wish you the best of luck in your future RP endeavors!
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Yeah, I'm down for a collab if you want. I was just gonna have her show up and have gotten lost, but if you have a good idea I'm willing to go with it.

Sounds good. To reduce spoilers, I'll shoot you a PM and pitch what I have in mind.
I haven't given this up, just been busy with other projects. Would help if I had a headcount of interested parties.

I'm getting really involved in some other RPs, but I'm still game for this depending on what the post rate ends up looking like and such. Bottom line: still interested. We'll see where things go. Mostly, I'm just waiting on a CS or something right now, so I can readjust my character concept appropriately.
On another note, Lotus Sutra has been quite the sneaky and quiet little bugger. Last we saw of her was her entering the construction site. We never really got any approximate positioning or anything (whether she was right out in the open or not), so I wasn't sure if to note her presence IC or not (eventually settled on no). Yo, @The World, if you've got any particular plans for introducing her here, I'm game to collab or otherwise provide an opening. If not, that's cool too, but I figured I'd offer.

Also, LMAO, Dynasty Queen's player is gonna be in for a serious ride of a wall of text once they finally pop back in.

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