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@Lewascan2 Yes, he's more likely to be the one to opt to work alone.

Honestly, we still don't really have an idea of what the main plot is. Despite all the innately powerful personalities of the characters, there's every possibility of them being initially confronted with a threat enough to actually keep them united... at least temporarily.
@Lewascan2 He can't enlighten her therefore either he doesn't see a reason to engage with her, speed is chaotic not orderly or understandable.

*Enlighten as in rip her soul from her flesh to be free of her prison.

I can already see we're off to a lovely start. So much team cohesion. XD

I'd imagine that would be quite the task for him. After all, he would be basically trying to rip a universe apart (though a small one, granted), which is essentially what her body is. In order to exist the way she does, she had to become her own sort of self-contained universe that contains and emits nothing but Speed, allowing her to operate as a sort of island in the normal timestream. It's the only way she can exist after literally purging her own past/history. Her body acts as a shell/shield from the effects of her own time travel paradox.
Which is to say nothing of the difficulty of actually hurting someone that is... well, she ascended by time traveling after all. Light speed is a thing she can and casually does now.
Basically, assume that if there is a speedster feat in comics, she can probably pull it off too, because "Speed given form".
@Lewascan2 You see to the Architect the world, no the universe is imperfect or even ugly. The flesh is barbaric, and obsolete. A world of perfection will only be capable of becoming reality once the new world is born.

Interesting. Then I wonder what he would think of my character, a human who ascended past flesh into a state more similar to being an elemental of the force/concept of Speed itself.
@Lewascan2 Not exactly, he's more a soul inside a metal body. And this is a better idea of what he's all about:

<Snipped quote>

Interesting... I was getting a more "steel dominator of the universe" vibe from him before than a "wants to enlighten the universe into the glory of steel" in your earlier posts. What, does he just want to turn everything into something straight out of Transformers/Cybertron? Is that the means or the end one wonders?
@Dead Cruiser When is the deadline for sheets?

No time too soon I'd assume, since we don't really have any fully approved character sheets yet. I'd only worry about time crunch when we've got maybe 3-5 approved minimum.

As an aside (and as someone who collected and still owns some of those legos), you've been spelling Bionicle wrong. XD
That said, basically running a Bionicle borg... thing? That's the concept? It's certainly distinctive amongst the character concepts we've got so far.
So what was that about Nessie not appreciating being princess-carried and handheld by Lumiere again?

I feel I'm as surprised as most everyone else, but the IC setup for said reaction makes it make sense. Whether or not that sort of reaction will stay consistent or was a result of her exhaustion is up in the air currently, but she seems rather charmed by all this honestly.
@Dead Cruiser Okay, made it about as brief as I could manage. I felt it would honestly be simpler to just go ahead and craft the CS outright, so here you go.

Very broadly summarized: Jen is a black-souled/Perceiver human, whose mostly White Arts based magic is over the manipulation of the forces of Speed, which allows her to also perform some connected space-time techniques. She had dipped somewhat into Red applications but didn't fully take the plunge until it was literally a matter of saving her world. At that point, she attempted (and succeeded at) the fabled speedster time travel ability with a twist, accidentally apotheosizing herself in the process and basically becoming the concept of Speed in a humanoid form.

She lost a great amount of her mortality, as her "perfect time travel" technique relied upon her sacrificing her history/past existence in order to avoid a paradox. In order to not fall apart and defeat her opponent in the meantime, she crafted a new body from the fundament of Speed itself to act as a preservatory pocket for her memories and soul. As a result of this body, she now exists as a self-sustained island of existence within the normal timestream, allowing her to explore the more exotic applications of her magic at far less personal risk going forward.

Okay, took me a while to come up with something that maybe works with this sort of vague and flexible "magic/cultivation/ascension" system, but here's the character concept I'd like to pitch before I go to all the work of making a sheet or anything.

EDIT: Will probably do a more summarized version (or just put the background in a hider) for the actual sheet, but that can wait till after feedback and/or approval.

Hugh Caphazath
Half-Elf, Monk (Way of Shadow), Level 3
HP: 24/24 Armor Class: 17 Conditions: Pass Without Trace
Location: J8 -> I14
Action: Shortbow attack on Goblin G9
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


From his place behind the rock, Hugh heard the Cleric’s shout and the crackle of magic resolve into a pair of muffled underwater-esce impacts, Pass Without Trace continuing to do its best work despite his current concealment.

As he nocked an arrow and peered back out, He witnessed Victoria’s nimble blade claim the life of an injured goblin, who was apparently momentarily startled by the harassment of her abominable porcine undead.

He could hear the Tiefling’s still thankfully somewhat muffled ranting starting up from above, she having apparently scaled their cover in order to make some nonsense speech. That said, for all the time she wasted, she still managed to claim a greenskin life herself with some remarkable flashy fire and an eye-searing golden light-beam, leaving the team with only three opponents left… opponents in fairly inconvenient positions at that.

Grimacing, Hugh darted from his cover and across the road to seek shelter behind the trunk of a sizable tree instead, a position which also afforded him a much more favorable shot at the remaining Targets, now that the low-hanging canopy and his own allies weren’t unintentionally shielding for his foes.

Nocking his arrow once more, he sighted over the top of Morty and released it at the scrambling goblin that was screeching things he decided he was perhaps best off not being able to translate. Unfortunately, between having to hurriedly reposition and lacking time to properly line up the shot before his erratically-moving drunken target could settle into a more predictable movement, his theoretically equally accurate shot ended up burying itself just slightly into the right side of the goblin’s chest, barely enough so that it seemed to have missed the heart and instead invaded a lung, judging by the bloody hacking his Target was currently doing.

Hugh scowled and set to knocking another arrow just in case, but it seemed like they had managed to solidly command the momentum of this entire fight. He quite suspected the remaining Targets would be dead long before he could even make up his mind on which to shoot next.

@Remipa Awesome
In my next post, I will have fully moved Camelot to the Academy and interacted with the most recent GM post events and such.

On another note:

Feels like an arc resolving, even though technically, I think "first episode" is still effectively ongoing. XD
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