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@Ponn Tell you what, I'm hoping to get my catch-up post in fairly soonish, possibly tonight even, so we can save the conversation for yours and have it all be from Olivia's POV. That way, I can set a little bit of the stage and progress their dual timeline a tad beforehand. I'll shoot you a PM, so we have a place to work with.
Oh, you might have misunderstood. Camelot actually takes secret identities pretty seriously. She's not going to escort the group right out in the open where any random civilian could see a magical girl just walking around with a bunch of supposed normals. She'll stay close enough to react, but she's on the rooftops and not really in casual conversation distance with the rest of the group.
If Olivia decides to dip back and forth between groups, that's one thing, but Camelot would be a separate interaction.

At this point, based on how far forward everyone else is, we may be getting into the realm of some severe timey-whimey shenanigans, so I'm down for a collab to smooth out any conversation they have on the way over so it happens in 1 or two posts at most. By the end of my next post, at minimum, I want to have Camelot's timeline moved up to the point at which Charlotte speaks to her.
@Ponn Camelot's post will have her settling for performing escort duty from the rooftops. She decides to stay transformed to stave off any surprise dangers, since she's still fairly fresh compared to most of the group, energy-wise. She leaves an open offer to Olivia to patrol with her and chat or to go with the rest of the group.
Ultimately, as she is playing guard duty, Camelot will arrive at the gates at the same time regardless and will then finally release her transformation.
@The 42nd Gecko Well now, you have me invested. It's a funny thing about how Bonnie assumes Camelot is still with the group though... I swear, TheWendil must be precognitive, because once again, I couldn't have asked for a better set-up.
Right on! Whew, that's a pinch of teen drama averted! XD
Now, to finally start trying to put my post brainstorming into words.
Dude, could you please just edit your posts instead of unnecessarily bumping the thread.
The GM is a slow responder, and it really would be so much better if everything you wanted him to see was in one place. Instead we've got all this empty space filled with single line (or hell, single WORD) posts. It's maddening.
Just... BRUH. Please, cut back on the spam. The edit tool exists for a reason.
Uhhh, heads up, but Chinami is super 100% not okay with her actual name being used while she's Camelot. Nicknames are still massively pushing it, but her full civilian name? Yeah, no. She is very no-nonsense about this and treats it like having a DC secret identity, not like seemingly everyone in the MCU taking off their masks at the drop of a hat.
She will be genuinely offended about this despite it being (or rather, especially because it's) Wilhelmina doing it, because someone that close to her should presumably know better by this point.

It is worth mentioning that she attempts to emphasize Captain Goodhope's Magical Girl name and makes leading gestures towards all the potential witnesses around them directly beforehand, which makes things doubly worse, especially since Chinami already introduced herself to Olivia while specifically forgoing using her civilian name. The hints were very much there, though OOC, it's an understandable misstep considering I never personally mentioned this specific button of hers (except I actually kind of did in her commentary, when Lumiere dropped her own transformation).

Just putting that out there in case you want to edit that. If not, cool, call it a slip-up or whatever from excitement, but that isn't going to much change Chinami's reaction. Carelessness kills, after all (at least, according to her paranoia).
Chinami is the sort who prefers not to have nicknames most of the time, even with people she likes, but she dislikes being pigeon-holed by actually descriptive labels even more (she's a bit prickly on this particular subject, yes, since she dislikes people assuming things about her simply for her Grimoire). Since she likes Wilhelmina, "Nami" is fine. In turn, if she shortens Wilhelmina's name, it tends to be to "Mina" or "Mina-chan", since those roll off the tongue far more naturally for someone that speaks Japanese fluently. Though, she will try to call her "Helmi" mostly in front of others if the other nicknames have been conveyed to her as bothersome in some manner.
Wilhelmina would also presumably have had the context of "-chan" as a term of endearment explained to her at some point, likely after asking when Chinami slipped up and first used it.

And when Chinami offers to "carry her back", it should be relatively apparent (to someone familiar with her straightforward approach) she means a full-on princess carry roof-top-hopping spree, since said carry is technically the safest/most comfortable way an armored person could transport a not-so-armored person, especially while making super-strength leaps.
@Dead Cruiser
Okay, that clarifies things somewhat. Sure, I'll stick with my originally accepted sheet then and pop it in the CS tab.
As long as you can help me find a good way for her to use her magic to a passable degree in the short term (assuming such is possible, because I really have no idea the shitstorm I'm about to enter XD), then I've got no further questions. I can see that you really want to keep spoilers to the absolute minimum.
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