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írha & huré
~Unified we stand against the forces of Chaos. Never faltering, never waning, moving always towards our goal~
Theme I Theme II

That... is going to need some slimming down for sure (or some hiders for "detailed versions" of sections). Damn epic though. The gradient color thing is just satisfying to read, not gonna lie.
Hmm... Well, it's hard for me to say until things actually kick off, but Jen's nerfed state at least probably won't qualify? Later down the line maybe, but that's where the "reaching heaven" bit gets to come in.
I'm liking the possibility of this ending up being an all female character party lol

The Godly Gals?

"Reach Heaven Through Estrogen"
Alrighty, finally finished... mostly. Some sections of the backstory may need some more fleshing out (pending lore consultation), but overall, this is the finished product. I was originally trying for a Chunin, but if I've gone slightly above the bar (and I think I might have), I can switch her to being... maybe a Special Jounin would work? That's the best fit for her backstory, since she could be actively avoiding Jounin promotion, only to have Orochimaru acknowledge her accomplishments and basically forcibly promote her anyway, obviously while wearing a knowing smile for maximum impact.

I may be enjoying this a bit too much lol

Note: This is in the idea stages, so some names and the like are almost sure to change.

Dang, noice. You really went all out here. In terms of world lore (and I'm assuming this is merely the lore from the world your character is from), this looks pretty sweet.

The only problem I can see is the length. The GM doesn't want to deal with hyper amounts of detail initially (that stuff may or may not become relevant down the line, however), so you'll need to try and summarize the relevant bare-bones down to about 1 paragraph (MAYBE 2 at a stretch). The GM specifically wants fairly short character sheets if at all possible. You're plenty free to put the full lore in a hider on the CS right under the summarized section (as I did for my Ascent section). GM doesn't mind the full lore being a bit lengthy so long as the actual surface-level CS bits tell him everything that is relevant to the character's abilities in about as few words as possible. That goes for nearly every section. Assume that basically everything except the Legend, Ascent and Ephemera should be basically one paragraph at most.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

This was exceptionally helpful, thanks! mostly I just kind of wanted to do some brainstorming with some of ya'll. So yeah.... I suppose I could just do that in the thread, I'm just so used to the back and forth of discord at this point xD

I'm more than game for it. As a side note, we already have three accepted characters that you can compare to for potential power scaling. There's also this one character submission a couple pages back called the "3 in 1" that the GM seemed to actually suggest making even more powerful than it was.
Side, side note, my own chracter will look kind of strong even next to the other ones, but she's a bad comparison, since she's going to be starting with a nerf. That character sheet is what she'll look like eventually.

Hugh Caphazath
Half-Elf, Monk (Way of Shadow), Level 3
HP: 24/24 Armor Class: 17 Conditions: Pass Without Trace
Location: Investigating the Goblin Camp
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Hugh snorted at the Bard’s anger. Not a single word of that was an excuse. “Yes, because the solution to the frontline being slightly inconvenienced is for the spellslinger to hurl themselves out into the open. Flawless logic. Truly. The fact that there were more archers aside, as far as we knew, we had the momentum. Not a single one of the initial opponents got the chance to attack at all. We absolutely dominated that exchange, and even without Kathryn helping her, Marita would have been in no danger whatsoever… Again, ignoring the archers.” Shrugging, he shook his head. “This isn’t a difficult concept. She has armor. You don’t. That’s all there is to it. Comradery is one thing, but all that did was put you in unnecessary danger.”

His expression was dry. “Personal feelings aside, you are my comrade in arms. I don’t actually want you to die, and that was a rookie mistake.” He sighed. “I’m not even joking. Maybe it’s the pain or you being too close to the issue to take notice, but from my position in the back, it was plain to see that Kathryn did her job and established the frontline just fine. Your injuries are entirely on you for ignoring that line in the heat of the moment.”

Hugh pinched the bridge of his nose. “We had a plan, yes. The plan changed, also yes. The core of the plan was splitting up two assumedly ranged spellcasters for a crossfire. The only reasonable assumption to make about you agreeing to accompany me in the initial plan was that you had ranged magic, which you did. So, if you were unable or unwilling to perform the role that any reasonable person would assume you were taking, why in the world would you not say so directly? Why would you jump into melee? Glowering, he scowled. “Let’s not mince words, this was your screw up from start to finish, and luckily, you only got bloodied from it. But I’m not going to hear any nonsense about foisting responsibility off on others. That goes for everyone. If I make a mistake that hurts our efforts, I expect to be criticized and advised, and I will be doing the same in turn.”

Turning to Kathryn, he rolled his jaw and hummed. “Your guess is about as good as mine. I’m fairly new to the region as it is, so I only have suspicions. As far as I could tell when I inspected them, there were no identifying markings, and they seen new-ish, well-forged and uniform. They could be a gift… but who’s to say one way or the other? My gut instinct here is that they certainly didn’t get these weapons from the unwilling, but all I can say for sure is that something doesn’t sit right with me about how well-armed a bunch of common raiders were.”

That said, Hugh stepped away from the group to do a bit of investigation. Doing a circle of the camp,eventually, he stumbled across what seemed to be tracks. It was a bit difficult to tell, given the size, light weight and stealth of goblins, but he did appear to have found their prior trail. Striding away from the campsite, he followed the tracks, an ambling pace set in a general north-eastern direction. Humming, Hugh drew out his map, sitting down and unrolling it across his folded legs so he could trail a finger up the main trade road.

His finger pausing over the group’s approximate position, he made some educated guesstimates and nodded to himself. Returning the map to its case, he jogged back to the camp to find the sight of the bodies being gathered and… Kathryn handling a pair of oxen, which could be… useful perhaps.

At Marita’s presentation of options for moving forward, Hugh cleared his throat and interjected. “The direction the goblin was choosing to flee honestly has no real bearing, considering that they were only running West because every other direction lead towards us. That aside, I did actually look around for their trail, and the goblins appear to come here from the northeast, practically the exact opposite direction. My map indicates other lesser trade roads in that direction that head towards more northern countries. Getting to those routes is… Well, frankly a day or two off traveling overland… not in any way time we have to spare.” Clapping his hands, he concluded. “That aside, this does indicate that these particular goblins aren’t local, more-so than normal. What we can do with that information currently I really couldn’t say, but I’ll toss it in the pile of potential leads.”
@Dark Cloud Busy with my other RPs. This one is a bit too fast-faced and constant for my normal tastes. I'm used to setting the pace a little more personally, so I'll probably send Collin to his new room in the keep and just take a break from this RP to focus on my other ones. I'll have something up at some point soonish, but I'm actually on a time crunch for my D&D game today.
I'm guessing either a Jounin or Genin is most preferable for the sake of character interaction with the plot?
Or rather, I suppose I should be asking if there are any particular ups or downs to going with a Chuunin instead? That seems like a good middle-ground and opens up some more options in a village like Sound. Also means I might not need a full team of other players to really get into things right away, since the flexibility doesn't pigeon-hole them as badly plot-wise.
Edit: Mainly, I noticed we already have basically exactly enough players for a single Sound team, so I figure a Chuunin is the best fit.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Oh, Orochimaru is still around. He's quite literally the only one of the three Sannin that exists! The Sound is a bit more of a village than it is in the original, though it's still pretty fledgling and not completely built yet. It's piecemeal, but with amazing research facilities. Just... top notch. The rules are a lot more loose there too. Just... don't get in the Otokage's way and don't cause trouble or, y'know, y'could get dead.

Oooh~, this actually sounds (lol) pretty good. If Konoha remains off the table, I think I could throw something together that works for having them in Sound. The fact that Orochimaru still exists actually only makes my character concept even more viable I think.
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