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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Hm... I would be less comfortable putting an Uchiha in another village specifically because of just how prized the sharingan is. It would be kind of a big deal... But I'd have to see the concept more fleshed out. If it's a good enough story and you've got specific plans for it, I may allow it.

Yeah, originally, I did want to go with a Leaf ninja (mostly cause that's where the majority are, you know), and maybe I still will. I just don't particularly feel like running a Jounin in order to do so. As far as feasibility, honestly, I find it almost unbelievable that there wouldn't be at least one or two illegitimate Uchiha out there. It only takes a single idiot, and that was the original basis for the Sharingan ending up outside Konoha.

As for a story...? Still thinking about it. But I was actually considering having the character hide their Doujutsu and use it more like a trump card, relying on their regular ninja skills to carry the day. They are well aware of how much of a liability it is, and they don't want to end up as breeding stock or experimented upon.

So, I have to ask, what exactly founded Sound in this AU if not Orichimaru? Are they still the same sort of nutters even without his influence?
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

We are accepting new applicants, yes! And yeah, we took kind of a hiatus for a bit. I was dealing with some stuff and then I moved and other folk also had things they had to do, but we've got new profiles and have opened the sound village. Someone also wants to open Iwa. If we get more people, maybe we'll add another Leaf team. Cheers!

Cool cool. Alright, I have a general character concept already. It just needs fleshing out. I'm not sure exactly if I'm going to settle on Genin, Chuunin or Jounin, but I'm heavily leaning towards Genin.

Base concept?: an Uchiha who specializes in medical ninjutsu.
Given that the Uchiha Massacre has been AU-ed away (or not occurred yet), I feel like I could even make this character a non-Leaf ninja that doesn't use the Uchiha name, have them be an illegitimate child or something. Not sure exactly yet, but that's the general idea.

The Essays, this is what I live for!

Yyyesssssss~ I shall bring yet more to know the glorious dark power of the Essay Post!

In all honestly though, lol, it didn't look anywhere near that long in the google doc. XD

I will say, looking at it on the forum, the sheer color contrast between Camelot and Xolys's text actually makes the latter's even harder to read without highlighting it, but oddly enough that just feels even more appropriate for the eldritch abomination.
Huh, this actually looks fairly interesting. Are you still accepting characters? Given that the posting pace has the top post of the most recent IC page dated at 9 months ago, I feel comfortable saying I can keep up and provide equivalent quality.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

You don’t believe me.
*holds my head with my arms behind them*
There are many who can bypass time. But death? You can only run so far.

*I shrugged again. I seemed to be doing that a lot today.*

Well, to be clear, I obviously don't have a death wish, but I've seen enough to suspect that I might be one of the closest things to an exception there is. Not really sure how to feel about that. Technically, I'm over a century old, but I've only been awake about... twenty of those years? I've kind of been avoiding thinking about what I'm actually going to do with my unaging self long-term. I'd been distracting myself with world-ending threats, but now...?

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

After I sort things out for my guest here we will leave.

*Turns looking in your direction momentarily before looking back to Collin as I step onto the balcony.*

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

So, if you wish to have a roof of your own son I'd like you to decide where it's going to be if not I can create a room in the keep. Your choice.

*Leans on stone railing overlooking the vast forest below, awaiting your answer.*

*I hummed in thought, before crossing my arms.*

Not a huge fan of living alone honestly. Despite some of the rather... exotic individuals around here, I think I'd prefer to stick around the keep. After all, worst case, I'll be on hand if something happens.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Quite right, well except for Purgatory they just simply can't bother a soul there.

*Shrugs, standing up from my seat.*

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Follow me.

*Walks over to a pair of double doors opening them to reveal a balcony.*

*Raising a single brow, I shrugged and stood, following along behind Alma.*
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Eh. The heaven's aren't so bad. It's getting past the guards that's the tricky part. None of them like undead.

*I snorted, my expression twisted in mirth.*

You don't say? Sometimes, even though I'm pretty sure I'm not actually undead, I start to wonder. After all, the people of my original world called those like me "Revenants", since normally, we would resurrect a single time and have a chance to... I guess do whatever we wanted with that second chance? The gods seemed content to leave that be, but uh... then I sort of accidentally discovered a bug in the system, and well, here we are today.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I could take you to one if you wish.

*My expression was incredibly conflicted. On the one hand: retirement, finally. On the other hand: coming from a guy like that, I wasn't sure I wanted to go to any afterlife he was offering. There was also, a particular aspect to consider.*

Eh, nah it's fine. I already step on enough divine toes just by existing. I can't imagine how many more I'd twig if I stepped anywhere near a divine plane. My body has this sort of... adaptational quality. Normally, it automatically indiscriminately rejects any sort of "alteration", but if I were to start willingly intaking the divine energy of an upper plane? Well, I'm already immortal in one aspect, but in theory and past experiences with such weirdness, that might actually cause me to ascend to proper divinity or something. Frankly, I have no desire for more power, despite the circumstances. I'm much happier just using what I have and fighting the battles I can.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

No need to apologize son, besides I'm far from god-like. I'm not infallible, I may be immortal and have a mastery of the arcane but bones can't magic themselves together without fingers to cast a spell. I was a man once too before...

*I wave lazily to myself.*

...I became this finely dressed skeleton you see now.

*I snorted in semi-disbelief.*

Damn, what a way to nuke my sense of scale from orbit. If you don't consider yourself comparable to a god, then I'd quite hate to so much as breath the same oxygen as something you actually think qualifies.

*Maybe it had simply been so long that I'd forgotten what godly auras felt like. Maybe it was simply that when I was standing before the Pantheons, I'd been too weak to sense them the same way I could sense Alna now. Whatever the case, I quite hoped that such things stayed thoroughly not my problem for a long long time.

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I am well aware of the beings here, there are more than you would believe that tend to escape death… Or so they believe.
*I smile again as I let go, speaking in a deadpan manner*
Everyone eventually expires and I’ll be waiting for you.

*I chose not to outright dispute that, despite just how... frankly incorrect he was. I couldn't age. My body was not normal, not mortal any longer. Even now, I could only vaguely grasp the theory behind what happened when I self-resurrected. After all, I could only analyze it while dead. This guy wasn't the first Death God and/or concept of Death I'd stood before, and if all those other guys combined couldn't kill me, despite definitely wanting to? Well, I wasn't about to give this guy's promise much credence. Honestly, best case scenario, this "Uncle Death" knew perfectly well the reality and was just playing it off; after all, Death had a reputation to maintain with all these other guys. Outwardly, I merely shrugged with a wry expression.*

If that day comes, sure, but I've long since given up on there being an afterlife for me.

*I snorted and rolled my eyes at the following puns.*
The collab is now up!

Sorry if it's a bit long...

The Long Post Side is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural.
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