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I realised how unclear I was with the whole ‘tragic vibe’ part. I think it was really just poor wording on my part. It’s not that Chinami is a misery guts or depressed, but the tragic vibe that ‘I am the lone hero who can truly save this situation’. I’ll think of a better way to express that and edit as required, and of course get rid of the grimoire line. I might not get to it immediately as I’m about to go to work, but before the end of the day I’ll get everything fixed

Understandable. Thanks a ton! Sorry if I come off picky about this. I just wanted to get this addressed as quickly and clearly as possible before it spirals out of control into other player posts.
The Grimoire line in the first paragraph I agree should be either tweaked or removed. As for the rest of it, I think it’s reasonable to say Tesni is just assuming. IC wise, it seems neither of them like each other and Tesni getting aggressive, making assumptions, and being wrong about Chinami seems in-character; which translates over to the second paragraph. Overall, if the Grimoire line was removed, I think everything else fits Tesni’s character but that needs to be made more clearly in Tesni’s post.

Ultimately, we should probably wait for @McFazzer but those are my observations so far.

I can accept that, sure; that feels in-line with the Tesni presented so far. Though the "tragic vibe" is a bit iffy. It really just maybe needs a tad more clarification (than the blink and you miss it bit it already has) that she was saying that as an opinionated speculation more than anything, because that statement really feels like it came out of nowhere (though, granted, the fact that this is Tesni simply being who she is mitigates that somewhat). The main thing was the Grimoire bit, because that kind of infected the tone/context of the entirety of the other parts.
In that case, it’s things Tesni shouldn’t immediately know. If it’s her just saying her beliefs that should be clarified. However, Tesni does say in paragraph 4 it’s the vibe she gets from Chinami and being around her. The following paragraph seems to run off this assumption on Tesni’s part. Can you point me to the exact lines that don’t make sense.

This is my thoughts on the paragraphs in question, as specifically as I can put it.

I think the issue lies in it’s not clear how long Tesni has actually known/interacted with Chinami to be saying these things, regarding paragraphs 4 and 5. As for paragraph 5, I do agree Chinami’s not said anything dialog wise to suggest that and most of those thoughts were kept to herself in internal monologue. That said, if Tesni has known Chinami for a while it’s mediated. If it’s Tesni expressing her beliefs that should be made more clearly. You two should probably hash out their exact relation to each other then go from there in correction/editing if need be.

The real issue is actually this segment from Chinami's third post. During the course of this segment, it is very firmly established that Chinami does not like Tesni and sees her as a twisted "what-if" mirror image of herself. She would have kept her at arms length the vast majority of the time, and regardless of any amount of time that Tesni may have been at Marrywell (and I've avoided brushing upon such), Chinami would never have told her the things she just spoke of with such knowledge. They are, at best, acquaintances, and Chinami has been cordial with her. But that's it. Time really has no bearing.

@McFazzer Thanks! I do apologize on my end for the fact that my posts are so long, as I know that means it can be easy to miss stuff. But I'm more than happy to point things out when they're too egregious. On the flipside, I'm more than happy to adjust any missteps in my own posts, as I do try my best to keep the information Chinami knows strictly in character. In fact, she has acted on outright incorrect knowledge/assumptions more than once.

I think it should be worth noting that -for all that she is Goth, Chinami is demonstrably about the furthest thing from a brooder (at least on the outside in public). For better or worse, she sets aside her own discomforts to be as friendly and welcoming as she can most of the time. I think if there's anything to have grievance with her over on Tesni's end it's that Camelot would seemingly be taking everything "too seriously" or something. She's not a doomer or anything, but she does tend to be rather... protective of her fellows, sometimes to a somewhat overbearing degree. She's rather inversed compared to Lumiere's "trial by fire" methods, advocating training, experimentation and general preparation before anything else.

That's all stuff an average outsider could pick up on reasonably (adjusting for any given character's personality/perspective/biases).

EDIT: Paragraphs 4 and 5 are still fairly invasive (in light of the above).
Tesni is my first real attempt at writing someone so... abrasive. Please let me know if anyone feels like I overstep when doing so. If you have any questions or feel something needs further explaining, likewise give me a poke and I'll happily do so :3

I'd say the only thing really off about this post is that Tesni has WAY more insight into Chinami's thought processes than seems reasonable. Chinami is only open about those concerns with people she trusts and/or mostly just Alters. She doesn't go around blabbing her worries to all and sundry, and Tesni is not someone she would typically hang around often if she could help it. So, it makes the third/fourth/fifth paragraphs come off, not just IC opinionated, but really weirdly laser-targeted. Just something to keep in mind.

Summarized, the only overstep here is the seeming meta-knowledge going on, because several of the things she said are things she definitely should not know. Otherwise, her general abrasiveness is no issue on my end.
@Lonewolf685 Suzuya is just a precious little button, isn't she? Olivia has certainly got competition in its own special flavor. XD

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Weird, I don't have to scroll to see the whole thing. Nonetheless, I cropped it a bit more and then resized it by about 500 pixels so hopefully, that helps.

Also, yeah I guess I can do that, just kind of...takes a lot of the flavor and oomph out of things IMO.

Edit: Needless to say I won't be doing it today though lol. Already pumped out a lot for one day :P

Well, I don't know if you're using mobile or something, but at least on my laptop screen, I'd have to expand a tab to be nearly fullscreen to see the whole image. It's definitely sizable.

And I definitely feel you with the oomph and flavor. But the GM has definitely been pretty specific about this. I don't know if you've looked at the sample CS at the top of the OOC, but that should give you a good idea of how short he'd ideally like it to be. He'll make some allowance for things to be tad larger, but when I mentioned a single paragraph, I wasn't expecting you to make paragraphs that were technically singles but look more like two slapped together... and then to not stop at "two" in most cases.

As in, the GM has just straight up said in the face of long CS's that he's "not going to read all that". It has to be cliff notes. Putting the full version of sections in a hider is perfectly fine too, just as long as doing so wouldn't conceal some secret aspect of their abilities.
I've honestly got no idea how to slim that down further without losing comprehension in a lot of areas ^^;;

Glad you enjoyed it though!

I struggled with this too, but I'm telling you, this sheet is definitely too long. Really, the best I can give you is that it comes down to is doing away with the "why they can do something" except for the absolutely relevant and instead just list "what they do". All the GM wants are the cliff-notes really. Anything more (actual detailed lore and such) can go in hiders. Also, I'd definitely find some way to make the size of the images a bit smaller. That's just way too huge, the biggest one so far, and we really shouldn't need to scroll just to see the whole image.
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