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Location: Kindeance, 5 miles outside Fanghorn --> Pesti, western farmstead.

The sprint to Pesti was bracing but thankfully nothing quite hard enough tear her legs to shreds, Veronica noted, enjoying the cool breeze whistling in her ears in accompaniment to the gallop of horses under a pale moon. No longer burdened by the cart, the group was able to make significantly greater haste than before. Of course, even then, their pace was slowed by the need to not trip the horses up under unideal lighting, but otherwise, progress was far more to Veronica's preferred "speed", as it were.

As Pesti dawned in the distance, the group swiftly peeled off the path towards the western outskirts and the farmstead where hopefully lied the captive Prince. Their path was lit only by moonlight, as the murk eventually cleared to her darkvision to the farmstead proper, the tents and guards she had foreseen in her vision as present as ever.

First and foremost, carefully maintaining her distance, the vampire made a half-circuit of the patch of land, making a second count of the guards with her own eyes before she was satisfied. Nodding, the pale girl returned to the others and found a patch of tall grass on the fields to crouch low. Fiddling with a stick, she sketched a rough outline of the farmstead, including the barn, the tents, the guard positions, and the position of the team itself.

Pursing her lips tightly in consideration, she added distances as well. Even despite the distance, she kept her voice low out of caution. "Ten guards, as foreseen, spread at even intervals of approximately 20 meters. In this lighting, approaching them unseen might be feasible, but the landscape is not to our advantage. Mostly flatlands with tall grass as the best cover." Her brow pinched in thought. "I might be able to get past unseen alone, given just how exhausted many of those guards look. If successful, I could quietly put an end to the sleeping troops before they have a chance to be an issue. The real problem is just getting past the initial line of sight," she mused aloud.

Leaning back, she slung her arms over her crouched knees. "But that's certainly just one approach with plenty of room for error. If we could take out the outer ring of guards first and without notice, that would be the most ideal... The only question is how to do so silently. Arrows might be a way... but if our shots aren't instantly lethal? Well, death isn't often quiet. Besides which, a body slumping to the ground is liable to make some level of noise itself." To be honest, she was quite worried. This was it, the most critical portion of the mission. The Prince's life was in the balance, and recklessness could not be afforded. "I do have a little magic I could put to use here... if we have enough bows, I could ensure our opening salvo eliminates at least three or four of the guards before they have any chance to respond. I'm confident that I could add another two or three to that number in the timeframe before they can manage to react... Actually..."

Addressing the samurai, Chounan, Veronica gestured to his bow. "How confident are you in your long-distance shots under moonlight? Will the impaired vision inconvenience you overmuch?"

To Yvonne, she said, "I regret that I carry only a single bow of my own. You seem a fair hand with many weapons."

To Matilda, in turn, she inquired, "How effective is your own crossbow shooting in this situation?" Veronica wasn't entirely sure herself, since most of the time, the concept of "stealth" was not one the orc seemed overmuch interested in by comparison.

Location: Kindeance, 5 miles outside Fanghorn

Veronica sighed quietly. This seemed to be going nowhere quickly. As was her want, she offered her opinion and little more to the proceedings. Again, it seemed Jazdia continued to divide and usurp the authority of the group, in spite of Matilda's definitive statements. The elf just... didn't give a fuck, and that was clearly an issue, regardless of any level of sense she was making. Veronica considered herself a patient person, but she already knew the elf had been responsible for grievous fuckups where Matilda's leadership hadn't. Therefore, was it really reasonable to keep allowing her to do as she pleased? How long would she remain patient, Veronica wondered, and moreover, what would happen when enough was enough?

In the end, however, it seemed that they would be dividing their forces once more. Veronica could only inwardly lament, but she wasn't about to be the one to make a fuss. Shit happened. Dealing with it without complaint was just one of many skills she'd acquired in life. Loathe as the vampire was to admit it, the upstart elf was making too much sense, especially with the odd magic device in play. This "commpass" was fascinating to behold, and Veronica did take a moment to handle it and get a feel for its weight and function, nodding at Jazdia's words. The elf's briefly glowing eyes got a raised eyebrow from her, but she didn't inquire after the reason. It was obviously some manner of visual magic, and with the darkness being what it was, she could hardly begrudge her companions the usage thereof, irregardless of how conspicuous it was.

The bear -Cedar, she reminded herself- was apparently entertaining himself with the hunter with a chip on his shoulder. Well, as long as they weren't getting into trouble, she let it be. Solomon's magic... She was both unnerved and intrigued by what seemed to be some form of necromancy. Or, at least, it had some appearance as such. She certainly couldn't say she was completely unfamiliar with spectral undead. They weren't her favorite experiences, but they had been valuable. If it wasn't necromancy, then it certainly was a fairly hilariously useful summoning spell the swaddled man had at his disposal. The ability to be so many places at once... unseen... unheard? Priceless. Putting aside any misgivings she might have about the man's association with her Sire, right here and now, she was more than glad to have him as an ally. Besides, the doctor had been one of the original members of the team scouted by the King himself, just as she was; if she couldn't trust her Lord King's judgement, then whose could she?

Then again... with Henri and Jazdia as a counterbalance... along with at least one murderer of innocents?

Veronica shuttered her crimson gaze in thought, drawing in and exhaling a slow, calming breath. Matilda was speaking again, addressing- ordering her specifically. She wanted scrying? She wanted approximated enemy numbers? Yeah, Veronica could do that. Stowing her map away again, Veronica stepped off the beaten path to find a good, firm stick, before returning to trace out a pentagram in the dirt road wide enough to sit in, which she promptly did.

The pentagram wasn't strictly necessary, but it did help to a degree when she had time to use it, especially when she was channeling catalysts for a specific target. This time, however, she did not lay out the catalysts she had been using in the past days to scry the Prince. They were both unnecessary and potentially misleading to her scry's purpose. This time, she would not even be explicitly targeting either village, but manually casting her gaze out from her present position and sending it soaring towards each location individually in turn. With any luck, if the anti-scrying measures were still in place, this more roundabout scry would avoid setting it off and allow her to take the comparative longer but effective route to peer into her foes' positions.

Rolling her shoulders more for show than any need to work kinks out of them, Veronica crossed her legs, folded her hands atop her knees and got to work.
Not sure if I'll actually join, but made a submission thingy to spice up the galaxy a little.

My approval remains standing.
3/3 To the character tab with thee!

Location: Hdur, Kindeance. --> 5 miles outside Fanghorn

Night fell, and all too soon after (if not soon enough for Veronica's liking) so also came departure into the night. There was a chill in the night air, but for the pale girl, it was an almost comfortable clinical feeling. The atmosphere and environment, somewhat to her chagrin, were exactly suited to her nature, and she couldn't help feeling comfortably at home under the stars. There was the offer of a horse, but she declined it. She was faster on foot anyway at the pace they were going. As if she couldn't outrun a cart. Bah. Besides, the animal in question didn't seem all that enthused with the proposition of her mounting it to begin with. It was hardly too much of a surprise. Beasts could have the strangest intuition sometimes.

So it was that that she found herself riding in the front seat of the cart, casting her night vision about at the lands illuminated by the moon in varying flavors of shadow. She'd have preferred to park herself in the back of the cart, but it turned out to be very much filled with bear. Reinhold lead the way slowly but steadily towards what was apparently turning out to be Fanghorn, and Veronica had to fight the urge to be up front with the comparatively vulnerable guide. Her instincts as an assassin steered her otherwise, however; tarrying in the potential line of initial fire was not where she would be most valued. Her time and energy was best spent elsewhere. Between her vision and magic, she kept a whether eye out for trouble in the immediate vicinity for the next few hours.

Four hours in, around 3 AM was when things got a little more... interesting. Initially, Veronica hadn't had any intention of making any more deep scries until the place of the Prince's imprisonment was well in sight. However, Matilda insisted, and so she complied. Only... the results were not as she had been expecting. The fact that she had broken through at all came as a surprise. Even more shockingly -or rather inconveniently, her vison seemed to have been... redirected to Pesti, the village further away?

Well, redirection was certainly one possibility.

As the group slowed their pace and began dismounting to consult the map once more, Veronica's lips pursed tightly in consideration, unrolling the map under the light of Jazdia's enchanted arrows. Questions were rolling in, and she did her best to answer.

"How much is the enemy on each site?" she began, eyeing Veronic. "In Pesti especially."

"I honestly couldn't say," the vampire responded with a frown. "I only maintained my scry long enough to backtrack out of the prince's residence. There were guards in the threatening plurality. That's not in question. But I was more concerned with getting the most out of the apparent crack in the defense I entered. No telling if I'll be able to do it again." She jabbed a finger down at the mountainous region of the map. "My greater concern was guiding my probe through the building and finding a window as fast as possible to get a look at the mountains and determine the locale's orientation, just to be certain that I wasn't being redirected." She shook her head. "Which is to say, I can be fairly confident that, regardless of where he might have been before, the Prince is now in Pesti. Fanghorn is probably a trap at best."

"Veronica, what are the chances of our enemies noticing the scrying?" Matilda wasn't well-versed in matter of magic, but she had better general knowledge than most. Skilled far-seers were great boon, but nowhere near impossible to predict and counteract. "And as the elf said, try check the amount of potential hostile on both sites. Surprise may no longer be on the table now, if we are to divide our force we need to split it accordingly."

Veronica's head swiveled to the Guard Captain, and she shrugged. "Given that the King is unlikely to have ceased his own attempts to scry the Prince, the surely constant barrage must be muddying the waters if the barrier is, in fact, capable of back-tracing scrying. Oh, I've little doubt they know people are attempting to scry them, but I don't really see any reason why the enemy would notice anything specific is off on that end. They would be expecting to be scried, after all, so it -perhaps ironically- wouldn't stand out for us to be doing so." Cupping her chin with one hand, she snorted. "I doubt such a firm ward would also contain a capacity to trace scrying back. If it could, it would be much less defensively powerful."

Her brows furrowed at the suggestion to split the group's forces. Kaito's own interjection regarding the suspect integrity of the present situation also got her nod. "If I may," the vampire posited, "it seems like the last time this group split in two, one half was nearly wiped out by a trap from our foes, and they'll be likely even more prepared this time. I don't think we should split our forces unless absolutely necessary." Nodding to Matilda, she continued. "With distances like these allowing us to quickly reach either village within about an hour or two from the other, it would behoove us to commit to wiping out each potential enemy one at a time with our full strength and then quickly engaging the other thereafter."

Sitting down, Veronica laid the map across her lap, adopting a bit of a thinking pose. "Way I see it, there's a few scenarios: the prince is in Pesti after being moved by his captors who were warned of us coming. The prince is still in Fanghorn, but my scrying is being redirected to Pesti. The prince is actually in Pesti, and the enemy doesn't know that we know. In the first case, Pesti is a trap, but one baited with what we want. In the second, Pesti is still a trap and also a red herring. In the last, Both places are a trap, but Fanghorn is likely the more dangerous one. Point is..."

Veronica shook her head, trying to pull herself free of the deluge of internal concerns and contemplations that threatened to overwhelm her. "My intuition is that we should act according to how Kaito here suggested the enemy may be planning and so counter them, fully committing to whichever front we pick, crushing it and then moving on to the other. If we find the prince in one place? Lucky us. If we don't?" the pale girl shrugged. "Just means that we now won't have the other locale's inhabitants potentially hunting us down while we're vulnerable escorting the prince back home." Working her jaw, Veronica considered the matter further. "I don't have numbers on troops quite yet for either location, but I can see about changing that."

She honestly had done her best to stay uninvolved. Really, she had. She had wanted to leave the defense to the Philippines and their sellswords and volunteers alone, and to be fair, they had been doing a respectable job thus-far. They had managed to inconvenience two of her old colleagues in a significant manner, baited out and defeated Huo Ren in pitched battle quite notably. Under nearly any other circumstance, that would have been the end of it, a glorious underdog victory of the home team. But now...

Blood soaked into the boiling earth. Ash filled the blackening sky. Nightfall was encroaching upon the Lingayen Gulf and the retreating Chinese fleet, but even with Second Lieutenant Noel's power to drive the enemy berserk, it would be useless when the only enemy that presently mattered was alone. To say nothing of the fact that the Snake was quite sure the terrakinetic didn't really consider anyone an ally. She was as liable to go on an even bigger rampage than not.

Aligned with the space between the city of Lingayen proper and the beach, pitch-black anti-air emplacements boiled from a tar-like lake of ooze, cyberpunk “veins” glowing with an internal emerald light and unerringly tracking the incoming artillery of the Chinese fighting retreat. With an ongoing cacophony of thunder, the sky was filled with shrieking molten steel, all of which deftly managed to evade striking the allied Lotus Squadron, even if sometimes by frightening inches. Fireballs erupted across the darkening sky, as missiles and artillery shells alike were stricken midair. Their speed meant nothing to the functional processing power of the world's greatest super-computers working in concert, guiding the prediction algorithm of the defense. Though the gun emplacements themselves were not fast enough to follow the shots alone, with sufficient calculation and magnified sights, the path of those shots was already determined the moment they left the Chinese ships.

Under the conditions of pure logic and physics, the assumption that the fired ammunition would not deviate from their determined paths, it was about the closest thing to precognition that she could manage. All of it through sheer processing power.

Lei Qingshe sighed, leaving the defense automated, a lingering instruction to regain her attention should it falter the last of her concern on that front. She turned her attention to the real problem, a tidal wave of earth, the massive golem leading it and the volcano far beyond them that the first two would be "stalling" for. To be honest, Qingshe quite doubted the volcano was even necessary at this point, but let it never be said that -for all her eccentricities- Tian Fei was not thorough when it came to destroying her enemies and looking good doing it. If she wasn't such a piece of shit, Qingshe might even have been able to genuinely appreciate the showmanship.

However, the enemy had just irrevocably raised the stakes, in both a symbolic and possibly literal threat of extinction. Qingshe wasn't entirely certain how serious Tian Fei was about carrying through with the implied threat, but she had no intention of taking chances. The Chinese, by all rights, should want to capture the Philippines and its resources intact, both in terms of infrastructure and potential labor forces. That was the rational course of action. That's what she should easily be able to expect. It's what she would have expected... before the Downward Descent got involved. Tian Fei wasn't just beholden to the Chinese. This confidence of hers... This overwhelming might. If Qingshe didn't miss her guess, then right now, Tian Fei was either already beholden to an infernal contract... or looking to prove herself worthy of obtaining one.

The genocide of one pesky little enemy nation would be a small price to pay for a second Noble Arm... right?

With her macro-micro terrakinesis, Qingshe had exactly zero doubts that Tian Fei could manufacture effects that would spread even beyond her typical range. If she wanted, the terrakinetic had no functional restriction against creating fault-lines whole cloth and fracturing the island nation into pieces. There was no reason that Tian Fei couldn't, at any time, decide to annihilate what would likely be the majority of this entire island and plunge it into the sea. The only reason she likely wasn't? The woman was an incorrigible sadist. She wanted to take her time, to leisurely pick apart her opposition, to drive true despair into their hearts, to crush their spirits long before she crushed their bodies. Oh, Qingshe knew perfectly well, the only reason the defense had a leg to stand on was that Tian Fei still wasn't taking them seriously. Even with Qingshe there, a fellow A-Rank, the terrakinetic was unerringly confident. Did she have some sort of trump card up her sleeve, something prepared specially for the Snake? Impossible to say.

But that was enough wool-gathering. The time for observing was over.

Now was for action.

"Priority message:," Qingshe broadcasted through the allied Philippine channels, once in English, then again in Filipino. Her Chinese accent was as lilting as ever, but her tone had gained a serious edge over her normally playful voice. Simultaneously, her voice was echoed by the many serpent heads bobbing above her ooze, just in case anyone lacked a functioning communication device. "For those yet unaware, the enemy has deployed a terrakinetic structure in function not dissimilar to a volcano. I do repeat, this is not a drill. Environmental hazards are imminent. Evacuation of non-Arms Masters and wounded is highly recommended."

As she spoke, simple, glossy-smooth archways began to rise from the crackling ooze near anywhere she could find survivors. Although, they were less arches and more blank, tombstone-like structures, tall enough to slightly exceed the height of most adult humans. A layer of ooze glided up either side of the arches. "Stride through the ooze of the provided arches to be furnished with appropriate environmental protection. While it won't save you from a dip in lava outright without the aid of a Noble Arm, at the least, you shouldn't be crushed by suffocation of ash or smothered by the heat alone." As a proof of concept, she "nudged" a few lucky guinea pigs through one side of the arches, and they came stumbling out the other garbed in a suit not unlike what a volcanologist might wear. The normal aluminum-y silver of the suits, however, was replaced with the perhaps by now expected black and green aesthetic of Qingshe's structures, and more notably, all the recipients' gear and weapons were left outside the suit, presumably because they'd be impossible to safely access otherwise.

While that was ongoing, Qingshe's slitted eyes narrowed upon the ruined western lands. Thousands of small but sensitive heat sensors already sprouted from her expanded shadow, earnestly casting their gazes across the lands bathed in unbearable heat for some sign -any hint- of the terrakinetic's true location. It made little sense. Under these conditions, how was the terrakinetic not endangering herself out in that mess? Qingshe knew Tian Fei had no special defense against heat, so how wasn't she burning herself alive? She obviously had a pocket of cold somewhere, but just how was she hiding it? It had to be closer than expected by now. Qingshe was confident. Tian Fei's range was terrifying, but not dauntless. For Tian Fei to attack in the manner she presently was, using a remotely controlled golem vanguard, that would mean she would surely have to be getting physically closer too. The only question was: was Tian Fei muddying the waters? Qingshe might be able to triangulate her, but she didn't yet know the boundaries of Tian Fei's effect, not from her present position. Could she remedy that?

Broadcasting again, Qingshe stated, "I need sharp eyes in the sky and some determination of how far the enemy's direct power extends. With the right angle, the inward flow of the lands should suffice for an approximation." Inhaling slowly and then huffing, she added, "Moreover, as an immediate concern, for all those that can still manage to fight even now, your priority until the terrakinetic is located should be venting that volcano! She is building up pressure, and we need to release it yesterday and in a manner she'd not prefer." Firming her tone, she reluctantly spoke more demandingly, with the air of a commander. "I don't care how you do it, but blow some holes in it! Get that lava flowing out the sides and not the top. And avoid venting it in the direction of the city, or Tian Fei will surely take advantage!"

"As for the golem and the wave..." A smirk quirked up her lips, exposing elongated incisors.

There were shrieks of displaced air, as several flickers trailing flames rocketed from her ooze, pealing through the sky and scattering, the projectiles splitting into dozens upon dozens of smaller projectiles... all of which promptly impacted the earthen wave and the golem with a sound like the world ending. A series of practically simultaneous detonations turned the near horizon into a curtain of billowing flame and sundered earth, the earthen wave reeling back from the missile barrage and the golem staggering back to an upright position, gushing great gouts of black smoke and oozing burning molten earth all over its surroundings. A shockwave of displaced air slammed into the surroundings, rippling out for over a kilometer in every direction.

"Well, feel free to contribute if you like, but I do believe I can hold the line for a while yet~."

@Letter Bee@SkyHresvelg@Sniblet@Senhara@Conscripts@Gerlando@Nimbus@Aisede@Chiro@MagusDream@Creative Chaos@The Man Emperor@Landaus Five-One@The World
There's a discord server?

Anyways, I'll see what I can do to expand the backstory and trigger event. I was a bit confused on that part.

Do trigger events have to physically violent in nature to force enough stress on the mind or body to activate the powers?

As for the powers, I guess I can change it

Yee, there's a discord. Although, I guess someone will need to poke a GM about inviting you at some point.

Nice! Can't wait to see how the expansion turns out.

Trigger events can be physically violent, but not always, just commonly. Pure mental distress works just as well for certain power types.

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

Veronica had lapsed into silence after her conclusive acceptance of the Guard Captain's statements. Matilda's final word on the matter was all she needed to hear really. She wasn't sure if the elf's words to her were meant to be provocative, but she had no intention of humoring them presently. The matter of when the team left was the mandate of Matilda alone, not the vampire, and certainly not this elven upstart. So, she ignored the elf's attitude. It wasn't like her opinion really mattered anyway.

It was adorable that the elf thought she was somehow leading "people" in this operation. Although, it became sufficiently clear thereafter that Matilda did not seem to have as tight a hold on the reins of this operation as she should. Veronica could understand negotiation for the sake of the team's health and effectiveness, but the elf seemed more insubordinate than not. Then again, this operation being as "off the books" as it was, how much of a formal structure could she really expect. There was the King's orders, Matilda as a contact and, in theory, nothing more than that. A command structure might as well have been a suggestion.

Regardless, it seemed as though a plan had been finalized. They would depart shortly before midnight. Veronica nodded, despite wanting to shake her head. Even though such conditions couldn't have possibly been more favorable for herself, she was less confident in the capacity of her far more "living" members of the team. She certainly hoped they all at least planned on having a power nap before departure, or things might get ugly if they ran into trouble.

"Reinhold, Ingmar, and Bertolf. Witness to the kidnapping, if they're telling the truth. Reinhold even doggedly tracked them down to their lair, for... personal reasons."

Apparently, the hunters were active assets? So, this must have been Matilda's so-called "contact". Hopefully, that meant that this "Reinhold" would be the final nail in the coffin in terms of locating the Prince. Between the narrowed likely locations and his guidance, success seemed closer than ever. Veronica incrementally ratched up the sleeping hunter's survival on her protection list. If it came down to a fight before they could reach their goal, there was now clearly a priority for protection.

"This is lady Veronica. She's a covert operator that frequently works with the crown, and myself personally. I value her skills highly, especially in this kind of investigation."

Starting a bit from her thoughts at the introduction, Veronica only nodded, as she finally rolled up her marked map and slid it back into its case, screwing on the top. Not particularly one to revel in status and praise, she restrained a bloodless little flush at Matilda's words. "You flatter me, Dame Matilda, but I would be able to do little without the gracious confidence of the Crown. All I do is to repay our King's kindness." The corner of her closed mouth quirked upward.

As the room became intermittedly more crowded, Veronica quietly slid her stowed map back into her pack, observing the exchange between the now named Solomon and the boyish man with the annoying musky scent. The latter named himself Kaito, and Veronica's brow briefly pinched at a good portion of his introduction. So, it would seem the elf did already have her own web she was weaving within the team, in spite of the King's orders for secrecy. Yes, Veronica was starting to get a good idea of who was responsible for the bombings in the Capitol, and she wasn't a fan by any stretch of the imagination.

She restrained another frown at yet another new person who wasn't included in the team's original structure. Not only did they have some sort of "rescue" stashed upstairs, there was also this Kaito. Just what sort of careless web of security was this team weaving?! They were catching classrooms in this thing!

"I’m pretty sure that you’re madame Mathilda but from you two I haven’t catched your names yet.”

Though it didn't show in her expression, it almost felt a herculean effort to restrain any expression of her displeasure, as Veronica plastered on a measured -if pleasant- smile towards the newcomer and followed up on Solomon's initiative. "Veronica Blackwater," she responded simply. "I specialize in clandestine operations such as these. Information gathering is my forte." As was bloody slaughter, but that would become apparent in its own time. If anything, it might have gone without saying, considering the present company.

The sound of wooden steps protesting loudly briefly turned her attention to the… bear padding down the stairs. For a moment, in spite of having heard of his existence, she couldn’t help but discreetly stare a little out of the corner of her eye. The man-bear it seemed, however, was on a mission, passing through without a single word. As he opened the door of the inn, Veronica briefly dipped into the watery sensation of her magic, just in case the sun’s rays got lucky, before releasing it with the door’s closure once more plunging the area back into candlelight.
@Ever Faithful
Not a GM, but I'll chime in (hopefully helpfully).
To preface. The GMs have been a little busy, but I've got the go-ahead to offer some advice. Most of the RP activity is in the discord server presently, so I've been privy to viewing the musings and concerns regarding your character. The TLDR, I suppose, to preface, is that Szarlota doesn't so much need an outright rework as she does a fair bit of expansion in several areas.

As I've already gone through this sheet with you before, I've simply been waiting for you to drop it in the OOC properly.
Approval given. 2/3.
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