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@Landaus Five-One
Backstory oddities aside, they don't actually seem to be a problem on a technical lore level.
Therefore, with power review out of the way, Ayahime is cleared for takeoff. 3/3 approvals. Get her in the character tab!
Final approval given for Willard. You're cleared to drop that bad boy in the character tab.

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

"Thank you. I am Jazdia Crystalspark, I assume we know each other already."

Veronica actually didn't, but that ignorance wasn't one she was necessarily focused on curing at this present moment, off-topic as it was. The name rang a bell at least, but the answered stayed on the tip of her tongue long enough to get swallowed by the processing of the rest of the conversation.

"Miss, your assessment intrigues me, you vehemently recommended us to depart immediately with consideration for the Prince's survival. I must say I doubt it. If the information is as crucial as you suggested so much it would force the capturers to take drastic action, then how can we know the prince is not already dead now as we speak? Why don't we hear about it already? What could be gained from killing the monarch silently and dumping his body on a river hoping his vengeful father would lose interest in hounding the killer's trails?"

"The answer to most of those questions, as I'm sure you well know, is that we simply don't know," the pale girl sighed. Fiddling with the pencil tucked atop her right ear, she frowned. "For all that we've learned, we still have yet to uncover one of the most crucial aspects of this whole mystery: the enemy's ultimate goal. If it were simply to start a war, they could kill the Prince and be done with it, parade his body and let the bloodshed commence." She leaned forward again, folding her hands and resting her elbows atop the table, as her eyes bored holes in the marked map. "For all we know, that could still be the goal, and they simply plan to do so at a more strategically expedient time. Knowing they're compromised might push them to accelerate their timetable." Massaging the bridge of her nose, she shook her head. "Given how little we know, it wouldn't be wrong to plan for the worst-case scenario. Anything is on the table."

"The perpetrators are not stupid. The prince is a valuable political tool. I don't think they would waste their bargaining chip just because they heard some group of people are commissioned to search for the crown prince. Hell, even if Fredricus mobilize his entire army to the perpetrators' stronghold they would know it better to keep The Prince alive to be used for parlay."

"I don't disagree. The Prince is valuable," Veronica nodded. "But they do not have to kill him to potentially do worse, and even then, his death as a means to an end is not even close to outside the realm of possibility. The enemy isn't foolish. This entire affair was executed with applaudable precision and competence, particularly in their capacity to deny investigators information and disappear. Given that, I'm inclined to expect then to engage in more of the same if they catch wind of someone being on their tail. If Fredricus sent an army, I quite doubt they'd be there to recieve it."

"The well-prepared trap is unavoidable, it's still a few hours ride without stopping and if the news were relayed yesterday, they had the entire night to prepare their welcome mats. I'd say departing now and tomorrow morning would not make any difference, except we will be less ready the sooner we get there."

"I suppose it is..." Veronica sighed, briefly running one hand down her face, before settling her chin down on the back of said hand, elbow propping it up from the table. She'd been consumed with what-ifs and has-beens for the past number of hours. It was hard not to let herself slump at that, as she forced herself to maintain her composure and straighten up. Everything about the very concept of walking into a prepared trap offended her shinobi sensibilities on a fundamental level. The fact that it was now nearly guaranteed to be a near future burned nearly as much as the sun.

"It is not only my informant, Lady Veronica. Half my team are in various state of injury from a recent battle. As much as I hate delaying, we'll be in much better shape for battle comes tomorrow."

"I-" Veronica shook her head in frustration, before nodding in acquiescence, solidifying her recomposure. "I understand, Dame Matilda. I apologize for speaking carelessly. Sometimes... No, it's unimportant. I believe this is a case of 'missing the forest for trees', as it were. I will attempt to be more mindful." She didn't feel she needed to elaborate openly further to Matilda of all people. For Veronica, an undead, as much as she might try to stay connected with mortal life, there were some things she simply couldn't sympathize with any longer, hadn't been able to for years. What would have been a devastating injury on someone else was an inconvenience to her. And exhaustion? Sleep? What were those? Did they taste good? She was being impatient. She knew it. She was being driven by frustration and injured professional pride over the mission's compromised integrity. She acknowledged that too.

Sometimes, given the way she had been trained, it could be remarkably frustrating to deal with operating with a large group using conventional local tactics. Her training told her time was of the essence, that she should take her compiled clues and go alone, at least scout out the opposition at a minimum... But she wouldn't do that. With anti-scrying measures in the mix, it was possible she'd overlook something dangerous. Going it alone was too reckless, no matter the potential benefits. She wasn't in a good position to be a one-woman army, and if the enemy had already received warning even before she managed to reach them independently of the larger group... that's exactly what she would likely have to be, while somehow simultaneously safely exfiltrating with the Prince in tow.

So, she would-

"Still, there's no need to commit to an extreme. We can depart in a few hours after taking care of the preparations, we do lack the horses to make the trip. Spend the night elsewhere, or simply camp out. Come the morrow we'll be much closer to our objective, wherever it may be. Hell, it'll probably afford us enough time to check both in worst case. Is this agreeable?"

Veronica perked up a bit at that. Given the possibility of serious injuries, the fact that they would ultimately be in traveling shape -well, if not in full shape, then hopefully on the road- by tomorrow was... Well, it was better than a lot of things. Provided the rest of the group didn't convince Matilda of an alternative course of action, that was better than Veronica might have worried. Ultimately, it wasn't agreeable, and Veronica was sure Matilda could have discerned that even in the absence of an outward reaction from the vampire. It was a compromise, and not even a guaranteed one. But when it came down to it, the orc Guard Captain was still the one giving the marching orders.

"It will have to do," Veronica finally voiced diplomatically, expression neutral. Her dissatisfaction was barely concealed, but she wasn't going to pursue this unproductive line of discussion further, at least for now. Besides, now that she was actively considering the state of the team, just based on the intensity of the lingering stench of blood, she couldn't help but feel that she was both being a bit selfish and, simultaneously, unable to truly let that selfishness go. Emotionally driven irrationality, however, was dangerous for a being like her, and so she would avoid acting on it on principle, now that she was conscious of it.

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

"Hello there," she chimed in, glancing at the newcomers with genuine mirth. "I don't know we have such an important meeting here. What gives with my invitation?"

Victoria's head perked up, swiveling away from the Guard Captain to one of the battered members of the team. The blonde elf had spoken up, and despite being in such a state, she didn't seem ready to let that stop her from contributing. "Greetings." Leaning back in her chair, the pale girl gestured broadly above the map and smiled without teeth. Why have the meeting here, where just about anyone could possibly see? It was beyond Veronica, but Matilda had given the go-ahead, which would just have to do, she supposed.

As for why she'd not chosen to "settle down" where the elf was seated... Slitted eyes drifted to the table in front of the elf, loaded with croissants and teaware. Yeah, there wasn't any space there, and like hell she was going to risk getting food -or stars forbid, drink- spilled on her map. Her ruby gaze rose from that sight to meet the elf's, a single brow rising with the upward perk of one corner of her lips. "By all means, feel welcome. Any aid you can offer would hardly go amiss." She could have apologized for the unintentional snub, but given the elf's amused tone, it seemed that would be unnecessary.

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

“There is a possibility that Henri will be willing to come quietly, I will make sure that happens.”

Veronica resisted the impulse to audibly "tsk" her tongue at the brief glare her... enthusiasm received, but she didn't bother looking contrite, not when she didn't feel a lick of sympathy. Honestly, it was beyond her how Matilda and Henri were considered friendly acquaintances, given his recent actions. Veronica certainly didn't know Henri in a personal capacity, but she didn't expect he'd be any different now than he had in the past. He was trusted to be the Royal Tutor, so he wasn't an idiot. He certainly wasn't a fool by any measure. Which meant there were precious few other conclusions to reach about his recent actions than active malice or some level of reckless arrogance.

Either way, Veronica wasn't particularly fussed about how the Royal Tutor was removed as a potential threat to the mission at hand, but she'd certainly admit to wishing to exact retribution upon him both for the Royal Family's sake... and on a pettier level, for compromising a mission she was personally involved in. The perfectionist within her recoiled violently every time she thought about the state of the mission. Veronica wasn't sure which she found more unforgivable in an ostensible ally, malice or incompetence, but she was starting to put some thought into it now.

"Well, there is a place I was told where the prince possibility could be. But my informant needs a good night's rest before he can take us there. It is a village surrounding a fort, and from what I was told it is a two days on foot from here. And apparently, he had seen the kidnapping happen, while he was out hunting with his brother and his friends. Although I am unsure if he truly knows the location where the prince could be. Nor if he had really seen the kidnapping itself."

"A night's rest?" Veronica muttered, borderline aghast. She glanced at the now closed windows, knowing the sun had yet to even reach high noon. "We don't have a night's rest. With the unrest in the capitol and the compromising of this team's secrecy, conspirators will have surely sent a message by some means to the Prince's captors. Every hour we wait is another hour the enemy has to prepare... assuming they don't just kill the Prince and hammer another nail into this country's coffin," she finished grimly. Shaking her head, she added, "To say nothing of our present time limit. If it does take us two days to even reach the Prince -assuming we even have the right location, that'll already be a day longer than our time limit, assuming a similarly lengthy return. No, we don't have time to wait."

And then, her gloomy demeanor faded, as her expression was overtaken by a fresh, toothy grin. "And thankfully, we shan't need to."

“If I may have a look at your map, young lady.”

The tall, shadowed man interjected, carrying a pungent medicinal scent intermixed with something... other and simultaneously familiar. Raising a single brow, Veronica replied, "Just a moment, Ser." Rather than grant him immediate access to her map, the young vampire strode over to an empty table. Veronica unrolled the map a bit further on the table surface and steadied it, placing the case down on one end to hold it open and slipping a pencil out of said case.

"Dame Matilda, you've given me just the information we need to narrow things down drastically." Arching a brow slyly back at Matilda, she smirked with a once more closed mouth. "Two days by foot, was it?" The pencil in her hand sketched a quick series of flashes, drawing invisible lines in the air away from Hdur's marked location on the map towards several areas relatively near to the center of the vague circle. "My scrying attempts kept getting rebounded. Kept having to adjust power input, constellation degree. Needed to see how the defense reacted. It's really an impressive thing, throws you back further the more power you hit it with, and you need to come at it with a certain minimum level of high force to even hope to latch onto anything inside. Means you can't really avoid being rebounded pretty far. Still, I did manage to find approximately the... 'center' in a sense."

She shook her head. "But I digress..." The pencil etched several new marks on the map, emphasized and encircled a couple prior ones. Each of the locations had a thin line sketched to them, several straighter than others, cutting through forests and wilds instead of using roads. "With a distance like 'two days on foot' as our guide, I can narrow this down to these few. I've accounted for both options that can be accessed by typical means -that is, the roads, which include the town of Thurn and the villages, Pesti and Fanghorn. I've also marked those that could be reached if we rough it straight through the wilds, which include the town of Darude and the village of Vickerville." Tapping her pale lips with the pencil, Veronica's brows furrowed, as she considered the array of locations. All in all, that was still a lot of potential hiding places for the enemy and their captive, too many really.

Sliding her hood back and shaking her ebony tresses free, Veronica pulled out a chair at the table and seated herself heavily. "Admittedly, I'm not greatly familiar with this area except in passing, so any perspectives the rest of you could offer would go a long way." She tucked a little hair behind one ear, perching the pencil there. "Granted, most of these locations are so close together that we could probably search two in a single day, but every moment counts."

“It is as Guard Captain Matilda says. With two sources, I agree that likelihood of finding the prince here is good. Let’s see.” Solomon reached over the map and touched a couple of the villages named on the map, “The hunters say they saw the captors flee to a small village watched over by a lord. These villages are of decent size while having lord’s residence. This one in particular is a fort, constructed around the same time period as the lake ruins.”

"Small village, huh?" Veronica remarked, nodding and listening intently to the cloth-swaddled man's input. "Then that removes Thurn and Darude from the possibilities..." Solomon further elaborated the existence of a lord's residence as a feature, which ended up marking off Vickerville too. "So, that just leaves Pesti and Fanghorn, both accessible by two day's travel on the road, faster if we push with urgency or access to a sufficient number of steeds."

Her crimson gaze rose once more to meet with the orcish black knight. "Dame Matilda, it is my utmost recommendation that we set course at once, with or without your informant's rest. If need be, someone can carry him by horseback and do his share of the walking, but I fear we have not an ounce of spare time to wait. The moment we can possibly be in readiness, I will chart a course to pass through both of these locations." She frowned and drew silent momentarily, considering the logistics of traveling with injured in a practical and hasty manner. "With time being critically of the essence, any recovery that must be done from injury or fatigue may be best done on the road. I suppose we could purchase a cart for them to ride in if necessary."

Sighing, her gaze turned imploring. "I should clarify: my worry is not that we cannot bring the Prince back within the designated time... though that certainly contributes. Rather, it is that if we delay, we shall most likely be walking straight into a well-prepared trap." She half-grimaced, mouth curling oddly with the impulse to open and yet stay closed enough to conceal her fangs. "Furthermore, if the enemy gets a message back to the Prince's captors before we arrive, who is to say they won't have moved him by the time we arrive?"

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

You may speak here, there are only trusted ears inside this inn.

"Even the-?" Veronica's eyes darted to the four unknowns in the room, but at Matilda's seemingly confident assurances, her narrowed pupils reluctantly relaxed back into more almond-shaped slits. As long as they spoke lowly, hopefully, they should go unheard by the prying ears of the wrong sort. While Veronica would have vastly preferred to take this conversation to a secluded room, just to be sure, she relented nonetheless and made no further pursuit of the matter. "Very well." That she simply trusted Matilda's judgement went unsaid.

Sighing, Veronica briefly ran a hand down her face, brow pinched. "Then let me be thoroughly candid. I can think of no kinder way to put it, but Ser Henri has committed what can only be deemed as treason against the Crown. In this dire time of national need, with the safety of the Prince and the kingdom at large in the balance and a war brewing on the horizon, the Royal Tutor has gone explicitly against the mission statement and our King's direct orders and compromised us and likely the Prince's safety." Her expression darkened, one hand falling to grip a sheathed sai tightly. "Were it not for his prior record of loyalty as the Royal Tutor, I've little doubt that my orders would be to execute him where he stood." Her dangerously level tone spoke that the idea still wasn't completely off the table if the Royal Tutor refused to come anything less than quietly.

Drawing in a calming -if technically unnecessary- breath of air, Veronica shook her head. "That said, it's not all misfortune, thank the stars." Smiling, this time with bared teeth and a glint of impending retribution in her ruby eyes, Veronica reached into her pack slid out a small scroll case. "I didn't have time to corroborate with other scrying practitioners, given the situation, however, I do believe my own independent investigations have borne fruit." She drew out and unrolled a small, regional map, tucking the case under her armpit. She spoke in a lower tone, just to be certain. "But after much trial and error, I'm confident in my results. I was hoping to be able to corroborate with your own end of the investigation, but it's my belief that we have located the Prince." Upon the regional map, she had scrawled in pencil several marks in a roughly circular radius. Haphazard additional markings dotted the interior of that circle. "His location is warded, but..." She grinned viciously. "That just meant I needed a few extra catalysts than normal."

Location: Hdur, Kindeance.

This was a disaster.

Veronica forced herself to stow the unproductive thought, as she strode beside Anderson, loyal squire of the Head of Guard. Even so, for those familiar with her, the unnervingly extended quiet that had been shared for most of the hurried journey to the humble village of Hdur was all her companion might need to discern the tension within her. The Capitol they had left was in a right state of chaos. Though the Guard had done well in their efforts to quell the worst of the public unease, three fiery bombings upon prominent Guild warehouses had both civilian and merchant alike in a tizzy... to say nothing of the aggrieved party, the Black Serpent Guild.

Oh, and don't even get her started on the Delvings and the rest of the Noble court! Rumor had it that the bloody Royal Tutor had assaulted Aaron Delving and his guards completely unprovoked in his office. Luckily, the elder Delving, Admiral Silas, had been there to put a stop to the foolishness at hand, and somehow, Henri had not been arrested on the spot. If that were all, it would have been one thing... but what Henri had been pursuing in their less than amicable discussion... Well, the rumors were wild, but Veronica had heard several truths, truths that she knew for a fact should not have been available to the public forum. And so did the King.

Fredricus was furious, and frankly, for her own part, Veronica was nearly as much so. All of her work to fly under the radar. All her efforts to be discreet, to uncover the Prince's location. All of it might have been for nothing.

As it turned out, Henri was another member of the off-the-record team Veronica been too late to join from the get-go... and she was starting to wonder if that wasn't a good thing. Not more than a day hence, and one of the mission's core objectives was compromised, inexorably so. It wasn't necessarily that the Delvings couldn't be trusted. After all, Admiral Silas and his family had served in an exemplary and loyal manner for many years. But it was simply the principle of the matter. The Prince's abduction and a nearly successful assassination attempt on the Crown itself were cause for unusual means and assumptions in these troubling times... Rather, that Veronica's Lord King would send for someone- something like her to aid him in such a personal and national matter truly spoke of the desperation at hand.

The situation was a disaster. The Delvings had obviously brought their alarming findings to the public forum, and the other nobles now clamored for answers. Fredricus had denied the claims, but the nobles had demanded proof... proof the King did not have. He had claimed the Prince was in a safehouse a fair distance away after the inciting incident and would need several days to be called back to the Capitol. All in all, the summit had ended with the promise to send for the prince at once, and the nobles had dispersed, dissatisfied but mollified... for now. It was half-assed bandage over a festering wound at this point.

Whatever narrow time limit they had been on just got a whole lot narrower... as had the King's patience. Veronica, personally, wasn't particularly worried on her own behalf... insofar as her own culpability in the present fanned flames of the crises... which was to say, no culpability at all. Between herself and Anderson, they had gotten results, and all that was left was to corroborate with the rest of Matilda's charges. Indeed, Veronica wasn't worried that she would be held culpable for the chaos; her end of the mission had gone the closest thing to flawless as it could have, given the circumstances. No, for the young vampire, the true worry was the stability of the kingdom and safety of the royal lineage that had so graciously offered her a chance to prove herself. It was for the King, whom she worried, surrounded on all sides by schemers and possible traitors. It was for the guiltless young prince she worried, whose life may very well be in greater danger should his kidnappers have been alerted to the existence of the investigation.

The only grace to be found was that... well, that was what they were here to meet Matilda's team about.

There was no time to waste. The fate of Kindeance was in the balance.

It almost felt like she was walking underwater. Not in a physical sense, nor really the sense that she was actually hindered in her movements, but as the noonday sun glared down from above, Veronica mercifully found herself free of its baleful vengeance. Sometimes, she found herself seeing her magic as a mixed blessing. In many ways, it was responsible for her life being ruined, for her death... or undeath as it were. In others, it was the only reason she could live anything close to a normal life at all... the only reason she was even free and beholden to herself to begin with. Shaking her head, Veronica tugged her simple brown cloak a bit tighter, almond-shaped pupils peering about at the bustling village.

It wasn't a large place, Hdur. It was the sort of place where just about everyone was as liable to know everyone else, tight knit, localized. And a bit of risky place to be to avoid attention. The concept of "fading into the crowd" might as well have not existed around these parts, so the less of a show they gave the locals, the less likely the mission's operational security would be even more devastated than it already was. Between herself and Anderson, Veronica was sure they already were quite the pair. One clad in armor and exemplifying the Royal Guard. And the other cloaked and concealed, aside from glints of steel and flashes of velvety red and black fabrics.

Even going to the effort of donning a cloak, even were she to have changed into something even less conspicuous, Veronica knew it would have done little good the moment someone caught a glimpse of her eyes. She'd long-since given up trying to appear normal. If anything, in her experience, the more you tried to hide, the more people seemed to sense it and want to find out more about you. Thus, "refuge in audacity" had become her staple, and it was only that the situation was presently so dire that she bothered to do anything differently here and now.

A seemingly nameless inn and a local bakery crested into sight, as the two travelers made haste without hurrying... if that made any sense... towards where they were to rendezvous with the erstwhile black ops team of their Majesty's conception. Veronica's fists tightened minutely atop the handles of her sheathed sai daggers, resisting the urge to twist her expression into a snarl of ire at what might lay beyond. Forcibly relaxing herself, she shoved down the call for bloody violence and placed aside the impulse to execute the Royal Tutor for treason the moment she laid eyes on him. It wasn't like it would have brought her much satisfaction in a practical sense anyway. She'd never found herself hungry in his presence, so she was somehow certain that, whatever he was... he probably didn't bleed. Not exactly her idea of an ideal opponent.

Speaking of bleeding... Veronica gave a couple audible sniffs of the air, as she and Anderson neared the inn. The smell of breadstuffs filled the air in accompaniment to many an equally appetizing scent... but there was a far more delectable aroma on the wind. Not even hours old. Hell, maybe not even minutes old. It was nearly overpowered by an array of medicinal scents, but there was no mistaking that which her body craved more than life itself.

Veronica gave a couple more audible sniffs, her eyes darting to Anderson. They'd worked well enough together on the occasion over the years, and in that time, Veronica had developed an array of signals to her closer comrades. Any that knew her mannerisms well, knew that she didn't make unnecessary efforts, and noisy breaths were certainly one of them. It was as good a signal as any, a simple and concise one to convey to her allies.

Blood had been shed.

"After you, milady."

Briefly schooling her expression into an almost girlishly vapid one not dissimilar to a spoiled noble girl, Veronica rolled her eyes playfully at the squire opening the inn door for her, the delicious scent of sanguine essence billowing out from within. "Many thanks, Ser~." Obligingly, she smiled without teeth, the corners of her eyes crinkling in mirth, as she acquiesced to his prompt and stepped inside the establishment.

Initial impressions of the sorry band? Not great. Crimson eyes panned across the room, taking in the battered state of half the occupants. The smell of blood was tantalizingly thick in the air, and Veronica had to swallow back the light burn in her throat, drifting away from the immediate conversation to moderately discreetly draw forth one of her waterskins and take a swig of the glorious nectar within. Tongue flicking across pale lips to catch any lingering droplets, Veronica swallowed thickly, the burn doused, and replaced her waterskin at her hip.

The distraction of her Thirst -that she hadn't noticed building- now kept at bay, Veronica's slitted eyes returned to those present. She resisted frowning. The faces she was seeing weren't all in alignment with what Anderson had told her to expect. The blonde elf, the cloaked shadow of a man, the ronin Samurai, and the runaway noblewoman were present... but the royal guardsman was new... along with three other unknowns at their own table, one of whom might have been napping if the sound of his breathing patterns was any clue. Veronica's eyes narrowed. What little secrecy they had left was paramount. She had nothing against this guard or these possible civilians in particular. Perhaps they were even valuable witnesses, but if they weren't... The pale girl shook her head lightly. Killing any of them would likely serve no purpose at this stage, not with the Capitol in such a state as it was.

As Ser Anderson and Lady Rosenving exchanged pleasantries, Veronica set to a small task of her own. Relatively unhurried, she passed by each of the large windows that were set into the front of the building and presently letting in a healthy breeze and beams of sunlight, and she began firmly closing the shutters of each in turn and untying the curtains, drawing them across the windows and casting the living area into comparatively muddled shades of candlelight. Letting out a small sigh of relief, Veronica finally released her magic, rolling her shoulders, as the watery sensation slid from her body.

Her ears perked up at the steady thudding of an armored figure descending the stairs into the common room, and Veronica felt a genuine smile finally slide into place across her lips. Striding forward to stand next to Anderson once more, the pale girl favored the Head of the Royal Guard, Matilda, with a nod and a brief, small crease of the waist, hands clasped behind her back.

"A bird, ma'am? If you don't mind it arriving slower I'm sure I can deliver a message with less risk." He gestured to the vampire that came with him. "I brought lady Veronica, she arrived earlier this morning. Aside from that, there's some words from the king. Is it secure to speak here?"

Veronica only smiled knowingly, barely more than the slightest upturn of the corner of her lips, one she didn't bother to conceal from the black knight with a mirthful eye squint to accompany it. There was no need at this moment to correct the squire about just how long a vampire had actually gone unchecked within the very castle walls themselves before she had deemed her end of the investigation sufficiently explored enough to present findings to another involved and sanctioned party. "Dame Matilda," she greeted with her usual close-mouthed smile, "were it only that we should reunite under kinder circumstances." She shook her head in a show of disappointment, ebony waves of hair swaying about her chin. "One of these days, surely, we shall meet outside the eve of violence."

Quickly, however, her tone and demeanor sobered, her arms folding across her ample chest. "However, today is unfortunately not one such day." She nodded at Anderson. "We bring ill news from the Capitol. Any measure of security we can afford, no matter how small, is paramount at this juncture." Her crimson eyes drifted towards the others occupying the commons, particularly the seemingly random presence of a guardsman... and three other unknown men occupying their own table, almond-shaped pupils briefly narrowing to nearly paper-thin slits.
Got it. I understand now. What would a person that can reverse time for people on touch and that has a ability to increase or slow down the speed of himself and others be classified? Master/Mover/Striker? Are there any combinations that cannot happen? Also, this series is cool. Also, Scion was a god....kinda, and he seemed like a guy with depth. First one I've ever seen really, but I watch anime, so maybe my scope is a bit narrow.

Assuming it were allowed:
Striker would be the core rating, since the power requires touch to even do anything.
Secondary rating would be Trump, since technically, this sounds like it can grant effective superspeed. Power-granting is Trump.
Assuming by "reverse time", you mean it displaces them back to a position/state along their own personal timeline without actually reversing time as a whole, then yes, it might provoke a Mover rating as well, especially in a personal capacity. Rating number/intensity would depend on how far back the PC could rewind.
As far as can be told, there's no specific combination of power ratings that never end up together. There's some unlikely/uncommon combos, but having a classification in one power type doesn't necessarily preclude having another.
There also might be a Brute rating for the effective self-healing it sounds like this would do.

So, in summary: Striker/Mover/Brute/Trump, possibly with a small side of Breaker.
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