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@Eviledd1984 Oh yeah, quick thing, I'mma be editing Kasumi's age to better reflect her backstory. Aging up, as I realize in hindsight that several things look a little head-scratching for someone as young as her to have accomplished in the narrow timeframe she has. Like straight-up, she should be about 22 minimum if she graduated college (which she did)(and speaking of, may make a minor edit in backstory around that bit) unless she managed to get herself admitted early, and she's not really ambitious enough for that.

Then we get into the fact that she is supposed to have been at self defense/martial arts for a while long enough to be either close to or a black belt and supposed to actually have a house (and it takes time to fully get into athlete/fighter shape). Even if we assume she "cheated" a little by availing herself of some unlucky people's (criminals'?) resources to at least speedrun the house part, that's more time sinks that need to be accounted for.

So, as much as I'd like to keep her closer to Lorenzo's age to have a "youthful buddy" she'll be sitting somewhere around 24-27 when I've made my final decision.

Oh yeah, and on another note, I originally didn't ask in case it was meant to be vague, but I realize it probably doesn't matter. Has the serial killer shown any particular "theme" to their kills that the public is aware of? Specifically the method of death? Or do they engage in a variety? (I'm trying to decide if there's any particular way Kasumi's friend died).
@Lewascan2 Well I can fix the stats, didn't know Araki had gave any. But I did know that Araki said Achtung Baby could have a physical form and that we just don't see it, but he didn't definitively answer the question because he's like that. Likewise I took creative liberties considering it had that development potential for a baby as its user that wasn't controlling it at all. If that doesn't pan out then its not a big deal but I thought it was cool.

Anyway, firstly, sorry if the tone of my last post came across as less than amiable.

But yee, Achtung Baby has released stats, as shown by Eviledd above. I honestly hadn't heard that Araki said anything about Achtung Baby's true form, but I don't think in the context of the setting that it would be at all unreasonable for that to happen as Shizuka ages. The only issue was the creative liberties, since from what I've seen, the GM seems to want to steer away from those and stick to full canon. Granted, Achtung Baby is in a weird position though in the premise of this RP, given that it is an immature Stand, so I could see it being allowed some wiggle room other Stands might not. I guess this all really falls back on something I've already brought up to the GM; that being possibly to consider the role the Developmental Potential stat may or may not have in this RP.

On a more funny note, I find it hilarious that with your character in the running, we continue to have Lorenzo as the only team member with a functional relationship with their family.
I'd been taking my time a bit with this, mostly to think about what I wanted to do, but I've got my sheet finished and mostly formatted. I'll probably take another pass over it for editing any mistakes and adding color but this will do for now just to get the important stuff out there.

Pretty much every stat on the Stand except Development Potential is wrong here unless we’re looking at different wikis, and I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to be using fully canon Stands and abilities thereof (at least starting out). Also, Achtung Baby has no physical form as a Stand. It’s completely bound to the user’s body.
Oh wow, you're right. That's pretty cool! It should make for a very complex group dynamic. Exciting stuff!

They've really got that "trio dynamic" going for them at the moment, huh. It'll be interesting to see what else gets added by 1 or 2 more people. Right now, they really have that energy that everyone is bringing something unique to the table, all of them doing several somethings the others don't. It's great.

Also i noticed that Lorenzo is the youngest of the trio. Which will make for some interesting interactions.

Heh. I wonder if we'll get anyone older or younger than the current range...

<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

That looks super cool.

Thanks! I might even write out a conclusion for that little noncanon blurb later if I get struck with the motivation. It's got a couple ways it could end.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

So something like them monologuing in their head planning out all of their actions? I would be done with that being a thing. It could be pretty fun.

In my head, my posts might go something like this:

Honestly, I'm loving this crew so far. It's something I've noticed going on that, by apparent coincidence, all three of the current team members are studies in contrasts.

Kasumi being a woman vs Lorenzo and West both being men.
West using a long range Stand vs Lorenzo and Kasumi's short range.
Lorenzo being religious vs West and Kasumi being very much the opposite.
Kasumi's selfishness and cold pragmatism vs Lorenzo and West's altruism and justice.
West's exuberant extroversion vs Kasumi and Lorenzo's far more private or reserved demeanors.
Lorenzo's loving relationship with his family vs West and Kasumi's cutting ties with their relatives entirely.

I could possibly go on, but there just seems to be this neat pattern of each of them having particular traits that are inverted by the other two in some way. It's very nice, makes the group feel like it's "hitting more beats" on the whole, makes them feel more "legit", like a properly balanced character cast. And it's definitely making me excited to see who else may potentially round this trio out! :D
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Four would be a good even number. More then that and i would be too overwhelmed.

Heh. I guess I can see that. Given that this is presumably going to be people familiar with Jojo, there's likely to be a lot of 5D chess big brain maneuvers being thrown around, which could get... chaotic in group fights. XD

Speaking of, I've been considering ways to really live up to that aspect of Jojo fights and how I'll post to incorporate it. I'm considering making combat posts where I'll have the "public" actions taking up the main body of the post while having a hidered section at the bottom explaining the "big brain" intention of the above acts before the results are acquired. Rather than explaining their thought process in the main body, just writing how they are trying to outsmart their foe in summary outside the main narrative, and then the responding posts can be made with that in mind.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Thank you very much. I need to advertise this rp. I think 2 or more people would be good enough.

No problem! But yee, it's been just a wee bit quiet, so I decided to take a little initiative.

Two more sounds neat if we can get them. 4-5 does seem to be about the magic number for a Jojo squad.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Okay let me think about it. I just want to keep things balanced for the shake of the rp. I was thinking of introducing a Hamon user later on, so their is a possibility of them interacting.

Yee. All understandable. Honestly, I'm just brainstorming right now, but this whole thought project is kinda rooted in the nature of Developmental Potential and the ability of Stands to just spontaneously gain new abilities as long as it roughly aligns with the theme of their powers. May be something to consider deciding how you want to approach before it comes up, the possibility of canon Stands developing non-canon abilities/techniques.

As an aside, seeing as activity here seemed a bit lacking with just the two of us passing the ball, I dropped a rec for this RP in one of the discord servers I frequent, so you may see some more interest around here soon. Seems like you may have got another bite that's interested in potentially taking The Hand as a Stand, which I'm sure would be... interesting in hands outside of Okuyasu's.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Mmm let me think about it, because i am unsure how powerful both GE and hamon would be together. Unless you say your character is already a hamon user, i guess that would be a good way to explain it.

Eh, I don't really see how having her start with Hamon would make it more feasible, to be honest, as the premise of my musing was that even outside what other Stands might require to channel Hamon (which isn't confirmed), GE seems uniquely suited by its ability to be an exception to the general pattern. Honestly, I'm not really interested in adding another layer to Kasumi's backstory. I'm not looking to tack another thing on this early; after all, Gold Experience on its own already has a lot going for it. I'm just brainstorming.

To clarify, I'm not posing this as an ability that GE would start off with (by which, I mean just mimicking Hamon straight-up). At most, on a base level, it could detect Hamon, feel it flow like any other life energy. Maybe generate it roughly but not actually shape it into functional techniques. Actually duplicating Hamon abilities would probably take time and training, even assuming GE grants the user a natural leg up/"talent" Jonathan-style for power-leveling it. They'd still likely need a decent teacher or specific opponents (ie, Vampires or Pillar Men) to push them to develop it seriously. I'm just proposing this is something that feasibly makes sense for Gold Experience to exert that really high Potential stat on down the line, just like any other Stand that develops new abilities as a series goes on.
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