Avatar of Lexisheeps


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6 hrs ago
Current This would be more arousing if you knew the difference between there, their, and they're.
15 hrs ago
I just tested it with an image I'd already used as a pfp. I think it's a site error and not a user error.
1 like
15 hrs ago
File size is probably too big.
1 day ago
Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
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I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

@Crimson Flame

School lunch? Someone being bullied and they all stepped in?

I'm aware of Super Sentai, but not nearly as much as the adapted version. Still though, I can't imagine an American audience accepting a male pink ranger, without the "hates this color" bit.

But I do know about Trini! She died too early, omg. I'm so glad they gave her a proper send off with the special 🙌🙏

Either way, I should watch more Super Sentai, if only to help me learn the language more. Been slacking lately lol

@Crimson Flame

Fr tho. Im hoping one day nonbinary characters will appear too, but until then that's what rping and fanfics are for, lol

How did I not remember there's a comic? Jeez, I can't keep up with all the lore.


I'm always willing to be a villain, so let me know if you'd like some help with brainstorming for them! C':

And for power, I'm not completely sure just yet. I've got some ideas, but they're all half baked atm.

Edit: I'll get started on the cs sometime tonight.

@Crimson Flame

It's fine! I think I would have been more upset if pink had been a girl, tbh lol. Franchise is so damn color = gender coded lmfao

I do like black as well, cause gothnotagoth kid. p:
What about Dark Rangers? Or other villains?

And I do see that Black is available!
I would be lying if I said I haven't been watching this thread... So I'mma pop this banger of a cover here:

And of course, a mandatory Pink Ranger gif, alongside a mandatory Rita gif:

But anyways, I suck at keeping track of lore-heavy fandoms, which is why I haven't posted in here sooner. But I admit this does pique my interest. Crimson has already called the Pink Ranger, so idk what color I'd be. Purple maybe?


I don't have an obsession with rainbows, I swear!

This one hits hard! My interest is shown. T 0 T;
@Days Naw, it's okay! Life happens and that's way more important than this. This is a game, irl is not.

@Estylwen I do hope it's just temporary! But no hard feelings if you decide to drop this all together. Maybe if/when we come back, a major time jump and story arc overhaul could be fun.

Edit: because Tomb Raider inspired stories are essentially endless!

@WhiteAngel25 it's been fun writing with you too!

Waiting until Friday is totally fine with me!
Hope y'all are doing okay, girlie pops!

@Days I'm so sorry to hear about your doggo! D':

@Estylwen I don't mind waiting for Days.

@WhiteAngel25 Hi! Long time no see! <3

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