Avatar of Lexisheeps


Recent Statuses

8 hrs ago
Current I just tested it with an image I'd already used as a pfp. I think it's a site error and not a user error.
1 like
8 hrs ago
File size is probably too big.
1 day ago
Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
1 like
12 days ago
Dino Crisis... Yes, I'm old.


I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

I would like to take a moment and nominate these 3 songs as Vonny's personal theme song uou;

Thank you! n_n

Glad you're okay with my humorous shenanigans. x'D
That totally works for me! 8'D

edit; cs are finally done!
I like that idea a lot! The line skip as well as adopting the catchild. p:
*raises hand nervously* Getting lost or an info dump as I'm typing up a post, is what I'm afraid of with no rotation. I personally would prefer a rotational order, but with skips if someone can't post that week.

I can get overwhelmed easily, if I'm not careful. v.v; But I also understand the desire to keep us moving. I think mini time skips are a better way to override someone's character being MIA.


Hopefully I'll have my cs post all done by Sunday tonight. Still trying to decide if I want to drag in a new NPC or not. Is it too much or the more the merrier? idek at this point, lol.

YES Nova x Dragon got married! 8D Ewwwwww straight romance. '>> *barfs*

And I've been wondering where the story starts off as well. I've got a few ideas for Nick's op, hopefully I can work some of them into whatever is tossed at us, lol.


I personally don't see why not. p:

What says you, oh great @Estylwen????

Gotcha! I had remembered you'd asked about making a sheet for Cress in the past, but I hadn't thought that much into. My organizational skills aren't exactly the greatest, lol. But I'm hoping this will make it easier for everyone to reference back when needed. <3

And I hope @WhiteAngel25 will do the same! <3333

Hey, just letting you know that I'm adding in all of the organizations and whatnot that has been mentioned in the past, in my cs post. I'm not finished updating just yet, but I should be ready by Sunday! p:

Though, you got me wondering. Do you want info on people like... Thierry's secretary? Or does she just fall into the organizations category? I just want to be sure and give you all the info you want or need. <3
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