Avatar of Lexisheeps


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19 hrs ago
Current Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
1 like
12 days ago
Dino Crisis... Yes, I'm old.
14 days ago
How many metalheads does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one. Everybody else will just stand around and bitch about how great the original lightbulb was. 🦊🤘
1 mo ago
"You're such a cute fluffy sheepie." *horrified gasp as it's head and neck keeps rising* "So we meet again, mortal fluff enemy!"
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I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

@SporkoBug It's perfect, babes! <3 *squishies your face*


Blood, Snails, Sacrifice, Demon Portals.

Yup, that's the standard for @Estylwen stories right there. p:
I feel so bad for Cosy right now. She just wants her dad to keep her safe, but dad is all, "fight me" 🤣

But, as usual, amazing post Esty! 👏😍


To join the echo chamber; take your time, my dear. No pressure. c:

Thank you! I consider that high praise coming from you! <3
Your posts are always amazing 👏😍


Pretty sure it's just residual twitching caused by nerve endings

</3 Zombisheeps
But Nick isn't aware of the CDE charges Axen has had, so to him, all he sees is ~scary robot pew pew shooter man will have to deal with later~ xD
Nick has a watch. p: He avoided getting a new one until this job popped up.

>> he also has a backpack.

I'd block you so fast! D< p:

I'm always scheming! But my next post shouldn't be so big.
TL;DR p:
Home, Sweet Home

Collab written by:
@Lexisheeps x @Estylwen

Another long fucking day. But it wasn't just the overwhelming amounts of paperwork drowning them today. The two men were slowly turning away from being loving husbands, or at least marital partners- to roommates who couldn't fucking stand each other. An argument, then two, five. The dog. Cosy. HiveMind. Thierry was running on a 3 hour nap, several- several strong cups of black coffee, and a tangled emotional breakdown. Nick? A deeply rooted hatred for Von Galloes and multiple Monster Energy drinks. The two fathers were both a mess.

Voices became enraged, temper tantrums thrown. "I feel like I don't even know you anymore."

Then deafening silence. Fuming. Pouting. Reminiscing. Hushed tears behind previously slammed doors.

Awhile later, a soft three tap knuckle knock happened as Nick cooed through Cosette's bedroom door, "We're leaving early, Princess. Are you all packed yet?" He hesitated a bit as he listened for any shuffling. It was still early in the evening, but sleep was a necessity if things were to go smoothly, "I know dad complained that this isn't a vacation earlier, but you can still pack some comfort items. We'll be there a few days before the group is set to meet, so we'll still be able to go swimming."

It sucked that Ivaylo couldn't go, but Nick didn't completely feel comfortable leaving Thierry with his own devices. Not after Theo's kidnapping. Not after losing Aurélie permanently. Nor was Sabrina there to be the voice of reason, as she had been in the past. An argument had ensued between the two fathers, leaving furthered hurt feelings for Cosy. Thierry had actually wanted them to take Ivaylo, but Nick felt otherwise. Yes, the dog was well trained and could act like a bodyguard...

But after everything that had happened? Leaving Thierry alone with his own mental gymnastics? Not like this. This was no normal run. HiveMind's stench lingered in Lucy's paperwork. So the young adoptive father stood there at her bedroom door, holding back a physical sigh and replacing it with a mental one. And finally mumbled, "I'm sorry that Ivaylo can't go." Nick genuinely felt like a terrible father, for putting his foot down like this. For choosing...

There was silence on the other side of the door. A silence that stretched on, until a quiet, "You can come in, dad." was heard.

It had been some time since Cosy had simply dropped the 'step' in favour of just calling Nick her dad. In her eyes, there was no difference. He had taken responsibility of her, so it was his right. Besides, after everything they'd been through, it felt less awkward to say. Not at all awkward, in fact.

If Nick were to open the door, he would find his princess' room was the same as usual. CD cases stacked along the dresser (ancient things, hardly anyone ever saw them anymore), stereo system playing the Beatles softly, and little string lights strewn about the walls. The closet was cluttered, having been rifled through. The light on her night stand was on, illuminating a tear-stained face as Cosy sat on the floor, leaned against her bed, Ivaylo in her lap. On her bed was a nearly-finished luggage case. The item of offense this time, was a picture of the whole family from their trip in Egypt, sitting neatly on top of her packed clothes...

If it was possible for Nick's mood to drop even further, it did at the sight of Cosy's cheeks being wet.

Shit, the photo.

Belize, The Arrival

Collab written by:
@Lexisheeps x @Estylwen

The water sparkled in the sunlight. Would probably be chilled from the night before, yet still inviting. The sand beneath his feet was warm as they walked along dry land. It was nice to see Cosette smiling again, but as he laughed along with the silliness of their conversation, "Hey, I'll race you to the water!" Nick had a gut feeling that this trip was all a lie.

The last set of ruins he'd been to, while under contract for HiveMind- run by a madman who was out to kill him, the de Villiers, possibly the world. The CDE wolves and Cosette's blood-curdling screams. It didn't sit well with him, but he smiled and laughed with his adopted daughter. A moment not captured, but still just as innocent as the photograph from 8 years ago. And just as stained.

Jesus, she's Aaron's age.

She knew all too well, they both did. But both son and daughter chose temporary relief from the pain... and smiled, "Hey, I don't remember you being so fast!" An insincere laugh while pretending to be out of breath. Was it wrong to let Cosette win this time? She'd already lost so many other things. He kick splashed her with the clear water before swan diving into a deeper spot. Once Nick's head was back out of water, he pushed his wet locks back like everything was fine. Smiling wide with a slight giggle...

Ivaylo seemed to be having tons of fun swimming too, with his favorite squeak toy between his clenched jaw.

"You ready for tomorrow?" He questioned her, still smiling as he tossed the dog toy, but a hint of seriousness lingered in his tone. Just might have been asking himself as well.

And the answer was... no, no he wasn't.

Cosette smiled, lost in the moment as water splashed around her. He let her win, she knew, but it still made her smile. A smile when not many things could do that, nowadays.

She slipped to her knees in the shallows, water up to her neck as she watched Ivaylo enjoying himself. Watched her dad being happy for her, even if he may have had something in the back of his head. It wasn't a lie that she had her own baggage swirling in her head too.

At his question, she was quiet, before venturing into the deeper water, closer to her father, her lips pulling into a wincing smile. "I mean, it won't be like last time. HiveMind is gone. He is gone."

Her face drew dark, trying to believe her own words. "We have to check this out anyway... Leaving it is dangerous for society... and, like my dad, I have experience with CDE that can help."

She forced a smile. "It's the right thing to do, going to the site tomorrow... right?"

It's not fair that you're going, instead of Thierry. It's not fair that you just barely got your life back and are risking it to save others. It's just not fair... Is what Nick wanted to say, but he held his tongue.

"It's the right thing to do, if that's what you want to do." Nick mentally eye rolled at himself for what he'd just said. What the fuck? I'm not fit to be a father any more than Thierry is... but she is her own person.

None of this is right, you didn't choose to do this. You're being forced into it by a shitty situation, given to you by shitty adults.... Just like I was... okay so I wasn't forced, but fucking dammit, I saw no other better options at the time, than to pick up a gun or two. Jesus, I fucking hate mummies.

But enough thought on that shit. Nick smiled softly at Cosy, before heading back underwater. Time to deep dive for some clam shells...

It's Adventure Time

Collab written by:
@Lexisheeps x @Estylwen

That morning, there was an air of unrest.

It was the next morning, extra early. So much so that the sun hadn't risen yet. Was Cosy wide awake too? Nick didn't check. He felt he was physically prepared for the run, but sat there on the cot, wondering if Von Galloes was involved in all this. The memories of the trip to the Mediterranean, how he'd met Cosy... "Fuck." He muttered softly while pulling himself to his feet.

Cosy, always the light sleeper, opened her eyes when she heard her stepdad swearing under his breath.

Tried to be quiet while triple checking all the gear in his and Cosy's separate backpacks. Then it turned time to recheck his watch's gear. But pushing around the buttons for the holographic inventory was hard. Not that he didn't know how to use the Chinese-made technology, he did very much so indeed, "Fucking dammit, Theo." Nick inhaled sharply, "Where. The. Fuck. Are you?"

The two memories were a bit blurred, but ran simultaneously. Nick giving Theo the watch out of desperation, and Thierry giving Nick his personal watch as a birthday present. Instead of issuing a new one, "You should have given it to Theo, not me." He sighed softly at Thierry's lack of good paternal decisions, before turning his attention back to the watch.

He hadn't woken Cosy up had he?

She didn't move a inch. No, even at the memory of her elder brother, lost between his unveiling at the Louvre, and the Ethera, she remained still. Eyes closed, an unbidden tear leaking from a lid.

He turned his head and side eyed her a bit, but didn't linger with his gaze. It'd been a little over a year since giving Theo his watch. A little over a year since avoiding inventory watches all together. This trip required one, if Nick wanted to feel physically ready. Now was not the time for a breakdown.

Backpacks were bulky. Backpacks can get stuck in tight places. Backpacks really were a thing of the past for agents in this field of work. Was Cosy ready to use hers in the line of battle? Maybe one day the general public will have easier access to them... No, TWG were already a pain in the ass as it was. Now was not the time for a breakdown....

But the more he pushed at the buttons, the more Nick became angered with Von Galloes. If that was even possible. Still managed to keep his voice at an almost inaudible whisper, "Just let me find you, you sick son of a bitch."

Later that morning, the pair was ready to go. Or as ready as they could be.

It hurt. It felt like the weight of the world was crushing her chest, with her brother and sister missing and gone. This hurt clung to her like a disease as she mechanically got up for breakfast, and loaded herself into their vehicle to start the expedition...

The trail was long and rugged. Maybe the dune buggy was little bit bumpier than what Cosy was used to riding in. Nick didn't tilt his gaze as he questioned, "You alright, Princess? We'll be there soon."

Cosy held on tight to the dune buggy, a tense expression to her face. No, it wasn't because of the bumps. If Nick looked, he would have seen that thousand-yard stare that so often crept over her face these days, ever since recovering her memories, ever since she lost Auri.

The memories she could remember in vivid detail haunted her. Von Galloes' doctors treating her more like an object, not caring if they caused her pain as they went about their experiments. The days, weeks, of recovering from brain surgery. Continually forgetting during the process was a godsend - if she had remembered, she would have attempted suicide with whatever means possible.

Now? She was scared. Scared at the possibility that Von Galloes might be involved with this site. Scared she might have to see him again. Scared she might have to suffer the same like she did in her past again.

Von Galloes had broken her, and there was no walking it off, no way to escape it.

So she turned her head to Nick, and said as confidently as possible, "I'm alright, dad."

It was a lie, but perhaps it was something she wanted to believe. She had her dad-hero with her, after all. Perhaps, this time, she'd be okay.

A Journey Not Yet Finished

Written by:

The dune buggy hadn't come to a full stop before Ivaylo hurried himself out with a barked leap. Nick raised an eyebrow at the dog, "What?" And jokingly teased, "It's not like there's asphalt out here, jeez." Then turned to Cosy, who was probably just as ill, "You alright, Princess?"

Was the thousand yard stare her stomach speaking or... but he didn't question her as he spoke again.

"Ah, shit." His sigh was of slight annoyance, "I wasn't expecting the Hollow to be out here too." And then his tone changed to one of pure amusement with a half smirk, "Nor was I planning to damn near flip the buggy because of them. Oops." His boots hit the ground with a thump, "Damn. I was hoping we'd be here first." And another sigh to himself as he spoke, "So much for exploring the site without distraction."

The tone of voice was stern, "Ivaylo, down!" As Nick called out. The doggo had jumped onto Jay excitedly, but stopped on command, "Good boy." During the briefing, a photo had been shown of all the intended explorers. He recognized the young girl from that, but didn't hold his hand out as he approached her, "You must be Jay." He nodded then spoke as if meeting a coworker for the first time, "You're lucky. We're on a first name basis. I'm Nick."

He called out to the dog again, "Ivaylo," Nick's voice was stern, "Follow Princess." He turned his attention back to Jay as Ivaylo approved the command, "Sorry about him jumping on you like that. He's a good dog, just a little excitable sometimes."

Nick wasn't exactly the biggest fan of AI, so he didn't bother greeting Axen. As far as Nick was concerned, Axen was hackable and Von Galloes enjoyed dabbling with technology. But despite his dislike of the AI, he held his tongue of any negative remarks. Figured as long as he didn't have to deal with it, fine, whatever.

A certain pair of boots had started towards Nova and Annelise, his. Nick was intending to greet the two girls as he'd done Jay, but a thick mist took over any friendly conversation starters. Found himself mumbling, "Shit. I'm beginning to hate the color purple." When the weapons dropped, Nick raised an eyebrow, "Not gonna be any sacrifice." And kept his eyebrow raised at Nova's remark, "Yeah, sorry. I'm fresh out of ideas that don't involve bludgeoning Von Galloes."

But the seasoned archeologist did have a few ideas, probably bad ones... but you gotta start somewhere, right? Nick's tone was one of annoyance, "Disregarding the colors for a minute," He sighed, "I'm assuming all of you at least know the basic layout of Caana, or have a map."

Pointed towards the west hole, "That's where the biggest ritual room is." Found himself hesitating a moment and rubbed his sweaty brow, "Or should be there. They'd do their blood sacrifices there. But maybe they're..." With both hands raised, "Demon portals," Wiggled his fingers teasingly, "That will take you to Egypt or some shit."

He couldn't help but laugh with his usual confident smirk, "So for shits and giggles, I'm checking west out first." And proceeded to approach the growing hole with a sprint, before swan diving into it.

It's go time, bitches.

You're correct on the holes being portals, and if you want to find out more about them...


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