Avatar of Little Bird


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2 days ago
Current Little Bird is broken.
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5 days ago
Apologies to those waiting on me. Work has been extra the past few weeks.
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7 days ago
Sleep deprivation is a Hell of a drug.
10 days ago
Effin work probably got me for hella OT this week. I'll get CS's and replies as best I can. ~Itbewhatitdoitdowhatitbe~
11 days ago
I just want to fall completely in love.


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

@Wayward Hmm...interesting ability. I think it could work as long as you give your girl room to grow with her power. I don't know how she will deal with teaming up with both Markus and Elrey but I'm down with a little internal team conflict, as long as they all can still work together to save the school....she's in! :)

She won't be close to a Magneto to start, if that's worth anything.

And yeah. She can be convinced to work with the opposite sex. Though I think it'll be fun to have her resist for short bit. Maybe until she's forced to work with them... maybe she picks a solo fight with one of the ten or someone close to rank.
Hoping this one hits a good chord...

<Snipped quote by Wayward>

That's understandable. I was going to have it that no style or ability can be the same just to have everyone have a unique style that's almost one of a kind but yes, the Chaotic 10 are purposely stacked and I actually encourage growth through the RP so that our characters would be able to fight through each rank. If you want to use the fight style and the ability, I'll make that exception. The woman that uses the wind ability mostly uses it for flips and take downs than for strikes. When she uses her wind based ability, there's an effect of sakara or flower petals in the winds when she performs an attack. The guy that uses Baguazhang, I can choose another fight style if needing to still make your character unique. :)

I think I've zeroed in on a slightly more unique ability. Should our characters' reps be more altruistic in nature? IE doing bad things with good intentions?
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

Hmm...depends on which NPC you're going to have similarities with and the manner you use the style and ability. What did you have in mind?

Well I started making a character with Air Manipulation that would utilize, primarily, a Baguazhang style. Then I realized that an NPC already had a wind based ability... not gonna lie, it's a bit hard to be unique and relevant without risking being OP when the NPC roster is so stacked.
... is it fine if a PC would have a similar/the same style & ability to an NPC? Or should we avoid that
Bryan was only a few blocks along when he noticed the shift in tone. Beyond the absence of many Pokemon, there was something odd about the other people with whom he was sharing the sidewalks. Darting briefly into a short alleyway and out of the crowd, he checked the time, and his map. "Ugh. At this rate I'll definitely be spending all day on these gym challenges." He quickly searched the map, finally finding his saving grace. At a fast paced walk worthy of a Wall Street Banker's hustle, he arrived in a Subway concourse. A rail pass paid for, he rode the metro closer to his destination.

An hour of relatively uneventful travel passed, and Bryan removed himself from the train and returned to the surface. The gym was close by, and he practically sprinted to the doorway... Only to be greeted by a pair of locked doors. Confused, he made a second and third attempt to open the doors, as though they were merely stuck and needed a bit of work to open. After his third failure, he backed away, and gazed up towards the upper levels of the mansion, hoping he might catch the eye of an occupant.

It was only then that he noticed the plaque by the entrance. "Gym Closed During Daylight Hours," he read aloud. "Will Be Open 5PM-1AM." He heaved a sigh, and walked across the street and away from the mansion. "Guess I've got time to kill," he said, dejectedly. "So..." he again checked a map of the area, "we've got the Botanical Gardens, and the Bronx Zoo nearby. Might be able to squeeze both in. I'll start in the Botanical Gardens. Maybe there'll be wild Pokemon in there that I can catch; more likely there than the Zoo." Pretending to raised spirits, he set off toward the Gardens.
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

Heard that. I should have asked first. It just seemed like that was your plan. I can go back and edit, if you want. Or we can go forward, and I'll just be more mindful. No worries. :)

It's fine for this one. I was gonna have him get on the subway eventually anyways; realistically, one can only get so far on foot in NYC. He'd have hopped the train at some point just so he wouldn't be drained from walking all day. I'll roll with it as you've written.

Apologies for not posting when I said I would; ended up investing time into applying for new work. I'm tired of my job and most of the people at it.
Yes, what kind of character do you have in mind?

As for everyone else: @jeroukoo@ouTland01@Wayward@Alisdragon911@Entlein
Just let me know if you need anything from me to help move your stories along. I still have the last IC post, so I assume you're all just moving at your own pace, which is TOTALLY fine, because I've been busy lately as well. But just let me know if I'm forgetting anything or if you have any questions.

EDIT: @ItMeGritty I didn't mean to leave you hanging for so long, btw. Life's just been very busy as of late. I honestly saw your post while I was at work, and forgot to respond.

Yeah. I've been a bit slower the past few weeks from a busy schedule. Catching myself a break tomorrow afternoon though; should get a post up then.

Not to be confrontational to your Gamemastering approach, but I would appreciate it to not have my character partially under your control (eg - having him getting onto the train). I get the reason for it, don't get me wrong; I'd just prefer to get nudges towards where to take my next post, rather than getting pulled by the arm, if that makes sense.
The night before...

Having finally cleaned up and settled into his room for the night, Bryan sat awake and contemplating at the small table that served has his room's desk. With Ev sitting on the bed next to him, he riffled through the pamphlets and maps of the city's gyms and other things worth doing. "Well, this is looking like a bit of a breeze," he said, patting Ev on the head. "It'll take a little while, but we can make a quick path on this one. Other than the Shore Side Gym, Raph will have a field day, type-wise. We'll have to be sure to find you a Thunder Stone before we get to Staten Island; that's if you still want to be an Electric type."

Ev met Bryan's gaze with a hint of second thought. "Yeah," Bryan said. "Don't worry. You've got time to think on it. How about this: if we happen to run into another Electric type, or a Grass type, we'll hold the decision for another time?" Ev nodded happily."

And a new morning rises.

The night's sleep had been passable. Bryan rolled out of bed at his third alarm as the sun would have reached over the New York skyline. Fitting what few items he had used the night before back into his backpack, he and Ev departed their room. He (and his Pokemon) made quick work of breakfast in the Hospitals dinning area, and were even allowed to take a few things to have for snacks while they were making their rounds to the gyms.

Stepping out onto the street side, Bryan fitted on his winter hat against the morning chill. "It's a bit cold," he said to Ev. He held out the Eevee's seldom used Pokeball. "I'd appreciate it if you got in. It's enough for me to be out in the cold. No sense in you sharing that burden. Though saddened, Ev, in understanding, went willingly into the confines of the Pokeball. "That takes care of that," Bryan said, assured all of his Pokemon would be in top form when it came time for the challenges. Nodding to himself, he departed on foot, heading due North along Madison Avenue. Head North to the Bronx. Take on that Ghost gym. From there we can rough it down to Queens, and then Brooklyn, and after that we'll head to Staten Island. Might take longer than a day; but it'll make for a good circle to bring us back here.
I should have a moment tomorrow to get a post up. Apologies for the delay. Things have been spiraling on a personal level.
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