Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
4 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
5 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
5 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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6 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

There are two sides

Every story changes when the perspective changes. When a cat catches and eats a mouse it will tell about an exciting hunt and an exquisite lunch to its fellow cats, whereas a mouse will talk about a clawed monster who chased and devoured one of their own.
Every story has two sides. And it’s your job to show them.

Core rules:
  • At all times follow the Fundamental Rules of the Guild and the Moderation Policy for Forum Contests.
  • After reading the above this should be obvious: No plagiarism and respect copyright laws.
  • The story you submit must be written by you and specifically for this contest.
  • This is a place for original fiction, no fanfiction allowed.
  • No explicit sex, but you may fade to black.
  • No excessive violence or gore.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread. You will receive updates on the contest and on the number of entries, and reminders about the deadline here. I will not PM them.

Contest rules:
  • For this contest I want you to write the same story, but from a different perspective. The same event viewed through different eyes.
  • There will be a minimum word count of 1000 and a maximum of 10000
  • Please PM @Calle the entries and give it as title RPGC#28 - (Your Title).
  • Your entry can be anonymous or carry your name. Let me know what you want in the PM. If you don't specify, your entry will be posted anonymously, but you may always claim your story during or after the voting round.
    Even for anonymous entries, the name of the writer will be added to the entry in the Hall of Fame.
  • The deadline is August 31th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 game time (both times are in a.m.)

Number of entries so far: 1
MF&P #1 - Butterfly

The Lepidopterist

Lepidopterology is the study of butterflies and moths to the exclusion of all other insects. A strange lepidopterist lives in a termite-infested house on the edge of town, neighbor to nothing and no-one. If he had room in his heart for beetles and spiders and other forms of creeping, crawling life, he would be an entomologist and not half as strange, but his consuming obsession does not extend to anything else.

Only butterflies and moths.

Coyotes used to prowl through the tall yellow grass behind the house, but the lepidopterist is long in the tooth and knew just how to scare them away so that they wouldn’t come back. The ravens and the crows were next, then the speckled eggs in the cradle of the nest: all still and flightless when his work was done. He is no ornithologist, either. Removing them made room for his favourite things to breathe and fly free, and by the might of the same blunt tools, a butterfly garden was soon erected in the backyard.

Inside the house, there are dozens of wooden cases with glass fronts, designed for displaying preserved butterflies and moths. Most lie as bare as his kitchen cabinets, which makes him a strange lepidopterist: he hasn’t the stomach to keep any. Those that remain are ragged monarchs chewed up and spat out by whatever creature tasted their bright, bitter wings and thought the better of it.

He stores his blunt tools next to a bell jar on his workbench. The glass contains decomposing leaf litter and wilting flowers, and has imprisoned within it a single specimen of the genus Dryas. This one he has nicknamed Julia, because her species is the D. iulia; a bad joke inherited from the entomologist who lived in the house before him. Difficult to swallow without smiling.

Now, the lepidopterist lifts the bell jar like the lid of a serving dish and extracts her with feather-light expertise. Several of her brothers and sisters have made their home beneath the poplars in the butterfly garden, as common as mud. He often watches them from the kitchen window whenever the southern sun grows hot enough to dry him out, but one day Julia came in to keep him company, clinging to his green-checkered shirt rather than the greenery outside. A kindred spirit, she too chose the safety and security of a short life indoors over the nasty, brutish freedom God intended.

Julia trusts his gnarled finger is a twig to rest on, sprinkling the ridges and wrinkles with her sweet pixie dust. Her passionfruit wings are long and tucked in protectively against her abdomen. Some would describe them as gossamer, but they are far more delicate than that. Like rice paper. He has heard that edible confetti is made out of it these days so that when it’s thrown at weddings it doesn’t harm the local wildlife. It just dissolves away to nothing in the rain.

Melts in the mouth.

He swallows the butterfly whole and fluttering.

by @Roach
Welcome Hall of Fame of the Microfiction and Poetry (MF&P) contests

In this hall of fame the winners of the Microfiction and Poetry contest will be honoured and their winning entry will be showcased.

Congratulations to all winners. You deserved this place!
In Art Contests 4 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
Are the rules in the gallery?

The rules of the contest will be posted when the first contest launches. This post was mainly to let people know it's coming and that those interested should check the gallery tomorrow.

There will be some general rules that mention using your own art and keep it SFW. And there will specific rules for the contest, with restrictions or bonus categories and the deadline.

I'd like some clarification in regards to the art mediums-- i.e. Paintings, sketches, 3d modeling, paper sculpture?
And with that said, will they be separated based on medium? Or simply, "Go make finger paint to compete if you want."

This is the first version of art contests, so I'm definitely open to suggestions in what mediums you all prefer to work. The first contest will focus on drawn or painted art, be it traditional or digital. That will be the only limitation.
Future contests may have no limitations on the medium used or may require a specific type of art. I may ask for only sketches and doodles for instance. Or 'go wild with paper'.

The writing contests have always been about giving participants as much freedom as they want/need and I want to extend that to the art contests too. So, if I ask for drawn or painted art, then sketches, line-art, watercolour, finger-painting, black-white or full colour, people or geometric shapes, etc., it will be all valid as entry as long as it adheres to the theme in one way or the other. Of course the less effort put into an entry, the less likely it is to get votes in the voting round.

Whether or not the different types of art will be separated in the voting round will depend on how many different types of entries we have. If I would allow all kinds of art and I end up with six drawings and one origami swan, all entries will be put together. If there are enough entries to make it a decent contest for different mediums I can split them up.

I hope this answers your questions.
In Art Contests 4 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
Hello everyone!

I am one of the contest mods and you may know about the writing contests that are being held in the Writing Contests subforum.
Now I want to extend the contests to Art as well.

The art contests will be held in the Gallery, which seems like a more suitable place than the Writing Contests subforum. Since I only have room for displaying one contest in the sidebar, the art contest will run alongside the writing contest and both will have the same deadline.

This will be the first art contest done in the Guild and if all goes according to plan, it will launch August 1st between 9:00 and 12:00 CET (7:00-9:00 server time).

So this is a heads up to everyone to keep an eye on the gallery and the sidebar for more details regarding the contest.

Any questions or comments about this announcement may be posted here or send in a PM.
The results are in and with 3 votes and 1 runner-up the winner is:
The Lepidopterist

Special mention is for:
Metamorphosis with 3 runner-up votes

And with 2 votes each, a shared third place is for:
полуденное солнце, Dreams, and Butter Flies.

Well done everyone.

I will be making a Hall of Fame thread where the winning entry will be posted. Thanks to everyone who joined. I call this first Microfiction and Poetry contest a success and it will return after the next RPGC.

Speaking of which, tomorrow is August 1st and somewhere between 9:00 and 12:00 CET (7:00 and 9:00 server time) the next RPGC will launch. Keep an eye on this section and the sidebar.
3 minutes before deadline and two votes were given through PM.

I will post again to give the final score after the deadline.
It's the last day of voting. Thanks to everyone who has given their vote so far.
Lytse let out a happy sound when he got a kiss. "Good morning!" he replied.

"Of course," Michael said as he gestured to an empty seat. "Uncle won't be up for a while though."
"He's such a sleepyhead," Benny giggled. "But he always goes to bed late. Even before we had Merlin in our team and started using him as an excuse for going to bed late."

Michael, Lytse and Benny all looked at Sparky as she joined them and fell back to sleep. Benny used his Confusion to lift her up and gently put her down next to the couch, where she would be a little less in sight.

"Angels?" Stuart repeated. "Yes, we have files on them. It's not my area of expertise, but they have been investigated. You can find them on the intranet of the company." It wasn't unheard of that Angels visited the earth and they had mingled with humans before. "I will make my preliminary report and if I have additional questions I will come look for you. As far as I'm concerned you can do what you please now."

When Gaia leaped, both men ducked and Morrison grumbled. They watched her move into the corner.
"She's afraid," Ethan said.

"Damn it," Morrison muttered. A fearful beast was a dangerous one, especially if flight didn't work. That meant they would fight. "We have to take it out now, before it hurts someone." He paused. "But if we shoot at it, she will only get more angry. A beast like this is not easily killed. And we don't even know where to shoot it to make a kill." And if it really could breathe fire as he had heard they weren't safe here. He holstered the black gun and pulled out a yellow one. Was it enough? It was a risk he had to take. Leaving the wild beast run wild could lead to injuries.

He made two steps forward, followed by Ethan who still held his gun aimed at Gaia. Agent Morrison fired and a large yellow bullet left the gun. The bullet was designed to release a powerful electric discharge, hopefully it would paralyse the beast long enough for them to get close.

Benjamin took his phone when Steph said that and quickly send a text *Problems with Gaia at the sleeping quarters*
"I hope she has her cellphone on her," he sighed.

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