Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
4 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
5 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
5 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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6 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

The doctor let out an exasperated sigh when Dia explained her problem. "Look, I know about your concerns, okay? But this patient has celiac disease so it's not just a gluten intolerance. It's a serious condition and you will make the meals for her whether she eats or not. The kitchen has to cater to specific diets if I instruct them to, because I give them for a reason. Unless you say I don't know how to do my job?"

"Yes, it's you," Benjamin said as he walked over to it. "And you need to get back in." He gently pushed Ray's body. "Ari, wake up. Ray is back and we don't have a lot of time."

Marc nodded and focussed on the game. Somewhat, anyway, most of his mind was with Sara. He glanced aside; it was great to see her enjoy herself like that. And if they would put their tickets together, they would be able to get a somewhat decent prize for her. A stuffed toy or something, he was fairly sure she would like that.
When writing out my post I suddenly had the image of Darkrai crashing StarFall like Maleficent in the Disney version of Sleeping Beauty XD
Andy bit from the sandwich as he watched the others come in. He knew he would be meeting a lot of people this day and he was looking forward to it. Luckily he didn't need to understand the Pokémon language to know what the legendary Pokémon were saying, if they would talk in the human language.
"I'm going to see if Merlin is back from his night out," he said. "He usually sits on the roof of the building I sleep.

"Why, why do you not sound happy?" Penalopy chimed, although she remained hidden as she was still in her Pokémon form. "It's StarFall! I haven't talked with anyone yet, but I think almost everyone will be here. It's StarFall after all, who would want to miss that?"
"Is Darkrai still welcome at this gathering?" Michael asked, suddenly nervous about the idea of coming face to face with him again. Would he try to come? Was he allowed to?
"We do tend to set aside our differences for this," Penalopy said. "Some legendary Pokémon have feuds, but not during StarFall. Did Darkrai break any rules that would ban him from our ranks?" she asked as she turned to Niccia."

James waved at Fez and then looked at the sleeping Mitch. "We were at the shrine last night," he told Soul. "Miss Penalopy and Celebi played together and sang songs for most of the night. Celebi decorated the shrine with flowers, it looks really pretty."
@reaping Adder Thank you for both joining the contest and take your time to critique the other works. I appreciate your contributions.

As a friendly reminder: critique should be constructive and respectful; it's the second bullet point in the guidelines.

It's okay to not like entries and to say that, but try to word it in a way that encourages the writer to continue writing. It's always appreciated when the feedback gives the writer something to work with so they can improve; even a simple explanation of what worked or didn't work helps, just try to be clear about it so the author can learn from it.
And never take a jab at the writer, don't make it personal.

A few things stood out and I would like to address them, but feel free to correct me if I misunderstood anything:

"It had an earthly feel, almost barbarian, but it then instantly changed for the worse.": although a very colourful and creative way to convey your feelings regarding the entry, this kind of feedback probably doesn't give the author much to work with to improve their writing. Any examples of what in the entry comes across as earthly or barbarian would make it more clear what exactly didn't work or why you thought it was this bad, also because worse than barbaric is a rather strong opinion to have for a story without barbarians in it.

"couldn't beat mine even if...": there is no accounting for taste; some people may enjoy the entry or even prefer it over yours. Of course it's good to take pride in your own work and you can certainly have and voice the opinion the entry wasn't good according to your preferences or criteria. Just remember to be respectful to other writers and that people can like different styles. A more neutral way to express this would be "I didn't like this, because...", which is perfectly fine to say.

"Like they never roleplayed truethfully, or had a friend.": Unless you were referring to the boy in the entry or the story itself and forgot to make that clear, you shouldn't say things like this in constructive feedback. Never make critique personal, okay?

Overall the review for Written in the Stars comes across as bashing instead of constructive to me and while it's perfectly fine to not like something, I'd rather not see bashing.

I hope this helps to understand the rule about feedback being respectful and constructive. I'm not asking to only say good things about an entry, that doesn't help the writer, but try to formulate the bad things in a way that it helps the writer understand where they went wrong. And again, thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. I hope you will join some of the future contests too.

Everyone: thanks for your votes and feedback so far. I'm sure it means a lot to the writers.
There are still 6 days left for voting and feedback :)
A total of six entries had been send in, but one was not added to the voting round because it exceeded the maximum word count of 500 with 146 words.
Welcome to the Voting and Feedback round for MFP#2!

Voting and Feedback guidelines

  • Please take your time to read through all the entries before voting for your favourite work. The reasons you base your vote on are up to you, as long the vote isn’t based on whether or not you like the author.
    It would be nice if you could share why you voted for a specific work.
  • Giving feedback is optional but highly encouraged. When giving feedback you should be respectful and constructive. It’s good to point out any flaws, the things you feel could be improved or why you didn't like something, but don’t be mean.
    Make sure to point out what you liked or what appreciated in the entry too.
  • Contestant may and are encouraged to vote for and give feedback for the other entries, but don’t vote for your own entry. If contestants wish to withhold a vote and only give feedback, that is good too.
  • The entries are anonymous unless the writer asked for having their name added. That being said, writers may claim their work at any time during or after the voting period.
  • The entry with the most votes will win, but in case of a tie a Contest Mod will cast the tie-breaker vote.
  • You can vote for entries and post your feedback in this thread, but if you rather have your vote and/or feedback be anonymous you can PM it to @Calle.
  • The voting period deadline is September 21th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 game time (both times are in a.m.).

The Entries

The time to submit entries is over and the voting thread will be up in about an hour. Thanks for participating everyone.

Edit: The voting and feedback thread is up
We're up to 4 entries and there is less than 12 hours until the deadline.
Andy haalde zijn schouders op bij de opmerking dat hij zo lang gebleven was. Dat was waar en waarschijnlijk niet de meest verstandige beslissing, maar hij had de mensen niet aan hun lot willen overlaten.

Hij reed langzaam naar het tankstation toe. Het zag er niet uit alsof er nog veel was en het was onmogelijk te zeggen wat zich in de donkere winkel verborgen hield. "Ik wil in ieder geval even de pompen nakijken, eens zien of er nog wat benzine in zit of dat ze nog stroom hebben. Ik haal het wel tot het volgende tankstation, maar hoe meer er in de tank zit, hoe verder we komen.

Als laatste vertrekken had natuurlijk wel het nadeel dat anderen al voorbij dit tankstation waren gekomen, dus de kans was groot dat er niets meer was. Net zomin er nog veel te vinden zou zijn in deze verlaten en opengebroken auto's. Tot nu toe klonken er geen geweerschoten vanuit de winkel, dus het leek er al op dat er geen bende in zat die hun territorium wilden verdedigen.

"Wat wil je doen?" vroeg hij, terwijl hij parkeerde naast een pomp. Het display was onbelicht; zijn mond vertrok toen hij dat zag. Hopelijk was alleen het display kapot, want zonder elektriciteit werkte de pomp niet eens.
Andy looked at Frosiien when she talked about her dream. He didn't reply, but smiled and put an arm around her shoulders so he could pull her against him. Hearing her talk about a dream about him just made him happy, but admittedly, it also scared him a little.
"Must have been a stunning dream," he eventually stated with a grin. "Because, you know," he added, using his sandwich to point at himself.
Maybe she found it funny, maybe it killed the mood, but joking was a coping mechanism and as much as he liked Frosiien it was hard to react in a serious way to her confession.

A Mime Jr. entered the Pokémon Center, staying near the door for a moment before coming in further. He quickly made his way to Soul and the others.
"Good morning," he greeted them.
"Morning!" an invisible Penalopy chimed, before floating towards Gavin. "Don't you worry, she'll come when she's ready." Then she floated to Niccia to wrap her small arms around her neck to hug her.

Michael put his arm around Niccia and just stayed with her. With Dialla gone and Rosh's positivity in the place, it felt better again. It felt they were among friends again. He looked up when he heard the melodic voice of the Meloetta.

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