"What happened?" Mike asked.
Benjamin shrugged and shook his head. "It's not important, but I don't think her succubus-side is in control. But... it's there, lurking. And... I'm not even afraid of it, because I trust Steph." He caught the worried frown from Mike. "Don't worry so much about me. I'll be fine. Steph hasn't tried to seduce me once."
Rudrig poured a drink for Rose and put it on the table. "That's no excuse," he told her. "We kill vampires because they turn humans into vampires. The only difference with those spiders is that they aren't confirmed man-eaters and they get the benefit of the doubt."
He drank from his glass and looked at the content. He hoped that expert that had examined her would find a way to reverse this, but he didn't have high hopes on that. Transformations were usually definitive, like with vampires.
"If you don't like that, I've got other stuff too," he said nodded to the drink he had poured for Rose.
Benjamin shrugged and shook his head. "It's not important, but I don't think her succubus-side is in control. But... it's there, lurking. And... I'm not even afraid of it, because I trust Steph." He caught the worried frown from Mike. "Don't worry so much about me. I'll be fine. Steph hasn't tried to seduce me once."
Rudrig poured a drink for Rose and put it on the table. "That's no excuse," he told her. "We kill vampires because they turn humans into vampires. The only difference with those spiders is that they aren't confirmed man-eaters and they get the benefit of the doubt."
He drank from his glass and looked at the content. He hoped that expert that had examined her would find a way to reverse this, but he didn't have high hopes on that. Transformations were usually definitive, like with vampires.
"If you don't like that, I've got other stuff too," he said nodded to the drink he had poured for Rose.