Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Marc rubbed the back of his neck when he was asked about Sara. "It's complicated. She is a patient, but she's allowed to help out and she is allowed to wear a uniform when she does." He made a generic talk about what kind of patients they had in the asylum, how many doctors there were and what their names were, all the way to the common room. Two patients were playing checkers, one stood at the barred window and looked outside, and Benjamin lying on the couch just staring at the ceiling. Probably still under the effect of the tranquillizer earlier.

"It's not always easy," he told Dia. "We're doing our best to help them, but not everyone gets better."
Ethan heard them and narrowed his eyes. He joined the two agents. "She's probably resting after helping us all night dealing with creatures of the night," he told them. After a glare addressed at each of them, he walked away, until he heard Gaia's voice again.
Oh thank God, she was alive. "I don't know where you are, but I will come to you as soon as I can," he promised, mostly to himself as he was certain Gaia wouldn't hear him anyway. However, that would have to wait for a few hours, because now that the worry for the dragon girl subsided, he felt how little he had slept so far. With the immediate danger gone, he turned around to get back to bed. Maybe his friends could help him when they returned from that breakfast meeting they had.

"Theoretically," Mike said. "Yes. If humans could make a treaty with demons and angels, a non-aggression pact, or any kind of diplomatic agreement, the fighting could stop." He pricked his fork in the waffle. "But there is a lot of history we'd need to put behind us, we didn't have that same history with Harriet's race." He took the first bite. "I'm not an expert on the matter though, but we do have a diplomatic relations department."

Benjamin dug in when the food was put in front of him. "I wouldn't expect too much about that department though," he added. "It's not one of the most staffed departments of the agency, or so I was told anyway."
He made a mental note of April calling satan an aunt, it implied a relation to Steph.

Fenna went to the table when Zell greeted her. "True, I haven't found tea like we are used to it, but they have a good selection of warm drinks," she told him. "Some very affordable as well." She joined the other three at the table and let them talk about education. There wasn't much that she could add to that conversation, but it was nice listening to them and watching them enjoy their breakfast. Hers had been sober, but it had tasted good and she felt full, so in that regard it had been a good breakfast.

When Mackensie invited her, she turned her attention from her fellow ranger to their elemental mage, and back to her fellow ranger. "That sounds lovely," she said. "I only did a small round through the city and I'd love to explore it further in good company. I also want to buy some supplies and a fresh set of clothes."

After everything that happened, some downtime with the other women of the party sounded enjoyable.

Michael took in a deep breath. "It's as Niccia said. Eros expressed curiosity about the world and if you agree we wouldn't mind taking him along on our journey." Something about Benny sitting so carefree on Arceus made the god of all Pokémon seem more approachable, nor did he sound upset when he told them what he had heard already.
Lytse, who was behind Michael, decided to help his trainer. "I-I'll help them look after Eros," he promised.

Andy looked from his nephew to Eros, rubbing his chin. He didn't have to be back at the research facility soon; he was doing fieldwork for an undisclosed amount of time, so he could hang out with the young trainers and all the Legendary offspring they seemed to collect on the way. If they would want him to stay, of course.

Jirachi floated to Frosiien. "I'll be taking my leave now, it was nice seeing you all. I promised Mindy I'll show her where I always sleep, so I'll take her along. Her Dragonite can get us there very fast. I wonder how it is to be flown somewhere instead, and how fast the Dragonite really goes."
Mindy was collecting her Pokémon when Jirachi mentioned her to Frosiien.

Fenna ate from the bread she had purchased as she walked back to the Mended Drum. More citizens and adventurers were up now, so she assumed her companions would all be awake by now as well. Now that she had something to eat, the idea of a bath was starting to be more appealing, but she'd settle for a shower as well. Maybe she'd ask about that back in the Mended Drum.

On her way she stopped at a place selling warm herbal drinks. It was very likely they didn't have tea or coffee like she was used to here, but she did want something to wash down the bread with. After wrapping the leftover bread in a cloth and adding it to her bag, she entered the small shop that had a counter and some standing tables. Sil didn't feel like going inside and flew up to the roof of the place.

The selection of warm drinks was more than she had anticipated; the warm water was in the kettle and she could pick from a variety of dried herbs, dried flowers and spices to be added to it. It wasn't long before she had a cup of chamomile tea, which was perfect to end her on-the-go breakfast with.

Once the cup was empty, she returned to the Mended Drum, the falcon following her through the air and settling on the roof of the inn when she went inside.
Ethan had gone to bed in the new headquarters and was just asleep when he heard Gaia's plead for help and he jolted up.
"What the fuck..." he muttered. He grabbed his cellphone and texted his friends what just had happened. While he wanted to go back to sleep, he was far too worried about Gaia and after tossing and turning a few times he got up. Someone in this base had to be able to tell him where Gaia was and what was happening to her right now. If this was done by one of them he'd hurt them.

Benjamin frowned at the revelation. Steph wasn't just a succubus, she was the granddaughter of satan herself and, if he understood correctly, part angel as well. He rubbed his face, this was a lot to take in. Accepting she was a demon hadn't been an issue, but this was a whole lot more than just being a succubus.

"Humans have always tried to get rid of creatures that cause trouble," Mike said, "Because of the trouble they caused us. For a long time, before our technological advancements, we were pretty much at the mercy of supernatural creatures - many have fallen victim to vampires, succubi, and other creatures, with only a handful of warriors strong enough to fight them, and just a couple of humans capable to perform rituals with runestones." He sighed. "But now that we reached a status quo, it seems the sling is moving in the other direction and humans are the ones causing trouble as well. We're at a technological level where we can get the upper hand and with history in mind a lot of us feel that excessive violence towards creatures that have always preyed on humans is justified." He looked at April and Jack. "I'm not saying it was right of them to imprison Steph and Gaia, but I understand the human mindset that led to the decision, it's hard to let go of the past." He then turned to Jack. "We have diplomatic relations with Harriet's kind which we don't have with satan's kind. That's why Harriet isn't imprisoned and the other two were."

Benjamin listened to Mike when he noticed he got a text message and read Ethan's update. "Gaia is in pain," he summarized when Mike was done.

Lily listened to a live feed of what happened with Gaia through the phone as she was on her way and smiled. "My, that sounds incredibly painful. I can't wait to see it," she told her assistant.
"Oh," Marc said. "Right. Well, Sara is not technically staff, she helps out but she's actually a patient here too." He thought about it for a moment. He couldn't bring an intern along with doing an investigation into another patient, but he could show her around a bit first. "You can tail me if you want. For now. Maybe we can check on some patients and I'll show you our routines. I don't know what you saw already, but we'll start in the common room where everyone can spend their time freely."
Benny took the invitation - how often could a Pokémon sit on and be carried by their god? Of course he wouldn't pass on that opportunity. He made happy sounds as they went to where Michael and Niccia were. This was amazing and he waved to Kim when she looked in his direction.

"I don't know about any trauma, and I forgot I can ask now." He noticed how Niccia tensed up and turned to see why. When he saw Arceus with them, he too tensed up. This had to be about what Sparky had asked on his behalf. He nervously awaited what would happen next, wondering why Benny seemed so carefree.

Andy had returned Bear and Merlin to their Pokéballs and turned around with the intention to return to Frosiien, but seeing Arceus approach his nephew, he gestured to Kim, Frosiien and Gavin and made his way to there; it seemed like something important was going to happen and by the looks of it, his nephew could use some support.

When Kim watched Benny sit on Arceus her jaw dropped, but she waved back when he waved at her. When it was obvious Andy was going to join them, she got down on all fours. "Maybe we should join them," she suggested and went to Andy so she could walk behind him. Since Benny didn't give an indication something bad was happening, she didn't feel too worried about what was happening, but approaching their god was nerf-wracking in itself.
Marc, still confused about what had happened but at least with an idea of how to solve it, noticed Dia and nodded to her as he passed her. Then he stopped and turned; with his mind mostly on Benjamin, Simon and Sara - her accusations had hurt - it had taken a moment to process the fact he didn't know who he had nodded to. His eyes quickly took in her face and he concluded he really hadn't seen her before.

"You're new here, aren't you?" he said. "I didn't hear about anyone new starting today..." he frowned, nor was there anyone new on the roster. He stepped closer to her, but he seemed curious rather than hostile. "Who are you?"

"They have been taken," Mike said. "To a facility of which I don't know the location. I was aware they would capture them and didn't stop it. All I did was go to Ben to make sure he wouldn't try to save Steph, and then I tried to warn Steph but all her escape routes had been blocked." He still felt bad about that, he had gotten orders and instead of trying to do something to stop it, he had followed them.

Benjamin poked him with his elbow. "What could you realistically have done to stop that from happening? You made sure I wasn't locked up in the process and I'm grateful for that." He glanced at Jack. "Which one is Satan's daughter? Gaia or Steph?"

Lily received a phonecall when Gaia started acting strange, who instructed the assistant to film it all and that she would be there soon. A part of her was furious Gaia hadn't waited with the interesting behaviour until she was there, but she was excited something interesting was happening with one of her darlings and she couldn't wait to watch the footage and observe it.

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