Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
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Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

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Microfiction and poetry contest #11 – wind

The wind can be a powerful force or gentle and pleasant. It can be used for fun or sending messages. What do you (or does your character) feel when the wind blows? What does the wind feel as it travels over the land? For this round, write something in which wind or lack thereof is the main theme.

Core rules:
  • At all times follow the Fundamental Rules of the Guild and the Moderation Policy for Forum Contests.
  • After reading the above this should be obvious: No plagiarism and respect copyright laws.
  • Your submission must be written by you and specifically for this contest.
  • This is a place for original fiction, no fanfiction allowed.
  • Don't exceed PEGI 16 with your writing; no 18+ themes and fade to black if applicable.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to this thread. You will receive updates on the contest and on the number of entries, and reminders about the deadline here. I will not PM them.
  • The winner of this contest will be honoured in our Hall of Fame.

Contest rules:
  • The prompt for this contest is wind.
  • There will be a minimum word count of 5 and a maximum of 500
  • Every literary or poetry style is permitted.
  • Please PM @Loksfjoer the entries and give it as title MFP#11 - (Your Title).
  • Your entry can be anonymous or carry your name. Let me know what you want in the PM. If you don't specify, your entry will be posted anonymously, but you may always claim your story during or at the end of the voting round.
  • The deadline is August 24th, 9:00 CET, which is 7:00 server time (both times are in a.m.)

Number of entries so far: 3
"Right," Marc said, although his voice didn't give the impression he believed it. "You are much closer to this patient than whatever brief contact you may have had when you signed up, and there's definitely more going on than him being a good kid or a good friend of someone you only met today. I'm not blind nor a fool." He put his hands on his hips as he kept his eyes on Dia. "I won't say you two haven't met before, although he was obviously delusional at the time for thinking you were a spirit and invisible, but those smiles and stroking his hair do not correlate with what you told me." The fact it was unprofessional was something he didn't even want to bring up at this time.

Benjamin vaguely recalled saying that when he saw Dia; how he hated being medicated and blurting out the truth when he should be lying or at least feigning ignorance.
Fenna smiled when MacKenzie praised her looks, although she wasn't sure how to respond to the praise on her lips. Were they really that special? She'd take the woman's word for it. "You look stunning yourself," she returned the compliment. "I'm certain you'll get a lot of attention when we leave this place."
She agreed the place looked gorgeous, the Academy had likewise impressive architecture. The people living here took pride in their building, when they had the funds to do so, and it showed. Which wasn't unlike back home. It made it easier being here, even though they were somewhere far away, there were enough similarities to get a familiar feeling.
When MacKensie mentioned shopping in Holland she smiled. "I haven't shopped in Holland very often," she said. "I live in a different part of the Netherlands. No place is as grand as Paris though, but we do have some nice places."
The small talk was pleasant and Fenna was happy for this opportunity to just sit back and relax for a moment.

Once Lilliana was ready and they left the clothes shop, they discussed the next destination and when she mentioned the Church of Isis, Fenna nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's go there next."

As they went to their next destination, asking for directions when they weren't sure where to go, Fenna noticed the mage shudder while being deep in thought. "Are you okay?" she asked Lilliana.
Busy week, I'll post as soon as I can.

<Snipped quote by Loksfjoer>

Lol at 'survives!' MacKensie was barely warmed up xD

Shall we save the spa day for another time then?

I don't think it'll be a life-or-death situation, so we don't need to rush back to where James is.
Fenna will go along with what MacKensie and Lilliana want to do next.
this was a prime opportunity to talk with the younger man, the second person he really need to talk more to (Fenna was the first)

Noted, once Fenna survives the shopping our character will have a moment to talk.
The city was full of people of different backgrounds and origins and merchants were trying to make a profit of adventurers who had cashed in their contracts. Fenna wasn't one to spend her money easily and she politely declined many of the merchants who approached her to show some jewellery they were certain would look good on her or perfumes from far-away countries she had never even heard of. While Sil had flown above their heads for a bit, at one point she left them to hunt outside the city walls.

It didn't take long before MacKensie showed her shopping skills and she was impressed. While she knew a thing or two about shopping for clothes, MacKensie took it to the next level. Fenna had made a mental list of what she thought she'd need for their journey ahead and marked things off as she purchased them. A wooden comb and a toothbrushing set, which consisted of a wooden stick with some lovely carvings that had one frayed end and a pointy end, and some kind of cleaning powder that had a minty smell to it. A silver whistle. Extra undergarments to wear under her leather armour and a woollen sleeveless vest she could wear when it was cold. Three hairbands found their way into her bag as well, one darkgreen with golden embroidery, one plain orange, and one light green with a darkgreen motive.

She made a note of where the food vendors were so she could stock up on supplies before they would leave to fulfil their contract as she chatted with MacKensie and Lilliana.

At a herbalist stall she found herself being dragged into it by MacKensie and she had to admit the creme was good. She bought some for herself and a piece of soap that smelled like lavender.

Finally, they made their way to a high-end clothing store and Fenna browsed the wares as she pondered how much she was willing to pay for clothes she could wear in the city but were definitely not practical for travel. The leather armour was not fashionable, but it was surprisingly comfortable as if it was made to fit her. Since she had woken up in this outfit, that made sense.
"Almost," Fenna said to MacKensie as she compared two skirts of a fabric resembling cotton. She smiled when she glanced towards her female companion and how comfortable she was in the shop. Then she turned to find Lilliana to see how she was doing.

Going with the theme of her earlier purchases, she settled for a dark green long-sleeved vest made of a velvet-like material with gold buttons, and a matching ankle-long skirt with some golden embroidery along the edges. The shop assistant assured her the material was crease-friendly, so it would be suitable to be transported in a bag like most adventurers carried.

She examined herself in the mirror and nodded to herself, this outfit would do. "I think I will carry this out of the shop as well," she decided. "Is it possible to have my armour sent to the inn I stay?"
The shop assistant told her that was possible as she could fetch an errand boy or girl to do that and went ahead to ask MacKensie and Lillina if they too wished for their current clothes to be brought to the inn.

Without the weight of her leather armour, that was a constant reminder of the situation they were in, she started to relax more. She accepted the bubbly drink when it was offered and sipped from it. Not quite the same as real French champagne, but it was close enough.

Once Lilliana was ready they would set out again, but for now Fenna enjoyed the moment of soft cushions to sit in while sipping her drink.
Benjamin turned his head when he felt a hand and smiled when he recognised Dia. "Dia," he slurred, smiling at her. "I'm so glad you're here. You were the first spirits I saw when I first got here and I'm so glad you're visible now so everyone can see you and I'm not insane. Not insane."
As the magic took hold, the fog in his head dispersed slowly. His body was still heavy and his movements sluggish, but his mind became clearer.

Marc had crossed his arms and kept his eyes on the pair. "So, you two met already?" he asked.

Benjamin turned his head to face Marc with visible confusion as if he didn't understand why Marc asked that or looked at them like that. While he was clearer, the effects weren't fully away yet. His mind was clear enough to remember the lie. "She works here?"

Marc nodded and turned to Dia to see what she had to say. He didn't look like he believed Benjamin.
Andy gently took over the Butterfree who seemed as content sitting in Andy's arm as he had looked being carried by Arceus. "They are the best and I'm blessed to have them with me," Andy said, meaning that wholeheartedly. "And I'll gratefully accept your invitation. I'm sure Kim will love to see how the new Mew is doing."
Kim nodded when Andy said that, she'd love to check up on him in due time.

Michael smiled when Arceus agreed the young Eros could join them, it would be nice having him with them. There was a lot to be seen in the world and it would be great to see the wonder of a young creature who never saw any of it.
"We'll take good care of him," Michael promised.

"Before I forget," Andy said, turning to the others. "Mindy is leaving. She asked me to see goodbye on her behalf. She will be going on her own adventure with Jirachi and she'd said she'd text and mail, so Michael, keep an eye on your phone."
"Before I forget," Benny said. "How strong are you? Could you carry, let's say, a keg?"
Andy faced his Butterfree with a confused expression. "What?"

Jirachi took the small crystal and nodded. I'll tell her. Thank you, see you again!" Jirachi waved as he floated back and joined Mindy, who seemed ready to go. She waved at the group before stepping through the portal the other guests had already left through.

Mike didn't have the same optimism as Jack and tried to think of a way to bring that diplomatically as he ate from the waffle, but April adjusted the expectations nicely. There was no harm in trying of course, but there was no way of predicting how such talks would go. Benjamin was likewise enjoying his French toast as the not-yet married couple discussed the diplomacy of fae and how the humans could get assistance to hunt down the rampant demons and fallen angels.

When they were addressed again, their first reaction was to look at each other.

"I can't make any promises," Mike said. "I haven't been part of this agency for long and I'm definitely not a high rank. I can reach out to Stuart, I suppose. He's the go-to person for article 12 cases..."
"Agents who aren't human," Benjamin quickly clarified.
"Right, he advocated for their rights and he is listened to. If you want to have any peace treaties, you should visit him first."

When Lily entered the observation room she asked to see the footage. From the corner of her eyes she noticed Steph move and made a mental note to examine her footage more closely as well, but she had her focus on Gaia's transformation.
"My gorgeous darling," she said at the end. "How exhausted you must be. Go on, give her a goat," she ordered.

An underling did as instructed and pushed a live goat into her room, but he didn't make eye contact and left quickly as if he was afraid.
The idea here is that magic and paranormal abilities exist, but it's generally so subtle that no-one was able to definitely prove they exist, and over time people who claim they can do things normal people can't are not believed or considered insane.

The magic will work, but not instantly I assume, as I have plans for Benjamin saying things he shouldn't in his hazed state.
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