Avatar of Lugubrious


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Current Words can't cut it - the kiss of death
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Wash away the sorrow all the stains of time
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Looks like from here it, it only gets better


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

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The abilities are based on the thought cabinets (Perks) that you can get in the game. I just adapted and tweaked them a little. Okay I've switched the abilities to the skills and removed the spirits.

Alright, looks good! Harry is accepted. Now we just need to spin up a little setting to start him in. I was thinking of one earlier today that I remember being solid, but I've since completely forgotten about it, I'll get back to you the moment I remember.

So, as I mentioned before, right now the entire crew is fighting the Dead Zone boss, the Gravemind. I'd say we're about 40% of the way through, maybe a little less, so it's going to be a good couple weeks before we move on. After that though, we'll probably split into 2 teams as usual and head toward different zones. It would be a good idea to put Harry in some sort of settlement that will be the first place a team stops in one of those zones. We can start the discussion in earnest about where we're headed after this opening act and that will help inform where you can start, if that makes sense. Would you like an invite to the Discord server to join in on the conversation?

Let me know if I need to change Harry's character sheet.

In terms of abilities, are those all grounded in what he can do in-game? I don't know much about Disco Elysium but I know that the skill that gives him more insight into the city around him is called Whispers. Anything that's a passive or bonus is a Skill, Abilities are only actively usable powers. Your character cannot start with Spirits.
Sorry to ask, but what level would I be when I first start?

That's actually up to you. You can start your chosen character with as many abilities and skills as you want, and your starting level is the total number of abilities and skills you pick. The trade-off for starting off with more is that it will take longer to level up so your kit will be less flexible.

I'd probably go with a new character. Probably either Harry Dubois from Disco Elysium or The Postal Dude from Postal. I honestly might go with Harry. Would that be okay with you?

Sure. Just so you know, we're currently in the middle of the Dead Zone boss battle and you probably couldn't join into that, but we could lay some groundwork to get you set up in our upcoming path. I (and anyone else with extra time on their hands) could puppet temporary characters in Harry's location once we decide it in order to star off your RP experience. Sort of like the Doom Slayer's group in the Dead Zone back in the day? Then once we're done with the boss battle we can pull you into the group proper.

I'd love to join back in this RP, if you don't mind having me join of course.

Hey there Ed, long time no see! I'd be happy to have you back. Do you think you'd want to rejoin as the Doom Slayer, or pick another character?
The Qliphoth - the Final Hollow

Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (159/140) Lvl 9 Goldlewis (100/90) Lvl 4 Grimm (23/40)
Midna, Junior, Rika & Edward’s @DracoLunaris Blazermate, Sectonia & Roland’s @Archmage MC Geralt, Zenkichi & Edelgard’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN Ace Cadet, Pit, Primrose & Therion’s @Yankee Juri’s @Zoey Boey Roxas, Ganondorf, & Captain Falcon’s @Double
Word Count: 2203 (+3x2)

In a show of primeval, reptilian savagery, the Nile Crocodiles seized, then pulled both Junior and Blazermate beneath the stagnant water of O’s newly-constructed swamp. While the limited number of predators spared Rika from the creatures’ deadly jaws, she was forced to immerse herself anyway in order to save her brother from a grisly fate in the muck. Confident in his killing machines’ fearsome natural abilities, and in the complete inability of Pit’s light arrows to harm him, O contented himself with watching the Seekers struggle. With the more theatrical persona that he assumed prior the start of the battle long since replaced by a more stoic, taciturn one, he allowed himself only an invisible smirk, but even that evaporated when he saw Junior bob to the dirty water’s surface. He couldn’t guess what happened down there in the murk, but if one of them could break free from his crocodilian deathtrap, their collective odds of survival might be better than O had hoped.

Worse still, Blazermate dragged herself out of the swamp at about the same time, her mangled leg by no means a death sentence. Her uncannily quick return alongside a man that O could only assume was her striker meant that she could defend her zombie hippo from the flood, at least long enough to mutate the blasted thing into a makeshift bomb and send it flying toward D’s throne. O wasn’t terribly concerned about his fellow Consul, but after a quick look over at the Observation Tower confirmed that none of his other targets had been fatally crushed or lacerated, O realized that he needed to redouble his efforts.

Growling beneath his breath, O turned his attention back to his exhibit with new schemes in mind, only to find both Koopa Kids alive and plotting against him. His disembodied eyes widened as he realized that his earlier comment had given the two a vital clue. “Oh, no you don’t!” he snarled as the two started to wreak havoc on his wetlands, only to be taken aback when the Gravemind interceded with a massive tentacle slam. He detested the damage done to his exhibit, of course, but the idea of that overgrown mass butting in his business appalled him even more. “Stay in your lane, parasite!” he barked. O was not distracted for long, but by the time he went to try and counteract the Seekers’ vandalism, he found himself beset by flashy fireflies and a very bothersome Flutter Mane. “Gah!” He spat, squinting. “Out of my way!”

His eyes took flight, rotating around his exhibit until they floated opposite the Gravemind, a good distance from that interfering Pokemon. “Right. Let’s try this again.” As quickly as he could, O began to sell his previous creations. They disappeared in quick succession, accompanied by the repeated ring of a cash register. While damaged stuff sold for a lot less, especially the felled Observation Tower, he still managed to recoup some of his losses. “Waste not, want not.” After that, O started anew. His targets had proved unexpectedly capable around water, but what about ice? A new, larger enclosure with solid concrete walls. Wetlands terrain and Qliphoth floor alike gave way to snow, gray boulders, and huge slabs of ice. Camouflaged cooling machines appeared around the enclosure, and the ambient temperature plummeted. After a moment, three polar bears popped into existence, the enormous and powerful creatures ready to make mincemeat of Pit, Junior, and Rika. If that brat thought he could rely on his paint gimmick in temperatures like these, he’d have another think coming!

O’s next course of action was less immediately obvious. With Zenkichi, Geralt, Edelgard, Primrose, and Midna all gravitating toward other fights, he could not target anyone else without endangering the Gravemind or his fellow Consuls, which he knew would have dire repercussions for himself. As he looked around, though, the sight of an unwary target allowed him to hatch a plan. He just needed to wait for the right moment…

Over at the Gravemind’s base, Consul D had his hands full. After dispatching Ms Fortune, he went toe-to-toe with several Seekers in quick succession. Even with Blazermate’s interference the Consul managed to keep Roland at bay, but Geralt stepped in the moment D pushed the Fixer back. Their furious but brief exchange proved inconclusive, since an unexpected lightning surge interrupted D’s attempt to capitalize on his fire barrage. Rather than rush back in for more, Geralt passed the baton to Roxas, covering him with arrows from Odysseus’s Bow. The cyclone of bats helped throw off the Witcher’s fire support, but between the arrows and the strange virtual cubes conjured by Roxas they wouldn’t last forever. With other Seekers on either side attacking the Gravemind and Roland about to return, things were certainly heating up. He held up his cape to mitigate Kayano’s geyser, then curled his lip. “Fools. You haven’t seen anything yet!”

His double meaning became clear as the sorcerous beam he cast upward bore its foul fruit. His Dominus Hatred descended in seven rays of dark magic, all a vivid and odious green. Two each fell from the sky atop Roland and Roxas, and three for Geralt, each one a mere split second after the last. D snapped his fingers and the rest of his bats flew forth to mob his opponents, weak but persistent, and while they dealt with those nuisances he got to work. First, he summoned two black wolves to stand guard by him and lunge for Roxas should he teleport in again. Then the Consul brought down a rain of meteors to bombard the whole area before him with the three Seekers inside. The fiery fusillade left the ground pitted and burning, each crater filled with boiling blood from his moat. This was D’s dominion, and he would not allow his challengers to forget it.

With his arsenal of pyromancy, hemomancy, summons, and shapeshifting, D quickly proved himself capable of fending off all three at once. His magic could come from just about any angle, while D himself remained frustratingly elusive, never allowing himself to be backed into a corner. He took his fair share of blows, but managed to withstand them, while it took only a couple blows from him to suppress a fighter for a few moments. After about thirty seconds of back-and-forth, though, the arrival of reinforcements prompted D to return to his throne. He scowled at Juri and Ms Fortune, putting together what must have happened to his newest thrall while he’d been otherwise engaged. His retreat gave the boys a chance to regroup, and Nadia slid to a stop between Geralt and Roland with a smile. If D had reached a stalemate with three Seekers, he might be in for a bad time against five. “Why the long face, Consul? Thought I’d be your damsel in D-stress?”

The vampire wrinkled his nose. “More lambs to the slaughter. Shall I rise to the occasion, then?” He lifted up his hand, and red infinity symbols shone in his eyes as an aura of dark magic surrounded him. “Death! Where is your sting!?” At his command, the darkness within his cape seemed to flow out, coalescing in his hand in the shape of an elaborate scythe. D rested it on his shoulder, as the blade ignited, he beckoned the five Seekers toward him. “Come then, ashes! I shall snuff you out for good!”

On the other hand, the five who’d gathered to take on A had achieved some sort of victory. Mounting stress made their heads pound, their skin crawl, and their vision swim as their bodies began to rebel against their circumstances, but with the defeat of five Imperfect Reflections total, the Consul’s replication seemed to come to an end. His amorphous remains lay in heaps on the floor before Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Therion, Goldlewis, and Edward, long enough for the veteran to recover from his stun, but no longer. The meat abruptly knit itself together into the shape of the Consul, half again as large as before, doubled over and on his knees. ”...Great adversity has a beauty - it is the fire that tempers.” He smacked a closed fist against the ground, then rose to his feet in an instant. Red lemniscates blazed in his eyes. ”The flesh is fluid, it can be changed, reshaped, remade!”

Three concentric rings of Absolute Nothingness, each five feet in across, expanded outward from A for a total of fifteen feet. No matter how the Seekers or their minions tried, they could not enter the Nothingness to attack their target; only A could move -or be moved- into and displace Nothingness, with the ring he just left becoming Nothingness in turn. Before his opponents could quite wrap their heads around the new phenomenon, the armored overlord cast Embrace Futility. In addition to doing a little damage, shuffling his challengers’ positions, and debuffing their damage, it piled on even more stress (+18) as the darkness seemed to close in. ”The abyss returns even the boldest gaze!”

Compared to the Consuls, the colossal Gravemind was getting the worst of it. Those who shirked the struggle against O converged on the easier target instead, and the awesome Twilight Rites of Termination pulled off by Midna and Primrose was their call to arms. Narrowly missing Grimm on the way, the giant dark magic spear impaled the mountain of undead biomass and granted everyone in range extra crit rate. Ace, Grimm, and Sectonia renewed their efforts despite the extra hazards coughed up by the Gravemind. When Edelgard and Zenkichi arrived, they joined the pitched battle with gusto. Primrose and Midna ran in soon after, and together the seven piled on the damage. The alien amalgamate had a literal mountain of HP to chew through, but together the seven could put out a huge amount of damage per second, especially with the Gravemind perpetually on fire thanks to Edward’s enchantment and Grimm’s passive. With Edelgard and Primrose’s flames in the mix as well, whether or not they inflicted damage over time, the Gravemind was enough of an inferno to bathe the whole arena in firelight. A thousand voices seethed as it burned. ”YOU WILL BE SILENT IN MY GRAVE!”

The Gravemind did not suffer such transgressions idly, however. It did its utmost to crush the Seekers with its great tentacles, smashing and slamming around its base. ”STRIP THE BONES, BEGIN MY FEAST!” Floodfested continuously detached from the whole to grapple and injure its foes, while normal-sized limbs sprouted or stretched out from the body to strike back. When attacked, its body would sometimes develop jagged fangs, explosive cysts, or other such defensive measures to make the offenders hurt themselves. An easy target the Gravemind might be, but there was no such thing as a free lunch, and the Seekers would have to fight for every inch of progress carved into the gargantuan corpse. ”I WILL ASK, AND YOU WILL ANSWER”

After seeing what Primrose and Midna managed to pull off together, Sectonia would not be outdone. Leveraging the power of the Radiance, she’d already been quite the thorn in the Gravemind’s side so far, drawing its ire but staying one step ahead with elusive hit-and-run tactics. Once the others joined in, though, she decided to pull off an even bigger show-stopper to demonstrate the Queen of Floralia’s supremacy. Even after a rogue Deimos Drone blindsided her and disrupted her Chaos Shield, she darted in close enough to unleash her Reaper’s Scythe, then warped to safety. Ghostly chains surrounded the Gravemind, and a second and a half later, the scythe descended like a deathly guillotine. The Gravemind howled as one of its four tentacles was severed and fell to the floor, necrotizing much faster than normal. Desperate for catharsis after her horrid time this morning, Sectonia relished the moment.

There. While Sectonia admired her handiwork, O hastened to build off the careful foundations he’d laid. Sectonia would only hear a metallic screech, then turn to see a burgundy roller coaster track assembling itself section by section with impossible speed, the coaster itself not far behind. The track itself zoomed past her, but the coaster slammed into her the next instant, sending the big bug flying. Guided by O, the track snaked back around through the air to intercept Sectonia’s path so that the coaster would smash her once more. Again and again the coaster careened into her, knocked her away, then caught her again, until finally the track arced up in a loop and plowed downward into Sectonia from above. It carried her straight down with it until she slammed into the floor, and when the coaster descended the next moment, the impact was enough to trigger Ace’s Palico Rescue. Sectonia would reappear aboard the Avenger, restored but out of the fight.

O cackled as he sold his twisted coaster, ready to do some more damage. “Ignore me, will you?” he taunted the Seekers. “It’ll be your last mistake!”
The Qliphoth - Vs the Gravemind

Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (139/140) Lvl 9 Goldlewis (88/90) Lvl 4 Grimm (11/40)
Midna, Junior, Rika & Edward’s @DracoLunaris Blazermate, Sectonia & Roland’s @Archmage MC Geralt, Zenkichi & Edelgard’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN Ace Cadet, Pit, Primrose & Therion’s @Yankee Juri’s @Zoey Boey Roxas, Ganondorf, & Captain Falcon’s @Double
Word Count: 2993 (+3x2)

For a moment after the Gravemind’s prophetic cry reverberated through the arena, the twenty-one remaining Seekers stood by in battle-ready formation. Confronted by not one but three Consuls, with A in particular of especially ill repute, and dwarfed by the newly-assembled undead colossus that loomed at the Consuls’ back, they had precious little time to put together a strategy. Still, while some members of the team could be trusted to courageously push forward and take on these serious threats, others could be relied on to enact a speedy opening gambit.

Blazermate started out on overheal duty, of course, but keeping so many allies topped up would be a full-time job by itself, so once the action began her bonus HP would quickly decay. The same couldn’t be said for the support coming from Goldlewis, who hung back alongside Roxas, Midna, and Primrose to buff up the whole team. His buffs came out much faster than the ladies’ Sealticge-spread Dragon Dance, though. With a slam of his coffin he unleashed his Shield Burst, which enshrouded every Seeker in a thin energy barrier atop their health pools that would offer better protection to his flimsier friends than his heartier ones. Thanks to Hypereutectoid, it also gave them a short-lived damage boost. In return Goldlewis gratefully received Tailwind from Roxas. In a fight like this, speed would be everything.

Then it was off to the races. From his aerial vantage point Consul O broke the ice with a barrage of near-instant construction, enclosing and then terraforming a section of the arena with several Seekers inside. Overhead, Sectonia flew forth to unleash her magic and pent-up frustration, with Blazermate at her back to make her rampage one to remember, and Pit joined the fusillade with some light arrows. Therion and Grimm peeled off from the main group to avoid the enemies’ line of fire, while Roland and Nadia charged dead ahead, the former’s stoic frown and the latter’s upbeat smile indelible as their courage propelled them onward.

Tactical as ever, Goldlewis waited just a moment to engage. He quickly observed that Junior and Rika’s could not seem to land any attacks against O’s eyes, so given that plus the nascent hippopotamus exhibit, the veteran veered toward the right–toward Moebius A and his doppelgangers, who stood four abreast with a quietly menacing air about them. Goldlewis knew that there must be a lot more going on with A than met the eye, but the sight of Therion’s Junicorn spearing one of them reinforced his decision. His efforts would be better spent fighting someone he could actually hit. So as Sectonia’s deadly lightshow went off overhead, Goldlewis hustled toward the one-man quartet, keeping his eyes peeled for any interference on the way. Sure enough, the Gravemind took action to put a stop to Midna and Primrose’s buffs, and Goldlewis managed to dive forward just before the amalgamate’s mammoth tentacle slammed down. He landed with a roll and glanced up at the Gravemind, his breathing already heavy, but it had already shifted its focus toward Sectonia, so he set his sights on A once more.

Coffin at the ready, he rose and charged across the last hundred or so feet alongside Falcon and Ganondorf. A and his copies turned their way without acting, which made Goldlewis wary of a trap, but the big man couldn’t afford his foe too much respect just yet. Ganondorf acted first with a throw of his trident that whirled through the whole group, crackling with heavy voltage. Then the Warlord hurtled his weapon forward to impale an unlucky copy and reel him in, just in time to collide with Falcon’s fiery kick.

Goldlewis charged past the scuffle, trusting the Captain to put in the legwork while he went after the other three. Though softened up by the lightning and Moblin arrows, the other copies still weren’t counterattacking. Well, that suited Goldlewis just fine. “Hmph!” He grunted, gripping his coffin with one hand and its chain in the other. “Gimme an inch…!” He wheeled around, his strength and momentum brought to bear in a terrific Behemoth Typhoon. “And I’ll take a mile!” The massive flail smashed through the group. Goldlewis felt as much as he heard the bones breaking and the flesh yielding beneath his weapon’s weight, but even as the huge blow rearranged them, the copies did not falter. They simply stood, eyes dark, limbs bent strangely and cavities caved in, and a note of instinctive horror galvanized Goldlewis into action.

“Rrrrrrragh! Crumble!” He continued his onslaught with two more Behemoth Typhoons, his efforts focused down to just the two nearest copies. The final Typhoon was a mighty overhead, and when it slammed down onto his targets, it reduced them to a pinkish pulp of twisted flesh and armor. Revolted, Goldlewis stepped back, pulling his coffin free from the slurry. “Yuck! Well, whatever they are, at least these things go down easy!” Only then, though, did he notice that the pulp on his coffin was still quivering–still blinking.

He looked back at the last A copy as he pulsed with an uncanny green light. “Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer,” he intoned as Time Heals All knit his bubbling flesh and armor back together, almost perfectly recreating the Consul’s form. At the same time, three more copies sprouted up from the ground. One of the new bodies seemed to fluctuate, however, as if unable to hold itself together, and after a moment it split apart in horrific fashion Two half-heads crowned a mass of pink flesh and beady black eyes that could no longer sustain the illusion. Goldlewis gaped, aghast at the awful sight. “You think to strike me down?” the four chorused, the Imperfect Copy’s voice alarmingly distorted. “Foolish scion…we are the same!”

For a woeful second, the four looked different, appearing as nightmarish masses of eldritch flesh. And in that brief moment, it almost looked to the nearby Seekers as if everything -from the walls to their allies to their very own bodies- were similarly constituted, not themselves as they thought they knew, but what they’d deluded themselves into thinking they weren’t. In an instant the vision passed, but something in Goldlewis and the others had been shaken. Their lungs constricted and their skin crawled as Stress began to mount.

“What in the goddamn hell!?” Goldlewis backdashed on impulse, then dropped his coffin to pull out the Skyfish. After such a horrific vision, a cleansing by fire felt only appropriate. Three of the copies were back to normal, but the imperfect one remained as it was, and the veteran loathed the sight of it, “Shut up and DIE!” he bellowed over the roar of his gun.

In the middle of the arena, Nadia and Roland had their own problems. The feral quickly saw the truth in Midna’s words as D unleashed a barrage of flame from the comfort of his chair. While Roland tried to fend off the fire magic, Nadia focused on evasion. Even if she could suffer Vaporize reactions any more, she wasn’t going to get burned as long as she had anything to say about it. Using Fluffy Soft on her lower half, she wove through the fiery fusillade on digitigrade tiger legs. Her focus was such that she scarcely noticed Sectonia’s magic rebounding off the Gravemind overhead, Roland on the back foot for that matter, or Juri circling around. As D brought down the storm of blood that forced Roland away, Nadia leaped in over the blood moat with only a few fresh crimson streaks sliced into her clothes and skin. “Blood and fire?” she muttered, noting both D’s unusual combination of powers and the fact that she’d been separated from the others by the storm. Faced with D’s nonplussed stare, she flashed him a toothy grin. “To get that blood like that, you must really suck!”

D narrowed his eyes and thrust out his hand. Dozens of bats burst from the shadows within his cape and swarmed Nadia in an instant. For a moment she managed to hold her own with a wild flurry of claw swipes, but the second the feral started blocking it was over for her. The torrent of blockstun pushed her backward and into the blood moat with a splash. Without Massachusetts’ rigging around to buoy her up, she could do little but flounder until the bats subsided.

At that point, Juri rushed in from the side, her already-impressive speed amped way up by her allies. D turned his irate gaze her way, then cast his hand at the incoming assassin dismissively. A second salvo of bats fluttered forth, but Juri’s headlong sprint low-profiled the squeaking vermin as she darted in, her revved-up ghoulsaw practically scraping the ground. With only a second to spare, D flicked his hand upward as if beckoning, and from within his cape a black-furred, red-eyed wolf lunged at Juri. Her sawblade carved it apart in D’s place, but the martial artist followed up just as quickly with a vicious sideswipe at his legs. Edward’s Searing Weapons left the wound ablaze as blood sprayed, adding insult to injury and eliciting an annoyed grunt from D. As Juri rushed along D turned the blood of wolf and Consul alike into a dozen crimson needles that shot after her.

Just as Juri disengaged, Roxas showed up to flank D with a surprise attack. While the Consul possessed a hardy constitution and did not need to fret over every last blow, his ego compelled him to demonstrate that his challengers attacks were futile–especially those from a snot-nosed brat. What followed was a heated but inconclusive exchange as the two evaded one another repeatedly. Though D’s experience and reflexes allowed him to snatch Roxas from the air, the count thought a soak in his blood storm was letting Roxas off lightly, considering that he’d been forced to rise to his feet already..

As Roxas sailed over the blood moat, Nadia burst from it, took aim with her newly-drawn pistols, and opened fire. D summoned another black wolf to hound her, but she dodged the beast with a sideways aerial cartwheel, shooting while upside-down. “Nya ha!” On landing, she twisted around to blast D with both guns at once, then dropped them and blitzed forward with an electric Charge. “Dis-zap-pear!” She appeared right in front of him and lashed out with a Fluffy Soft kick at D’s head, only for him to block with a nonchalantly raised arm. Sparks flew, but his guard barely budged. Still, even if it did no damage, a hit was a hit. Knowing his defense must be lowered, Nadia gritted her teeth and went with plan B. “Careful, I’m armed!” Pivoting away, she hyper-extended her arm like a spear straight for D’s face. Thanks to a lucky proc of Edward’s Sundering Strikes, she pierced his helmet’s armor and left his faceplate in shambles.

D’s reaction was explosive. “You worm!” He lunged forward and seized Nadia by the throat. Only now that he stood could the Seekers see just how tall he was; Nadia’s Mantreads dangled several feet above the floor as she writhed in D’s grasp, and when he squeezed, his nails pierced into her neck. With his vision compromised, D wrenched off his helmet to reveal a face as hard and colorless as stone, with a pointy mustache and beard, and long fangs bared in a scowl. He looked every inch the quintessential Transylvanian villain, and even Nadia knew the archetype.

“You…some kinda vampire?” Nadia garbled as she kicked her legs at him. “So…I guess that’s three Consuls, not two…I forgot to Count Dracula!”

With a thrash, she managed to boot D in the groin. His face tightened. “Witless woman,” he sneered. As he cast his magic, his blood rain dwindled. “Surrender yourself to me!”

Nadia’s eyes rolled back into her head, and D threw her down. She bounced off the ground with a sound more of surprise than pain, then rolled to a stop amidst the last of D’s blood storm. When she rose, though, the feral seemed to be in some sort of trance. “Ohhh…what a dreamboat~” she proclaimed drunkenly, turning around to face her team with her claws sharpened for battle.

Indifferent to the skirmish unfolding at the base of its trunk, the Gravemind centered its attention on Sectonia toward the end of her kritz-fueled chaos. ”PALLBEARER. SHALL I RELIEVE YOU OF YOUR LOAD?” It lifted up its two middle tentacles, fresh branches sprouting near their ends like bony fingers. They swiped through the air like nets trawling the sea to swat, snare, and pierce the queen. After a few moments, it stopped to shake off handfuls of Deimos drones that took to the sky, shrieked like wild owls, and threw themselves toward various targets, prioritizing those in the air. After homing in they’d latch on, constrict, and emit a disruptive bioshock that would deactivate any ongoing abilities or buffs. As its drones filled the air, the Gravemind cackled through its countless bodies. ”MY TOMB RUNNETH OVER!”

The next moment, Grimm’s firebats exploded against it, the three projectiles punctuated by a blast from his Grimmchild. Though the Gravemind lacked eyes, the Troupe Master could feel its heavy gaze upon him, and warped away to avoid a Deimos drone divebomb. By that time Ace had been whaling on the Gravemind’s trunk for a good ten or fifteen seconds, and that kind of punishment couldn’t be sustained indefinitely. The Gravemind arched backward until its head hung over the Cadet, then belted out a torrent of stomach acid followed by a fused mass of corpses to tackle the hunter beneath its heavy weight..

O, meanwhile, was appalled at the Seekers’ reception to his latest exhibit. They not only floated above the muddy water, but shot, bit, and even poisoned his hungry hippos! As the bloat began to dwindle, his eyes widened with disbelief at the heroes biting and shooting them. “My hippos! Do you have ANY IDEA how much those cost!?” He groaned, then narrowed his eyes. “No matter. It’s not just hippos who call the wetlands home!” He did something, but it wasn’t clear what until two Nile Crocodiles burst up from the water. Their huge jaws latched down onto two of the nearest Seekers -those being Bowser Jr, Rika, Blazermate, and Pit- with a bite force of almost four thousand pounds per square inch before the crocs dragged them down into the muck for a brutal death roll.

Of course, O was already busy with his next project. At the start of the battle, some of the less hot-headed Seekers had continued to stand their ground away from the brawls with D and A, trying to figure out the best way to assail the massive Gravemind and elusive O. Edelgard, Geralt, and Zenkichi had evaded the hippo and crocodile exhibit, and were fending off the Gravemind’s Deimos drones, but the Consul planned to tie up those loose ends. He speedily walled off an area around them with thorny hedges, then created a pink-striped observation tower in the center, which also happened to be around the center of the whole battlefield. The carriage rose like a piston, then dropped. Even if those in the area inside managed to avoid getting crushed, they would still be endangered by an omnidirectional blast of shattered blue glass.

After releasing its drones, the Gravemind did not stay idle for long. ”THERE IS NO RESPITE IN MY GRAVE,” its forms chorused. Just after the hippo that Blazermate’s infected arose as a hideous undead monster to fight by the medabot’s side, the Guardian brought down its tentacles three times, one after another. The first massive limb fell across the middle of O’s wetland exhibit, separating it into halves. From its pitted flesh wriggled infection forms that scuttled toward the hippo zombie to bury themselves in its rotten hide and induct it into the Gravemind’s fold; if Blazermate wanted to keep hold of her newest minion, she would need to keep it flood-free. A second later, the next tentacle dropped down amidst Edward, Midna, Primrose, and Therion’s formation, the tremendous impact a much greater danger than the thinning mob of floodfested. Finally, the Gravemind aimed a third infested mass at the gang near the observation tower, its withering attack a surefire way to keep the three on their toes.

Before the Gravemind withdrew that third tentacle, though, Grimm leaped aboard. He scuttled down its putrid length at high speed, his fiery claws carving out handfuls of fused flesh on the way to leave a blazing trail in his wake. As the Guardian burned, so did Grimm, but the accompanying bursts of health offset his fresh wounds, and the Gravemind took notice. ”GRAVEROBBER, COME,” half-melted faces amidst the biomass groaned at the Troupe Master as he approached the Gravemind’s body, no matter how many he sliced apart. ”IN DEATH YOU WILL FIND LIFE.” The tentacle thrashed and Grimm flew through the air. A Deimos drone caught him on the fly, then zapped him. As he struggled, the Gravemind itself wheeled toward him for a massive headbutt, but Grimm escaped in a four-way blast of scarlet flame. He reappeared above the head, landed a corkscrew divekick, then leaped away to begin the game of cat and mouse anew. ”ACCEPT WHAT MUST BE.” the thousand voices rumbled.
The Qliphoth - Dead On Arrival

Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (139/140) Lvl 9 Goldlewis (88/90) Lvl 4 Grimm (11/40)
Midna, Junior, Rika & Edward’s @DracoLunaris Blazermate, Sectonia & Roland’s @Archmage MC Geralt, Zenkichi & Edelgard’s @MULTI_MEDIA_MAN Ace Cadet, Pit, Primrose & Therion’s @Yankee Juri’s @Zoey Boey Roxas, Ganondorf, & Falcon’s @Double
Word Count: 2394

Though Nadia helped set a casual and chipper tone at first, the Seekers’ upward journey through the Qliphoth on foot quickly became a challenge unto itself, demanding a not-insignificant amount of tension. Still, with such a large group and so many helping hands around, the team could deal with any setbacks that arose and ran into no true roadblocks. When valves contracted between the demon tree’s organic caves to block the interlopers’ way, it took only a few moments -or a few volunteers going off on their own- to locate and strike the nerve clusters that would make the fleshy doors relax again. When a passageway opened up into a hollow with tricky terrain suspended above explosive acid, toothy spikes, or explosive systems, the more agile and aerial Seekers could be trusted to find or make a way. And when parasitic monsters wriggled out of the floodfested woodwork, or gangs of demons arose to defend their territory, the threat was soon dealt with.

After a little over twenty minutes, a narrow tunnel with a treacherously steep grade opened up into what looked like a crossroads. About a half-dozen tunnels opened up into various directions, with no indicator of which route the Seekers ought to take. The impromptu race between Pit, Roxas, and Nadia -who was always up for a little fun and games- came to an end in that intersection, the three participants so neck-and-neck as they burst from the mouth of their tunnel that the winner wasn’t immediately apparent. Before any bickering over who took first place could break out, however, their sudden arrival flushed a rabbit from its hole. A carrier form lurched from the cozy ventricle where it had been resting, taking Nadia by surprise for a moment. Once she saw what it was, though, the feral relaxed. These bloated bags had been common sights around the Qliphoth so far, and not particularly threatening ones either. To Nadia, it was almost cute the way they toddled toward the heroes, their only goal in life to get as close as possible before they got killed and spilled the beans. Or popcorn, in this case. This carrier, however, seemed to be toddling away from the intruders rather than toward them. It made a beeline for one of the more unassuming tunnels as fast as its stubby little legs could carry it–which, of course, wasn’t very fast. Nadia whipped out the alien pistols she’d received from Midna like a cowboy at high noon, taking aim at the carrier as it retreated. “I got it!”

Two pulls of the trigger was enough to burst the carrier like a zit and send a handful of chihuahua-sized infection forms flying all over. As the pests rained down a couple dozen feet away Nadia took potshots at them, popping them one or two at a time. To the trigger-happy catgirl it was like shooting fish in a barrel, and with help from both Pit and Roxas, the floodfested spawn would be dealt with in no time. Still, those that found their footing tried to scurry away into the tunnel, forcing Nadia to charge her last shot. With a grin, Nadia closed one eye and stuck out her tongue to line up the shot, only for a black claw to settle on her shoulder.

“Huh?” She peeked down to see the featureless white face of Grimm, rather unsettlingly close, and averted her aim. “Grimm? What’s up?”

The Troupe Master watched the infection form scurry up into the tunnel, passing by several possible hidey-holes as it went. ”It flees for the safety of its brood. We should follow it.”

Goldlewis, who’d arrived just a moment ago, narrowed his eyes at the very particular path that the parasitical nugget had taken. He could see the wisdom in Grimm’s suggestion, but the veteran didn’t trust in luck. “Could be a trap.”

With a snort, Nadia returned her new guns to her belt. “Aw, c’mon. These things are just mindless monsters. No need to be pair-annoyed!”

“I guess...” Goldlewis watched the more intrepid members of the team go after the runaway creep. Since the Dead Zone Guardian was probably the biggest and baddest monster around, the worst-case scenario here was also technically the best case. If the infection form led the Seekers to anything else, they could just squash it and be on their way. Goldlewis shrugged, then followed along with the others.

Before long, the veteran’s intuition began to be proven correct. After only a minute or so, the new tunnel opened up into a large hallway. It was very dark, illuminated only by a crimson light that shone eerily between what looked like two giant doors at the far end.

That abhorrent radiance illuminated almost rocky walls, pitted and scarred, as well as countless still, indecipherable shapes along them. It was unnervingly quiet, and the atmosphere was thick. Goldlewis almost had a heart attack when one of the nearest figures suddenly turned toward him, scarlet eyes aglow, only for him to realize it was Grimm. “Gah! For Pete’s sake, don’t ffff-!” Catching sight of Rika and Junior, he managed to control himself in the nick of time and keep both his voice and profanity down. “-fffffudgin’ do that, ya…gosh darn bug!”

”Ssh,” Grimm whispered, a claw held up to his face. ”They’re listening.”

The hairs on the back of Nadia’s neck stood up, her ears rigid, and she slowly lowered herself to the ground. As she crept through the hallway, toward what looked rather like carved stone steps at the foot of the great doorway, she became more and more sure about what her instincts told her. The shapes along the corridor’s sides weren’t outcrops, nor statues, nor even Qliphoth flora, but monsters. There were flood forms and infested freaks of all shapes and sizes pressed against the walls. Though all but motionless, they couldn’t help but move their eyes, heads, and feelers to slowly track the Seekers’ progress. A chill ran down her spine as Nadia remembered the otherworldly garden beneath Carcass Isle, a procession of abyssal supplicants and bioluminescent plants in the gloom that preceded the beach.

”They’re expecting us,” the Troupe Master rasped.

Nadia slowly rose to her feet, but the floodfested monsters didn’t react. Not even attacking them would prompt a response, she suspected, but she wasn’t too keen to put that to the test. She looked back at the others, then toward the doors at the end of the hall, and sighed. So much for 'mindless monsters', though if anything, this was even creepier. “Guess we’re doin’ this,” she muttered. “Well, I ain’t a-fur-aid. Let’s do this.”

Goldlewis shook his head and stepped forward. “God help us…”

Her cohorts had no choice but to proceed through the corridor. None of the horrors in the darkness reacted until the Seekers reached the stairs at the far end, at which point two juggernauts stepped from the shadows to lay their tentacles against the massive doors. Deep, heavy creaks echoed through the hall, the juggernauts threw open the door, and the wary Seekers stepped through.

The door opened onto a semicircular promontory, about a dozen feet high, that overlooked a wide-open semicircular hollow, its walls a purplish lattice reminiscent of the Great Bole’s and its floor mostly flat. Almost every inch of space, however, was occupied by a floodfested monster, a motionless horde that blanketed the floor. At the center, across a moat of fetid blood, at the base of a huge column that gleamed with spirals of hellish light, lay an enormous mound of undead flesh several stories high. A small portion of its front had been carved to resemble a nightmarish throne, and there sat a broad-shouldered Consul in armor of burnished red.

“They’re here,” a wizened male voice announced. When Goldlewis looked upward, he found a pair of large, disembodied eyes glaring back at him from the air. Narrowed coldly, they sported burgundy irises, and lemniscate-shaped pupils that glowed vivid red. As he watched, the eyes turned and floated back down toward the throne. They positioned themselves next to it, and as they turned another Consul popped out of the ground nearby, this one with a tall helmet. When the voice returned, though, it emanated from the eyes, which suggested to Goldlewis that three Consuls were in play. And not one of them is the Guardian.

“Welcome, esteemed guests,” the aged voice wheezed. “I must apologize for the horde’s lack of hospitality. Once we knew who it was, though, we called them off straight away. After all…” The eyes narrowed slightly, as if the rest of the entity’s face was smiling. “What kind of hero gets killed by mere fodder? Thus, we arranged to bring you here, and even allowed you to rest in our parlor, such as it is. To ensure that each and everyone one of you would reach this burial ground, and be blessed with a true and proper death, hehehehehe!”

At that point, the Consul on the throne gave a bored groan. “Enough foreplay, O. We’ve all waited long enough.” After sipping from his wine glass through his helmet, the Consul raised his hand. “Let’s show them what they came for.”

Immediately, the floodfested horde began to move, but instead of the Seekers, they made a break for the throne. They threw themselves at the fleshy heap like lemmings, and were in an instant unmade, their biomass added to the pile. Noise from the hallways behind the team alerted Nadia with a twitch of her ear, and when she turned she saw the monsters from before pouring outward. She readied herself for battle and slashed at the first wretch to come her way, but even as her claws parted a leg from its body, it did not relent. It flew past her and flopped down into the arena, where it used its arms to drag itself toward the throne. None of the floodfested attacked, in fact; they just wove around or between the Seekers in order to join the stampede of self-annihilation, heedless of any damage that befell them.

As it accumulated biomass, the mound began to grow, upward and outward. Four enormous tentacles took shape, two on either side of the throne, and the eyes watched it all with glee. “Heeheehee! You poor little heroes, thought so highly of by that fool S…I hope you've made your peace. Today, you have the honor of dying at our hands…at the glorious hands of Moebius D, O, and A!”

Just then, a horrific, guttural noise resounded through the final hollow, something between a roar, a scream, and a battle cry. From the mass of diseased flesh a trunk took shape, then a maw. A million voices cried out in terror and pain, and then, all was silent.


Warning - boss discovered!

Sufferer of Infinitude


As it raised its tentacles, the floating eyes of Moebius O flew upward and outward toward the left side of the arena, while Moebius A paced toward the right, his hands behind his back. “I was much aggrieved to learn that the Orphan was summarily executed whilst both L and I were otherwise engaged,” he intoned in a deep, refined voice. “Here and now, I will remedy my grievous oversight.” When he came to a stop, he snapped his fingers, and three perfect duplicates arose alongside him. “You still foolishly consider yourself an entity separate from the whole. I know better. And I. Will. Show you.”

“Did he say A?” Sandalphon’s voice filtered through the sigil by her allies’ heads. “When I spoke with Dawn, she told of her parents’ encounter with this selfsame Consul, who were forced to ‘choose’ and lost half their party. Please, be wary of A. If you require my aid, please do not hesitate to call me. I will not fail you.”

Goldlewis took a deep breath in through his nose. Just like in Midgar, Moebius was upping the ante by fighting alongside their Guardian, but this time instead of one Consul alongside various local legends, three Consuls -including one from a different region, apparently- were here to snuff the Seekers out. “Got it. Thanks, Halo.” He emptied his lungs, hefted his coffin, and raised his voice. “Big talk, but you bozos are goin’ down just like the rest!” He started his stopwatch with a beep.

Beside him, Grimm stared at his own burning claws, then snuffed out the flames with a clamped fist and turned his eyes on the Gravemind.

Nadia grinned. Using Rosetta’s Roll and Gun, she reloaded her empty handguns, then trained them on the seated Consul. Out of all three Consuls, only D had yet to get a move on. “Better get that ass in gear, bud, ‘cause you’re about to be over-throne!”

The Gravemind’s tentacles slammed the ground, shaking the whole hollow. ”DO NOT BE AFRAID, LITTLE LAMBS. YOU’VE WANDERED FAR AND LONG…BUT IT IS TIME TO WELCOME YOU HOME!”

@Lugubrious I love how your dude is like, they're sneaky and like to linger in the corner of your eye. While pur wonderful gm has one literally dropping down into our dear foxes food lol

Theory vs reality and all that.
Once Alphonse joined in, the makeshift team of three was ready to begin their search. Though amused at first by the idea that an ideal team-building exercise had fallen right into his lap, Khalid quickly realized that this veritable snipe hunt wouldn't be all fun and games. For one, while it seemed like the gremlin hunt and the Mischief Accord responsible for it were somewhat well-known and well-established within the Umbra Rose Condos, the same couldn't be said for Khalid himself. Owing to his relatively recent arrival within the complex, he'd never participated in such an event before. Whether this occurrence represented officially sanctioned collaborative activity with the gremlins or merely some sort of trumped-up ritual, the occultist was a complete novice, without any idea of where or how to begin.

Khalid knew just enough about gremlins themselves to know that this would be extremely difficult. After all, the core conceit of the little monsters was causing mayhem with such discretion that a victim would never in a million years imagine that an actual troublemaker was behind it, as opposed to technological incompetence and sheer bad luck. Still, Khalid supposed that in this case, the destination wasn't the point so much as the journey. Winning this little game would be a nice feather in his hat, and a solid start to his professional relationship with his client, but as long as they built some sort of rapport it would still be worthwhile. On a semi-related note, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets Umbra Rose might be hiding. The name of the complex was so tantalizingly evocative, after all--if a beautiful flower could bloom in the shade, those shadows could conceal just about anything.

The three set off together, Khalid puzzling over a satisfactory answer to give to Alphonse. It would take time to concoct a solid plan of attack, but since this was a competition, time was a luxury the three didn't have. Gremlins could be lurking anywhere and everywhere, and the places most likely to hide them would probably be off-limits to residents, making them difficult to access. There was no end to the amount of chaos the gremlins could cause if they went for the condos' electrical or plumbing utilities. Conversely, Khalid didn't know why a gremlin would hide in a vent, as opposed to the air conditioning units themselves, but he didn't want to rain on Alphonse's parade. As the taciturn therapist-to-be continued to workshop a plan in his head, Iris detected something, but after a moment's investigation it turned out to be a false start.

"Two days?" Khalid repeated, his brow furrowed. Considering the gremlins running rampant in Umbra Rose right this instant, could she really find nothing more recent? Or perhaps, as with dogs, she was simply more attuned to certain kinds of smells. With that in mind, the trace she found could even be a red herring, left purposefully to mess with condo residents like her. "If any perishable is left unrefrigerated for two hours, it should be considered as spoiled," he replied to her absent-mindedly, his lips pursed in a frown. "Hmm. Rather than chase our own tails, we should compose a strategy. Gremlins are extremely quick, stealthy, and perceptive. I'm reasonably sure that I can snatch one if I see one, but a good gremlin never allows itself to be seen. They lurk in our peripheral vision, so subtle that we can never be sure they're truly there at all." He pinched the end of his mustache as he thought. "We can, however, use their impulsive natures against them. If we can make them underestimate us, we can lure them into a trap." A serpentine smile spread across his features. "Let's go somewhere where they're sure to be. The electric room. Of course, we'll need help from a janitor or technician. Or...someone small enough to squeeze beneath the door and unlock it from the inside. Once we're in, we must make a scene of calling them out and bumbling around uselessly. Demonstrating that we're nothing to be afraid of will entice them to make sport of us, like children poking a tiger through the bars of the cage. Their confidence will be their undoing." He looked around at the others, curious to see if they'd agree.
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