Avatar of Lunamaria Hawke


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current very busy today. sorry for not replying. will reply tomorrow. have a lot of things to do, today
4 yrs ago
ready and waiting! affirmative!
5 yrs ago
hey, i'm busy right now. I really will reply later
5 yrs ago
i want to write a story so bad


hi, i'm summer. i'm a tomboyish girl sorta and i love playing video games
I have a computer that's been broken for 4 months and now that I can't play any games, i'm back to roleplaying
I trade stocks and write books on the side
i once got into a dungeon and dragon's game (Might and Magic VII) that i lost so much track of time that i peed myself
i shoot lightning bolts when i'm asleep, so nobody dares to wake me
That's all for now!

Most Recent Posts

uh, let's choose a space-based area to run our quest

i haven't read any of the links you listed. i don't have the time!

edit: ok, i read some of it. it all seems a bit complicated to me. really complicated.
i've never played any halo game except halo 1. i waz thinkin uh, maybe, some type of quest or mission to retrieve a database that contains the location of all the covenant's starship production systems?

cuz that's pretty important, cuz once REACH was found by the covenant, it was pretty much gameover for humans
YES. i love halo. i would play halo CE multiplayer back in the day and no would be able to beat me. i would love to roleplay the masterchief once more!
interested. i will be the ship counselor, who is an empath like deanna troi
i went psycho

At the shore of the island near Troe's shrine

Margot followed Troe, Aleria, and Ashley as they waited near the shrine. She didn't really know what she was getting into, but she really really wanted the prize money, so she tried to make it look like she was taking part in all this. In reality, Margot wanted to do as little as possible and still get her "fair" share of prize money.

Margot watched Troe, Aleria, and Ashley make their next move. She quietly edged herself into the group by pretending to care for Troe. But in reality, Margot snickered to herself: I can't wait to get the prize money so I can buy all this exorbitant clothe and makeup so I can seduce the king with my beauty. Then, I will get the king to divorce his wife and marry me, instead! Then, walah! I'll become queen of Faroth-En and I'll have my own castle! I'll have servants to attend to my every need and I'll be able put anyone i don't like to the sword! Gods know that I've met my fair share of enemies, including some people in this group!

After I'm done ending their misery, I will then create a new world order where I am worshiped as a sainte and a goddess. I will be engraved within the memory of my civilization as a herald who brought a new world of change. Millions of men will worship me even after I've reached my 10th century of life, and of course I will find the elixir of eternal life so I will live forever.

A new world is coming, my friends!
Margot snickered as her pupils dilated due to the prolonged effects of time weed inhalation. She touched her time weed pouch and was a little worried that she had consumed too many mushrooms in the trip to this island. Oh no, maybe I can find time weed on the island, or meet some time weed dealers who are still on the island! This would be terrible if I ran out of my precious good stuff!
bump! i'm in the mood, again!

At the shore of the island

While no one was looking, Margot silently approached the group of adventurers who were gathering near the shore in front of the wall of fiery mist.

She saw Kavius, Sam, Ashley, and Troe... and this new old-lady mage who looked so out of place.

Margot looked at the magical barrier. She had no clue what it was made of or how to get around it.

Where's my money?

How am I going to become rich and famous with all this mist stuff preventing me from getting onto the island?

How am I going to seduce the king if I can't get the money?

Where's my money???

Margot eyed the old lady mage suspiciously.

I bet that old lady mage has something to do with what's happening on the island! Maybe she's some type of henchman or minion of the real person who is messing up the island! Cuz why would all these boats wreck on this shore if she's been standing there the whole time to alert all the boats to avoid this shore? Maybe she's the one who got these boats to come to this shore. I find it really hard to believe that every boat that came near this island wrecked on this one mile coastline. Something smells fishy about this old woman mage.

Margot's eyes thinned as she thought of what she would do. Hmm... I will play along. I will gather information about her. Then, if I am right, at some point, I will expose her for what she is..

Then, I will finally get my money.

Margot spoke. "Uh, maybe if we um... go left or right, I mean... uh... sideways... maybe we'll eventually get to a part of the island's parameter where the mist won't be as strong, maybe?"

Maybe this old lady mage made the mist, and if we mute her magic, we'll make the mist go away!
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