Interaction(s): Lucille Calder @Roman, Banjo @Hound55Previously: A Nice First Meal
It didn't take long before finishing up the second helping of kabab, which was still as delicious as the first. Iñigo was ecstatic for a third serving when they observed Banjo introducing himself to the others. That certainly caught their attention, and they were eager to witness another slaughter. But something in the air changed when he was brought up being an orphan for his whole life. It caused Iñigo to think of their little brother, who was all alone in the foster care system, probably wondering what had happened to his parents and older brother. And it also forced them to reflect on their unwarranted, cruel remark about someone who was only introducing himself to strangers in a rather cheeky (and somewhat obnoxious) manner...
Suddenly, Iñigo lost all interest in having that third serving.
Their mother would've been ashamed if she had seen her oldest son's conduct towards Banjo. He did not deserve to be called an "obnoxious tourist." ¿Por qué soy tan bastardo? Iñigo buried their hands into their face in great shame for their behavior, which was definitely deserving of being flipped off. Hell, they would've done the same exact thing. But realizing how despicable they were acting wasn't going to magically fix such an enormous mistake. Iñigo had to apologize, but they didn't know where to begin. So they sought out some much-needed advice from the faculty advisor, the one person they spent the whole day avoiding. Karma was such a fucking cruel mistress.
As Iñigo approached Jim, the older man held up a hand to Tad, excusing himself from their conversation. Turning to Iñigo, Jim motioned for the student to follow him, walking away from both Tad and the rest of the team.
"What can I do you for, Iñigo?"
Iñigo was admittedly still intimidated by him, given he acted like the guards back at the dentation center. It caused them to struggle with their words, afraid of being subjected to verbal abuse they've been accustomed to. "I... I coul- would like some guidance, sir."
"Oh?" Jim raised an amused eyebrow, clearly Iñigo's attempts to avoid him hadn't gone unnoticed. "What's eatin' at ya?"
Iñigo cleared their throat and answered the question without a second thought. "Well, i-its about owning up to my mistake. I know what I must do; I just don't know how to express it adequately, sir."
"Just don't do it expectin' forgiveness, the most adequate way to express something is to just come out and say it. Ain't no need to make it fancy, just mean your words and be done with it."
"I know that, and I'm not expecting it, sir." Iñigo asserted to the advisor and then kicked a small rock, sending it flying into the woods out of frustration. "I simply want it to be genuine, and the only way that's going to happen is if..."
"Stop dancing around it." Jim folded his arms.
"Respectfully, that's easier said than done in my case." Iñigo said in a solemn tone as he looked down at the ground with a frown. They went quiet, desperately searching for the right words to use. Then, they spoke up after a near minute of silence, their voice full of sadness. "I want to at least have a few days of serenity before everyone else on this island finds out. And that especially includes this team."
"You wouldn't be the first student to arrive here in orange, I doubt you'll be the last either."
Iñigo stared back at Jim, clearly irritated with his words of comfort, as they muttered under their breath, "I wasn't wearing orange, sir." Then, they crossed their arms and hung their head low in defeat. "And that's precisely why I've been keeping it a secret. Most people don't know or care about the difference between detainees and inmates. All they will think of is me wearing that jumpsuit and then wonder what "terrible crimes" I've committed to earn the attire."
"Then don't let them wonder," Jim firmly replied, "Perception is like a ship, if you let the waves guide it, you don't know where you'll end up. You have to take the helm."
Iñigo gave his advice some thought. "I can do that."
"One more thing, Iñigo," Jim said, stopping the student from leaving. Iñigo froze in place out of fear more than respect, slightly afraid of being reprimanded for their tone and attitude earlier. "You know that you can come to me, or Tad, if anyone starts to give you hell about your former attire. Tad's a lot tougher than he looks and a far more sound mind than I. He'll be running this school one day, mark my words."
"I will think about it, s-sir." Iñigo replied and dismissed themselves rather quickly, heading back to the tree to strategize on a plan. But that didn't last long on account of being interrupted. Surprisingly, the person responsible was the woman that vomited in front of Banjo earlier. She invited them over to the campfire, providing the ideal opportunity to join the rest of the group. Way better rather than awkwardly inserting themselves. But rather than introducing themselves right away, Iñigo turned their sights over to Banjo, ready to apologize for their behavior. "Before I introduce myself to everyone, I'd like to say something to Banjo about earlier. We can talk about it here or somewhere more private, whatever you want to do."