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Mar wasn’t surprised by the Commander’s explanation of the Imperial defences. With how long he had been a part of the Rebellion Mar was quite accustomed to seeing TIE Fighters and turbolasers. Of course this would be his first time encountering them directly, as Mar wondered how he would fair while being in a fighter and not the relative safety of a heavy cruiser. Mar’s ears twitched as feelings of both trepidation and giddiness flowed through his body.

Once the briefing finished Mar got up quickly, going over the mission parameters several times in his head. It seemed like a simple smash and grab, get in and out before they could call for help. As Mar left the command room he realized he wasn’t aware where the communications relay was placed aboard an Imperial Hub Station. Mar quickly ducked into a side corridor and began fiddling with his HoloLens. Inputing a quick search of the Courageous’ databanks brought up a schematic of a Hub Station, though it seemed to be a few years out of date. But Mar viewed it better than nothing, so he quickly tried to memorize as much of it as he could in the few free minutes he had before the mission.

After being relatively confident that he had retained the gist of the designs he quickly popped into his quarters to deposit his HoloLens. While this would be his first combat mission, Mar had found that while using the simulator that the HoloLens was too great a distraction while piloting. Mar put the HoloLens down on his nightstand, then proceeded to grab his flight suit. Upon putting it on Mar felt powerful, more so than he had in a long time. He hoped that the feeling would follow him onto the mission, as he left his quarters and begin walking toward the hangar.
So I had to scrap my first character concept upon seeing your character's powers, he would of have crystal generation and control, as to not double up. Anyways I like the new concept better than the previous one as it is a little bit crazier. The character sheet is mostly done, I just need to finish the history. Expect the completed sheet tomorrow.

Finished the character sheet. Here it is.

Mar’s ears twitched slightly as he took in the mission orders. He had assumed that the Rebel Alliance was in a slightly better state than the CO alluded to, but then again he had only been on the fringes of the Battle of Hoth. Either way, this planned assault struck Mar as very brazen and desperate. But then again Mar was just a pilot, and a rookie one at that. He didn’t think it appropriate to voice disagreement with the plans of Command. This would be Mar’s first mission, and he figured he was only expected to fight and survive. After all, that’s all that the Rebellion could hope to do.

As Mar went over the mission in his head, the wolf lady next to him asked a question. Mar had been unaware that there was a U-Wing in the Squadron. It the occurred to him that he didn’t know any of the craft used in the Squadron, save his Fang fighter. In fact there was a lot that Mar didn’t know about what he had to do as a starfighter pilot. With how fast they had made him a pilot after Hoth, Mar hadn’t really gotten a chance to do an orientation or any kind of training.

A wave of anxiety passed over Mar as he felt greatly unqualified for this mission. But he also realized that there was no one else to do the mission. Mar gulped and straightened his ears has he took control of his nerves, focusing on what needed to be done.

With his mind back on the operation, Mar asked, “Sir, what kind of resistance are we expecting at the Station?”
Thanks for the quick answer. Currently formulating a character in my mind.
Decided to go with Roy. Here's the sheet.

Roy Harper
Formerly Speedy, currently Arsenal
Base of Operations:
Formerly Star City, currently Metropolis
While a baseline human, Roy is in excellent physical condition, comparable to Olympic level athletes. He is also a master with a bow and arrow, and highly proficient with most projectile or martial art weapons. He also knows Moo Gi Gong, an obscure martial art that turns everyday objects into a weapon, as well as many other martial arts. Roy always have his bow and arrows on him, with several arrows being various utility and trick arrows. He is also armed with a retractable staff, throwing knives, bolas, and a boomerang. Roy’s hero suit is made of highly durable Kevlar, and can unleash an electrical charge if an attempt is made to remove it.
Roy is a baseline human and as such can be killed in any way anyone else could. This includes bullets, blunt force, energy attacks, or toxins. Roy is also mentally susceptible as he struggles with drug use, depression, and anger issues.
Impulsive, Focused, Flirtatious, Vengeful, Loyal

Roy didn’t know his parents as a child. He was raised in foster homes around the Star City area, never really connecting with anyone. That changed when a new foster father let Roy try archery. Roy excelled at the sport, becoming one of the best archers in the world for his age group. It was around this time that the vigilante Green Arrow began appearing. Roy was immediately captivated, even creating his own costume. Then one night, when Green Arrow was surrounding by mobsters, Roy intervened in his suit. Green Arrow was impressed, allowing Roy to become his sidekick Speedy.

Roy would work with Green Arrow for a few years, interacting with other heroes like the Teen Titans, a group he helped form. However, injuries from a battle would cause Roy to start taking painkillers, which then led to eventual heroin use. When Green Arrow discovered this he was furious and forced Roy to quit being Speedy. No longer a hero, Roy quit the Teen Titans, falling into a depression. He might have died if not for the aid of Black Canary, who helped him get clean. Shortly after this, Roy accepted a job as a secret agent for the US government. It was while on this job that he met the assassin Cheshire. They would quickly start a very destructive relationship, one that led Roy back to drugs. When his superiors learnt of the relationship and drug use they fired Roy.

Roy would fall in and out of drug use for a year, living in Star City. That was until he was approached by Cheshire’s sister who revealed that Cheshire and him had a daughter, and that Cheshire was dead. Roy was made the sole parent of his daughter Lian, which prompted him to seriously try to get sober. With the help of other heroes like Superman and the Teen Titans, Roy finally got clean, and moved to Metropolis with Lian. After Superman died, Roy felt that he should honour his memory, taking up the identity of Arsenal.

Potential Storylines:
Possible drug relapse. Struggles of being a single father. Cheshire not actually being dead. Trying to fix his relationship with Green Arrow. The US government being aware of his identity and use it against him. Connecting with former Teen Titans teammates. Flirting and new romances.
Credit for the appearance image goes to this site. I slightly altered the image.
Interested. Are mutants a thing in this world? Just wondering for backstory elements, still would play a NuHuman.
As Mar made his way through the corridors of the Courageous, he was amazed at how different it was in layout to the Valorous, the previous ship he was stationed on. Fortunately on his first day, Mar had managed to procure a file of the ship’s layout for his HoloLens. In the few days since then Mar had decided to explore most of the ship, mapping it out in his mind in case something ever went wrong with his HoloLens.

Mar’s train of thought was interrupted when an alert appeared on his HoloLens. It was a reminder that he had a meeting in the ready-room. Mar dismissed the alert as he turned back toward the hallway that led to the meeting room. Mar was still getting used to the notion that he was an actual pilot, one that actually went into battle. For so long he had just been a mechanic, just fixing things and not doing things. The weight of that responsibility weighed heavily on Mar’s shoulders as he entered the ready-room, but with a quick breath he regained control of his mind.

As Mar looked for a seat he looked over the varied visages of the pilots assembled. Mar had not actually met anyone in this Raptor Squadron that he was now a part of, not even the CO who stood next to the holo-projector. Mar decided to sit next to the wolf lady, who was of a race he didn’t know the name, giving her a quick nod before turning back to the CO. Mar’s ears twitched with excitements in anticipation of the possible mission.
Cool. Posting an intro post now.
I'm interested in this. Probably going to play a canon character, but I'm unsure of which. I do have an idea for Roy Harper, as a single dad recovering from drug addiction, or maybe Kaldur'ahm as he tries to become his own hero. Give me a little bit to think about it.
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