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The world once was full of magic. Many mystical creatures wandered the land, a peace pervasive all over the world. Then came the time of Humans. This new race rapidly spread across the land, destroying anything in their path. After a few centuries of this, the Fae, the most powerful of mystical creatures, decided to depart this world. Many other races of mystical creatures decided to depart with them. For those who chose to remain in this world, the Fae granted them a gift. A powerful magic called the Glamour of Man, which allowed all remaining mystical creatures to assume the guise of a human.

After the Fae and other races departed, those who remained, led by the Dragons, formed the Masque, a council to rule over the mystical creatures and to keep the Glamour of Man a secret. For many generations the mystical creatures have been living among the Humans in secret, as Humans claim more and more of the world. But recent wars have led to the Masque almost being exposed. The province of Kaelis is being vied over by three powers, the fanatical Kingdom of Nihn to the north, the collapsing Empire of Huldern to the west, and the prosperous United Clans of Azai to the east.


Dragons are inherently magical creatures, with every member having at least some skill at spell casting. Dragons have evolved to have many forms, including wingless variants who manage to fly by focusing their magic. Most Dragons can breath fire, however some breath some other element, or in rare cases nothing at all. Dragons can live to be almost four hundred years old.

Thanks to the Glamour of Man, Dragons can assume the form of a Human. The appearance of this Human form always remains the same, regardless of the Dragon’s actual age. While in Human form all Dragons can cast magic. Dragons can assume Human form indefinitely, with their being stories of Dragons who remained Human for all of their life.


Players will be Dragons working to maintain the Masque. For one reason or another they headed to the village of Whistle Hill in Kaelis province. Whistle Hill is a small village that is secretly run by Dragons, and is a common gathering place for Dragons in this region of the world. However, the players will arive to find a destroyed village and a force trying to wipe out the Dragons and other mystical beings.

So this is inspired by my vague memories of one of the first roleplays I participated in many years backs. While this setting is my own, the idea of playing Dragons masquerading as Humans is one I played and am nostalgic for it. So is anyone else interested in this setting?
I edited the sheet to use images hosted on Imgur. Hopefully you can see them now.
Sorry about the delay on the character sheet. I ended going with red as my colour, instead of the other three I mentioned.

EDIT: Switched image upload site.
Sorry for the delay. Here's my character sheets.

While I’m not really caught up with the Power Rangers shows, I did start reading the comics Boom Studios is putting out. As such I would be interested in participating in this. As for colour I’m torn between white, purple, and orange. I’m open to the votes of others on what colour I should be.
As for a human character I’m leaning toward being a rookie tamer. But for the Digimon partner, I’m considering the following digivolution route: Toy Agumon -> Tankmon -> Tankdramon -> Blitz Greymon.
This seems interesting. I'm in a Digimon mood as I am watching the current anime and playing through Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth.

The last few days had been insane. Thomas could barely believe what had happened as he stood in the shower, hot water rushing down his body. It was a pleasant sensation, one that he needed right now. His mind was inundated with stories of the San Fransisco massacre, ones he could not escape as they repeated them over and over on CNN and social media. While Thomas had not been in the part of town that was destroyed, it still affected him.

According to his boss, a fellow mechanic named Ivan had been killed by falling debris during the massacre. While Thomas had only met him once, that first day when he arrived in town, it still hurt to know that an acquaintance was killed by a fellow altered. Following the death, the tone at work changed. Luke and the others were now decidedly anti-altered, and Thomas couldn’t blame them.

After all the violence and unrest caused by altereds, Thomas wondered if they could ever be forgiven. He would be reminded of his own status as an altered when his stress would trigger a mini burst of energy, sending Thomas into the shower ceiling. Thomas swore as he felt his bruised head. Luckily he wasn’t bleeding, but he had managed to crack the ceiling tile.

Figuring that was a sign to get out of the shower, Thomas got out and began to dry himself off. He then entered the bedroom of his basement apartment, his phone on the night table dinging. Thomas didn’t want to check his phone, lest social media tell him more of the world’s woes. Just yesterday, he had seen that there had been an attack in his hometown of Phoenix. For some reason an altered decided to demolish a grocery store. Upon seeing this, Thomas immediately called his family. Fortunately, they were safe as the store was on the other side of town.

As Thomas put on a shirt, he decided that he might as well see what was up. The phone’s ding had meant a text was received, this one from Thomas’ Uncle Rick. Thomas was surprised to see it as he wasn’t even close to his uncle, having not spoken to him since before leaving Phoenix.

Thomas read the text. It said to check out this website: powerdanger.com. Thomas assumed that this was another one of his uncle’s conspiracy websites. Uncle Rick was the one family member at Thanksgiving who would talk about the deep state and other far out theories, and blame the government for all his problems with the law. Thomas decided to open the website, thinking it could be good for a laugh.

Thomas was immediately surprised to find a gallery of suspected altereds. It seemed to be a mix of well known altereds, such as ones with public arrests, and grainy images of people believed to be altereds. Thomas almost closed the site immediately, fearing that his mental health couldn’t handle it. But curiosity soon got the better of him.

Thomas would spend the next twenty minutes browsing through the San Fransisco section. Eventually he recognized a face. It was the ice using criminal he had saved. The page for him listed his name as Xavier and that he had died in the hospital from a drug overdose.

Thomas swore. What was the point in saving him if he was just going to kill himself with drugs. But he also wondered who had taken the photo. Thomas scrolled to the bottom of the page, finding an associated link. Clicking on it, Thomas gasped as a picture of himself appeared. Granted it was a very grainy picture with most of his features obscured, but Thomas still recognized it.

Accompanying the image was the words unknown, energy user, and the date of the photo. Now Thomas closed the website, tossing his phone onto his bed. This was not what Thomas wanted. He didn’t ask for powers but still got them. And now he could be arrested, or more likely lynched. If the government figured out who he was, life would be hard not just for him, but his family and friends as well.

Thomas felt that he needed some air so he left his apartment. He then began to walk, and continue walking. Before he knew it, it had been almost an hour and he was far from home. But he still felt like walking. That was until he heard shouting. Curiosity won out over apprehension, so Thomas went toward the shouting.

He soon discovered two groups, one with signs saying things like: altereds go to hell! While the others said: altereds are the future. While it was clear that both sides hated each other, so far no violence had broken out.

Thomas approached a woman with an altered rights now sign, “What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on, these fuckwads beat up a teenage girl on this street, just for being an altered.”

“How did they know she was an altered?” Thomas asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

“Some guy outed her online.”

Thomas thought back to powerdanger.com. If someone could enhance that image of him then his life would be in danger. While contemplating this, Thomas began to hear sirens. Not wanting to have to deal with the police again, Thomas began to back away from the protest.

But just as he was leaving, the last semblance of civility broke as both groups of protesters began attacking each other.

“Fuck,” Thomas said quietly, as he turned to run from the brawl.

Avi exited the car, slightly impressed by the beauty of the German countryside. He had noticed that Amanda, the driver, was also gazing at the scenery on the drive, yet somehow was able to drive perfectly still. Avi assumed that it was an android thing. His thoughts quickly turned back to the mission as he looked over at the house they had been looking for. The yard was a mess with many pieces of garbage and other miscellaneous items lying about, while the house itself seemed to be in a state of disrepair.

Avi decided to let Amanda take point as she approached the front door. As she opened it, a single crossbow bolt was launched forward from the door. Amanda was able to react at such a great speed to dodge the bolt, before somehow catching it in her hand. Avi was startled by this as where he was standing would have been hit by the bolt if she hadn’t caught it.

Amanda then revealed that there were many more traps like this scattered throughout the house. She then asked if he and Morgana could disarm the traps. Avi was a little apprehensive about this, not because he didn’t know the spell, but because he was rusty and didn’t want to be responsible for any missed traps that would harm or even kill a teammate.

Avi saw that Morgana was quickly going to work as her finger began to glow. Sighing, Avi pulled out his wand and placed his hands in the standard starting position for spell casting. He then thought back to his days training under his Father. While Avi had focused on illusion magic, his Father had insisted on Avi learning how to counter such spells. Part of that training was a spell for detecting hidden items, but you must be searching for a specific item.

As Avi prepared his wand, he remembered all the items Amanda had listed. He would have to search for each item individually, which would take a while. Avi then flicked his right wrist and began to chant in a dead language. His hands began to move on their own, his wand whipping about. Avi decided to focus on the crossbows first as one had nearly killed him. Within a minute of chanting, the first hidden crossbow began to give off a light blue glow, clearly revealing where it was hidden. Seconds later a second crossbow began to glow.

A smile formed on Avi’s lips as he was glad the spell was working. While this was good, he knew he was nowhere near done. After all the traps were revealed, he would have to cast a malfunction enchantment on each trap. Luckily for Avi, this was a spell that he was very comfortable with as he used it quite often during his time with the RCMP.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

The god of oceans made his way with his fellow gods up the stairs out of the hexagonal chamber. Trineon kept glancing over at the feverish girl, worried about her condition. Apparently she was a priestess of some kind according to voices he had heard overhead. Trineon could hear the voices still talking as the gods reached a steel door.

The door then opened, revealing a rocky plateau. Trineon was immediately able to sense water off in the distance, but it was not close enough for him to do anything with it. But the nearness of water did not matter as much as the gathering of warriors standing outside the door. The wore strange obsidian and crimson armour, wielding swords and some sort of item Trineon had never seen before. They seemed to be led by a man with a horned helmet.

Besides the living warriors, there were many dead ones. Several crimson warriors laid strewn about, as did some kind of giant metal warrior, and a knight in gold and white armour. Trineon instinctively placed himself in-between the warriors and the so-called priestess.

Trineon soon found himself right to do so as their leader demanded they hand over the priestess on the authority of some so-called Holy Emperor. Trineon clenched his fists as the man ordered the gods to surrender or die. Aureia then responded by introducing herself before ordering the warriors to surrender or die. Before they could answer, O’Menus grabbed a blade and charged at their leader.

Trineon sighed as the battle begun. Alasayana then leaped into battle with her tails, Aureia and Ashte soon joining her. After giving a look at the young priestess and the god of time protecting her, Trineon began to charge toward a group of warriors. However, they raised the tubes they held, a barrage of small bolts coming toward Trineon.

The god of oceans leaped back wards, taking cover behind another god’s shield. He also saw the enemy leader raise a shield of orange light to block O’Menus. At that same second, the enemies with the bigger tubes fired their shot, an explosion rocking the shield in front of Trineon.

“Damn,” Trineon muttered.

It was clear to him that the shield would not hold against whatever this new weapon was, so he would need to take out his attackers fast. While still weakened compared to how he was at death, Trineon knew that he was still faster than any mortal. Proving that fact, Trineon rolled out from behind the shield, grabbing a blade in each hand off of dead crimson warriors. He then rose to his feet, throwing one of the blades directly into the threat of a warrior holding the larger tube. With his remaining blade, Trineon sprinted toward a group of warriors with smaller tubes, the blade ready to gut the nearest one like a fish.
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