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@Bright_Ops @QuinnWolfe @XxFellsingxX
Can I get an update from you guys on when you plan to post?
No problem with the wait, school is important.

There is no posting order. As a general rule, I wait for everyone to post once before I reply again. If you want to post before someone else, go ahead. If you're going to wait for @Bright_Ops maybe give him another day or two, before you go ahead with your post. But its totally up to you.
Here is my Prince character.

I'm interested in this. I'll start working on a character sheet for a Prince.
I am still interested in participating. And its great to see other people are interested.
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

As the water god held is sword menacingly at the walking corpse, she began to address some of the other gods assembled. This threw Trineon off, as he didn’t know what kind of monster would recognize the gods, especially after they were absent for so long. But as Trineon listened to her speak, some faint recollection passed by in his mind. While Trineon made it a point to not converse with the undead, it felt like he had spoken with this one before.

The blade wavered slightly in Trineon’s hands as he tried to make sense of the strange ghoul. But once she spoke again, everything became clear. Introducing herself by many titles, but most importantly her name Moridax, it took a few seconds for Trineon to remember her. Remembering anything currently was tricky as his mind still had a fog obscuring it from being dead for so long. But recognition did appear on Trineon’s face as he did indeed know Moridax.

Granted, Trineon didn’t know her well. In ages past he ruled over the waterways of the mortal world, but Moridax ruled over the underworld, a completely different realm. While his memory was still spotty, Trineon was pretty sure he had never been to the underworld. Granted that was when he was alive, as he could of been in the underworld during his long death.

Trineon lowered his blade. While corpse possession still rubbed him the wrong way, it was within the rights of the lord of the underworld. Trineon know felt foolish for threatening another god, but as he was about to drop his blade, when the death god pointed at the surviving soldier who was trying to grab one of those tube weapons. But before he could do anything about it, Moridax raised his fallen comrades to grab hold of him, locking him in place.

“Thanks for noticing that,” Trineon said to Moridax, “And I am sorry for threatening you. That was a grievous mistake.”

Trineon gave a quick bow to the death god, before turning back toward Flora and the others. Alasayana was showing the young girl the body of her compatriot, the mortal called Sir Oren. Trineon winced slightly, as he knew how damaging seeing the corpse of a friend could be, especially to one so young. What did bring some peace to Trineon’s mind was when he saw O’Menus saying a prayer over the body of Oren. While he didn’t know the sun god well, it still surprised him somewhat that he would take the time to honour a mortal.

Trineon closed his eyes as well, but only spoke his prayer in his head. While he tried to will Oren’s soul to the afterlife, Trineon also wished all those who fell in this battle a safe trip to the next world. By now the hot blood of battle had left Trineon who now regretted killing so many. As a god, Trineon had always felt a calling to help mortals, and only punish the wicked ones. But that battle had been so quick that Trineon could not tell who among the soldiers was a sinner. Trineon was well aware that some soldiers are just following orders and have no evil intent.

As Trineon waited for O’Menus to finish talking, he added, “Yes, we must get to the bottom of this. This so-called Holy Emperor seems to be leading these mortals. There’s a very good chance that he is exploiting good folk. As gods it is our duty to aid the righteous mortals.”
Daichi & Dozer

Daichi shouted for Dozer to wait as he sped, full track into the fog. While he understood that he was going to rescue Herald, he was going headfirst into a situation that he knew nothing about. The authorization to use Mega forms still weighed on Daichi’s mind as his Digimon partner was fully swallowed up by the fog. Daichi was considering running after the giant tank, only to stop when he heard something shout: Spiking Strike!

There was a flash of purple light as Dozer rapidly emerged from the fog. In front of him was a Stingmon, one who was pressing his stinger toward Dozer, who had managed to grab it with his two gun hands. But the Stingmon was still pressing down strongly, still pushing Dozer back.

It became obvious to Daichi that Dozer was struggling to hold back the stinger, as he was still tired from fighting Airdramon just minutes before. But the Stingmon seemed to still be at full strength as he forced down more and more on his arm stinger. Realizing that Dozer was about to lose his grip on the stinger, Daichi did something dumb.

“Hey, bugboy! I bet you couldn’t even sting a regular old human like me!” Daichi shouted, regretting it before he even finished the sentence.

This did manage to get the attention of the Stingmon, his eyes narrowing. In the next second, Stingmon disengaged Dozer, flying up into the air, disappearing in the fog. Daichi’s eyes panned across the skyline, looking for the Digimon. But the fog was far too thick and nothing was visible.

“Spiking Strike!” a voice shouted.

For a second, Daichi thanked the fact that Digimon had a habit of announcing their attacks, before realizing that it meant that Stingmon was directly above him. Daichi barely saw the bright purple flash as Stingmon rapidly descended from the sky. With all of the reflexes he had, Daichi fell backward, tumbling across the pavement as Stingmon made contact with the ground of where Daichi had just stood. His stinger cracked the sidewalk, shattering it a full foot and a half down.

Taking a second to remove his stinger from the second, Stingmon’s eye narrowed at the prone form of Daichi. But as he began to dash toward him, a voice in the fog boomed: Sub Vulcan!

Stingmon barely had time to stop as a hail of gunfire created a barrier between him and Daichi. Dozer then emerged from the fog pointing his gun hands at Stingmon.

“Get your stingers away from Daichi!” Dozer said in his best Batman impression.

Stingmon decided that Dozer was the bigger threat, pointing his stingers at him and shouting: Moon Shooter!

The stingers launched out from his arms, speeding toward Dozer. With all the agility and aim he could muster, Dozer opened fire on the flying stingers. The hail of bullets was enough to break up one of the stingers, but the second one was merely knocked off course, slicing through Dozer’s left shoulder.

Dozer hissed in pain at the graze, unaware of the venom he had just been injected with. By now, Stingmon was once again flying around in the fog. Daichi had managed to get to his feet, and ran over to Dozer, taking cover under the tank Digimon. Above the pair the sounds of insect wings flapping quickly were very present.

@Omega Man
I'm totally down for continuing with this, even if it is a smaller group. Also, is my character accepted?
Finished my character. Here he is.

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