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The village of Whistle Hill

The Dragon, currently in his Human guise, scowled at the three soldiers standing in front of him. With spear raised, Onthal made his intentions clear. While the Masque did forbid many things, it did allow for the deaths of Humans if necessary. And killing fellow magical creatures was definitely a necessary reason. Before the soldiers could reply to what Onthal said, another man came out from the tree line, brandishing twin blades. While he didn’t say anything, Onthal was able to detect that the glamour was in use. The fellow magical creature nodded at Onthal, as he raised his weapons at the soldiers as well.

“Are you two idiots?” the soldier laughed, “Get out of here. You have no business here. And this doesn’t concern you.”

Before Onthal could say anything to the soldier, a mighty roar echoed over the village. Onthal immediately looked up, a look of confusion coming over his face at what he saw. A massive red Dragon flew over the village, which caused Onthal to wonder why any Dragon would risk the safety of Masque. After all, Whistle Hill was supposed to have nothing to do with Dragons.

One of the soldiers alerted the others to the presence of the Dragon, as it breathed flame at the various buildings of the village. This confused Onthal further, as no Dragon would ever attack their own kind. But as the red Dragon landed a few meters from him, Onthal realized what was going on. As the mighty red Dragon roared again, it was now close enough to Onthal for him to notice it emitted great magic. The Dragon wasn’t real. While Onthal had heard of illusion magic, he had never known anyone who had such advanced skill to recreate a whole Dragon.

Onthal wanted to look around to see if he could spot the illusion caster, but stopped as he realized that he had to keep up the lie that he had a Dragon on his side.

A nervous soldier raised his bow, aiming at Onthal, “So it’s true! These heretics have Dragons working for them!”

So they knew at least that this village had Humans and Dragons working together, but did they know about the glamour? While Onthal contemplated this, something caught his gaze from further down in the village. A blue and purple Dragon blew a stream of water at soldiers who were chasing several villagers, before retreating back into the sky. Onthal was glad that someone was rescuing the villagers while he and the others were attracting the attention of most of the soldiers.

The soldier kept pointing his arrow at Onthal, “Let’s just kill them.”

But before he could fire, a thick fog rolled in from farther into the village. Taking advantage of this, Onthal sprinted away from where he once stood. An arrow whizzed by him, impaling itself into a burning tree. Onthal followed the path of the arrow back to the archer. With a quick movement, Onthal lunged his spear into the soldier’s neck. It sprayed blood as he collapsed to the ground.

“Come brothers! We have the advantage!” Onthal stated while running through the fog.

@PrankFox @Bright_Ops @QuinnWolfe @XxFellsingxX
Hey, is this still a thing?
Still working on my character sheet. Probably have it done tomorrow.
Thanks for everyone waiting, I was busy with Thanksgiving, we Canadians have it in October. I'm giving @psych0pomp one more day to post, then I'll continue the story. So see you tomorrow either way.
I know I’m not the GM, but I would like to offer my ideas on your question. The way I understand it, New York is merely the starting point, and we would expand out wards as our power grows. As we are at supposed to fight the Avengers at some point, it seems to fit that our characters are on a higher power level. As for how notorious our characters would be in New York, it seems like we are supposed to be early on in our careers, at least on Earth as my character operated in Space. As for why Galactic governments aren’t going after Hakon is because of something I forgot to put in his character sheet. Basically during the chaos of the Snap, Hakon changed Nova Corps records to say he was on Asgard when it was destroyed and is officially dead. He then hid on Earth where he did nothing to draw attention to himself. He would of only returned to crime around the start of the RP. So he is basically an unknown, at least on Earth, meaning he could still live his civilian life as Harry Wills. I hope these random ramblings from my brain helped explain the setting, as far as I understand it.

As the gust of wind burst forth from Avi’s wand, he was happy that it was so powerful. But when it made contact with the bikers, it did less than Avi expected as only about a third of them were knocked down. But Avi didn’t focus on the effect for too long, as the automatic opening of the car’s trunk opening caught his gaze. A pole launched out of it, and flew through the sky, landing directly in Amanda’s hand. What happened next stunned Avi, as the pole transformed into a giant battle axe. While it was clearly a terrifying weapon, Avi wondered about the practicality of it. But as Amanda was an artificial being, he figured that she was designed with the strength to wield such a mighty weapon.

The mighty Android then turned to Avi and the other team members, ordering them to take cover behind a bulletproof car and lay down some covering fire. Without saying anything, Avi did as he was told. Pulling out his gun, Avi made a mad dash from the doorway to where the car was. Initially a few bullets whizzed past Avi, but the gunfire lessened as something else seemed to occupy the bikers. Once Avi made it behind cover, he peaked over the car to see what happened to the bikers. With a quick glance Avi saw that Amanda had cleaved one of them in half. Now the Android was the focus of the bikers’ attacks.

“That was unexpected,” Avi muttered to himself.

Avi readied his gun, calming his breathing so that would have better accuracy. But before he could start firing, several shots came flying by from a gathering of trees. The shots immediately down a few bikers, but it caught the surviving ones attention, as they began firing at the trees. Avi decided to help whoever was firing from the trees, peaking over the car. With gun raised, Avi fired two quick shots. The first one hit a biker square in the chest, while the second one missed slightly, hitting one in the shoulder. Still it was enough to knock both of them off their bikes.

As Avi ducked once more behind the bulletproof car, he heard rhythmic chanting beginning. Recognizing the voice of Michael and his God companions, Avi quickly realized that they were casting a spell. Within a few seconds, an energy surrounded Avi. Immediately he felt a wave of strength spread across his body as four beams of blue energy rose over Michael and his allies.

Feeling strong, Avi saw the equally empowered Faye toss a handful of glass shards through a portal, before raining down on the bikers. The attack was more successful than Avi would’ve thought, as it downed a few bikers, and it managed to interrupt the mage.

Avi decided to make use of the confusion caused by this attack, and the magical empowerment Michael had given him. Pointing his wand directly at the ground, Avi once again began chanting in Lemurian. Using the magical empowerment, Avi focused all of his magical power into the ground. Controlling the flow of the magic with his mind, Avi formed cracks in the ground underneath the bikers. As Avi spoke the last few words of his ritual, there was a crunching sound as the ground ruptured beneath the bikers. Their bikes began to tip over as the ground became unstable.

@Kumbaris @AWACS @BigPapaBelial @13org
Lord of Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans

The young girl barely managed to say her name, Flora. A cute name for a cute girl, though it was a little on the nose if this girl was the Flower Priestess those soldiers had mentioned. But what her true identity didn’t matter to Trineon as much as her welfare. Unlike O’Menus, Trineon had no interest in torturing the surviving soldier.

However, the torture did seem to be working as the soldier regained consciousness before spouting a bunch of things. He dared to call Gods heretics? And we would burn for it? The vengeful side of Trineon, the side he tried to hide, came to focus. A scowl formed on Trineon’s face as he stood up. Trineon remembered in that instance that one of the duty of the Gods was to punish wicked mortals. So he walked over to soldier, anger simmering just under his young visage.

Before he could do anything, O’Menus pulled the blade out of the mortal’s ankle. He made a pained sound as the blood began to pour out of his wound. Trineon was of the mind that they should let the soldier bleed out, a slow death for one who dared threaten the Gods. As Trineon turned away from the suffering mortal, out of the corner of his eye he saw one of the corpses begin to move.

Trineon took a few steps backward, as goo dripped out of the body. Necromancy had always upset Trineon as he viewed it as going against nature, so the sight of the dead rising put him on edge. For a second Trineon wondered if there had been a necromancer among their attackers, but everyone who they had fought now laid on the ground. As Trineon looked at the floor, he saw a blade there. Picking it up, he raised it toward the moving corpse.

What Trineon didn’t expect was for the corpse to remove its helmet, revealing the face of a beautiful girl. This gave him pause, as did the fact that she recognized Alasayana. However there was no recognition in the Goddess’s eyes as she asked the corpse what it was.

Trineon gripped his blade tighter as he realized that it didn’t matter what kind of creature it was. A walking corpse was a walking corpse. It needed to be defeated.

“I don’t know why you have risen from the dead, foul creature. But you are in the presence of Gods, Gods who will not abide an abomination,” Trineon stated with resolve.

With his blade still pointed at the corpse, Trineon began to walk toward it, his gaze like a razor blade slicing through the undead thing.
Gin Silti

The young Slizorian was head deep into the engine of his Ark Gear, Stinger-Six. The green skinned alien was covered in black gunk as he flushed out of the vehicle’s engine. Like he had made clear, he wanted to fully go over his Ark Rider before his debut race. Fortunately, besides the backup of engine gunk, Stinger-Six was in good working condition. That made Gin feel good as he pulled his head out of the engine.

The lizard boy grabbed a nearby rag and began to wipe the gunk off his face. Unfortunately, the gunk was extra thick, the rag doing little to pick it up. Frustrated, Gin threw the cloth away. He figured he probably needed a shower. But before he could see if there was a shower near the stadium, a camera drone entered the garage, flying directly in front of Gin.

On top of the drone was a hologram of a man, who began to speak, “Gin Silti. The young Slizorian underdog. We missed you in the last race, what happened?”

“Well,” Gin paused, deciding to not talk trash about Gaelok Industries, “We had some issues with my Ark Gear. But every-”

He was cut off by the hologram, “So you’re saying there is something wrong with your Ark Gear? Will you be able to do the next race, or will you blow up in the middle?”

“Ummm, what? Is that a real question? Of course I won’t blow up. Stinger-Six is fine,” Gin said while being a little flustered.

“Then why are you covered in engine fluid? Is there something wrong with your engine? Can the public expect to see Stinger-Six to go up in flames?”

“Are you serious? Are you even a real reporter? What station are you with?”

“Of course I’m a real reporter. I’m Chester Klines with Mevalo True News Now, or MTNN to our fans. Number one in Mevalo city.”

“Well I haven’t heard of you guys,” Gin stated, “Now if you would please let me get ready for the race.”

Gin pushed the drone away as he began to exit the garage. The machine tried to follow him as Chester began to ask another question, but they were blocked by a small group of Gaelok Industries technicians. Gin was glad for that as he left the garage.

“Damn reporters,” Gin hissed.

Pulling out his comm pad, he messaged his manager Jim Valerian if there was anyway to have a shower at the stadium. While Gin was very excited about the race, he was less excited at the prospect of doing it while covered in engine fluid.
So the OOC is up, so I guess I'll start working on a character. What I had in mind is the son of an Imperial Knight, and order of Jedi who served the Imperial Republic. But since the great destruction happened, he's now without an order, losing his high standing and his purpose.
So I posted Hakon in the character tab. I added his age, and fixed the spelling of Knowhere.

Also it would be interesting to see Hakon’s Asgardian magic work with Warren’s greek. Also I am down for Warren being a rival to Hakon because of their shared divine heritage. I always found the conflict between the gods of Asgard and those of Olympus really interesting in Marvel comics.
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