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Thanks for letting me know. Maybe we can roleplay another time.

@XxFellsingxX @QuinnWolfe
Both of your posts were very good. It makes sense for your characters to respond how they did.

Are you still interested in participating in this roleplay?
Sorry for the massive delay, I was having endless writer's block with this sheet. But this morning I suddenly got inspiration, so I wrote it up. Sorry if the back story is too long, but the whole history of this character manifested this morning.

Yeah it started on Sunday. It's available on Crunchyroll if anyone else is interested in it.

Also the Digivice design I used was from a website, I simply recoloured it. If anyone is interested in the website, here it is: Happy Galgomon Gif Factory. There's some interesting Digimon sprites there, though it hasn't been updated in many years.
Magical creatures can detect that the glamour is in use. However, they cannot know precisely what species they are, so a dragon, unicorn, phoenix, or anything else would all read the same.
@Omega Man
Finished my character sheet. Let me know if anything needs changing.

@Omega Man
So I've decided to play as the sixth ranger. Just a few questions while I work on my character sheet. I noticed that you're playing a canon, does my character have to be a canon ranger, or can they be wholly original? Also the ranger team is essentially just the original Mighty Morphin? If so am I limited to their set colours, or can I go crazy? I kind of want to play an orange ranger. Just wanted to get these questions cleared up before I make a character sheet.
Huge Star Wars fan here. I've been in several Star Wars roleplays over the years, but post apocalyptic is a cool spin I've never tried. I'll start working on a character concept.
Sorry about the delay on the post. As for digivolving to mega, I've always been partial to warp digivolution. I've also created a mock up for Daichi's Digivice, and yes it is in ToyAgumon colours.

Also, did anyone else see the first episode of Digimon Ghost Game? I'm liking it so far.
Daichi & Dozer

While the other ATLAS agent initially gave Daichi grief for giving a stranger his name, which irked him, he quickly revealed it to be a joke. Daichi’s mood lightened as he introduced himself as YuYa and his Digimon as Sparky, a cute name for a big scary, fire lion monster. The paradox of the Digimon became greater as he spoke like a child, asking why the fog was still around, something Daichi hadn’t noticed.

Before he could question why, an alert chimed on his Digivice. Daichi thought that perhaps another Digimon had manifested itself, as several had already today. What he wasn’t expecting was a mega-level alert. Daichi glanced over at Dozer, currently in his Tankmon form. As of right now that was the highest level they had been able to reach. While Daichi felt that they were very close to reaching ultimate form, it simply hadn’t happened yet.

As Daichi saw that the new alert was very close to where he currently was, something flew past his face at an incredible speed. Before he could see what it was, it had returned to whoever shot it, Daichi catching a half second peek at a figure off in the mist. Before he could mention what he saw to YuYa, the other ATLAS agent was already riding Sparky in search of the new Digimon.

Sighing, Daichi turned toward Dozer, “Well I guess we should follow them,” Daichi then climbed on Dozer’s back, “But be ready. This Digimon is supposed to be really strong.”

Dozer laughed, “I can take it. I’m ready to go 2-0 today.”

Daichi smiled slightly, but on the inside he was terrified for his Digimon partner. They had never been authorized to go mega in all of their time with ATLAS. In fact Daichi had never even seen a mega level Digimon. While Dozer was putting up a brave front, Daichi couldn’t help but feel that he was at least a little scared on the inside.

But Daichi pushed these thoughts away, as they would only cause problems in a fight. Instead, Daichi steeled himself as Dozer rolled his treads toward where the Digimon was supposed to be. Daichi saw the bright light of Sparky fire-dive bombing into the thick mist. As Daichi and Dozer got closer to the apparent fight, they spotted several other humans and Digimon. Daichi assumed they were also ATLAS agents, as it would make sense to have all hands on deck for this kind of crisis.

From out of the mist came flying BlackFlamedramon, skidding across the pavement. Daichi recognized the Digimon as the partner of Herald, that weird sword guy he met once. Speaking of Herald, he was also here alongside the other tamers. He had been giving orders, only to be pulled by some rope off into the mist.

“What the hell?” Daichi asked loudly, unceremoniously announcing his arrival to the others.

“This better not be like one of those horror movies you’ve showed me,” Dozer said.

Daichi jumped off Dozer’s back and ran over to the other humans. At the same time Dozer started rolling over to where Herald had been taken. The tank Digimon raised his gun hands out at the mist.

“Ready or not, here I come!” Dozer shouted as he began moving full speed into the thick mist.

@Double @mattmanganon @Duthguy @Hammerman @BladeSS4 @Crimson Flame
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