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@Sanguine Rose
I'd be interested in doing this as I haven't done an academy for the powered RP in a while.
@Dark Cloud
Thanks for letting us know that this RP can't be maintained. That is always preferable to just disappearing. Anyways hope we can roleplay together some other time.
Wow I had forgotten totally about this roleplay. I played a capybara on this a long while back, a character I did enjoy playing. If you reboot this, I would like to participate in it.
Leo Wedemire

Leo made sure to give himself at least a few minutes outside, taking in the crisp air whenever he had a nice day here on campus. The weather here in Philadelphia was quite different than what he was used to back in Montego Bay. But it was nice, sunny with just a slight chill. So Leo decided to walk around the campus, breathing in the fresh air. He was not alone in doing this as several other students also seemed to be walking or jogging around the university’s many buildings.

After about twenty minutes Leo felt that he had gone far enough. He noticed that he was near the library and decided to head in. Leo was pleased to find that the library wasn’t too full, with plenty of seats still available. While he didn’t have any homework from which he could work on here, Leo decided to head to the film section. In the several years that Leo had attended Benjamin Franklin University, he had gone through most of the books they had. While Leo would always prefer a film to a novel, when it came to books on film he could devour them quickly.

But like most times Leo checked this section, he found no new items. Of course with the film department, most of their reference material were on DVD or even actual filmstrip. And accessing these resources required permission from the department heads, which always had a large waiting list, so Leo rarely bothered.

But Leo did have his backpack on him, and he remembered that he did have a book in it. Leo then headed over to a spot near the window, not too far from Ella, so that he could get some natural light to help him read. Leo then pulled the book out of his bag: a used copy of Make Your Own Damn Movie by Lloyd Kaufman. Leo had only recently gotten into horror movies, and through that discovered the works of Lloyd Kaufman. So he had hunted down a copy of his guide to low budget film making and had just started reading it. Taking out his bookmark, Leo began to read, quickly getting entranced and blocking outside stimuli.
@Dark Cloud
Sorry for the delay. My character is basically a herald to an infernal space abomination, but he doesn't realize it. He's running around looking like a scary demon, but behaves more like he was a Superman style character. Essentially he is super oblivious and doesn't realize that people are terrified of him and that he is burning down more buildings than he is rescuing.

@Dark Cloud
Yeah I forgot to elaborate on the whole Bullywug clan thing. I mentioned it in my new post that while most of the Bullywugs were killed during the massacre, a decent number were able to flee to the flooded sections of the dungeon, where they hid until the massacre ended, Phaid being on of those who survived.

I want to keep at least a few other Bullywugs alive as Phaid's whole combat style is ambushing people with large numbers. And I am setting him up to become the new clan head, which would require at least some semblance of a clan. Maybe there is like a dozen Bullywugs left, which is very little when you factor in that Bullywug clans can reach upwards of 80 members.

Hopefully this makes sense. If not then I can go back and revise my posts to say that Phaid is alone.
Phaid the Bullywug kept his slow pace as he approached the furry medicine man and the mushroom man. After the events of a few weeks ago, Phaid and all the remaining Bullywugs had learned to avoid anyone they didn’t know. But Phaid considered himself a brave creature, at least for a Bullywug. He was still embarrassed over his actions during the massacre that happened in the Everdark a few weeks back. When Phaid and some fellow Bullywugs first got wind of the slaughter, their fight or flight instinct kicked in. They decided on flight, retreating to the deep water tunnels of their domain. The frog-men would hide in this submerged section of the dungeon for several days, praying that whatever was killing the other creatures wasn’t amphibious. It had been a low point for Phaid, the so called Puddle Knight. When the hidden Bullywugs did finally return to the surface of the dungeon, they found most of their kin slain, just a few feet away from the water’s edge.

Since then, the Bullywugs had stayed close to their watery home. They had not wanted to go and see how the other races were affected by the slaughtered, worried minds wondering if the goblin clan survived and would once again attack them. Or what happened to the Dark Elves, Undead, or other powerful beings who ran large portions of the Everdark. But as Phaid approached the two creatures, he wondered if the massacre hadn’t been as bad if these ones survived it.

But Phaid didn’t appear to be the only antsy away, leaving a fog of yellow spores. Phaid thought that he was more imposing than he thought, only for a spore to touch his nose, causing it to go numb. But before any more of the spores could reach Phaid, the furry medicine man handed him some sort of vegetable, telling him to suck out its innards. Phaid wondered if this was a free first taste, so he did as instructed, a slime leaving the plant and coating his throat. As he did this, Phaid no longer felt the numbness as the spores landed on him.

The medicine man then told him to keep the plant in his mouth if he wished to breathe and speak. Phaid quickly realized that this wasn’t a free first hit, but rather to do away with what the mushroom man had done. He figured that the bitter tasting slime should of been a giveaway. Phaid naturally moved the plant around in his mouth, always keeping it secreting.

“Thanks for whatever this is,” said Phaid with some trouble as he tried to keep the plant firmly in his mouth, “But do you have any of those spotted flowers, the ones that can take you to the dream plane? I have trinkets to trade for it.”

What Phaid didn’t mention was that these trinkets had been looted from the bodies of fellow Bullywugs. After so many died in the massacre, they could at least continue to benefit the clan. And by that Phaid meant benefit himself, the definite next head of the clan, especially since most of the competition had died.

[Interacting with: @SleepingSilence]
Sorry about taking this long to post. I've been sick the past week so that sucked. Anyways I put up my first post and I hope there is no problems with it. I did my best to find a way to get my character involved.
Sir Kherun Zeydria

The snow haired young man barrelled down the muddy road on his faithful steed Wedge. With staff in hand, Kherun looked down the road, hoping that he was going the right way. The fort, his destination, was somewhere he had never been before. Truth be told Kherun hadn’t been much of anywhere besides the royal castle and the surrounding town, as that was where he grew up. It was there that he had decided that he would become a knight of the Iron Rose as a child. Now as an adult, he finally fulfilled that dream, here heading out toward his first assignment as a knight.

Kherun had technically only been a member of the knightly order for a few weeks, but he was chomping at the bit to do something as a knight. Sure there was the pageantry in court and the higher station, but Kherun wanted to do some heroics. He had dreamt of saving villagers and fighting off brigands, but his blade had remained in its sheath. That was until he had received his orders, sending him to this distant fort.

Kherun had been ordered by an agent of the court to assist his fellow knights at a distress call at the fort. Finally it seemed like Kherun was being acknowledged as he was to join his fellow knights on this assignment. So he had strapped on his armour and weapons, and mounted Wedge. The grey skinned warhorse had made quick time from the castle, as Kherun led him in the rough direction of the fort. So far he had only had to stop at one village for directions, and was now pretty sure he was nearing his destination.

This was confirmed as Kherun heard a familiar hoot. Looking up from the road he saw the form of Watcher, his owl familiar, swoop down to his arm. Watcher hooted a few times before staring at Kherun. Thanks to his druidic ancestry, Kherun was able to get a rough meaning out of the hoots. Watcher was telling him that he had seen the fort and that there were already other people there.

“Thanks buddy,” said Kherun as he patted Watcher on the head.

The great horned owl then lifted back up in the sky, becoming an extra set of eyes for his master. Kherun commanded his horse to rush down the road, wishing to meet up with his fellow knights. But as Kherun neared the end of the road, he began to hear some kind of commotion. The white haired knight brought his horse to a stop and dismounted it. He then walked a few feet, peering from behind a tree.

Indeed he had arrived at the fort, but like Watcher had said he wasn’t alone. There was a large gathering of what seemed to be mercenaries surrounding the fort. Behind them at the fort was several individuals, some of them who Kherun recognized, like Knight-Captain Fanilly Danbalion. It seemed that his fellow knights were in a predicament, one that puzzled Kherun.

While he wished to reunite with his order, Kherun wasn’t sure how to pass through the wall of soldiers. As he crouched and watched them, Kherun unconsciously put a hand on the ground. Immediately the roots of the trees around him began to speak in his mind. They offered their services for a trusted druid, which gave Kherun an idea.

He would run back to Wedge, mount him again, and slowly ride over to the trees. Lowering his staff so that it touched the ground, Kherun began to commune with the trees. They seemed to listen him as they raised their roots out of the ground, attempting to knock over the mercenaries. Taking advantage of the confusion caused among the warriors, Kherun charged his horse from behind them. With a mighty yell, the combination of Kherun’s staff and Wedge’s gallop knocked over several mercenaries. The grey horse would then gallop over to the other knights.

“I am Kherun Zeydria, newly knighted of the Order of the Iron Rose. I have been dispatched to assist you,” Kherun stated with as much bravado as possible, “But now I suggest we use the confusion I created.”

Kherun then turned Wedge around to face the mercenaries, some of them already rising to their feet after being tripped by the roots. As Kherun awaited his fellow knights’ actions, he saw that Watcher was circling over the mercenaries, awaiting Kherun’s command.
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