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I would say either Fog or Post-Fog. While Post-Fog would be closer to the movie I mentioned, the Mist, I do feel that setting in during the Fog stage would allow for some build up before everything goes to hell.

Also I posted a character sheet in the OOC thread. I'm not sure if you saw it but I made a sheriff's deputy character. Just wondering if they are acceptable.
@Dark Cloud
Fireball was a bit confused as people began to run from him. This wasn’t what he expected civilians’ response would be to a hero arriving to save the day. Fireball knew that he was quite tall and buff, so maybe they were envious of his physique and were running in shame over their bodies.

But through the fleeing crowd came one voice. Fireball turned to his right, spotting a familiar figure. He was wearing a Fireball t-shirt, the only time in person that Benny saw someone wearing one since he started selling them online. The infernal hero racked his mind for a name as the apparent fan came up to him.

He had wanted to say Keith, but then Benny remembered that was the sweaty guy at the card game tournaments. Granted they both looked similar, but as the fan got close, Benny recognized his specific acne. It was Gabe, the alleged number one fan of Fireball. Granted he was the only fan of Fireball that Benny had ever met.

Once Gabe finished talking Fireball said, “That’s not usually how these things work. I mean you point me at the villain and I defeat them. But I do help civilians when I can. So how can I help you?”
@Crimson Flame
You know what? I’ll allow you to play both Tommy and Billy as they do really go together. Also if no one picks Hulkling to play as, I’ll include him as an NPC as I love his relationship with Wiccan.

@Ultimate Spidey
So I had to look up Barbara Ketch and Xavin, as I don’t really read Ghost Rider or Runaways (I know, I’m a bad comic fan. But I’ve really been meaning to read those series.) But any of those characters you’ve mentioned would make sense as potential Avengers.
Okay I came up with a character. I figured these kinds of stories always need a small town sheriff and deputy.

Wow, people are actually interested.

@Crimson Flame
Wiccan and Speed would totally be acceptable. But I was planning to impose an 18+ age limit for Avengers members (or equivalent if your an alien, robot, or clone, or whatever). I’m currently not sure if I’m going to allow 1 or 2 characters per player. Would you guys be interested in playing two characters?

I am familiar with both Thunderstrike and Foggy Nelson. The idea of combining the two is really interesting, so I would say that it is allowed.

@Artemis Arts
I knew someone would pick Captain Marvel. Carol is great and is allowed.

@Ultimate Spidey
Thanks for the possible interest. Do you have any possible character ideas?
@Dark Cloud
Sorry about the wait. I've posted with Benny.
@Dark Cloud

Benny was having a good day, delivering several Amazon packages in his favorite neighborhood here in Cityburg. The friendly postman then slowed down his truck, stopping in front of Kim’s Hardware Store. Old Man Kim always seemed to have a package coming in for him as Benny placed one in front of his shop almost every day. Benny continued to wonder about Kim’s buying habits until he walked past the display window for the department store next door.

On one of the ridiculously big TVs, Benny saw a breaking news report on some new villain attacking the upper district. While Benny had never heard of this Haberdasher, he had killed several cops. That automatically made him one of the worst villains in Benny’s opinion. So he knew that he had to go after to him.

Benny jumped back into his post office truck and then called his boss, telling him that he was taking a lunch break. Benny then sped down to the upper district. Once there he parked next to an alley, quickly getting out of the truck and running into the alley. Once he was sure that he was alone, Benny transformed into the form of Fireball, the greatest hero of Cityburg.

The seven foot tall demon looking thing then jumped into the middle of the street, startling several civilians. “Has anyone seen the villain called the Haberdasher?” asked Fireball in a deep, distorted voice.

This is a world of wonders. Gods, aliens, and mutants walk the Earth. These powered individuals will often use their powers for their own benefit or to help others. These beings became known as supervillains and superheroes respectively. These heroes and villains first showed up during World War II, with heroes like Captain America captivating the public’s attention. In the decades following the war, the existence of mutants became public knowledge. Anti-mutant groups like the Friends of Humanity would quickly form as superheroes were lowered in public opinion.

This would change with the dawn of a new era of heroes. From the Spider-Man of New York City to the return of Captain America, heroes would once again be valued. This new influx of heroes would result in the formation of many teams like the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and the Avengers. While these heroes were busy fighting crime, they were watched over by SHIELD, a global defense agency. For many years this setup would work as heroes regularly saved the world. But that would change one year ago.

Captain America, leader of the Avengers, would discover that the terrorist organization HYDRA was secretly in control of SHIELD and had been manipulating world events. The many heroes of Earth would team up to defeat HYDRA, capturing most of its leaders. In the wake of this crisis, SHIELD would be disbanded. The planet was now left with a large hole in security.

Captain America would then be approached by Nick Fury, former head of SHIELD. After the two spoke, Cap would decide to expand the Avengers into a global agency. Captain America would then recruit many former and new members to the Avengers in what was known as the Unlimited Initiative. The first squad of these new Avengers teams would be based in New York City, operating out of the old Avengers Mansion.

So basically I wanted to run a Marvel RP with a focus on playing as Canon characters. You could play these characters as straight up like their comics or MCU version or reinvent them in some way. Also Original characters are acceptable but they should be a minority as I do want a Canon focus. This would be a good RP to try out some character you don’t know. Here is a list of canon Avengers members. You can play as canons who haven’t been Avengers before as long as it would make sense for them to be a potential member.

The lore for this RP is meant to be vague at the beginning as it will be greatly informed by what characters are being played and how they’re being reinvented. A character currently off limits is Steve Rogers, as he would be busy running the Avengers organization. You could still play as Captain America, but it would have to be Sam or Bucky. Also I’m planning on playing as Human Torch, the original android version.

So would anyone be interested in this kind of Marvel RP? Please post any questions and potential character choices below.
Cool, cool. Are we waiting on more potential players?
@Dark Cloud
I know you said that you wouldn't be able to run the Everdark RP, but does that mean you can't run this Risus one?
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