Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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Sonia had returned to check on the elf girl, who seemed to have awakened in panic. The demoness decided to not interfere immediately, and wait until the girl could partially grasp the situation.

"E-Ember?" She croaked out, her throat betraying her attempt to call out to the one person she felt could offer guidance. After a fit of coughing she tried again, "What… where are we? What do I do?"

"Where indeed, I wonder?" Sonia sat next to Vivian, handing her the opened coconut when she was sure the elven girl had calmed down."Looks like we have deviated far from our route. The sea water is warm, and the sun is burning. We don't have anything like this near the continent." She glanced at the horizon, wind fluttering her red hair. Despite acknowledging the bad news, she realized the local climate might have contributed greatly to their chance of survival. This coconut, for example, you might find them growing in coastal regions, but never in this abundance, and immediately having something to combat dehydration was a godsend.

"But please, take heart, Miss Vivian, the rescuer could be on their way. There were important figures boarded on our ship, and given enough time, their disappearance couldn't be any less noticeable.

Sonia pointed at the skinny man dragging something that looked like a very weedy container. "And I believe Master Ember is over there. Want to catch up with him? Go ahead, I will be with you in a moment."

Still sitting there, Sonia recalled her training. This wasn't the first time she was stranded in a wilderness, and will not likely be the last. Same situation, same rules, different place, and the first thing she needed to do was to assess the situation as much as she could, then plan ahead and study the terrain.

Some other survivors had made an initiative to prepare food using various fish catches. Not the first thing she would do in this situation, but okay. Couldn't expect people to do anything with an empty stomach anyway, but time was running, and soon there would be a time when food became the third or fourth priority.

We are curious if you are from Carcousa? The realm of Shab’Nigarth the mother of darkness?

Sonia, who was ready to head back was stopped by the robed man's inquiry, seemingly taken aback by the way he spoke.
"Carcousa?" she frowned, the name was something she might have heard of but couldn't quite place it. Probably the name of a place in another language? The mention of the mother of darkness was even more confusing to her. Though, it was not unusual. Sonia had heard a lot of rumors regarding her origin to the point she was used to it and wouldn't bother correcting too much.

"I am afraid the place you mentioned is the realm I have never been, good sir. I was from Urstad, a country in the north of the continent," she answered, and it sounded like a kind of standard-issue answer she had been trained to use; very polite and she would certainly introduce herself with a curtsy had she not standing in the such unsteady surface such as sands. "A wandering huntress. Sonia Al-Hathya at your service."

Anyway, the topic was both intriguing and troubling for her, and any attempt to remember anything related to her origin had brought a certain pain in her head. "I am sorry but I think we can continue this talk later."

She took a brief moment to glance at the man, who seemed to acknowledge her discomfort by changing the topic almost immediately.

"We have no survival skills, however we are good with sowing and cooking."

"I am sure it will be a great help." She responded with a polite smile that did little to mask her uneasiness.
"Now, I must go back to my friend. Will catch up with everyone else later!"
Is anyone here strong enough to help us lift this man to safety?

Sonia heard the call. Now her personal safety had been ensured, maybe it was time to help the others some more. She rushed toward the robed man, leaving the elf, who was still deep in her own thoughts, maybe she needed some time alone to recover and recompose herself. Poor Vivi.

There was this strange fella, half buried in the sand, wide awake but somehow unresponsive. The first responder to help him was this robed man, a very strange man... with goat as a head. Felt slightly unnerved, but still willing to help, Sonia moved closer to the buried man. Asked him if he can move his limbs.

Seeing the detached prosthetic, apparently not.

"The sands are quite shallow, I think I can do this. Ready sir?"

No answer, and not like Sonia would wait for one. She grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and forcefully pull him out of the sand.

"Can you walk?"

No answer again, only incomprehensible eye movement. Sonia turned to the other robed man. "Are you his friend? Can you pick... uhh his hand up?"

After saying that, Sonia dragged the disabled man to a nearby shade, and couldn't help but notice something strange was at play here. She felt her energy was slowly drained, certainly not fatigue, nor the heat of the burning sun. It was more arcane, coming from this man. For now, she didn't really mind it, her task was finished anyway when she leaned the man against a tree.

"Should be safe enough now," Sonia wanted to apologize for dragging him this far and explain that all would be easier if he had both arms intact. However, wasn't sure if the unresponsive man would want to hear it all, so she excused herself and returned to her camp.


Sonia was spitting sands and coughing seawater as she woke up. Ironically, she scooped more salt water to spit out the remaining sands, making her throat even sorer. But to completely get rid of the minerals, it was worth it!

The first two minutes were spent doing nothing, literally. Anyone else could be seen walking toward the island, probably in panic and seeing hope in green vegetation, but Sonia recalled her experience and decided; All she had to do now is stop, really, stop until she could get a grasp of the situation. Do not panic.

With her duffle bag dragged along, she trudged toward her former roommate, who miraculously washed not far from her.

Vivian was found lying with her body half submerged in water. Breathing, but still unconscious. Paleness on his lips indicates acute dehydration. Looked like they had been stranded here for a few hours.

"Miss Vivian? Can you hear me?"

An extra effort to wake her up was needed, and based on her prior two minutes assessment, they wouldn't want to be here any longer. Sonia lifted her petite figure and packstrap carry her on her back, half unconscious and all, and she wouldn't pardon for this austerities.

Their resting place was an opening with minimal shrubs under the shade of some mangrove and coconut trees. The site was protected by some boulder formations in front and a few smaller trees that provide an additional shield against the burning sun. It is a tropical island alright, and Sonia eyed at the coconut trees with varieties of heights and tilts.

She reached a dagger from her duffle bag and climbed one of the shorter trunks with a slightly hampered agility. A cluster of green coconut was down with a heavy thump, then another. Satisfied, but not quite, Sonia slid down from the trees, scrapes and bruises be damned.

Vivian had already woken up, but she ignored her for a moment and focus on chopping the husk down to its hard shell. And then, only after gulping the entire fruit by herself, she can think normal again.

"Here, drink this," said Sonia, offering a freshly cut green coconut to the dazed elf.

Thanks for letting me know that. Best of luck to you and everyone participating.
Is this still open, and would you accept another elven PC?
My discord name is JoJo Jr Shabadoo #5387

Ah yes, I see that. You still have to wait for GM to give you Lost RPG role. Sorry I didn't tell you that before.
Just want to let you know that most OOC discussions are in a discord server. The link for the invitation should be on the previous page.
So our story will begin in a Gulag for demons. Interesting.

I might be interested, but I need to hear more about what kind of PCs you want players to fill in.
The cabin was dim, lit by two oil lamps hung near each bed. Vivian had slept quite soundly, but Sonia was still wide awake, rolling left and right on a few occasions, finding a comfortable position so drowsiness could overtake her.

This was supposed to be the trip where she could enjoy herself.

A clap of thunder could be heard faintly. In a typical voyage, this was a minor nuisance, a sign of rough waves at worst, but soon they came in a series of piercing booms; winds picking up and the rain pouring like pebbles hitting the decks and walls alike.

They were caught up in a storm, Sonia wanted to believe in the captain and his crew's expertise and curled up with her blanket and waited for everything to be over like any other passenger would, but the wobble was getting violent and the wooden structure began to creak and vibrate in every oscillation.

Sonia made a great effort tumbling towards her roommate's bed, who apparently had woken up. "What's going on?"

The creaking turned into a crack, a real crack as if the ship had broken its spine. Sonia reached the door, followed by the elf. Everyone else had already panicked, running about to god knows where. Water! There was water breaking in from every direction, and the wave was still merciless.

Then came another rumble, and suddenly the entire ship was rolling sideways, throwing everyone off their balance and thrashing them to the side of the ship. Many were injured while the others were fortunate enough to have water cushioned their impact, but this amount means they would be in a sinking cage in a few minutes.

The ship now listed to its starboard, the lower decks had already been filled with water and there was no floor anymore to tread. Sonia swam to look for Vivian, but she couldn't find her. Instead, her duffle bag was found floating near the door and she used it to help her float better.

"To the exit! Everyone! Swim for the exit!" the crew yelled. Only a few helped the evacuation, and only a few passengers were sane enough to do as instructed. Some were crying and others struggled to stay afloat. Sonia was among those who managed to reach the bow of the ship, while the stern had begun to sink behind her.

Outside now, the state of the ship was even more horrifying, It was demasted, half sunk, and nearly broken in two. Even for those who have escaped its doomed interior still had to fight the treacherous waves and wind. And Sonia was one of the many who couldn't win against nature; a violent wave blasted the bow of the ship and engulfed her.

The last thing she remembered before being taken away was a strong pain in her chest and the decision she had to make between holding the halyard or her duffle bag. She chose the latter.
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