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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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A sudden unreasoning fear of being discovered laid hold of her, the girl did not move, but her hand touched the floor to feel the vibration. The voice was both familiar and alien, and she could feel the bulky being laying down. It was familiar because it reminded her of Teddy, strange because this furball didn't smell like gore and perfume, but rather earthy and...fruity, and he spoke with a gruff, but smoother tone.

No, it can't be Teddy. She saw him dying in the arena, vicious arrow impaled his snout he was bleeding. Not, it couldn't be Teddy. The girl stretched his hand to form magic, but soon she felt weak and powerless, she covered her ears and shook her head.

"You are not Teddy... then who... who? Stay back! I can't hear you! I don't want to hear you! I don't want to see you!
Upstairs, a girl slowly regained her consciousness. It was a very strange dream; she walked out of the tunnel, then stroll into the green beautiful forest, with the sun shining above her and the wind caressing her skin, it was something she had never seen, or hear or feel for a long long time like the last one was in another lifetime ago.

Perhaps she should tell her master about this dream.


When she tried to comprehend the meaning of that word, she clutched her forehead and covered her face. She remembered and realized it was not a dream. She could feel her talent drained, all used up in a delirium of anger that it too couldn't be fully grasped by her simple way of thinking. Then the pain, searing pain on her chest. It was like a blow from her master's cane, but hurt more than anything.

It was the elf. The elf killed her guardian, bit her with a numbing poison, and then they took her. Now she was in the world outside. That feeling of loss was now mixed with anxiety and fear, what they were going to do with her? What they had done to her?

"Tha...ya ag.. M.. Nin... I'.. jus.. s 'e.. in da door u..l yas .. get i' .. 'ere."

She could hear them. Close. The numbness had eased up, but she could not see or feel clearly and now the touch of clean sheets and bedcover startled the girl more than anything. Her sense clouded with fear so great her surrounding was barely perceived. To her, it was another prison, and she was there, powerless, waiting for a cruel fate. Dictated by anxiety, she inched away from her position, dropped onto the floor, and crawled to the place they might not see her.

The wound throbbed with pain, but the great chill in her heart somehow subsided. Here, the claustrophobic crampedness brought back a strange feeling of comfort; dark, cold and dusty, just like the tunnels she was familiar with.

When the Orc Paladin addressed him, the soldier gulped. Though not belonging to the same corps, the sternness and savagery of Matilda Ironsword were notoriety among guards on the lower pay grades. They also know the rumor of her being the King's right-handed woman and had been granted Immunity for such an important occupation. With all the talk mostly surrounding the betrayal of his commander, the soldier could already feel the executioner's blade on his neck. Eyeing at the greatsword leaning on her chair, it was probably closer than he might think.

He eyed Jazdia, mentally asking for assurance before stepping forward, and saluting Matilda.

"Hail! His Highness' honorable retinue." He stammered, trying his best to not mess this one up. Matilda did not reply to his salutation back.

"Sit down!"

"Aye... at once, madam."

“What is your master planning, I want to know what the next step of his plan is. Do you know if the prince is still alive?

"Ma'am. yes, Ma'am. This guard had no knowledge of what Chief Delving was planning. Our order was to get into the tunnel to subjugate Black Serpent Guild. Once we have gotten deeper, Constable Delving selected ten of us to follow him, the order was to detain Foreign Spies, which apparently were Miss Jazdia and her team."

"And the prince?"

The guard looked back at Matilda with a confused expression. "Pardon me, Ma'am, but the Prince? Hasn't the Crown Prince been evacuated safely after the accident that day?"

Jazdia was about to smack her forehead anytime, but her injured hand prevented her to do so. Now Matilda just added one more person to be bestowed with forbidden knowledge.

"Matilda, I think we are beating a dead horse here. This man is as clueless as we are. If their plan you seek, I am afraid you will have to deduce it yourself. When I realize an important clan decided to take part to kill his king, then usurpation is their long-term goal."

Matilda seemed irritated by Jazdia intervening in her query, but the elf insisted. To have this conversation, she had sacrificed time to heal and rest, even her attire was still as tattered as beggar's clothing due to skipping the time to change it.

"You need to inform Fred-- King Fredricus about this, now if possible. We found an armory full of weapons among other concerning things in that tunnel complex. If my theory about usurpation is correct, then there is a chance that Delving is not alone in this, and whoever aided him is brewing a plan to take the throne by force. You must do something about those tunnels and secure the corpse of their leader for post-mortem interrogation."

Jazdia nibbled the garlic bread and let the food pass through her throat first before answering Matilda.

"Our investigation demanded more hours than what was initially allocated."

Even if his face was only slightly visible behind that helmet, Jazdia knew the orc captain was not very pleased with that short answer. It wasn't Jazdia's intention to be cryptic, honest! Only old habits die hard.

The orc leaned forward, resting her forearm and causing the table to creak. She didn't directly press her, but obliquely did so by studying deeply at Jazdia, her answer, her appearance, and her refusal to elaborate, and thus arrived at a certain conclusion.

I really hope you did not do anything stupid and angered any noble. And where the hell is Henri?

"No, we are not. On the contrary, it was a noble who was trying to kill us." Jazdia sipped her tea and sighed as if letting the suspension settle. "Matilda, has it ever come to your mind that your King's political allies would want him dead? Had the pleasure of getting acquainted with one of them. And turned out it was the Constable himself. Aaron Delving. Name rings any bells? When we investigated the Black Serpent, He demanded to hand over the captured guild master. We complied like law-abiding citizens would, despite our suspicion about how he could gain access and navigate through the tunnels belonging to a nefarious organization. He then ordered us to be killed. Can you believe that?"

For a better grasp of the clarity of the event and its chronological order, Jazdia told her what happened at the Memorial Park, how the constable refused to grant them permission to investigate, and how it escalated into almost a full-blown fight. Then the assault at the Black Serpent and how their arena was filled with high-profile patrons, then the standoff with Delving and his goons at the sewer. Henri's disappearance, and the aftermath.

Of course, Jazdia excluded the part where her group razed the guild's warehouses.

"I understand that you would want more than just my words on this." Jazdia beckoned Kaito to be with them. A sack of documents hit the table with a thump. And Jazdia too handed to her the most incriminating evidence from her satchel bag. Matilda, by Jazdia's recommendation, opened the letter detailing the infiltration plan, and the mention of a secret passage from the sacred mausoleum. The orc captain's face turned even sourer and disgusted.

There was a long pause until she folded the letter again and shifted it aside. When she was about to reach for another piece of evidence, she took a moment to breathe softly, then spoke in a whisper. “Anyway. I am glad to see you are still alive.

Jazdia rubbed her bandaged hand and smiled. "The pleasure is mine, Matilda. If you can spare some time, you might want to question that guard. He was a part of Aaron Delving's subjugation team."

The guard walked forward and saluted Matilda. "Gordon Eorl, at your service, Ma'am."

As the report partially concluded, Kaito reached Jazdia and spoke close to her ear.

”The bear seems to be rather fond of the girl we brought back, in an almost fatherly way. He’s walking off with her right now but I doubt he has any clue about what he’s dealing with. Want me to keep an eye on them?”

Jazdia did look troubled by the news. Troubled and... confounded. She let that man-bear lay his hands on the girl because his dossier said he was a healer. Never expected him to go to such length to bring the girl to a room, using her money no less!

The elf quickly seized a sealed syrette of morphine from her bag and hand it to Kaito. "As we both know, she is still unstable. Yes, please check them for me. You have my permission to sedate her if you think she is about to go on a rampage again. My deposit does not cover the entire inn, and my pocket is not bottomless either."

Glancing back at Jazdia with her brilliant emerald eyes, the girl was so cute the elf wanted to pinch her cheek. She too was very smart and attentive and everything about her just radiates positivity. It seemed Wilyadin 'Baker' had taught her well. Quite surprising for a bookworm.

"For now, would you like some food or drink?"

"Yes, please." said Jazdia, returning the optimism. "That would be a pot of tea. Some garlic bread and blueberry croissants." the last request was as unusual as it gets, but Jazdia knew the expertise of this old acquaintance of hers, and the girl quickly nodded to confirm it and smiled. "Coming right up. Please enjoy your stay, ma'am!"

Returned to the table Jazdia, only found Matilda sitting there. Standing nearby was the confused police who seemed unsure of why he was here. One thing for sure though, he recognize Matilda, but didn't make any interaction yet. The orc paladin waited, her expression was impatient.

"Greetings, Madame Matilda. I presume my party is not so late?"
They barged into the place like the place was their own. It was a tavern, with a long common room, homey and generic. Jazdia's eyes immediately glanced at the fireplace at the end of the room.

Nobody home it seemed. It was still considered morning anyway and the usual patrons were still plowing their farmland or hammering their irons. As Jazdia walked, a fragrant smell of freshly baked bread permeated the air.

Quickly sitting near the fireplace, Solomon approached her to offer his medical service. Jazdia duly obliged and let him remove her bloodied bandage and fix her right hand.

“I have some salves that should help with the pain. Apply as needed. Once I remove the last of these splinters, you can probably cast some healing magic to fully close the wounds, Cedar. An archer’s hands are her most important tools.”

"No need to do that, stay away!!" Jazdia exclaimed, she yanked her hand away and shivered.

The situation became so awkward, it took a while for Jazdia to regain her composure. "I will settle with conventional healing only, please don't trouble yourself. I will take the salve, I assume it has mo magic properties in it?"

"It doesn't," replied Solomon solemnly.

" Thank you. I... I need to talk to the barkeeper to settle our check-ins. Please stay here and wait for matilda if you don't mind. I will be back shortly."

Jazdia walked to the counter and politely called for the barkeeper, and the one who answer was the perky brunette girl with freckles across her face.


The girl stared at the looney crew with mouth agape, and when the bear dragged the bench, she seemed about to jump over the counter.

"Young miss?" the elf halted her. "I am deeply sorry for the sudden inconvenience, but we are willing to book your establishment for the next twenty-four hours." Jazdia plucked four gold coins from her purse and placed them on the counter. With a weary smile, she continued. "I hope the amount is right. I will use the space near the fireplace. Don't hesitate to reach me if my... friends broke something, I will compensate you fairly. Also, when the owner is available, would you kindly tell him that Slyph is looking for him?"

…well, she keeps calling him master. That dynamic is even twisted in my book.”

Such an irony it was laughable. But Jazdia remained composed. "Master, you say?" she said, barely raising an eyebrow. Jazdia sipped from her thermos again and grimaced. A small trace of blood stained the metal container, and she wiped it with the dry part of her bandaged hand.

"As long as it can keep her calm..." She shrugged, adjusting the strap of her satchel bag and quiver, then walked like it was just a trivial matter. "Time to move."

The kitsune quickened his pace until he was next to Jazdia. ”Wait, there is more I want to ask! What’s the plan with the girl? We can’t keep dragging her along if we’re going up against the Delving family. I doubt she will forgive you anytime soon for killing her…well, she keeps calling him master. That dynamic is even twisted in my book.”

"Indeed we can't." And she wouldn't ask for her forgiveness either. If one day, the girl still felt raw about it, she might come to her, and she will explain. If she won't listen, and still wanted to get even, Jazdia would return the sentiment.

"I can't just set her loose, and Kindeance government is out of the question. I know the place where she can live safely and comfortably."

She did not specify the place any further, but Kaito knew it had to be somewhere in Helvetia, one of the facilities owned by now-defunct CSA

”Looking at this you might start to think that the Delvings are planning some kind of revolution.” whistled Kaito, suddenly changing the topic. Jazdia did not share similar admiration and instead approached Yvonne and tapped... er her right shoulder.

"I am not against taking enemy weapons for a trophy or personal use, but make sure to report it Matilda when we get there. I Wouldn't want an unnecessary misunderstanding later on."

If there was a hint of playfulness in Jazdia's bearing, it was gone now. Her voice was cold and distant, and her face barely made any expression.

"Sure thing, boss." Replied Yvonne with a raised eyebrow. Yes, she felt it too... but didn't voice her thought. The elf had gone through a lot today, she'll get better after medical attention, some food, and rest. Yes, they all need a varying degree of that.

The march in silence continued on until they started to feel the tunnel begin to incline upward as they walked further. At the end of it was a ladder, and above it was a wooden trapdoor, barred from this side. Opening the door, a surge of fresh air could be felt, and It felt cold on Jazdia's long ears.

Climbing the short ladder, they soon found themselves in the middle of the forest. Jazdia opened her map and looked at the sky, and a moment later they already found their path

"This way."

Like an experienced ranger, the elf led them through a beaten path while sometimes looking at the shadow to determine their course. If the path ended. She would take another, if there was none, she would make a new one, be it by employing Chonan's sword technique or burning the overgrown that stood in their way. She still had a reservation about asking the samurai to do her bidding, owing to the previous accident, but right now, she only wanted to get to Hdur as soon as possible.

After passing a few more treelines, they could see the smoke of civilization. Still leading the group, Jazdia reached for her pocket watch and checked the actual time; 10:21 AM

Quickly they rerouted to the main road and cautiously marched in front of Farmer's vegetable stall. All seemed peaceful, and the patrolling guard was nowhere to be seen. Either the word had not reached Hdur yet, or Delving intended to keep the accident under wrap.

Either the word was laced with beguiling magic or she somehow could feel the sincereness, the wounded slave of Gerrald stopped throwing hissy fits and stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. Then she started sobbing, heartbroken yet still determined, tears dripping again, and her spasming chest signaled a desire to cry but unable to do so.

"Master?" she reached her hand, but it was only Kaito, her finger touched his face and he let it until she completely succumbed to the anesthetic.

Jazdia approached them shortly after. The girl was sleeping.

"Her, breathing is normal. No heaving or wheezing," examining the bandage and placing her finger on her neck, she then continued. "No sign of bleeding... I think."

Kaito discarded his cloak and tunic but decided to have the girl wear his tunic instead. Done during that, he turned to Jazdia. ”I told you Chounan’s clothing style would attract too much attention”

She only smirked, while the soldier kept his guard after noticing the non-human attributes the man in front of him sported. But then, unarmed and bound by his contract, what he could do anyway?

"Jokes on you, I've been here for years wearing this kind of outfit since the days I'd been training that soldier. Am I right Gordon?" the man in question replied. Reaching them with his voice.

The soldier turned at him, squinting as he finally recognize his oriental face."Sir Chonan?"

The word 'Sir' was uttered with a certain degree of disappointment, but the man showed his respect by giving him a salute. "Long time no see, what are you doing with... them?"

There was an awkward silence. Then, before Chonan could answer, Kaito interjected.

”Anyway, I think it is a great idea to let the soldier carry the girl. I doubt she will be moving on her own anytime soon.”

So he nodded, and Kaito helped him to carry the girl on his back. "She is so small, like my daughter. Poor girl! You said she is not your friend. What happened to her?"

Nobody answered, but everyone had the same person in mind, and that person was now lying dead on the dusty floor not far from them. Had everything gone smoothly, they were bring him alive, so he could be questioned about his atrocities, about the king's assassination, and nothing else. But it didn't go smoothly. His allies wanted to protect him, and as they declared their deceitful intention, something sparked inside her; to think of a scum like him roaming free angered Jazdia and she wanted to see justice being served.

The man's corpse was now sprawled like a worthless rag, mangled, and desecrated. Jazdia did not regret it one bit.

"Let's get out of here."

Led by Jazdia, the group walked through the tunnels. Almost identical tunnels like the ones they passed before reaching that hall. The humidity remained the same, but the passage was grim with no lighting whatsoever. Jazdia reminded the group to keep up the pace and be careful with their step. Yvonne felt she was stepping over something and it cracked. The light from the torch Kaito brought revealed a half part of a human skeleton leaning against the wall. Had they not been guided by a map, they too might end up like that poor guy.

After another long walk that seemed to be heading straight and without any turnback, they then arrived at the room. Strangely the room was sufficiently lit with lanterns and candles. It was still a storage room, but large, and inside, thousands of newly forged weapons were stored. Shields, spears, swords, and bows. There was a collection of musket rifles too. Some were neatly placed in the racks, while most batches were packaged inside many crates. At the end of that room, close to the exit was another room with four blacksmith's forges. Several huge square pipes extended out from the ceiling, probably to supply the room with a sensible amount of fresh air. The furnaces however were extinguished.

Jazdia took some time to scribe about this room in her journal and looked around a bit for documents. Sadly she found nothing, except the iron ores were shipped in crates bearing the stamp of Anglodisto.

They pressed on, but with most members still suffering at least one injury per person the journey was long and arduous they had to make several stops to rest. On one of those brief stops, Jazdia checked for the girl's breathing and noticed that she was awake, but tried to look away after spatting a curse at her.


Jazdia helped her, a little bit straightening the clipped bandage and supporting her arm while Yvonne rolled the white dressing over her shoulder. It felt like her version of "extra hand would be great" was a mere expression of exchanging pleasantries.

"So, what's our plan going forward? Aaron will turn the city inside out to find us. We're not in a good shape for another fight."

The plan huh?

Jazdia glanced at the other side of the hall and did not find Aaron. Probably escaped when the chaos unfolded.

Sighed, Jazdia opened the copy of the map to figure out where they are right now. [color=ec008c]"Still in the city apparently, right under the West market. What we perceived as the south tunnel actually leads to the east. I so depended on my eyes I didn't realize the twist and turns we have taken. The good news was, the tunnel has no other entrance, the bad news was beyond the city wall it was still uncharted."[/color
Jazdia flipped the document again, if there was a mention of the secret passage, there has to be a map, but she found nothing of sort. Disappointed but not at wit's end, Jazdia rolled that map and secured it back to her bag. The thermos was no longer tightly sealed thanks to Kaito. Good boy!

"There was no plan. We will improvise. There was no other option for us but to take that tunnel anyway. One thing for sure though, the quickest route back to the civilization was across that river of filth, but I reckon there is a bloody convention on that side."

The tea inside it was stale and cold, but with her current condition now, it was much appreciated. Jazdia could use her eyes again, though the range was still limited.

Gotta put a bit more strain on her, but whatever.

She approached the guard after reaching for another scroll. Squatting to gaze at him equally, the elf began. "Greetings. We are really sorry we had to prolong your suffering and not killed you like some of us did to your friends... or what your captain had unlawfully commanded."

The soldier's eyes squinted. "Unlawful?" But then in front of him was flipped document with His Highness's seal. He looked at Jazdia, dumbfounded for a brief second. It turned into fear when the elf pointed a blade at him.

"Unlawful!" she asserted. "That is why I am intrigued to know what our higher-ups had told you about this operation. Obviously, you were here to ambush and kill us. Why is that? What was the verdict?"
The soldier inched away to give his nose some distance from the blade. "I don't know. I don't have to tell you anything."

"Then you, sir are a dead man. Because only the dead can tell no tales."


"By your own choice." Jazdia sheathed her long knife, then stood in front of him. "No, let me rephrase my words. I know contracts and fair trades are how you Kindean do your things, so here is the deal: you answer my question and in return, we will offer you a chance to get out of here alive, so you can lay low... and protect your family from the wrath of your own highness because you were taking part in a conspiracy to murder the investigators he hired to investigate the assassination attempt six days ago.

It took some time for the soldiers to process that. It only get faster when Jazdia read some of her procurement contracts.

--Fredericus, by the grace of God. This letter is to confirm that I have personally appointed a group of private inspectors to assist in the investigation of a treacherous crime against the crown--"

Of course, most of it was twisted to protect the confidentiality both she and Fredricus had agreed upon, but Jazdia wanted to scare him more. "You are guilty of treason, and that, sir is punishable by death."

"Treason?" The soldier retorted, it seemed like he was shaking in fear. The word bespoke unspeakable terror it galvanized him in shock and peculiar distress. "but I..."

"You what? Just following orders? Turns out the one who gave you the order was not an honest type. Why do you think he wanted to kill us, and not capture us as a law enforcer should?"

"We... we were told to eliminate foreign spies!"

"Do we look like one?"

The Soldier shot a glance at the rest of the party. "Three of you are foreigners. You are an elf. I'd say you all indeed look like one."

Jazdia laughed and only stopped when she was aware that it was perilously close to hysteria, and made her chest hurt too... "So you were buying it because... ahahaha! I understand."Still, doesn't absolve you from the crime your captain might have committed."


"You never know until we leave this place. But one thing for sure, if he is declared guilty, you too will go down with him

Jazdia didn't stay long to see how the soldier would react to that forewarning, but then his heavy voice called her again to settle the bargain.

"Besides the Constable, the one who briefed us was the Admiral himself."

"Admiral?" Jazdia didn't turn back, but her voice was concerned.

"Admiral Delving, the war hero. There is no reason for me or the boys to not trust him. He too assigned some of his men to assist this operation." The soldier's words were laced with overwhelming pride and seemed to have given him a sense of relief, a reason to keep his faith together. Jazdia did not question him further until he spoke again.

"I will go with you," said he, nodding, not in acknowledgment, but more like someone who had no other option, and for Jazdia that was enough. "Is there anything else you want to ask? If you don't trust me you can have my hands tied, but it seemed you will need an extra hand to carry one of your friends."

He pointed at the sedated slave.

"She is not a friend."

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