Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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You felt your carriage stopped.

You damned sure it was still daytime, but when you looked around, the world was almost dark. Though your horse-drawn transportation was parked in a place that seemed and felt like a large catacomb, you remained calm. You have been briefed, that for the reason of 'national interest' the method of transportation would be rather 'peculiar'.

A concierge and two soldiers ushered you toward the building, through a set of stairs and corridors. The place was almost empty, the security was minimal, but you knew two seemingly ordinary royal guards that accompanied you were more than capable of handling themselves--should you try to do anything stupid.

And then you stopped again. In front of you now was an orc warrior, and she was even more imposing than any other guards you had seen so far. From the eye window of her helmet, her breath vapored away, and her fierce eyes indicated that she didn't like you at all.

But all that she could say was naught but a few words. "Your Invitation, Please."

You handed her the letter you had received a week ago, delivered by a royal envoy clad in ordinary mailman uniform. She received the document carefully and gestured for you to get in.

You heard the door locked behind you, but you didn't care.

The room was large, adorned with luxuries commonly found in a kingly estate, but the arrangement was deliberately modest, as if not trying to show off. Furniture with natural wooden colors, a large cupboard filled with a collection of books, and tables populated with assortments of refreshments.

There were already a few people there. They wore no uniform, nor insignia, and their presentation was somewhat lacking, not much different from yours truly. Looking at the great desk in the north part of the room, you saw no king, but the orcish captain you saw earlier entered from another door.

You waited, patiently. You didn't know exactly what this invitation was all about, but your guts told you you were going to be a part of something big.


Welcome to the team!

The job description was rather iffy, but here you are now. There is no turning back now.

Lured by either a sense of duty, fame, or a handsome reward, King Fredricus, the monarch of the nation of Kindeance had you signed up to be his special agent. You know the gig, there is a war incoming and you will be a part of an effort to do something about it. The king has yet to unravel the purpose of your assignment, but some trustworthy sources said that it wouldn't be too far from traveling to the nation of Meche to see what's going on there. Kill the traitor. Or prevent war on your own terms.

We will try to facilitate every decision your character makes. Like the previous game, every choice matters, and every action taken could alter the ending. So go wild, but just don't do it too far, please.

The game will be focused on a story, so the number-crunching aspects common in a tabletop RPG will be minimal. We still utilize the RNG on a few occasions though.

Some introduction to the lore

Making a Character

Now for the neat part. The format would be pretty much the same as the previous game. You can have up to 4 active spells and up to two passives. Keep in mind that every character will have to wait for GM's evaluation before they can be accepted.

A few more things

The RP has no specific rules. Just remember basic decency like you are not supposed to control other players' character without their permission and be nice to other players. Anything that is not mentioned here or any question regarding the RP is usually discussed in our discord. discord.gg/S2EhxfTZP7 Joining is not mandatory, but you will miss out on information and other madness!

This will be the second RP I hosted, so I apologize in advance should you find any misgivings in my rulings as the GM and technical mistakes as the playwright.

Let's make a fun game!
Is he alone... or? Wait, don't tell me!

Welcome aboard, I assume you will reuse your old character?


It has been two months since our previous game. It's time for the second part!

Bad news boss!!! We thought we had tied all the loose ends, apparently not; war is closer than ever.

The last party's refusal to aid King Fredricus to weed out the traitor had left the monarch with no tools for his sophisticated political gambit, and that, my friend, had caused the villains to double their ferocity with their insidious scheming.

Being left at large for months, they managed to gain support in parliaments and grassroots. Their underground propaganda is now impossible to stop. Adding the unfortunate destruction of Fanghorn and the border conflict with Meche that seemingly never-ending had roused the general populace and their agitation for anything foreign is only increasing day by day. The kettle is boiling, and poor Fredricus is the only one keeping the lid closed.

The war is almost inevitable, and the only thing that prevents it from happening right now is the customary law that states that unprovoked war is illegal until both nations agree to duke it out. Of course, it would be a shame if a proud nation like Kindeance was labeled an invader, right?

The game still takes place in Kindeance, roughly four months after the first campaign. Your character will be one of the hirelings summoned by the king to deliver his message to the kingdom next door. You will be given two weeks to complete the delivery and return.

Sounds easy right?!

But due to political reasons and diplomatic mumbo jumbo, you must not be captured, you must not spill out information. The clandestine nature of this mission means there will be no backup for you. Failure means war and war is bad. Nuff said...

You are free to make your own unique character, but a character that is a part of the Kindeance government is more encouraged. The format will be as follows:

Regarding the Co-GM position

Naturally, I can't manage the entire show myself, so I will need a Co-GM or two. Like the previous game, this RP might split the party, thus having enough manpower to oversee both sides is a must. I also need a partner to control the NPC, discuss the plot, and offer alternatives.

As usual, feel free to PM me if you have more questions!

The OOC and RP-related discussions and other madness are mostly done in our Discord. Feel free to join if you feel so inclined
Fredricus, the ruler of the Kingdom of Kindance sat patiently. As a king, he rarely experienced refusal, even more so right in front of his high-ranking aides.

But he was willing to let it slide. He, after all, prided himself as a just ruler. He nodded and gestured Cedar to leave if he wished so. Not going to lie, it was a terrible loss, really.

“If I may ask. Why would you task us with this new mission? What do we offer now that your own cannot?”

Asked the doctor. Fredricus let the question hanged between them for a moment, understanding the weight and how easily it was to be satisfied by heart-swelling flattery; because you all have performed well, because the king trusted you, and nobody would debate that, usually.

But they were not his usual myrmidons, who would carry his will without question. And when he saw the elf detach herself from the group and sit nonchalantly spewing her trademark observation hogwash, he suddenly missed the old days, when the commoners spoke only when asked to, and were only permitted to answer, not asking back.

"What I am going to say is all you have the qualities that are suitable for my needs." Wearing his stern yet calm expression, Fredricus gestured for his chamberlain to uncork a bottle of wine before leaning on his chair, playing along with Jazdia's deliberate insouciance. The elf looked at him back, smiling snidely.

"That's vague," she said. "We are also suitable to be a scapegoat, prisoner, meatshield--- or whatever you wished us to be, or if you need a sacrificial lion to tie loose ends. Come on, Fredricus, you also need to be more specific."

There was an obvious gesture of anger being displayed behind him, yet it was immediately shushed by his calm disposition.

"I apologize if it was not the answer you want, but I think I'm entitled to say whatever I wish to disclose, and you will have to be satisfied by that for now I am afraid."

Fredricus swirled the wine, letting its pungent aroma permeating before sipping it without offering a toast.

"That's not fair..." the elf shrugged, her tone was lackadaisical, though it was hard to discern the true seriousness of her words. "And here I thought Kindeance is the land where the contract is honored and its clauses fair."

"It still is. It's a take-it-or-leave-it sort of agreement."

"Just saying, that kind of contract is illegal."

"I am the king of the land, I make the law if you haven't noticed." Fredricus sipped his wine again. his temper rose but still at a manageable level. The elf smiled bemusingly, yet a sigh escaped her.

"This looks shady, no offense, Mattie." Quickly she shifted to Fredricus again. "Fred, we have known each other for years, and I know exactly what you are thinking without having to wait for you to disclose the damn nation's top secret. But I am not the only one being summoned here, and I believe my friends deserve to know what they are signing up for a bit more than just a spoken promise. Well, of course, the option to leave your chamber now is still open, sure, but a bit more elaboration is decent."

"I think you heard me when I said I shall not disclose anything until we have an accord--"

"Then this is a goodbye. Not sure with Doctor Solomon and Young Mist Rosenving, but I'd say keep your guard up before signing everything up." Jazdia jumped out from her seat, but before the elf turned toward the door the king added.

"Don't get me wrong, I have my reason for not being forthright, and that's for your own safety. You know that my enemy would kill to have this plan leaked out."

"They will try to kill us anyway. Too late now to feel bad for it." The elf stood straight, the playfulness in her expression gone now, and her blue eyes were dull. "Fredricus, I don't care if you think your kingdom would crumble or if someone out there is still stupid enough to try slitting your throat in broad daylight. You had your chance to explain why we should continue working with you and you offered none. I have done my part, and now because you refuse to give me something to consider even as a small gesture of goodwill, I then I simply must go, I have an investment to oversee."

As she walked toward the door, she added. "I still hope to see you at our grand opening. Don't forget to drop by, and tell Alec he is invited. Mattie is welcome too."

The pause was stretching for a bit too long Jazdia instinctively sauntered from position and found herself some chair to sit on. Immediately cozying herself up despite the disapproving glare from Matilda.

She glanced once at Cedar to acknowledge his wish before turning to the king again.

"It is a fair question." she began. "How many are currently serving in your army? Forty thousand? Fifty? You have all the resources to find the best talents, and it seems you already have. Except for your cooks. They are terrible if you ask me."

The elf shrugged. Beside her was that table again, but it was no longer a pot of lukewarm tea on top of its tabletop, this time it was a basket of fruit instead.

"But, really. If it's the strategic assets that you need, you already have your wizards and far-seers. If it's the brute force that you require...if you, just in case, want to take out that pesky blonde family, I'd say you have no shortage of muscles in your divisions. Though, if you ask me, it's not really a wise move."

She ran her finger on one of the apples before picking up the red one.

"And lastly, if you need someone with political leverage, then I am afraid you are summoning the wrong people. So, why us? And why bother with all the preambles?"
All talks had been exchanged, all fineries had been shown off and all the dances and music and smiles has been performed. The night continues, yet the party has to reach its waning phase. Only those who were keen enough noticed that their king and the prince had left their thrones at some point during the party

Music was still playing when the last couple of families bid their farewell to each other. And they too... soon left.

In the absence of partygoers, the royal palace staff's replaced them and start their own tunes with neck-breaking efficiency. All tablecloths rolled and gathered, all plates and cups collected, and leftover foods were thrown into a bin indiscriminately. Apparently, the aftermath of such an extravagant occasion was not for everyone to see because the Chamberlain immediately gathered the party and escorted them out of the hall.

Into Fredricus' office, they went. The room where their quest began, and so the same room where their quest will end. There the King was sitting on his desk, waiting for them. The mission had ended successfully, but despite all, Fredricus four days ago and Fredricus today was barely any different; Old, stern, and impatient as if there were tonnes of powder keg sitting right below his palace.

Jazdia decided to miss the inquiry and focused on what Yvonne had to answer. Of course, it was as shallow as that, but nonetheless, it gave her an additional insight into the magnitude of influence the Delving Clan had in this nation. Considering that the lord speaker earlier was also on their side, it was probably not very surprising.

She looked at the mercenary, wondering if she had to tell her things that had been weighing her mind.

She decided not to. Kindeance will be fine, the peace has been maintained and the status quo has been restored. Only idiots would even think about riling Fredricus up after this entire tomfoolery. Even f they are that stupid. She was done with this political game. She was retired, and it was no longer her call to be concerned with such a large-scale conflict and desolation it caused.

She wanted to direct her attention to her dinner.

Smiling, Jazdia forked her scallop and took a bite. "At least the scallop wasn't so bad. That alone would warrant less arrow to his legs."
"Welcome back." the elf regarded her. Though the portion was modest, it seemed the filleted salmon on Jazdia's plate was barely touched, and she deliberately had the knife placed through the fork's tines. The server saw this but was rather oblivious to the sign.

Considering that she didn't feel like wasting food, Jazdia asked for a pitcher of black pepper gravy instead.

"You good, Sparky?"

"I am good." the elf said perplexedly. When the servant was already left, she continued. "A politician, I can handle. But this... The Salmon is perfect, nicely done and so delicious when I am done with it, I will walk straight into the kitchen, and shoot the cook. I wholeheartedly invite you to try it out yourself!"

The elf shoved her plate and offered for her to dig in before leaning back on her seat. The dish seemed to be somewhat overcooked.

"So, good guy Silas was reaching for you now. I wonder what kind of history you have with him. Or with his gorgeous sister."

At Yvonne's words, Kirsten flustered "Wa-What does that even mean?! But yeah, since my brother is so slow-witted, I will be taking him with me and save you the trouble."

At that barb, Silas shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, at least I am approaching it in an appropriate order, unlike a certain someone who dragged a confused boy to dance and then dumped him afterwards."

Now repositioning herself, It was Kirsten's turn to add her own strength to her squeezed palm and clutch his brother's back, causing the admiral to grimace and let her hand go.

"That hurts you know..."

Smiling gleefully Kirsten turned to Yvonne. "He such a piece of work, isn't he?"

"Was that why our admiral is still single and pringle? His charisma doesn't extend to romantic affairs? Who would've thought."

"Maybe?" purred Kirsten.

"Look who's talking." groaned Silas almost bemusingly. "Ladies, you two are on the shelves as well. So we are equal in this misfortune. But I beg to differ, at least men like me have duties to prioritize."

"I'm not even thirty, that's barely an adult! Kirsten dear here have even longer to play around still. You sir, on the other hand..." She let the unsaid words hang in the air, the jab quite clear without having to be heard. "People will start thinking that you've got some issue down there, you know."

"I am afraid that's just your imagination." Silas tilted his head and smirked as if swallowing an urge to brag. It wasn't really a smart jab considering myriads of families and maidens were practically lining up to get his family's favor. The same could also be said for this Rosenving's heir but on a smaller level. So, yeah the banter has become less sensible in every word exchanged.

As if their pride were at stake.

"If you say so, Admiral." Yvonne's smirk practically said that she thought otherwise, but she was willing to let the conversation end. I have someone waiting, so if you'd excuse me. Take good care of Kirsten, you hear?"

But Silas persisted. a smug smile curled on his lips when he sneered back.

"Oh, backing down I see..." he said gamely. "It was a serious accusation, Miss Yvonne Rosenving, and I'm more than happy to show how wrong you are."

He winked and Kirsten rolled her eyes in dismay.

"Well, tell you what..." The mercenary stepped closer, and it brought up some attention toward the trio. Silas appreciated the gesture by slightly leaning forward, so her whispers would be unheard by the other guests. "If we're both still alive by the end of next year, I don't mind continuing this conversation, yeah?"

Stepping away, the roguish smirk still painted on her visage, Yvonne winked back at the siblings as she curtsied briefly at the two. "Adieu."

"Fiesty isn't she?" Mused the admiral as she left, his reward was a punch to the arm by his sister. "Hey, what's the deal?!"

At that moment a servant approached them. Silas thought he was offering them a drink, so he plucked two beverages from his tray and offered one to Kirsten. But unexpectedly the servant handed her a letter.

"For you ma'am." and then he left.

Ignoring his brother's offer, Kirsten opened the letter immediately. Her expression was deadpan when she read its content.

I had no idea such scandalous stories could be true.

Please accept my heartfelt apologies, and please enjoy yourself tonight! You would never have to work like that in the York household, and I would love to have you visit sometime, if I have not offended you too greatly...

"The boy has guts, I give him that." quipped Silas as he elegantly retreated from his sister's striking distance. Kirsten's expressionless mien turned into an annoyed scowl, but no further strike was launched, so Silas continued. "Gepard. The name rings a bell somewhere."

"He is from York Family." Kirsten was still having her brow furrowed when he said that.

"Oh... yes. the former Duke of Hdur. So he is the boy you dumped earlier?" Silas rubbed his chin, and continued teasingly "He seemed pretty serious. If you ask me.

"Oh please, he was not the first."

"None of your previous suitors ever went this far. What I am saying is, Kirsten York has a nice ring to it."

"We were just dancing. Okay." she retorted, sharper than both of them had anticipated. Knowing that it was just a slightly distasteful jest, Kirsten then veered from tensed to a more relaxed disposition. "I don't know. He looks cute, but that's all I know for now."

"And seemed chivalrously reckless, if I might add." Silas handed Kirsten the wine he had intended to give and toasted her. Either because of the bitterness of the liquor or the brazenness of the words in that letter, he frowned. "Imagine the uproar if Father reads it..."

He spared a moment to look around them. Jonas Delving was still chatting with his co-conspirators and seemed to be absorbed in their hobnobs. But you never know, his spies and agents were everywhere and it would be easy for him just to intercept a letter from a servant. It was fortunate no matter how shrewd their father was he too is not immune to overlooking things that seemed trivial.

At his words, Kirsten just sighed.

"Sister. I want you to know that I am not in any capacity to deprive you of choice."

"I don't want to think about it now." Kirsten folded the letter and tucked it somewhere in her bodice. Her lips tightened trying to stifle a smile as if the words embarrassed her. "What if we grab a bite? I am a bit peckish now. And I am sure your lips are tired after all of that fake smiles."

"Well... well, aren't you a curious one, Mister Gepard?" Kirsten stood up from their bench and twirled to face Gepard to present all of her then performed a very formal curtsy.

"Still couldn't guess it? Let us say I am currently being employed in a very domesticated position." She lowered her chin, though the smile remained, it was strained and gloomy.

"Thank you for your time. It has been wonderful, but I guess I must return to my family... wherever they are. Until next time."


"Guess you know more about my colleagues than myself, huh? Personally, I'm strongly considering that lengthy vacation, but who knows. Maybe you'll not see the last of me just yet."

"I'd say it's a good call. If you ask my opinion, I do not believe the threat of war is over yet." Said Silas with an emphasis, before continuing. "On another note, our King surely knows how to pick his agents. What I know about them is not really a praiseworthy achievement. Those in your party are quite renowned people on their right."
He stared at her and smiled charmingly. "You, for example, with that Mad Blade moniker, I am sure if your assignment was not politically complicated in nature, countless aspiring boys would dub that name for their wooden blade or themselves. Another example, that Elven Lady was once an ambassador. Your masked friend is a legendary traveling doctor and that beastman... hmm. I think a lot of people already know who he is now."

A pair of hands with pearl-colored mittens suddenly closed his eyes from behind.

"Is he hitting on you Yonnie? And not even an offer to dance? How outrageous! You will have a lot to answer, Admiral!"

"Here comes the spoilsport! It means my time here is over I guess..." said Silas as he removed one of Kirtsten's hands and squeezed it.
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