Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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I think your character is good to go!
My tried and true character. Not much has changed.

The other character. The ‘just in case’ character.

In case you want my formalized approval, your character is approved!
How much is one expected to write in a single post? Seems verbose

It looked verbose because we were setting up the plot. Once the game has run, it is usually 2 paragraphs or less. Anyway, the door is still open!
Meanwhile, somewhere in Kindeance Westernmost Province

She called the place the Lab workstation. It was the place where ingredients for some potions were ground, measured,
and then prepared to be cooked on small burners. It was also the place for her to 'work' on her test subjects; they were usually placed, tied, or sedated on a rather large table at the corner of the room in varieties of position and condition.

But today she had to empty that table at Stritzel's request. And the reason for it was even more ridiculous; to make the place easier for the eye for an inspection.

Widernia O'heyak doesn't like it when someone invades her turf.

Strangers or patrons didn't matter, the only difference was, for her patron she was willing to hide her dislikes and rein the urgency to backstab them. After all, her research could not continue without their funding. She needs them as much as they need her, and so far she could always draw a line and assure her patron that they were on equal ground.

But there was something different this time, something that tipped the scale and forced Wedernia to be more lenient, if not careful. Unlike the usual pathetic and whiny Stritzel, the patron visiting today was a powerful man, old but so powerful she could smell it.

The man was some sort of "Controller" named Jonas Delving. A patriarch of one of the most powerful clans in Kindeance. Today, after overseeing the deliverance of their regular supplies, he was scheduled to have a tour in her lab, making sure the money spent was put to good use.

So here she was, like a dog on a short leash mustering every bit of patience she could find to 'show him around'

"What is this? Inquired the man as they arrived in front of a set of rooms separated by iron bars. The first cell was dwelled by a very large bear sleeping in a very large and sturdy bed. Despite the premium decoration, and the effort of Stritzel's servant to keep it as clean as possible, the room reeked the smell of foul blood and pus.

To answer their Controller's inquiry, that bear was half the reason why Widernia was here. The diagnosis concluded that he suffered a catastrophic organ contusion and had a piece of arrowhead-shaped crystal buried somewhere under his brain cavity. The internal damage can heal, albeit slowly, but the nose trauma was... not so optimistic. In fact, it only got worse day by day.

"That's my boy." Answered Stritzel, sounding genuinely brittle. The Controller only nodded as if the bizarreness of the answer didn't faze him at all.

Shifting his attention to the next cell, there was another bear chained in an outstretched position. His eyes were opened, but didn't seem fully conscious. His head tilted several times, mostly to look at the oil lamps in the corner of the room. Every once in a while he made a low guttural sound, sometimes a faint whimper or soft whirr of his breath.

It seemed he was having a rough night yesterday. After securing some ampuls of blood from his beastly arm, it was Stritzel's turn to indulge in whatever plan she fancied for their newest plaything. She didn't know what happened after the door was closed, nor did she care, but the moans were oddly spectacular.

The controller gestured for an explanation without having to ask.

"Another specimen, his younger brother." Though her smile was still fake and she was lying to her teeth, Widernia's voice sounded more ebullient this time. "The important one. The very useful one."

"Explain to me."

Widernia set aside some of her disheveled red hair and began enthusiastically. "We have been making an enchantment potion, yet the effect was minuscule. Luckily we secured this bear some three days ago. I've tested his blood, experimenting on it... and."


"His blood is the key ingredient to bypass a certain chemical reaction that is otherwise impossible to maintain with conventional method."

The Controller, after a long-winded pause finally nodded. He looked at the bear again, rubbing his chin as if trying to recall something. But all that mattered for Widernia was the man didn't look very excited, or disappointed after hearing about the progress she discovered, and it insulted her to her very being.

"I see the gold is being put to good use, as it should be," said the man flatly. Then he turned to Stritzel again.

"Now, I have more important things to discuss with you. My source told me Fredricus has prepared a group of agents-"

"No! No! No!"

For a brief second, Stritzel's elderly frame arched as if something had pulled her. "Were they the SAME DAMN CREATURES WHO HURT MY SON?"

"Hard to say. But there was less reason for Fredricus to not employ his previous hirelings if they were that effective."

"Effective huh," Widernia mumbled. In order to calm the impulse to backstab the Controller for his failure to appreciate her work, she had retreated into the second cell where the restrained bear was, grinning from ear to ear when she heard that the king had dispatched them to find their missing friend. The Druid Bear from the Misty Forest.

Such a twist of fate that the Controller himself was unaware that the Druid in question was right under his nose. Such ignorance was deemed advantageous for her. The man got his plan, and she got hers. Her plan was better and theirs... boring.

"You hear that, my dear test subject?" the red-haired mage purred as she caressed the bear's fur. "How lucky of you that your friends are coming. Could I say the same for my master back then?"

Her master. A sudden urge to scissor the bear's exposed neck swelled inside her, but years under her master's tutelage had allowed her to be patient, to compromise. Not now, but soon, she will have her revenge, a long, precise, and bloody. And from that act of revenge, she would create something new.

She would settle with imagining a V-shaped incision for now. And indulging herself in a tough choice between implanting the head and spine or just the head. Letting her imagination run wild before closing the cell again, and activating the runic lock.

She and Stritzel would keep this secret to themselves for this time being. Though the motives were different, it suited her purpose nonetheless.

10:40 A.M.
[Jazdia "Slyph" Crystalspark]
Angel's Share Inn, Rascade, Kingdom of Kindeance

"Three consecutive months with zero net profit."

The elf announced calmly, fingers tapping against the polished wooden table as she returned the income statement back to her manager. Both of them knew how bad it was, but such gestures were needed to emphsaiz how messed up he was, also as another slap to the manager's dignity. He accepted it with his head low.

Sipping her tea, the elf, Jazdia Crystalspark sighed inaudibly before reviewing her findings. "I can understand if low sales and occupancy caused the loss, but windows repairs every two weeks? Chairs and tables? What or who in the world were you inviting in all these months? Circus animals?

"Even circus animals are more behaved than these people!"

The elven woman's blue eyes narrowed.

"Who are these people?"

Lucas straightened. The change in her tone and expression was something he didn't expect, yet he knew the dangers when he saw it. It had been a precious knowledge for him to know that his investor was not someone to be trifled with.

"Locals." answered Lucas in a single exhale. And he immediately wondered if tomorrow he would hear someone was dead again. He had prepared the names should the lady ask for the specifics.

"But it stated there you allocated some of the capital to pay the guards to do more patrol on the neighborhood."


It was at this moment Lucas knew he was the one in real danger. His investor hadn't inquired him about that fateful night, where a rabble-rouser, after being forcefully tossed out, was killed in the same night. The situation turned from bad to worse after that night; sales plummeted and potential guests were turned away by mobs. Not a week passed without one or two windows getting stoned by God knows who. And the city guards, more often than not turned a blind eye to such kind of accident. As if deliberately commanded to do so.

He gave up and told her the rest of the story, along with a letter that arrived two days ago. What else he could do?


What's worse? Letting two thousand gold coins down the drain, or having another audience with Fredricus the Weaselly?

When she waltzed into Rascade royal palace, the guards and sentries were there, manning their station per usual, but strangely nobody seemed bothered to stop her. Oh, she had been expected and she recognized this kind of ploy all too well.

Remembering Lucas's story, such an accusation was not entirely far-fetched. Her last meeting with Fredricus four months ago did not end in an entirely cordial manner. Maybe Fredricus was still holding a grudge after her flat refusal to aid him with removing his political enemy? She could see the situation was not improving from four months ago, and maybe, just maybe, the sleazy monarch lowkey held her business ransom out of desperation.

She knew this hall all too well. Her last attendance at one of Fredricus' banquets was not the first, but turned out of the most memorable. She wondered how the rest of her party was doing right now. Yvonne said she planned to have a vacation somewhere outside of the nation, Cedar returned home for his hibernation, and Doctor Solomon... honestly she wasn't so sure. Fredricus had shown a great interest in having those last two under his command, and her departure was so abrupt she didn't see the aftermath of their dealings.

On her way, a certain boy greeted her, he was accompanied by that poshy chamberlain who stood straight with eyes half opened.

"Greetings Lady Crystalspark! My father has been waiting for you." said the boy, beaming with youthful excitement when Jazdia answered his offer for a handshake.

"Good to see you again, Alec." the elf managed a smile. Was it just her or he'd been getting taller for the last four months?

"His Young Highness Has been coronated, and thus milady shall address him more appropriately." the chamberlain butted in. Really, nobody asked him.

"Oh really?

Managed to set aside her irritation, and turned it into a weapon to tease, Jazdia shifted to Alex again and leaned forward. "So from now on, I have to call you Lord Alec, Lord of Rascade, Heir to the crown of Kindeace? The weather is lovely today, ain't it milord?" '

The prince shot his aide a glare before turning to Jazdia with a suppressed blush.

"Please, milady, that would be unnecessary."

Jazdia continued her march toward Fredricus' office while the prince followed beside her. There was a small talk about her arrival, how her journey was, and then how her business was doing. Awkward, but the elf appreciated the cordiality and did not want to burden this young heir with details too big for his not-so-broad shoulder to bear.

Despite the Chamberlain's assistance, Alec opened the door himself and invited Jazdia to enter. Fredrocus was there, sitting at his table, guarded by his loyal Paladin Matilda Ironsword who looked rather tensed when she saw the elf.

"Ah, you are here, good." said the king after Alex bowed and proceeded to stand by his side. Unlike their previous meeting, there was a chair prepared, and Fredricus gestured for his guest to sit.

"I was actually here to see the minister of trade and industry. Turns out your bureaucracy reform was so efficient all matters went straight to the king himself. Not bad for four months' worth of progress."

Fredricus, who took his time uncorking a bottle of wine and poured it into his own glass, didn't seem very impressed by the sarcasm.

"Cut the chatter. I think now is the time for you to listen more and talk less."

Jazdia took a deep breath when she fished out an opened envelope from her pocket and tossed it toward Fredricus' desk.

"No, you are the one who should listen. What the hell is this? A letter to shut down my business just because one of the patrons was murdered? This is an abuse."

"An abuse, perhaps. But it was a legitimate order." the king sipped his wine before continuing. "I think you have heard that they took advantage of the dead's background to amplify their message. You tell me, as someone who used to deal with this kind of propaganda how should I handle this situation?

Jazdia's silence answered the king's question. And it was a rare occasion.

"I have no dealings with that kind of business anymore."

"Yes, I heard it multiple times..." Fredricus straightened his posture and gestured his chamberlain to prepare him a parchment and ink.
"I understand. I will use my authority to revoke the order and... maybe have more guards stationed there..." Fredricus stated, solemnly, slowly as if his words had a hidden meaning in them.

Jazdia accepted the freshly sealed documents. But then her expression turned sour when she read one of its clauses. "compliance for requisition by the authority for the effort of war?!"

"Good luck running a business in a nation with martial law." Smirking, Fredricus sipped his wine again, enjoying the countdown before Jazdia's imminent outburst.

And Jazdia, not even bothered to remind Fredricus that she might bring this to a court, snapped angrily.

"Are you out of your mind?! A War?"

"Yes, it's waiting for legalization in Parliament. Want me to show you a copy of the draft?"

"I told you you should have still your hand and let the Delving decline on its own--"

Fredricus suddenly barked a laugh

"More reason for you to feel responsible then! I did just that, and the results were those traitorous bastards doubled their effort and pushed me from every direction. Now everyone wants the war, the people, half of the Senate. And maybe Meche too.

Jazdia narrowed her eyes, her hand gripped the decree like it was some wet towel. "What about Meche? What do they say about this?"

"Nothing," answered Fredricus, shaking his head in frustration. "Nothing. I sent my envoys, even before the accident four months ago and none of them are coming back. I have tasked Antigone to relay my message to Savoy and see if their neighbor can respond but that too was unsuccessful.

Jazdia turned her sight away, toward the young prince, and then to the window. "You know very well starting an unprovoked war would earn you a bad name." She said in a quieter voice.

"That's a weak reason to not start one," Fredricus pointed at his wine cabinet to have another stemware delivered. "But fair enough. I know in that elven head of yours, there is a secret you don't want to say. Why this war is bad business and why you are so interested if Kindeance would start it. Fine, keep your secret."

Jazdia tapped her fingers against the handrest of her chair and glanced at Fredricus keenly. "Do you want this war?

Into the new glass, Fredricus poured some of his wine and placed it on the other side of the table.

"Ha! Hardly. But if this is something inevitable, at least Kindeance would annex Meche if we can win this. Unlike you, I don't have much care about some farmers outside my border. If they value their lives, they should move aside and let my army pass, if my army wants their cattle they give it up."

"Same goes for you people in times of war," said Jazdia contemplatively. "with the requisition and all. They can do nothing because war will subsume daily existence, and they can't turn to the law, because law and court too are created for normal daily lives."

"It's a loss for you too."

Jazdia reached for the stemware and downed the wine.

"Shut up!"

"I have a plan---"

"Don't want to hear it."

"You would want to. At least you can mend your damaged pride that way."

"The only thing you can do is contact Meche and see if they are fine with this." Jazdia necessitated. The wine and euphemism made her want to vomit, but she needed the kick.

"That's indeed the plan. I know what you are thinking, attacking Meche unprovoked would trigger a harsh response from your former organization regardless if Meche was their ally or not. We are not that stupid. Internation law-- the old law, stipulated that the challenged nation would be given fourteen days after the declaration of war was signed. Two weeks, then all bets are off.
I know Denon well enough and he doesn't want this."

"So you need King Denon's formalized response to stop this madness."

"Correct! If not for good, then at least people would be able to know his side of the story. I will ink a letter for Denon tonight."

Seeing her puzzled expression, the king shrugged before continuing. "This, despite all said and done, is just a mere... invitation for you, Lady Crystalspark. I have prepared my team and they are expected to heed my summons in three days."


Your character is good to go!

Angel's share was never a busy inn.

Managed by a man in his late twenties named Lucas, who would frown when people refer to his establishment as a tavern, it provides the best hospitality service you could find in the entire Rascade.

Really, it cost him a large sum of money from his late Father's inheritance to turn what once looked like a building of debauchery into a respectable establishment worthy of respectable patrons. By the direction of his newfound investor, the south wall was demolished to facilitate the re-direction of the main door toward the city plaza, the second floor was fully revamped, and the interior was renovated and all was maintained with utmost hygiene. The change was drastic indeed, but certainly needed.

Yet despite all of that, the inn and its fancy rooms had never seen much occupancy since its grand opening four months ago. He thought it was simply because they opened their door at the wrong season, but then came the spring and the situation was not improving.

At least until their competitor, The Black Swann suddenly closed their doors a week ago after some nasty fights broke out in the establishment. Lucas never really cared about other people's business, but he couldn't help but eavesdrop on his patrons' swaggering even when he didn't want to; apparently, a dockhand had his jugular sliced open with a broken bottle after picking a fight with a bunch of immigrants. What an idiotic way to die.

It was another busy night when a man barged in and startled the manager. Lucas was quick to recall his practiced courtesy and be ready should the man require a check-in. Unfortunately, the man ignored him and beelined toward the table in the middle of the room and sat there.

"Oy! Where is the table service?"

Rather unusual for his waiter to be this slow, but Lucas chose to not play the role of tough manager to this new staff. It was his investor who endorsed her, so he actually has not much to say about it. Nonetheless, it was not an entirely bad deal; she was decent enough for the job, and pretty too.

"...a bottle of grog for the gentleman." Said the maid.

Lucas begrudgingly pulled out a cask of rum from the cupboard under his table and mixed it with caramelized water. Hesitantly giving it to the maid and watched as she swiftly walked back to the man's table.

Really? Just a grog? Of all the finest drink he could serve the man asked for diluted liquor? He could already predict the payment would be paltry.

The man sat there, alone. One of the other patrons from the next table, a merchant's handyman nudged the man. "Mind tellin me the story of your fondness for a weak drink?"

The man's nose wrinkled, but he ignored him. The handyman, upon realizing the man sitting next to him was not feeling friendly retreated to his group, interjecting the ongoing conversation with a thinly disguised remark about the strange fellow next to them.

"Back when I was a grunt defending the western province from mechean monkeys, grog was all we had," he grumbled, before sipping his drink.

"Some sort of veteran aren't you?" asked one of the handyman's tablemates. Lucas recognized him as a low-ranking noble who had been regular just a few days ago.

"Good sir, thank you for your service!" this time another patron, an assistant dockmaster with a scar on his face joined them. "It was a shame they relieved you from your duty so early. Especially when the war is already upon us."

Lucas wasn't so sure if it was just mere pleasantries or if there was a hidden meaning. The veteran sipped his drink, slower this time as if suppressing a growl. And then to no one in particular, he spoke. "There will be no war, our king doesn't want it."

"It's not decided yet." said the nobleman.

"Honestly what's the problem with our king?" said the dockmaster. "Meche has gone too far and we have been too soft on them."

"Ain't that the truth? Cowardice seemed to have seeped deeper into our proud city."

There was a silence.

"War is a bad business, my friend. And our king knows that." answered the nobleman. Then, to the dockmaster he continued. "And you should know that. Rascade got ships docking in her harbor because this place is peaceful. War means this water is dangerous and no captain would sail into a dangerous water. Means no money for you, Dockmaster, and everyone else. Peace brings prosperity."

"Stop speaking with your ass! What's the use of prosperity when our dignity is trampled?"

"Excuse me, what?"

"Ain't nobody trample our dignity, old man!" an off-duty soldier joined in, and immediately he and that veteran eyed each other intensely. "Rascade is still standing. People are free to do whatever they please and everyone feels safe."

The veteran, not backing off even when facing an official, suddenly slammed his mug against the table. "You too speak like a fool! What's your name? What's your unit? How could a nation be safe when the king was attacked under our nose? Right in the heart of our city? Don't you at least feel ashamed?"

The inn suddenly got frenetic. Lots of people had been muttering assent or disagreement, either with the sentiments expressed or the people expressing them. But this time they became even more thunderous when the veteran mentioned the attack four months ago. Of course, everyone remembered that, and of course, everyone was still antsy with the outcome. Although the so-called mastermind had been publicly polished, the resentment still remained. And the veteran's bold complaints resonate well with the populace.

"Don't you all notice? Things turned for the worse after our king appointed that orc woman as his bodyguard." the dockmaster chimed in again. "Wouldn't be surprised if she was actually an enemy spy! Why was our king so unwi--"

Another soldier, broader and taller than the previous stepped in, and was now towering in front of the dockmaster. "Careful, good sir. Nobody talk bad about His Highness and Captain Matilda unless he wants to spend the rest of his days without teeth!"

"Last time I checked Kindeance was a free nation!" Rigid with a seemingly bottled-up rage, the veteran stood up from his seating and faced the taller soldier. Not sure what happened next, but the situation jumped from a passive-aggressive standoff into an act of flipping the table, showing everyone that he too could be as menacing as a fully trained royal guard.

Lucas' who had been a spectator found himself jolted by a sudden ditching. The manager instinctively yelled from the counter. "Hey! You all will pay for the damage! And take your fight outside!"

"Shut up you pathetic wuss!" Barked the veteran. Now completely lost it, he faced the soldier again and spoke with unrestrained belligerence. "What the fuck are you doing soldier? Threatening people for telling the truth? Is this Kindeance I once defended with my life and limbs? Peaceful my ass! Have you seen what happened in Fanghorn? And what did our king do? Nothing! Are you folks waiting for it to happen in Rascade as well?"


Now stepping on the broken glass like nobody's business, the veteran addressed the crowd "Good folk, do you think the city is safe? While the spies are among us? While our king sits idly?


"Can you feel safe knowing our soldiers are useless the King would rather entrust our problem to be solved by suspicious foreigners?!!"


More people joined it, surrounding them with their rabid cheering. The soldier, who didn't want to lose face rushed to grab the Veteran's collar, intending to make him stop. But the veteran handily evaded the grip and elbowed his face, before landing a well-placed kick onto the soldier's midsection. Sending him away across the room to hit an unoccupied table.

Victorious, he raised his hands, and more people celebrated around him jeered at the soldier.

"Wayne was killed by some immigrant ruffians and what they got? A prison sentence!"

"My family at Fanghorn had to live through the winter in a hovel!"

"There is no justice at all, these soldiers are a big fat disgrace!"

The situation escalated badly everyone seemed all too eager to be the next bruiser. But the veteran was the man of the show. Menacingly he approached the downed guard, ready to give him another beating before a hand grabbed his wrist, and everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

There was an attempt to retaliate, weak and pitiful the maid didn't give him a chance. Three consecutive blows landed on the veteran's jaw; the first blow staggered him, the second weakened him, and the third put him unconscious.

The crowd suddenly lost its buildup.

"What was everybody doing there For? Do you want me to report you all for the assault and property damage? Pay your tabs and get out of my tavern! I am calling more guards now!"

There he was. Lucas was so mad he didn't realize he used the word Tavern instead of Inn. But what the hell! What was the difference anyway if the place was this disorderly?

The night ended just like that. After the maid dragged the unconscious veteran's body out of the tavern and tossed him onto the cold sidewalk, Angel's Share finally closed its door.


Several hours later, the veteran woke up. The world felt like spinning, but with his remaining unexpressed rage, he managed to find the inn's door and banged it several times before the vibration sent a pang to his jaw. Only by then he gave up, and limped away.

The roads were empty, and the night was cold. Embarrassment overwhelmed him, but also excitement, the feeling swelled the more his jaw ached. Next time he would plan better, doesn't matter if Angel's share closed its door. The plaza was right in front of it anyway.

Now it was time time to collect his due reward. The veteran took a sharp turn toward a dark alley. Someone was waiting for him there.

"You are late!" said his patron. Darkness, combined with his inebriated state made the veteran unable to recognize his face, but his voice was well recognized.

"Naw! Naw! We agreed to do this in my term!" still, the veteran asserted his dominance, and rightly so because he has been their useful agent on multiple occasions. But this time he did that to regain his personal pride, a pride that was robbed from him by a mere barmaid.

"Tomorrow the the fire will be bigger," he said, refocusing himself so his words didn't sound too slurry. "I have yet to use all the information. People would be interested to hear who's the true owner of that tavern! Yesterday the message will be stronger!"

His patron nodded. "You have done well!" and handed him a pouch of coins. It dropped just a moment after the veteran held it, prompting him to kneel to pick it back up.

As he stood again. Someone else suddenly appeared behind him. Instinctively he turned back. "Who was that? Who are you?"

The shilloute was taller than him. Clad in black, a mask covered his face, and his breathing fizzled from the transparent tube connecting his neck and where his mouth should be.

Then in an instant, the masked being unsheathed his blade and ran it through the veteran's torso, piercing his heart and part of his spine. The man gasped once before his killer let him go to lie down on the concrete pavement, twitching as his blood pooling around him.

"Yes, you are right. Tomorrow the message will be stronger than ever."

Oh no, I smell trouble and you make it double already!

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