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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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The Not-So-Goodenough waited until the time ran out, He tiled his faceless head once before swiftly lunged forward and swung his lance upward toward Erwin. With no defensive stance (as if it could do much) and no preparation to move away, the blow connected on his side ribs and threw him away.

"Law you said!" he boomed, coarse and hard as the coral. "Spell not your law in front of me. Human! Before you even walked this land my people ruled it." toward the now-landed and knocked-out noble he walked, and pointed his lance.

"Stay down! Lest you want to be humbled some more."


Jazdia could feel half of her hair rising up like being carried away by a strong tide when a heavy thud of metals clashed in front of her. By the next moment, Erwin had already changed in position and landed a few meters away.

She already knew this could happen and the noble totally had it coming.

Sighing, the elf walked between Goodenough, his lance, and Erwin. Staring at the gargantuan, twice taller and bigger than a certain bear. Eyes activated, glowing violet with a tinge of red. Power was the true language they understood.

"Alright, that's enough. Leave now in Peace, Casdegar!" She said, bow already held firmly.

The merchant acknowledged it quickly. With a swift motion, he retreated his lance and stabbed it onto the ground.

"Pardon the roughness in my voice, Friends. For The wound from this fool's marble hasn't healed yet."

A thunderous boom of a discharged firearm echoed in that small valley. The bullet traveled true and cavitated Goodenough's neck. Bluish blood splattered from its entry and exit wounds.

The man's face contorted in pain, yet he was standing still. And finally, he hunched, but not to fall. From his back, four tentacles sprouted out and stabbed themselves into the soil. Myriads of wormy things suddenly squirmed in his wound, his beard blacked, weaving itself together in a series of disgusting phlegmatic sounds as it crawled up to cover his elderly face. It formed a black chitinous visor and finally spread and evolved into what seemed to be a full helmet and armor that covered his head and neck. Several red tentacles squirmed out from the gap where the eyes should be.

And now, as the shadow engulfed his entire presence, he suddenly grew bigger and taller. Underneath his torn human clothing, emerged a dark-blue exterior protected by tightly assembled scales. His lanky limbs grew additional tentacles and spikes. and as the spike grew longer from his shoulder, it formed into a lance as tall as himself, made of what seemed to be a somber coral with a bluish end.

Menacingly, he drew his lance and stood there, waiting for Erwin to prepare his human toys.
At this point, the whole thing has become a nasty piece of business. On one front, Jazdia had to deal with Loise and her impulsive, not well-thought gifting. Behind her, Erwin started to call her out. It was long speeches spewed with unadulterated hatred, and quickly developed into a wholesale gesture for violence.

Jazdia only had one thing in mind.

"What the hell is he doing?!"

"Erwin. Put your gun down," she demanded. Taking a step closer carefully to not agitate the frenzied musketeer. Are they really going to murder the man? Out of unproven suspicion?

Good enough was barely taking a few yards from his initial position when he heard the warning. Even in the middle of clanking and creaking, he heard the warning, so he jumped down and casually faced the nobleman.

"Good sir, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture, or-or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention? Is that even legal for you to do so? Or do you just want to yank my chain some more?"

Long-winded speech answered with another, and Goodenough spent exactly five seconds.
While Erwin kept prattling about his 'concern', the Merchant was in the process of rolling and hauling his carpet back to his cart, finishing his preparation to leave the place. He had paid the man no heed, nor actually appreciate his so-called concern. They were spoken with thinly veiled threats, and half of them served nothing but to impugn his credibility. He was honestly offended by it, perhaps as much as when the bears brazenly pushed him away from his own merchandise.

But he said nothing. It was better this way. Debating a noble in the middle of nowhere was unproductive at best. He had earned quite amount of gold from this awkward encounter, and his papers were legitimate this Erwin would have no reason to arrest him any longer.

A triumphant smile curled on his face when he climbed up to his cart and bid everyone but Erwin farewell. "Auf wiedersehen, Do vstrechi, until we meet again, lassies, ma'am, miss and lady!"

And with that, he started rolling slowly toward the main road.
Take what?

Shifting back to Loise, the blonde squire presented a box for her. Quite posh for a mere wooden box, so it had to be precious trinkets or jewelry.

And she asked her to take it...

Take? It took a while for Jazdia to decrypt what kinda of 'take-this' she meant and simulated them in her mind. Unfortunately, drowsiness made her decision-making slightly impaired, so she picked the least likely one, and added a healthy dose of sarcasm in it.

"Is that for me?" Jazdia said coyly. "Thank you! I will treasure this gift. Can you tell me what's inside or should I open it myself?"

The blonde human stared at her for exactly eight seconds before shaking her head.

”No, but I would ask you and Sir Chandrar to take a look on this elven made stuff. I'll be back on you two when it's done."

Jazdia's face twitched only slightly. Though she couldn't help but feel bewildered by her bold and unusual request, she managed to appear composed.

"You will be fine."

The elf said thoughtfully when she rejected the box.

Seeing them speaking in unison like that was quite refreshing, so Jazdia smiled back, genuinely this time, before answering them teasingly. "If you say so big girls. Don't forget to follow the lady then and say your thanks, okay?"

Back to Erwin.

Working huh? Jazdia muttered inaudibly, letting the man finish explaning his reasoning. Whatever reason he had, Jazdia simply believed now was not the time.

"But he is cleared by me... His things seem legit, only thing that concerns me is his spare stock of mana potions and the direction he is travelling. If we were a larger group, I would saw we split off some to escort him to his trade and back south once he was done, but... since we need all those here to head to the pass we need the full company."

There was a pause. Erwin looked at her searchingly probably asking her to play along.

She wouldn't.

"Well if he is clear and legitimate, then we have no reason to take more of his time." Jazdia shifted to the merchant, who ever-jovial. "Right, Sir Goodenough?"

"Yes, ma'am! But I don't mind the questions. Pardon, but I overheard the concern about my stock and my destination. I have explained my stock, so regarding my destination that would be Blizz Plain in Great Westernant. Long journey eh? That's why I take me time roamin around first to add something more for me capital. So you want to buy, miss? Name your stuff I and I might ave them!"

Jazdia shook her head. "Thank you, but I am all set."

The merchant Goodenough now looked genuinely dejected.

"Are there any more questions, then? If all's clear, then 'fraid I can't spare time for more questions. I did say to that pretty miss over the that I intend to rest here, but feels like I ain't welcomed, or-or disturbing. Then I would, again, say pardon, and move me cart somewhere else. Now if ye would excuse me!"

Swords, blades, and spears, all gathered and tied. Jewelry and collectibles were collected, neatly, systematically and ready to be stored back. The merchant was closing up his shop now.

"You know what? This kinda reminds me of something."

Leaving Doctor Solomon, Jazdia the elf walked steadily toward her so-called team members who had been flocking there for quite some time now. Her eyes focused on Erwin and the bearded man, staring at them in utter displeasure, especially when the words 'diplomatic' and 'where' sprung out.

Once she got there, Jazdia immediately regarded Erwin and Louise. "Enjoying your shopping spree I see..." she paused. Fatigue from that long journey had rendered her patience worn and thin, but she managed to rein in an urge to snap and smile faintly.

"The old man is looking for you. Yes, you Mister Euluine. Best to see what it was all about. Miss Ironside, Louise, would you kindly escort him?"

She then shifted toward the twin bears and stood straight. Blue eyes coldly glared at them as if their gargantuan size meant little.

"Girls? What do you say after receiving gifts?"
Goodenough listened while maintaining a pleasant, interested expression when Erwin told him about the dangers in the north. He assured him that he would take that advice to heart, and it was wise words that deserved a heartful thanks.

"Oh those potions are my old stock, and I carry those around as I do with the rest of my wares."

it was a rather nosey question, but fortunately this Erwin was relentless in his quizzing, allowing Goodenough to pick one of the two questions and make a bigger deal out of it to evade elaborating on the others

"As for the trinkets, they were Mundanes, maybe." the merchant pinched his beard, letting the word seep deeper. "But them jewelries ain't something that can be made by a random blacksmith, good sir. And I have yet to encounter anyone in Kindeance who can supply wares with similar qualities.

He hooked his head, and for the first time, he sounded more dejected.

"So dealers like me 'as to go farther and further to fetch our wares. And you said yourself the situations with our neighbors are not nice. Them lands being full of dangers means merchant like meself must go there with extra preparations and often take longer routes. Naturally that means me folks have to sell higher just to make even, let alone makin' any profit. I've told young lass here before that ain't taking much profit from me sales, only 20 per-cent and could be even lower if customer haggle the price or I'm feeling givin' dem a discount."

He cleared his throat. and continued. "May I ask where you and your party's goin' Sir?"
The Merchant Goodenough looked like he was ready to flip over.

"And sold! To the lady with exceptional taste and her curious bear companions! But hold on to yer horses naw! I gotta tell you about that Abydos Necklace." he straightened his back and gazed at the twins. Yellow eyes flashed with anticipation yet his jovial expression was as genuine as one can feel.

"In case any of ye want to use that jewel for anything more than just pretty things to hang 'round yer neck, know that was already filled to the brim. Use it sparingly ammarite? Don't wear it when it's empty or ye will suffer magic hangover. How to refill it, Uncle Goodenough?! Ya may ask! Well lucky for ye I've got mana potions too! Drink them and it will be full blue again. Better buy them now for de road! Kekekeke!"

He placed the first two items in two seemingly ordinary wooden boxes respectively and approached the twins, handing them each the packaged jewelry. "Here you go, lasses! Don't do something with them something I wouldn't do, allrite?!

He turned to Loise and gave her the box containing that elven trinket. A pouch of gold was handed to him in return, and with his lanky fingers, Goodenough squeezed it, feeling the clinking, the weight, and sound, and felt satisfied with his just payment.

"Good doing business with ya!"
"You're welcome, Sir Erwin. Just doin my part as a good citizen!"

The bearded merchant's grin seemed to widen when Erwin mentioned something about being an envoy for diplomatic matters. Whether it was for the sake of courtesy or something else entirely, nobody would ever know. For Goodenough suddenly found himself in a very profitable situation again when Loiuse asked for more specific trinkets.

"Aye! Certainly, young miss. But gotta fetch them first in me cart, kindly wait for me ya?!" He turned and suddenly a donkey, one of his burden beasts emerged from behind his transport and turned its head toward the crowd behind the carpet. A moment later, it moved its head down and whuffled as if bowing at them. Perhaps it would smile too if possible.

The merchant climbed down. And with him, he brought a box lined with satin. He opened it in front of Louise, gesturing her to look closer.

"It has no names, but I think it's really suitable for you. It was created in a pair. One of a pendant and the other is a ring. Don't hesitate! You can touch it if you want."

He indicated the jewelry inside the box. It was an emerald pendant that seemed to lack any luster, but if a living being touched it, it would show its glitter. Beside it was a gold ring with a piece of emerald that seemed to be embedded and forged along with the band itself. It also has an elvish inscription on it."

"I also have the usual ones. Brooch or-or silver necklace you can put a picture of your loved ones nside. But ain't that boring things! So took me chance to show ya this. The Elves made them. So they're old and durable. It said if two lovers wore 'em, the other would know if the wearer was receiving an embrace from de outsider. N'ver checked if it works, dun hav loved one meself. Kha! kha!"

"I'll sell them for yue cheap. My usual customers don't want this kniche thing. Soo, 40 coins for the pair and its box!"

The merchant paused to wait for Louise's decision. On the other end, the conversation between the twins could be heard and... well at least it wasn't as nerve-wrecking as before. He really hope this transaction could be wrapped up soon.

"I assume the two items we discussed earlier are a deal? Sould I process the purchase with this one?"

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