Avatar of Mas Bagus


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8 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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Character Louise Ironside is official dropped by the player.

It is unfortunate, but thank you for your participation
Glad to have you onboard until this very end
Ted the Bear made it to the second floor and turned to the right corridor, out of everyone's gaze, leaving the group, his enemy, his sympathizer, and bloody carnage behind him. If one would anticipate another destruction on the second floor, they could hear a harsh drawl about an intention to break the door, and then the sound of a wooden door being broken apart.

And then there was a muffled screening...

The main door leading straight to the courtyard was opened.

The entire lobby was an utter mess. Bookshelves being tipped over, destroyed furniture here and there, gore splattering on the carpet and walls, and disfigured bodies scattered about, some were still breathing, but not for long.

One of the dying ones could be seen sitting on one of the corners, trembling there with stomach torn open and crushed leg. Hopeless and powerless, fresh blood seeping out from his wound, and the only thing he could be seen doing was whispering prayers, for he knew that his death was drawing close.
The first thug was welcomed with a punch in the gut, just a moment after he realized that he was just running from a nasty frying pan into an unforgivable fire. As his friend lay shriveled on the grass, the other thug frantically raised his hand and threw away his sword.

"I surren--"

But Alas, Yvonne was in her least merciful moment, and not in the mood to stop her momentum. Shifting from the downed first thug to the second one, she leg-tripped him with her right foot, causing the thug to stumble down like his friend.

"I surrender! Mercy! Oh Gods!" He pleaded, raising both hands to cover his head to anticipate a follow-up beatdown.

Jazdia kept her bow drawn, checking every corner ahead to ensure nobody was getting a drop on them when Yvonne was busy beating the hell out of those two unarmored thugs.

Varya's attempt to displace his shivering bulk was met with passive resistance. Three bears clutching each other up together was not an easy thing to push, even if they were not making any effort to resist. Not only that, when he tried to push Cedar back, the bear in question snarled and clamped his arm with his jaws.

The bite went shallow, leaving some biting marks on the blue elf's forearm. Even with sheer determination being put out behind that instinctive chomping, Varya had had his muscles buffed up, and Cedar's condition could only allow marginal damage.

The biting was released almost instantly, followed by a harsh warning "DON' TOUCH ME!"

"....He dun even WAN be saved.... Fine... Kill 'im... It wut ya want... an uh caint stop ya. Take meh home. Dun wanna see no moar... Don wanna feel no moar..."

It was sad, and confusing at the same time. Cedar looked beyond the elf's shoulder. At Ted, who had just finished off yet another guard and had the other two running through the front door.

The Gladiator-Bear had started his ascend toward the second floor, attracted by the desperate sound of metals and hands being banged against the door and the voice of an elderly woman coming from one of the rooms on the corridor upstairs. The wooden stairs squeaked under his heavy weight, and blood still occasionally dripped from his muzzle, which was tainted with dried and coagulated blood.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Jazdia could hear all the bawlings, roars, and sobbings, coming from multiple bears and it added to her mounting restlessness.

"Why does it sound like they are abusing those beastly bumpkins? What the hell is going on?! Veronica, if the situation is no longer conducive, you guys must retreat. I repeat! If it's not possible to bring Cedar safely, then your safety must be the top priority!

It was all coming back to her now. That Bear-Fighter was one mean bastard, and now if Veronica described him as a monster, then they would be at a disadvantage trying to wrestle that thing in an enclosed space.

Suddenly two forms of panicked human males rushed out that mansion's front door, running toward the courtyard as if their lives depended on it. Jazdia quickly nocked an arrow on her bow and aimed. While those two idiots came out to the open, right in front of the team.

Mustering every bit of her newly recovered energy, Jazdia shouted. Irises gleamed in a menacing purple hue to intimidate them.

"Stop right there if you value your life and limbs!"

<Snipped quote by Pakde>

Perfect, I'll start working on a character! I've got discord too so I can jump across there if need be!

Looking forward to it!

Also don't forget to join our discord, we are more than happy to help you create your character. Ask us anything, meet the other players and join the madness =)
This is my first post on this site so i sincerely apologise if I muck up some social rules. Are y'all still taking players? I have not roleplayed since I was a teenager but I miss it a lot and this feels like my vibe. Can I jump straight in and create a character?

On that, spells; are you sticking to any particular system in terms of Spell class/level/slots etc? Or reasonably open as long as it's not OP?


Now is indeed the best window to jump into the game. As for the spells requirement, four skills is the maximum, and yes, it's reasonably open, but the details need to be discussed first with the GM for the sake of balance.

Usually, we use Discord, and I wholeheartedly suggest you join the channel.

"I know," Jazdia said. Her gaze, like Athena, was on the manor itself, where a faint screams and roarings, and the sound of broken windows could be faintly heard.

She beckoned Yvonne to follow and brought her pocket watch closer to her chin.

"Veronica, what's the situation on your end? My power is... disabled now, so I can't track you down there. Everything is under control here. The Package is down and secured." Shaking her head, Jazdia repeated the report with omitted lingos this time. "We have Jonas Delving under arrest."

The man in question was still lying in front of her, eyes closed, but still breathing.
"You certainly wouldn't want to wait for any doctor here if you value the life of the people in your care." She narrowed her eyes upon hearing such an ambiguous report. In all honesty, Jazdia was ready to dismiss the excuse to not relocate much earlier as a lack of better judgment. The wall before them could very well be the place where the enemy aiming a crossbow or musket at them, and considering how close they were to the mansion, such a risk should be apparent enough.

Pausing to observe the potential hazard, Jazdia's icy disposition was somewhat thawed a bit when she heard Louise explaining about her fixing Athena's bones. Well, at least it wasn't an open fracture.

She unbuttoned her blazer and handed it to the squire. "Use this as an arm sling, and refrain from touching the fracture until Solomon's around. I can't use my power yet and who knows what kind of surprise is being prepared for us in that mansion. Stay alerted!"

Moments passed. Not sure how long, the elven ranger was unsure of her own perception of time right now, and she still felt hazy. But at least the trembling on her hands had disappeared, replaced by pain on her side and a burning sensation in her belly.

Those could mean both bad and good, bad because the anesthetic had worn off, and good because the supplement she took before, prescribed to help alleviate anemia, was working.

Jazdia checked and double-checked her bandage, ensuring there was no life seeping out of it before getting herself back on her feet. It was time to resume her duty. Pain and fatigue could be ignored, but delays on the schedule she could not tolerate.


Nearby, Yvonne was busy watching the sky slowly shift into marginally less tenebrous shade as the acute awareness of her condition washed over her senses. Lightheaded trance with occasional lapse of focus stemming from non-negligible blood loss. The familiar dull full-body ache from her usage of her strengthening, interposed by the persistently annoying tug of wrong that was her right calf that the potion stitched back together into a less than perfect condition. All interposed with the situational awareness of her surroundings - the dirt and grass under her hands, sticky sensation of dried blood, the distinct lack of wind thanks to their walled compound highlighting the soft breath of the elf nearby, the existence of another campfire not far off... it's so easy to be lulled into a false sense of security.

"We need to regroup," Jazdia's voice rang next to her. "It will be some time before the sun is out. The raid is not over yet."

"Yeah, we do." Shaking awake from her reverie, the mercenary slipped her hands back into the gauntlets before strapping her helmet back where it belongs. She stood briskly, patting dust off herself, one hand passing Sparky's medkit back to the rightful owner. As for her cloak... eh, it's not going anywhere and she's damn well not wearing it back now. She just kicked over the largest piece of firewood to weight it down and be done with it. "Lets take a look of what the rest are doing. And then... perhaps we should see to help the infiltration team. They're taking a bit too long for my liking."

Jazdia motioned Yvonne to put the medkit back in its place. "We might need it to fix someone else." She said, pausing before addressing The Mercenary's concern. "True, I should dial Veronica anytime now. But we need to take care of ourselves first."

After saying that, the elf approached the thug's tent, unsheathed her knife, and dismantled the canvas shelter. "Help hold that one," she said, gesturing to Yvonne to hold another end before cutting and laying it flat on the ground. It wasn't a fancy mat, but at least wide and proper enough for a bear to lay down.

Wide enough for a bear. The elf shook her head, trying to banish an urge to curse. It was for the sake of THAT damn bear they have to deal with this diversion, and remembering that those Juvenile twins were of the same species, Jazdia couldn't help but allow her intuition to suggest the worse.

Steeling herself, the next objection was to having everyone gathered in one place. So she headed to the second campfire. Yvonne followed suit, intending to lend Jazdia her arm.

"Oh please, I am not decrepit yet..." The elf gently refused the support Yvonne offered and smiled, showing the mercenary that she could walk with a perfect gait despite the injury. It wasn't out of vain pride, an instruction wouldn't mean much if one issuing it didn't appear to be in control of the situation.

"Just because you can does not mean you should, yeah? It's not a light injury." Yvonne shot back with a grin "Accept some help, Sparky. No one will see you any less for it."

The offer was still hanging in the air, but Jazdia was resolute with her choice. "I have asked and received your help more than what I deem appropriate. I appreciate the offer, but really, I am fine now, Miss Rosenving. You can follow me if you like because someone else might need your helping hand."

As the elven ranger continued walking, Evan could be seen walking past them, so Jazdia called.

"Hey! Mikkelson! We need to regroup now, have some rest near the campfire we will be there shortly!"

But there was no answer, Evan kept moving to the south. Where to? Jazdia didn't really care enough to look back and find out. If Evan could walk just fine then he was fine, strange, but not one to worry about.

"Athena, Louise. Can you two walk? Take my hand if you can't. The place is not yet safe, and it is unwise to remain scattered. Let us regroup at the thug's campsite, your fire wouldn't last long here, and there we can asses the injury better. Come on, get up!"
Widernia wasted no breath to return the retort, but instead tightened her arm around Veronica's neck very firmly had the pale woman was alive and needed breathing, she would feel the choking.

"Why bother? Just leave him!" whispered the mage.

Widernia did not hide her cowardice and anxiety when Veronica grabbed the unconscious guard. When the sound of clanging iron resonated on the corridor, the mage shivered and her breathing was ragged when her savior halted her pace.

"I have no love for Stritzel, nor her pet bear. A failed test subject he is." she mumbled "These people too are equally useless, and if morality is your reason to save them, you should know that those men are not in any way less despicable than me. But at least I have a deal you must honor!"

Steadfast like a statue, Bartholomew conveyed his fair warning, axe planted to the floor.

Upstairs, Ted the Gladiator unleashed his unadulterated rage toward the iron door that separated him and his Mother. A solid barrier the door was, but still could not match Ted's unnaturally enhanced might. Dirt and grime dusted off from the trembling ceiling and wall, metals clanged in idle protest. By the third pounding its shape started to bend, by the fourth, its hinges started to give in.


In the east room, there were other shelves, and desks, strewn about in disarray after the Juvenile bear thrashed the room to find their improvised tools. When Solomon looked closer toward the desk there was a torn diagram that seemed to belong to a large tome that was likely lost in the fire now. On the floor there were notes and writing about the research on blood harvested from unnatural beings, some looked slightly wetted and smelled awful.

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