Name: Sonia Al-Hathya
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 172cm
Desc: Sonia is a fair-skinned young woman with an average to slightly slim build. Her waist-length hair was crimson red and left untied. Matching with the curtain, the windows of her soul are purplish-red with slitted pupils. A pair of short horns jutted out of her hair, forming an arc similar to scarab antlers, something (along with her pointy ears) she often futilely hides with her hood.
Race: If it wasn't obvious enough, Sarkaz, a pseudo-biblical demon. No, she doesn't have a tail, no, she is not and does not behave like that kind of she-demon, stop asking!
Bio: Dad was an arms dealer, everything else was blurry.
Sonia was still a teenager when her parents kicked her out of home. Was it because of her own fault or her parents simply tired of her was never a clear occurrence in her memory. Sometimes she remembers a bit of the detail, and on the next occasion, she found herself already on the road with traveling gear and a crossbow, feeling confused. It is certainly not amnesia, she still remembers who she is and every bit of the years that have passed along with her journey. It's just, sometimes she wondered what the hell is she doing spending years from town to town, from one wilderness to another, and not in the place called home?
I think I need a scoop of ice cream.
Purpose of travel: Like any other passengers, arriving safely at the designated port. And then travel a bit more to her hometown. Perhaps looking for an answer, maybe just stopping by, or... who knows, finding her way back home.
Other information: Nothing particularly outstanding with Sonia's combat capability. She can shoot swiftly and accurately, and if she really means it, there will be no armor thick enough to deflect her bolts. Sonia is well aware of her inexperience in real combat, so she won't hesitate to work with everyone and follow the chain of command if the situation calls for it.
Equipment: Medium-sized canvas bag, dagger, a reverse-draw mechanical crossbow with "Alhazen" markings on its limbs. 25x crossbow bolts. A coin purse containing the amount of money enough to purchase another ticket.
Name: Sonia Al-Hathya
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 172cm
Desc: Sonia is a fair-skinned young woman with an average to slightly slim build. Her waist-length hair was crimson red and left untied. Matching with the curtain, the windows of her soul are purplish-red with slitted pupils. A pair of short horns jutted out of her hair, forming an arc similar to scarab antlers, something (along with her pointy ears) she often futilely hides with her hood.
Race: If it wasn't obvious enough, Sarkaz, a pseudo-biblical demon. No, she doesn't have a tail, no, she is not and does not behave like that kind of she-demon, stop asking!
Bio: Dad was an arms dealer, everything else was blurry.
Sonia was still a teenager when her parents kicked her out of home. Was it because of her own fault or her parents simply tired of her was never a clear occurrence in her memory. Sometimes she remembers a bit of the detail, and on the next occasion, she found herself already on the road with traveling gear and a crossbow, feeling confused. It is certainly not amnesia, she still remembers who she is and every bit of the years that have passed along with her journey. It's just, sometimes she wondered what the hell is she doing spending years from town to town, from one wilderness to another, and not in the place called home?
I think I need a scoop of ice cream.
Purpose of travel: Like any other passengers, arriving safely at the designated port. And then travel a bit more to her hometown. Perhaps looking for an answer, maybe just stopping by, or... who knows, finding her way back home.
Other information: Nothing particularly outstanding with Sonia's combat capability. She can shoot swiftly and accurately, and if she really means it, there will be no armor thick enough to deflect her bolts. Sonia is well aware of her inexperience in real combat, so she won't hesitate to work with everyone and follow the chain of command if the situation calls for it.
Equipment: Medium-sized canvas bag, dagger, a reverse-draw mechanical crossbow with "Alhazen" markings on its limbs. 25x crossbow bolts. A coin purse containing the amount of money enough to purchase another ticket.