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1 yr ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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While making her way around the soldiers along with Tillius and Fia, it seemed Roxas had become injured. Some form of healing magic had been used on her in response to the wound, though it didn't appear to be her doing. The work of one of the party members outside the illusion, perhaps? Regardless of the cause, the light that had engulfed her as a result of the spell had drawn the attention of the captain and his soldiers; while the soldiers moved to attack Roxas, Tillius, and Fia, the captain charged on his horse towards Rezello and Forbann, wielding a blood-stained hatchet. Rezello held out a hand, a long line of silver light manifesting in his grasp before changing into his bec de corbin, the knight lowering himself into a defensive stance as he readied to counter the captain's assault, streaks of lightning magic running down his arms and into his weapon.

Galloping at full speed, the dark captain, whatever he truly was, seemed to be quite well-versed in knowledge of warfare. So, when he saw the masked knight summoned a type of polearm to anticipate his charge, rather than trying to face it head-on, he maneuvered slightly to his right and swung the back of his axe against Rezzello's Bec de Corbin to demoralize him.

Two weapons collided with a clang. What he did not anticipate was, that it only needed the slightest contact for Rezello's lightning spell to transfer its mighty shock toward the unsuspecting enemy, and it did. Maybe because the spectral captain was too careful not to have his axe snagging the polearm's namesake beak, the attack was clumsy and was easily countered, causing the Bec de Corbin to connect with the captain's iron greaves and instantly electrocute both the rider and the steed with paralyzing lightning.

Should Rezello look back to face the fallen rider, he would find him immediately crawling all four like a dazed beast, while his horse, still awkwardly trotting, mindlessly rushed into the profound darkness behind him and gone.

Two red eyes of his stared fiercely at Rezello, and he abandoned his bloodied hatchet for a longsword that rang as he drew it from his side. Then, with sheer hatred, he lunged forth, uttering words in a fashion that was more similar to shrieking and hissing rather than speaking.

There he cried: "Traitor! Here, your fate will be sealed!"

The strike was coming, wide yet powerful, seemingly intended to decapitate Razello with a single swing.

Another light appeared in Carnathia's hand after she uttered the verses. But unlike what appeared in Gray Flame's hand, in Carnathia's the flame engulfed her entire palm. It was warm for a moment before the blaze stung her with a fiery heat.

"Steady," murmured the masked elf as she squeezed her left hand. The fire was warm again like there was a translucent barrier insulating her palm from the burning flame. However, true to his warning earlier, the mysterious power quickly drained her and the longer the fire remained, the more she felt like she was steaming from the inside.

"You are trying to invoke the power of those you never knew before," warned Gray Flame. "And without my barrier, that might hurt you. But my power can only bargain, not to repel this grace. So while the grace still tolerates you, you must pick those you deem worthy and give them the light. That would help them defeat the phantoms."

After saying that, the fire on Carnathia's hand swirled and concentrated on her palm before refining itself into a radiant glow. Gray Flame released his grip on her other hand and exclaimed.

"Go! Before you burn yourself!"
Gray Flame just stood there. He uttered no word nor spared a glance, not even when Carnathia asked for a solution. If one could figure out an emotion from his white mask, that should be of a man who is deep in thought, and troubled, not because he had no answer but because he had a lot, but all were his secrets, and he now pondered which one of it that he would share.

"Dear Carnathia, would you be so kind as you let me talk with Mr. Gray, thank you?" said Vesemir, who arrived behind her, smiling as he patted her shoulder and gently urged her to move aside.

None of them dared to move their lantern from its original position, which was now placed on the cold pavement, guarded by Engelbert.

Roxas had his eyes closed, like sleeping, but her breath was unsteady, the shadow was still clutching her arm, blood dripping steadily from her wound.

"Aim Mae! Séyan hûm urdagor anat ar faemor."

Said Vesemir. The Gray Flame shook his masked head and sighed.

"Im alat yakin," he said, glancing at the white lantern behind him in anticipation before taking out a bandage from his inventory and trying to apply it on Roxas's arm. It refused to be in contact with the healer's skin like there was an invisible barrier blocking it from setting in, and when Gray tried to force his attempt to have the gauze wrap around her arm, his hands got cut again. "Faya hûm alat órënya, im istamat."

"Haimanan, Nár'elda, séyan emme har feriap an falunn gorthob." The monocled elf shrugged. "Istama ada mala-alwë lyen difa, mal ada eith alwë dalam mestatië attima vare ḥayāt?"

Giving up, Gray Flame removed his glove and patched up his injury instead, tucking the rest of the gauze in his pocket when he was done.

Looking back at what he said earlier, his instructions were clear, follow the light and do not touch and stare too long. As demonstrated by Carnathia and that Samurai Guy, who easily escaped the phantom's treachery, the advice was proven sufficient, so why the rest hasn't returned?

Or, was it like Vesemir concluded? They were lured into a trap and deceived into fighting on enemy's turf. Roxas' injury seemed to reinforce that conclusion.

Fighting those phantoms was a solid option, true, but he didn't reveal that as a solution because the risk was too big, and their parties seemed full of hotheads who itched for a fight. Not to mention injuries received in the phantom realm damage not only the body but also the soul, and one will be powerless to do anything about your physical injury until the phantoms have been vanquished.


Now he was thinking about what Vesemir said. Knowledge to safe life.

He approached Carnathia once more and spoke with a heavy heart. "If you believe I deserve those words of blame, then I accept it. However, there is a reason for my caution. We are not supposed to speak about the shadows in detail, especially not in this Land of Twilight. Discussing what they can do and how to counter them is like declaring an open challenge that might be answered by even more perilous treachery. And for that reason, I preferred to keep them away from everyone's mind by not telling, letting them not be engraved too deep in everyone's mind, forgotten and ignored."

Carried by the howling wind that suddenly blew around them, both could hear the whispering intensified into pugnacious curses and loathsome wailing.

"But my dear Carnathia, since we have opened Pandora's box and you asked if there is something we can do from our side..."

He beckoned the noblewoman to follow and offered his hand.

"Before we go further, A fair warning! This... what I am about to do will be very taxing for those who are untrained, and we don't know what's ahead of us after we escape from this darkness. Sieze my hand if you would not heed my warning, and repeat what I say."

Im liuth difyn anan Ar Malik faldirian
Uin sharri nan Së eän
Adh uin sharri ghāsiqin húrun
Adh uin sharri húnas caran núlëd
Adh uin sharri ḥāsidan malam ḥāsad

From Gray Flame's right palm, a small fire kindled, then started from its base, it changed color. White was the flame until it condensed into a dot of light, akin to a star that gradually grew brighter. The night became silent again, and the shadow writhed and slithered away before the dawning light as Gray Flame clutched Roxas' cold hand. For a brief second, the place was as bright as the day, and then the light waned again and the masked elf let go of his grip.

The light on Gray Flame's palm was still shining, but it was carefully adjusted so that it wouldn't be too bright and outshine the guiding lantern. It could also have been done to conserve energy, as everyone could see vaporized breath emanating from his mask and hear the sound of his breath up close.

A faint trace of light now surrounds the unconscious elven healer. The bleeding in her wound had stopped.
Meanwhile, inside the land of the dead, Roxas' injured hand regained its strength again, but the radiant light that surrounded her had somehow negated the veil that kept their presence invisible to the phantoms of the past.

Immediately, the soldiers abandoned their current blood sport. Their vicious eyes glared at a newfound opponent, eager for carnage.

"Lads! We find them!" one of the soldiers cried, his voice was unusually cruel, coarse, and amplified. Their weapons were drawn, sword and poleaxes, and soon they would initiate the skirmish by making a flanking move toward the party's frontline.

As everyone's attention seemed to be distracted by what was happening in front of Tillius, the captain had already galloped toward Rezello and Forbann, brandishing his bloodied hatched.

The poor woman heard Tilli's voice and seemed to watch him come into view, but it didn't stop her from keeping her bow notched and pulled. Her arm trembled lightly as she stood there. Her eyes were still wide as she stared forward, looking at the shield and orc in her way, but not actually seeing him. Softly mumbled words escaped her as she trembled in spot, arms straining to keep the bow and arrow up and ready to fire.

"I can't.. I can't.. I'd rather kill myself.. Stay away.." Her breath had picked up after her words, likely an indication she was about to have a panic attack. In her panic, her hand let the arrow loose. Thankfully, with Tilli in the way, it seemed to just hit the shield, but being so close.. It bounced back; embedding itself in her arm.

A soft yell startled her out of her stupor, bow clattering to the ground as her hand moved to the arrow in her arm, which she looked to. Breath heavy as she looked around and up at Tili. She'd been entranced and thrown into a panic by the phantoms; but the pain pulled her out of it. "Apologies, Tilli.." She held a small face of pain, quickly breaking the arrow so it was shorter and then picking up her bow.

The pain she felt was sharp and real, jolting her out of her daze, but it didn't bring her back from this nightmarish landscape. The butchering soldiers were still there, with their captain and their gruesome handiworks, unbothered by Roxas' groan. Tillius was still there too, shielding her, and everyone else, and he too was ignored, as if the entire group was hidden in an invisible veil to them.

There was still some distance between Tillius and those massacring soldiers, who were now busying themselves with two mangled bodies their captain brought. The bodies were quickly disemboweled, their entrails were thrown into fire and the bodies became the additional decorations that adorned the tree.

The captain, who now had already dismounted from his horse, brandished his hatched as he approached the dying elven woman. Then he mercilessly hacked her, starting with her face, then slightly down to her neck. Only a short-pitched voice could be heard when the elf woman met her bloody demise.

Meanwhile, the pain in Roxas' wound intensified, and a series of agonizing whispers echoed inside her head, one of them inquired: "Help me! Help me! O' the Fair one! Why have you forsaken me?"

The elven healer felt the strength in her wounded arm gradually drained, and it wasn't because of just a panic attack this time.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the dark, The Gray Flame hurriedly approached Roxas upon sensing an increased shadow activity around her, and it was already upon one of her limbs, assuming the form of an elongated hand. It was already gripping her upper arm, that now red with blood dribbling out from a deep laceration on her bicep.

The moment the Gray Flame reached out to stop the bleeding, an incision appeared in his gloved palm as well, as if there was a very sharp scalpel made of pure shadow that lingered to harm anyone or anything that dared to interfere.

As Carnatia came to, she sheathed her rapier back and massaged her temple, as she replied, "What did you mean where are the others?"

She glanced back at the rest who were frozen in their place, before continuing, "I presume they are still ensnared in the phantoms' illusions. As for what happened...I possess an ability that acts as a forewarning against 'attacks', warning me that the phantoms would trap me in an illusion of sorts, were I to pay too much attention to them—as you have warned us, something that I would like to get back to later—therefore, I did my best to avoid them. Though perhaps in the end I was still caught in it. There was a rider with decorated plates and winged helmets towing elves. At that point, I was unsure of what was real or illusory, so I drew my rapier just in case. It ended up ignoring me completely, though."

She then sighed, "Speaking of, Sir Gray, you warned us to not look at the phantoms too much nor to touch them. It couldn't be that you were also aware doing so would have us be ensnared in their illusion and simply opted not to tell us, could it? Because if so, I have to say you are a highly unprofessional guide...though I suppose now is not the time.

Misty breath escaped from Gray Flame's white mask as he squared his shoulder, and two pale dots of light glinted in his eyes when he faced Carnathia. There was a pause, and ominous was the wait before the elf gave her his answer.

"Darkness misleads in many ways, miss Carnathia," he said. There was no casualness anymore in his voice; it was cold like the frigid air of the night itself, and shadow suddenly crept upon his hooded head. With him standing there facing away their guiding lantern, Gray Flame looked like he was one of the animated phantoms himself.

"And because of that, I cannot predict the treachery they may inflict upon you or others. Remember to always follow the light, and do not touch or stare too much. Those were my advice, and I deemed them sufficient. For in a world of darkness and shadow, excessive instructions and hypothetical knowledge could lead to disastrous consequences for those with less understanding."

Then that shadow receded and his voice softened again.

"I am glad you returned safely, it was very wise of you to avoid them."

"What are we to do with those unable to escape the illusion? Is there any way to have the phantoms disperse? Would it be wise to engage them? If they were beings created from magical phenomenon, perhaps their construction is similar enough to magical constructs that I could attempt to unravel it."

"These are not a magical phenomenon, neither was an illusion or something constructed." he shook his head and walked beside her, facing their frozen teammates. There was another eerie pause like he was refraining himself from explaining the very nature of the mystical phenomenon they were experiencing.

"These are the remnants of those who perished here, who were trapped in the realm of the living and distorting it. Fated to relive their past tragedies over and over. Those who are unfortunate enough to be caught in that past, should either ignore it or take a riskier approach; to fight that past and interrupt the loop. Those who succeed will return, and those who are not... well, they might join that past."

Looking at the rider with a winged helmet towing behind two elves, Carnatia wondered if she had unknowingly caught in the phantoms' illusion despite her best effort. She was sure that she had discarded the whispers of the phantoms as excess, and had focused solely on the lantern's light, and yet...

Neither Gray Flame nor Vesemir had given any more warnings regarding the phantoms aside from 'do not look or touch' and Carnatia was sure she had avoided either, so was this rider...a real non-illusory existence then? Or had she been unknowingly caught in their illusions through methods she was not aware of?

'...If Sir Gray knew of other methods the phantoms would ensnare us into their illusions and fail to warn us, I swear—'

She shook her head and calmed herself down. Now was not the time. With the mass of phantoms just at the periphery of her visions and the darkness all around, it was a bit hard to quite make out where the others were. And trying to listen for any signs of the others was an exercise in futility, as the whispers of the phantoms drowned every other sound. Only the light of the lantern remained, acting as a beacon.

And so Carnatia drew her rapier, as she continued forward toward the lantern's light. If the rider was an illusion, then he should prove no real danger to her. If it was real, then she would be ready to fight.

The redhead fencer kept moving forward, and so did the captain of the cruel soldiers, who remained unaware of Carnathia's presence, even after having that silent standoff.

As the two moved toward their own opposite directions, the beacon shone trecherously brighter, and all was white for a while in Carnathia's vision until the world suddenly turned dim again. She finally walked back to the realm of the living at last, but because she didn't time her stop, it got her bumped into one familiar masked elf, who was kneeling waiting for her arrival.


Nanashi was concentrated on reaching the light as the time became darker and more haunted. He was trained to be a shinobi, able to go alone across the fabled mist realm, which is home to yokais and other mythical dwellers. The determined man's fixation on something caused him to ignore the tricks and illusions. The black-haired man in a kimono rushed silently towards the light, bypassing obstacles and anything that could slow him down using ki sensing and keeping his guard hard and ready to counter an initiative attack. He had nothing to do with the surrounding events as he kept his mind the masked elven advice, reaching the light as could seen from far distance.

It seemed both Nanashi and Carnathia could see each other or perhaps everyone else if they wanted to, and thus why the communication between them was lacking was anyone's guess.

The samurai's return was even more clamorous. His mortal body, suddenly moved by the momentum from the other side, leaped forth and crashed into Engelbert in the process. But at least that was two people already returned to their senses.

Not entirely good news for Gray Mask, who immediately returned to Carnathia, checking her condition, that if she saw it, still emanating a faint mist from her body.

“Carnathia, can you hear me?” he inquired with a heavy voice, both hands clutching her shoulders. “Where are the others? Tell me what happened.”

Behind her, the others, from the tallest Forbann to their healer Roxas, stood at their places, unmoving as if freezing in time.
Carnathia was returned with her rapier drawn, and that was worrying.

"Did you fight those phantoms?"
Still, it was easier said than done. Fortunately, honing her mind into one singular focus was something that Master Tokimune had taught her. A 'Zen Meditation' he had called it. She typically employed it in combat to hone her mind into focusing on a singular vital spot of her opponent, but here, she applied it to focus on the light of Vesermir's lantern. The phantoms' existence, meanwhile, she treated as excess that would be discarded as she delved into the zen state.

Doing her best to ignore the phantoms, Carnatia kept her attention focused on the light of Vesemir's lantern, hoping to avoid being captured in their illusory trap. And so, she trudged forward.

As Carnathia rushed toward the white light, the whispering from the phantoms intensified, yet they did a little to slow her down.

When she was already behind those five soldiers, her steps were suddenly halted by the presence of a rider wearing decorated plates and winged helmets. The faceless captain stopped to scan his surroundings, yet he appeared unaware of Carnathia's presence.
Red were the eyes of his black horse, and as the raider commanded his steed to walk away slowly, it sniffed the night air like a vicious hound.

Towed behind the raider were two elven civilians, dead now, with bodies disfigured beyond recognition, dragged along with knots on their necks and the ropes attached to the raider's wild mare.

Her eyes widened with the realization that.. The illusion had grabbed at her mind and now she was stuck staring at the five men who very likely had just killed that elven man. She could feel her blood run cold at the thought. She could feel her blood run cold at the thought. Her hand already moved to grab at her bow, the other grabbing an arrow from her quiver to notch.

When Roxas stood there unmoving, one of the soldiers threw another rope over the branches and fitted another noose on the dead elf's neck. His partner behind him held the other end and yanked the rope, jerking the corpse and causing blood and brain matter to splatter about as the corpse hoisted upward.

The elven civilian tied to the tree was still alive, weeping in pain. Her executioner had left her for now, to look for another toy to play with.

"Hmm. Gentlemen? I'm afraid the warning was a bit too late." He said, voice lower than usual. Only the first real actions and they've met a significant hurdle already. Now this was a pickle... just because he's aware of what's going on didn't mean Engelbert was in any position to do something about it. "Some of us seems to have lost all senses. What do we do? Shake them awake? Carry them away?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the dark, Gray Flame acknowledged the situation quickly, only to frown a bit at Engelbert's suggestion. "No, don't touch them, or worse carry them away." He asked Vesemir to have him handle the lamp instead and let it shine closer to the rest of the party. "The best way to get them back is to let them back on their own. All we can do now is provide them a beacon and wait while I think of the alternative."

The Gray Flame suddenly found himself in another finicky situation when he had to explain again something he had elaborated on earlier.

"I attempted to inquire the Ent on the Ruins of Lasse, to no avail. Unfortunately it...he? has returned to slumber. As our guide, anything else do we know about the Ruins of Lasse? What was it originally? And what else we might expect aside from the phantoms and miasma you've mentioned?"

"After all we do not want further 'surprise' now do we, Sir Gray?"

He answered the Carnathia’s smile with a nod, and after sighing exasperatedly, he added.

"Lasse was one of the major cities during Serensiel's regime. It was attacked and had almost all of its entire population massacred. Such gruesome tragedy has left the city scarred, and infested with negative energy from those who perished. We just discussed how to navigate through the city without disturbing those manifested energies." sparing a glance at Vesemir, who seemed as if he was waiting for his turn to speak, he continued.

"As for what next, I do not really know."

Vesemir at last broke in, with a waning fire in his eyes, as if acknowledging the sad story with a keen eagerness.

"We are looking for the Lasse Library. A long time ago, a powerful mage named Theriadore lived there and created a powerful protection artifact that could help us combat the Land of Twilight's negative energy. There was a chance, true, that the place might have been discovered at some point, or worse, pillaged by irresponsible adventures, but my instinct tells me they only managed to find the key, and not the access to the vault itself, for the access of it was well hidden with a powerful enchantment."

Pausing to take a breath, The middle-aged elf showed everyone a pentagon-shaped brass device with runic letters on its sides.

"How do I know that? I've lived long, long enough, and coincidences felt like daily occurrences to me. I am an archeologist, my dear, and my calling is to find curious findings, whether they were in entombed ruins, or a black market."


And so, after some rest and another hearty dinner, courtesy of Mr Engelbert, the party was ready to depart. before the exploration began, it was decided that the porters, and Vesemir's most trusted aide, Stepen would remain at their base camp.

"Have your wits about you all the time, and if you want to sleep, keep the campfire lit." Gray Flame warned, and some of them replied with shallow yes and doubtful stares that were not only at him, but at the great chestnut tree by the north of the camp.

It was a chilly and calm night, with a waxing moon shining above the completely silent forest. They initially marched on the main road until they reached a crossroad, and then turned to take another well-paved path slightly to the northeast.

Their boss, Vesemir, walked in front, carrying a large lantern, and with him went Gray Flame, who seemed to know this land even in the dark. The others were in file behind, and Forban, who was tall and could observe many things, was their rearguard.

It was mostly a quiet march until they finally arrived at the sight of a ruined civilization. A broken archway was ahead of them, and beyond that, dim in perpetual darkness, were more ruins with vague shapes they could not discern, either part of the building or something else; something that moved and lingered.

"My heart trembles whenever I remember the record about Lasse," Vesemir said without looking back, stopping after they walked past that archway. There, he raised his lantern and whispered words of magic into it, and lo! What was a faint light from a meager flame suddenly grew into a glimmering light that illuminated the road, revealing the ruined houses and spires around and the very large tree ahead of them.

As the party moved with their light, the darkness retreated like a tide being swept back into the ocean, leaving numerous black silhouettes resembling people with a variety of poses and conditions. Like dioramas that partially came to life, and one could hear them scream faintly, or weep, or whimper in agony. Here their hands reached out, and their voice called for help, as if trying to share the anguish that had been oppressing them for so long.

Their employer did not stop, so Gray Flame warned the rest of the party with a low, but stern voice. “Follow the white light, do not touch the phantom, and don’t stare too much at them.”

“Indeed,” Vesemir added suddenly, reciting part of the old proverb like some sort of omen. “If thou gaze long into the darkness, the darkness will also gaze back into thee.”

And with that, he walked forward, followed by Gray Flame, who despite his experience and outward composure, was flinched by the revelation before them. There, on that tree’s lowest branches, hanged a few bodies of women and children, some were not mere shadows anymore but already in a form of perfect imitation of a person; tattered clothes shrouded their mangled bodies, eyes bulging and tongue outstretched, yet still writhing as if trying to set themselves free.

“All the peace we enjoy...,” Vesemir began solemnly, but then he spat in disgust. "Was paid with too many blood and sufferings---"

Then the remainder of what he said suddenly heard like a distant echo, and those who gazed upon the phantom of the deceased suddenly saw a blinding flash of white light that revealed chaos and bloodshed. As they opened their eyes again, they saw that the houses were on fire, and their smell was suddenly assaulted by the repulsive scent of burning flesh. Blood streamed from that tree like a small river, and dead bodies adorned its branches, fitted, tied on nooses, or outright impaled through, like a bloody diadem upon a twisted head. Then there was cruel laughter, five men stood under those bloody branches like people adoring a work of art.

They wore uniforms with insignia on their breasts and shoulders; A yellow sun on a black shield flanked by twin prancing horses. On their feet was the corpse of an elven man, lay unmoving with his head split open and a whole apple stuffed into his mouth. Not far from it was a female, tied to the trees, frantically screaming and clawing about as one of the soldiers sunk his teeth into the skin of her flawless neck, and pushed a dagger through her clothless abdomen.

To those with the keenest sense, it was apparent that what they saw was just an illusion from the past, yet the gruesomeness it displayed was so real, so inviting as if deliberately urging those who witnessed the atrocity to spring into action and do the right thing

Gray Flame and Vsemir were gone, but the faint whispering from that eccentric elf could still be heard. But it was starting to fade amids the cries and horror. Now was the moment when they remembered the masked elf's advice to follow the light, and they saw it, ever-present at the end of the road. The thing was, the only way to reach it was by rushing past those butcher-soldiers.
She then turned to the Ent, "Pardon me, Sir Ent? If you would be so kind, may I inquire some things of you? We plan to head to the Ruins of Lasse, is there anything you could tell us about it? For instance, what should we expect to find there, perhaps any dangers we should do our best to avoid? Or any notable sites between here and there."

“Perhaps you could explain this phantom.” added Fia to the end of Carnatia’s questions. Fia did’t hear the explanations from Vesemir or Gray Flame. And since Carnatia was here asking the ent, Fia imagined that not much useful was said when she went back to the other earlier, either.

The great tree remained still, and his face had already disappeared under the shadow of its eaves. Only the raven they saw earlier answered the question with a distinctive caw as it perched on one of the tree's branches.

Meanwhile, at Vesemir's group

"All things considered, I have to agree that night march is likely our best options." Engelbert hedged, jolly but with a hint of finality in his tone. "We just have to step more carefully then! It would be embarrasing if we get more injuries from sprawling roots than the phantoms that populate the city ruin, yes?"

"Yes indeed." Vesemir quickly answered. "But I have a solution for that. I might not be much of a mage like Lady Fia, but I can use my power to keep the darkness at bay. Besides, we have no shortage of illuminating devices."

He gestured toward a slightly larger lantern with an iron frame next to the map.

"So, any more concerns? Don't be shy with me, we are in this together, and I would like to hear all inputs from my friends."
"Injuries can either be taken care of with bandages and salves, or minor healing; as long as it is not needed frequently. I am knowledgeable in taking care of wounds without mana. For clarification on the charms I've given you, they will allow you to enter my barrier if you are not already within it. Do not lose them; I will only make you one other if so. Do no let them be taken from you, anyone who has them will be granted entry." She then went quiet, looking to Carnatia and Gray as they examined a tree for possible illusions or something more nefarious.

Vesemir looked very delighted, not only because of Roxas's profession of her capability but also because she had gifted the eccentric elf a mini cane that he now had kept secured on his belt.

The Gray Flame

“Oh. How lovely.” said Fia as her eyes gazed over every inch of the speaking tree, “I’ve heard of the ents, but was never able to find one. A create so in tune with the forest, can guide people with their roots. Helped lead the evacuation leaving the land free from further influence from the elves.” Fia walked closer, even resting her hand upon the bark of the tree, “Would it be possible for me to have some of your bark? Perhaps even a vial of sap?” Fia continued to fawn over the tree, wishing to harvest different parts of it short of cutting it down.

The giant tree hummed as he shifted his ember eyes on Fia. "A curious she-human, hmm, curious indeed, with a wish. Not the kind of folk that would take no for an answer, even in front of great peril. But fret not, neither perilous is your wish, nor bothersome. Hmm... hmm, you can have some of my hides if you want, and saps... saps? hmm hmm, we from the chestnut family do not bleed much, but you can try."

The ent's great trunk looked like it would twist when he returned to Gray Flame, and Roxas, who sat quite far away from them, speaking with Vesemir.

However, his manner of speech had become slower as the sun set deeper into the horizon

"And Grey one. Hrumm... The Malá don't usually go into Rhovan ar-lúrëa just for woods and tree-tears, nor to lull this old one with a beautiful tune, so it has to be... Lasse... or The Fortress, where the Retainer resides. This one will not...pry, but keep an eye on those troubles clad in black... intrusive fellows they are, my brethren says. Still, This part of the wood is saaffe, just don't listen to the whispers."

The ent, without any further prompting, closed his eyes. The hum ceased, and his facial feature faintly merged into the rough bark and remained unmoving.

Leaving Fia to do her things, the Gray Flame returned to Vesemir, who seemed to have refocused his attention back on the mission again.

"I think fatigue is the bigger concern." Tillius joined in the conversation with Engelbert, Vesemir and Roxas. "We've been on the road the whole day, then followed by a night time march, and the exploration, not to mention potential fights as we're in it deep. Are you certain it's going to be fine doing this?"

It was Tillius, the orc gentleman from Westernant who brought up his concerns, which to be fair, was quite valid.

"It was the phantom." The Gray Fame, said, repeating his previous answer. He was quite perplexed that Vesemir did not elaborate it further, but well, it appeared the conversation with the Ent was such an irresistible downtime for a scholar like him.

"Lasse is full of it, some said they were the ghost of those who perished here a long time ago, and some said the phenomenon was caused by accumulations of negative energy that culminated into pockets of dangerous miasma. They are easier to see during the nighttime, and that makes it easier for us to navigate through Lasse with minimal contact with it."

"Good explanation!" Said Vesemir, closing his book. "If you would allow me to add, those miasmas reach their highest level of concentration at night the beasts are afraid of it. So, Mr Tillius, it is actually safer for us to go there tonight rather than tomorrow morning."

Being a ranger and adventurer with many years of experience, Gray Flame knew it was just an embellished theory, but he decided to not dispute Vesemir. Besides, he was the boss.

"But Mr Tillius, since you brought up a good point!" Smiling, the eccentric elf paused and looked at one of his gizmos. "Now is around four in the afternoon which means we have eight hours before our exploration, more or less. I believe that's plenty of time for us to get enough rest and prepare. Don't you agree?"

Leaving the monocled elf to convince the other about the soundness of his schedule, the Gray Flame approached Roxas. The moment when the elven healer presented her gift to him was not the best, so he did not thank her properly yet.

"Miss Roxas," he said, politely. Keeping that small talisman with the shape of his porcelain mask on his palm. The elven woman had some peculiarities in her way of socializing, but Gray Flame knew her heart was in the right place. "I have yet to thank you for your thoughtful gift, I will cherish this present. And as a fellow adventurer from Adventurer's Guild, your gift is a perfect reminder of why we should always have each other back. Again, I thank you."

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