Avatar of Mas Bagus


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12 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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@ExpendableHello, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, we are full, and adding more players is beyond my capability as a sole GM.
Looking forward to seeing you in my next RP.
Meanwhile, just a floor below the Hall of Glory ...

Archbishop Saunière slowly walked down the stairs leading to the underground complex of the church, feeling the usual uneasiness whenever he brought himself down to this rather deserted section. Before he was granted his title, his predecessors used this basement as a detention facility for criminals or members of congregations that broke the sacred order.

It was a practice that had long been obsolete in Helvetia, partly because the Republic banned it, and also because Saunière himself believed that dealing out severe corporeal punishment was not the domain of men, but rather God himself.

"Oh, wait until you see this one specimen." The archbishop remembered Cardinal Seroz's laughter when he transferred a chained prisoner into his threshold. Likely his punishment From The Order for granting mercy toward members of the congregation who at some point had gone astray.

The chamber before him was secured by a heavy wooden door. This was the only enclosed room that remained after his disciples had renovated the rest of the basement and turned it into an indoor gymnasium for them to train, usually used as a resting room for those who had exhausted themselves after hours of hard workouts.

But today, the chamber was guarded by one of his most reliable disciples, who stood there, bored out by the uneventfulness of his duty. He immediately straightened himself upon seeing Saunière.

"At ease, my child." Saunière said patiently. If it was up to him, he would think this was unnecessary, but Cardinal assured him that this prisoner must not be left alone, especially since this was a new habitat for her. So he obeyed, but he did not lock the door.

"I will take care of this. I assume you did not enter the room and nothing has happened?"

"No, Father. She's been all quiet."

"Good. You may go upstairs and rest."

The disciple, despite his previously bored disposition, now sounded concerned.

"Father, sir, If what I've heard is true, then let me accompany you."

"It is unnecessary," Archbishop assured, not looking back at his disciple who grew even more appalled when the Archbishop turned the knob and opened the heavy door without a key. "If she is as dangerous as they say, you'd have seen it sooner. Now go, I will speak to our friend. Fewer people mean less nervousness, don't you agree?"

After dismissing his disciple and making sure that he had climbed upstairs, Saunière let the door open as he entered the chamber.

Sitting in that room was a woman with a pale complexion and white hair styled with distinctive trim on the bangs. She was robed in a wardrobe that at first glance, seemed like an ordinary nun headscarf but looked like it was pelted by thin blades made of black iron, reminding Saunière of the dramatized paintings of the old saints but disfigured and sinister.

His red eyes stared at him with lividness, but the archbishop only smiled. "Sorry, It was rude for me to talk behind your back. Have you eaten yet?"

There was a trayful of food at the small table by the corner of the room, it was not different from what the church has served in the Glory Hall (minus the wine of course), but it had been left untouched.

"I am sorry, it is not my intention to treat you like a prisoner. I wish we could welcome you like how men of God would receive a guest in His house."


Being transferred from place to place wasn't exactly something new for Amaris. During at least 7 years, she had been taken around under chains to serve as the Order's hunting hound, in hopes of reducing a sentence she didn't deserve, given to hide the incompetence of the Westernant authority and the corruption of all involved with that slaver settlement. Her 'condemnation'? A mere façade to preserve the status-quo and avoid scandals.

After all, she was more than sure that should the slavers be Sarkaz people, the inquisitors would readily mark them as heretics and burn them alive for their sins...

But unlike most inquisitors, the man who met Amaris was much different. Unlike the fanatic zealots that often took the mantle of inquisitors, the Archbishop was a calm, placid and measured man... One of the few that treated her as a person instead of a dangerous, chained animal, something which shattered the image she had from him.

But despite his apparent kindness, Amaris had the feeling there was more behind the man. The very idea that someone as calm and kind as him was able to control the bloodthirsty, trigger-happy zealots under the Order's command was... difficult to believe. It was precisely due to these thoughts that Amaris found it hard to fully trust the Archbishop.

The food they offered her just before meeting with him was a truly delectable dish, different from the bland bread and dried meat she was given by most of her other 'handlers'. Truth be told, Amaris herself was incredibly tempted to eat it even now, with the dish being lukewarm at best, after being put aside by her due to her distrust regarding the entire situation. After all, it was almost unheard of any prisoners meeting the Archbishop face to face... Much less one as dangerous as Amaris.

"Good Evening, Archbishop Saunière. It's been a while time since I heard someone referring to me as a 'guest' instead of a witch." Amaris said finally, carefully analyzing the man as he entered the secure room.


"A guest." Corrected Saunière, shaking his head in a seemingly superficial dismay. "Whoever comes and seeks shelter in this church doesn't matter as long as they don't spell danger to my congregation, and you, Amaris, have behaved like a good guest would. I don't know if that's because of your situation or purely from your heart, but is only fair if we repay that in full."

"is that so?" asked the woman. "One of the guards told me that I should give praise and thank the Hero Lydus for this delectable dish. While I'm not a pious woman, I wish not to squander yours—and His—gifts and good will, but hope you don't mind if I wish to eat something a bit warmer. Who knows when I'll have the chance of indulging on such luxury again, after all..."

Amaris said, expertly dodging away from partaking from that particular dish and opting for... 'fresher' ones, less likely to have been tampered with.

It was a small detail, but it was enough for Saunière to realize that she was still a bit cautious about trusting him and the order... Even after nine years.

"Thank Lord Creator, not Lydus, for he was just a messenger of good commandments. That being said, you don't need my permission to relish what has been provided. It is the same victuals we provided for our honorable guests, nothing less and nothing more. Should you want more or a warmer option, we can go upstairs. But there is something I need to talk to you first. An important matter."

There was a moment of silence, the kind of haunting silence of one party not yet agreeing with the other's proposal. However, it would soon be apparent, that there was no disagreement, just the other party still lagging on the part of their conversation that she found amusing.

Amaris couldn't help but let out an amused smirk and a chuckle as she heard Saunière's words mentioning that she didn't spell danger to his church. From the day she was caught to that very moment they found themselves face to face, Amaris refused to harm any innocent and yet he was one of the few people who actually seemed to truly believe her.

"I can understand why everyone from the Order speaks of you with such admiration and reverence. Either you are almost a living saint or an incredibly cunning person... For my own good, I hope it's the former one." Amaris said with an amused chuckle, as she shifted on her seat, taking a more comfortable position as she leaned forward, paying attention at what Saunière had to say.

"Curious how your Creator seems to be much gentler, kinder and more generous than the ones the Inquisitors seem to speak of..." Amaris said, with an amused expression, carefully observing the Archbishop's reaction to that small provocation.


Sauniere decided to let the remark slide and replied with a weak smile.

"Their intention is good," he said. "But some of us have their ways of expressing such intention, I am saying this without agreeing to some of the Inquisitor's extreme methods, mind you, but also not condemning them, for the opinion of one man should not be taken as the ultimate truth. Maybe there is a wisdom I have yet to see from their harsh proceedings, that some see as disproportionate. I am sure you are no stranger to harsh and disproportionate retribution, am I wrong?"


Upon hearing Saunière's reply after she mentioned the inquisitors, and a cue to 'that' accident Amaris expression immediately darkened, as she looked at him in silence for a moment.

For a brief moment, it almost seemed like the Archbishop's reply had enraged Amaris, that was before her expression immediately lightened as she let out a smile and a very amused laugh.

"A cunning man indeed. Much to my dismay. It seems I was right in being careful about you. Risking sounding like an inquisitor myself, it might have been harsh, but not undeserved. What happened in that settlement wasn't murder. It was reckoning. With that said, I still think I am better than most inquisitors at judging who are truly guilty or not before acting."


The Archbishop let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head, his tone was still patient.

"While it is true that there are some inquisitors who act outside of their boundaries, like in your accident, most of them act based on rules and code of conduct. Power is a heady thing, Amaris. When you think of yourself as the judge, jury, and executioner, be careful you might already walk in the same path as the people you despise."

"Sometimes we are forced to take on this role, Archbishop. No matter how heavy it might be..." Amaris replied, with a serious expression when Saunière mentioned the risk she was taking to walk the same path of those she despised.

"Especially when those who should have done something instead would prefer avert their eyes and ignore the suffering of others for their own gain." she finished, with a dark expression.

Smiling, Saunière hoped that Amaris would remember what he just said. Considering what this woman had gone through for the past 7 years, he understood her bitterness and arguing would be the last thing they needed.

So he gave her a moment, to let the words sink deeper before he directed their focus back on the matter at hand.


"Let us not dwell on the past." I would not say this conversation is entirely about the disappearance of Paladin Thomas, but in your case, it is more about you, and why you are here.

Without giving Amaris a chance to speak, he continued. "There are... some people who wish for ill fate to befall us. Those people wish you would take advantage of my leniency and harm me and my congregation so they would have the excuse to have you executed and remove me from my position. I must confess at first I had that fear, but then I prayed to God, for his protection, and for Him to not disappoint my faith for I believe every soul was created good. It seems my prayer was not in vain.

And that brings us to this conversation. You can see that I don't have that restraining device with me, I left it in my office, because I trust you. Because I believe you would make this decision not out of selfishness. The decision to make you what you are now was not right, but as a part of The Order, and more importantly, as a servant of God, how wretched I am to set you free without proof of virtue, or with a possibility of recapture by the inquisitors."


In silence, Amaris quietly and carefully heard his words. While there was indeed a new mission she was designated to, it wasn't in fact, the main point of that serious —and rather secretive— conversation.

Even a man as powerful and cunning as the Archbishop had enemies, enemies who not only wanted to get rid of him, to see him fail but were willing to use Amaris as a pawn for their own goals. Considering the fact that there were signals that corrupt authorities were likely involved in the slaver settlement nine years ago, it wasn't that surprising that there were also some bad apples inside the very order.

Nevertheless, Amaris was still impressed by how much the Archbishop was willing to trust, both his plan and Amaris herself. Not only he decided to meet her face to face, but without the signet ring that was used to activate the Robes of Penitence. Even if Amaris assumed that there was some other way to activate the robes or that there was someone else observing their conversation, ready to activate her robes, there was still a very real threat to the Archbishop, should she decide to do something... Of course, she would likely end being executed on spot, but still...

"In seven years of completing missions for the Order, I have never harmed innocent people... Even when your inquisitors would. I am many things, Archbishop Saunière, but I am not guilty of half the things most people accuse me of." Amaris said with a serious tone.

"I know not about the enemies you face inside the Order or about what are they capable of doing just to get rid of you, but I can at least assure you that you were correct in putting your faith in me." Amaris said. For a brief moment, an almost imperceptible smile crossed Amaris' face as she said that, almost as if she was a bit thankful for the trust he had on her.

Sauniere said nothing, seemingly knowing that his words were not needed. Her assurance had satisfied him enough, and now it was her turn to bargain her price.

"I assume you plan in having me participate in this mission, right? Should it have a positive outcome, you would be showing your competence as the Archbishop, gaining leverage against those who want to see your downfall inside the Order and consolidating your position. In the other hand, I would earn my freedom and proving that most charges against me are either incorrect or simply false. Should this, in turn, reveal the truth about the corruption that allowed the slave trade to flourish in the border settlement that was destroyed by me nine years ago, besides being a very desirable outcome for me, would also make it harder for whoever your enemies are, to openly make any moves against you without drawing suspicion to themselves... Am I correct?" Amaris said after thinking for a moment in the words the Archbishop had just said.

"In the end, having this mission end in a success would be incredibly helpful for both of us." Amaris concluded after considering the benefits and drawbacks of accepting the Archbishop's proposal

"I want you to participate in this mission," he said, with mirth that somewhat mocks her theorem. "I promise no specified outcome should the mission go well, but your freedom. Your guardianship has been transferred to me, and naturally, it is my call now to assign you a task as I see fit. This will be your last duty, and your obligation toward the Order will be no more. You need not worry about my predicament, dear Amaris, but the aftermath..."


"My influence in The Order might be significant but limited nonetheless. Clearing your name would be a tall order and I am sorry for that."

The archbishop did not fail to notice the expression in Amaris' pale visage. But she should have seen that coming. Both of them knew what the order was capable of, and although The Order almost never dishonored a contract, the possibility of someone of higher rank than him vetoing his decision and re-apprehend Amaris was never out of the table.

But he wasn't a man without a plan.

"But please hear me out for a moment. I have a friend in The Council. Someone who may be interested in your story and can grant you protection should things go south. After this fellowship departed, an envoy would be sent to her office to inform her of your plight. I hope this friend will fare better in that regard, and that would be enough as an apology."

Another silence ensued. Amaris spent some moments to rethink the situation and the offer. Their pros and cons. While she was a bit frustrated with the Archbishop's words and how it would be hard to clear her name, having his, and the order's support would be very helpful.

"Regarding your proposal... Having your and your friend's word that you will support me when the time comes is more than enough. Should things go as I plan, the corruption behind the incident on the slaver settlement will be brought to light and when it does, the repercussion it would cause will be enough to turn the situation in both our favors in a way it would become incredibly difficult for anyone to do anything against us regarding these matters without drawing suspicion to themselves..." Amaris said with a cunning grin.

"As long as you keep your word, I will keep mine. This opportunity will show itself to be quite vaulable for both of us." she finished, evidently satisfied with the outcome of their talk.

"Thanks to the creator!" He grinned, then walked aside and extended his hand to invite the Sarkaz to leave the room first. "Now go ahead and meet the rest of the group. I am sure they will be happy to see you and the food... is much warmer there."

"I will. You have my thanks, Archbishop. I must admit, our little conversation did make me quite famished." Amaris replied, delicately nodding before she stood up and left the room first.


The introduction was brief. Archbishop Saunière casually returned to The Hall and announced that they had one more person helping the cause before letting Amaris do the introduction herself.
He then approached Inquisitor Friston, placing the tray he was carrying on that table and then whispering something as the man carefully watched the newcomer with a mix of confounded and amused expressions, as if mentally asking the Archbishop; "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Carmen Friston

"I only understand one thing, and I agree with you." The Inquisitor said categorically. "I see nothing wrong with taking Sielse as one of the protectorates. It is a noble cause to share our prosperity with those who are unfortunate, wherever they are. To bring back the order as you said, and order brings peace and opportunity and prosperity. We had a good system, where things worked wonderfully, but sadly we live in a time of deceit and cowardice. Small things, but the right things, that's the best we lower rankers can do, at least it is better than lamenting the incompetence of those above us while sitting in an amrchair."

For a moment he did not look at Carnathia, as if averting his gaze from a bad memory, and the words he said were nothing but a self-consolation. He then continued.

"You brought an interesting perspective there, Baronesa De Valmot. Seeing Helvetia break free from its thousand years of neutrality would be a novel sight. But if that happens, they are the least of my worries compared to the elves, who incessantly scheming behind their mask of nonchalance."

Pausing again to realize that he was in fact in Helvetia, and there were Herlvetians in this very hall, he continued in a more relaxed tone, now avoiding the subject entirely.

"Well, I hope you are as tired as I am talking about high politics. Not that I really care about it, despite being a noble myself, my only desire was just to help people."

“While I’ve been to a fair few places around here, I’ve not traveled to Tetragor” Osric cleared his throat, “I’m Osric Griswall. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not really a man of faith. But worry not, I will accomplish what is expected of me. You have my word.”

The inquisitor scratched his chin, while his other hand reached for a wine decanter to refill his cup.

"I did not use grapes.

He heard it clearly, and his hand stayed, as if unsure. Further explanation from that strange girl eased his doubt a bit, and after a long sigh, he braced himself and emptied his glass anyway.

"I trust you." said Carmen finally to the old blacksmith, raising his empty glass. "I've been to Tretagor, but not exactly in Sielse. When I was a military Colonel, conflicts between Us and Them felt like a daily routine. They weren't anything major, more like small-scale skirmishes between our border guards and whatever faction they sent to test our defense. Sometimes we didn't know who the hell we were fighting against or what they were fighting for. Sometimes when we had had enough we would dispatch a team or two into their territory, cracking down several small bases hoping they would learn their lesson. Fortunately I wasn't long enough in the military to know if that lesson stays."

He sighed again as if remembering something bitter. It was Mirielle's turn now to share her opinion

"I've lost count how many times I applied to go, but it seems like a highly coveted duty. Never got through even once."

"It is because of The Council." Carmen's expression, a bit somber just a moment ago, now changed to disgust. "They are afraid of making any significant action concerning anything related to Tretagor, and would rather urge everyone to stay their hands. It is for the good of all, they said. What a bull! How could you say it is for the good of all if you let ordinary people be murdered, their homes burned and their wives and children sold off to distant lands? Paladin Thomas was the only one who saw beyond their shortsightedness, but what do they do to award his sacrifice? They branded him as an illegal trespasser, peace breaker, and risk maker." He thumped the table and shook his head. "And worse, most of our cardinals bow down to their so-called wise recommendation!"

Carmen spared a moment to look at the entrance corridor and closed his eyes in a quick prayer. Calmer now, he smiled at Amanita and her seemingly innocent expectation.

"I hope it's more humid than here"

"Yes, it is now, dear Amanita, it should be rainy season right now in Tretagor."

"I am Baroness Carnatia de Valmont, here to represent Westernant in the Kingdom's support for the Church and the Order of the Golden Sun. I look forward to work with all of you."

"Ah, Baronesa Carnatia. It is a rare occurrence indeed to meet a fellow noble in a foreign land. I suppose I should say congratulations to you first. And a heartfelt apology that I was not present during your appointment ceremony."

There were both truths and lies in that statement. Carmen wasn't much for social gatherings, being a former soldier himself most of his time was spent either on the battlefield or in the chapel. He wasn't someone who could make friends fast, for friendship was not a shallow matter to him.

But tonight he would start to change that habit. Those who were present in this Glory Hall were strangers, unmeasured individuals, but one thing he knew was that they shared the same goal with him. Although those who Archbishop Suaniere recruited might be motivated by monetary gain, he could at least give them a chance to feel like a part of the fellowship, not just some hired sword.

So, Carmen started his get-to-know-you-better by greeting an old friend, and his sister in faith.

"Miriell... been a while huh?" he said to her when he placed his cup to the table. "The last time we met was in Castediar if I recall correctly."

Sitting now, Carmen gestured at Ludwig, the handsome man wearing black-tinted sunglasses who just introduced himself and uttered a positive remark that surely brought a smile to Carmen's face.

"Let's save these people." said Ludwig

"We shall, Master Ludwig, we shall. But since we are some thousand leagues away from them, hospitality comes first. Please sit down, I know you have been waiting for me for quite a while." Turning to everyone else, Carmen clapped his hand to get their attention. "Everyone please dig in, it is not much, but I am sure these modest refections are enough to satisfy us all."

It was indeed a modest dinner, but aplenty. At that table served a basket full of plain bread, two roasted turkeys, some servings of salmon, a cauldron of soup, and steamed vegetables and peas.

Now sitting at the centermost position, Carmen had claimed a plate of soup and a baguette. His eyes darted at the blonde girl who sat next to their strange wine supplier. She had just finished introducing herself, along with some more information Carmen wasn't so sure whether she was bragging or it was just the introduction line she had rehearsed before.

"That's a lot of responsibilities, señorita York. I could only imagine how much effort it took to have you here."

Carmen leaned forward, his attention was still at Linceleste. "I am sure someone like you is very capable, but I have to ask, Senorita, have you ever been to Tretagor before?"

He shifted to everyone else. "What about you, Friends, and Sister, have you ever been to the place where Pladin Thomas went missing?"
Carmen Friston

In the heart of Helvetia's capital city, Carmen Andario Friston dismounted from his horse and walked through the front gate of the luxurious brownstone building ahead of him. He carried himself calmly and dignifiedly, though he often scanned at the nearby vantage point as if worrying over an ambusher or the pursuer. The most advanced city in the entire continent did not have an inch of its grass unlit by their exquisite lighting system, but Carmen knew Sinners and Heretics alike only fear God's light, not the one made by men.

He stopped for a moment. To breathe, and tip the large-brimmed galero that he had personally stylized with black feathers and some slight turns-up on its side brims. As he straightened himself, his posture, coat, and hat gave him the silhouette of a ramming battleship.

With a thoughtful push, so he would not disturb his brother and sisters resting in the dorms on the second floor, he opened the door. At the end of the room, he saw someone kneeling on the altar.

"It is me, Archbishop," Carmen said. "I am sorry, I did not know you were praying."

The man wearing white vestments stood up and turned back at him. He was smiling. Archbishop Saunière was his name, a saintly man who provided him a sanctuary during his stay in Helvetia. The one that held a respectable position in the Synodal but chose to not meddle in the so-called high politics, and would rather focus on the real problem, like the disappearance of Paladin Thomas. An idealism Carmen held in high regard.

"It is alright. I pray for you." the elderly bishop patted his shoulder and continued raspily. "I presume all went well with the meeting?"

Carmen knew he didn't have to show it, but he showed the authorization letter anyway, like an apprentice showing an achievement.

"A lot of hearsay I heard about this particular woman, but it was too easy." Carmen felt a slight pang, it wasn't that easy, and some tense words were exchanged, but it was no use to burden the Good Man in front of him with unimportant things. "It is all because of your blessing, and prayers. Thank you, Archbishop."

"Thank me not, My child, for it is by God's will our plan proceeds smoothly. Come, let us meet with the others."

Our plan...

Carment fought a rising feeling of trepidation as he followed the aged Archbishop through a dimly lit cloister. It was still an overwhelming realization that He and The Archbishop were the only people who cared enough to arrange a rescue plan for Paladin Thomas. He had heard about the situation on Sielse and the need to act cautiously. Oh, he heard it right, and Cardinal Senaux sounded like The Council's spokesperson when he delivered it. Shameful excuses, really. Since when did the Glorious Order of the Golden Sun have to bow down to a man-made organization and let itself be dictated by their whims? It all made no sense.

The cavernous hall was still part of the temple building. Built on its right wing, and although the architecture feels ancient, still gave off the impression of splendor. It was lit by four crystal lamps imported from Varenheim, and its walls were adorned with paintings of saintly people of the past framed in gold. On the northward of the hall, there was a large circular window in the shape of a golden sun, and below it seven panels of long windows of stained glass incorporating chronological episodes of Areston Lydus's ascension to glory. Helvetian Clerics named this place The Hall of Glory. A name that was somewhat grandeur but aptly described the sublimity of this place in just the right amount, one that didn't rouse greed; an abundance that makes you appreciate the blessing from God.

A long table had been situated in the middle of the room. Under it, a red carpet had been laid out to cover the shiny marble floor beneath, and on top of the table, modest food and drink had been served.

In that room gathered seven people. Some Carmen had the pleasure of making acquaintances, while some he never met before. The former would fit in the manifest without raising too much suspicion, while the latter... even he himself would presume that they would cause that elf woman he met before going ballistic.

He could see where her concern came from, but Carmen needed all the help he could get.

"Evening, Ladies, Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters In faith." announced the archbishop, his tone was less formal than usual, probably to make those unofficial Pontifical Gendarmeries feel at ease. He soon walked closer to the table, took a goblet of clear-colored wine, and offered a toast.

"Thank you for allowing this old me to have one or two words," he said, then continued solemnly, almost like a sermon. "The preparation of this mission has been completed, Tonight We shall feast and savor our drink, just like Hero Areston Lydus feasted with his party a day before embarking on the journey to defeat evil. Let us rehearse The Revered's path, and may God grant us the same blessing he Granted for The Hero, for our mission is the noblest, and the intentions are equally commendable; to help the need and banish the evil. Amen."


Carmen raised his stemware and emptied it in one gulp, and as the warming feeling from the wine radiated throughout his body, he felt his pride swell. He had heard many rousing speeches, but never in his life he would imagine hearing the most impactful in a lonely hall with a handful of brethren. Now he feel like Areston Lydus himself, and he wanted the mission to start now.

But Carmen was sober enough to restrain his impulse. But one could wonder where that heart-punding zeal came from.

Was it because of the wine? He glanced about and his gaze fell on a young-looking girl wearing an oversized red hat and a veil. Funny how centuries ago those getups would earn her trouble with the Inquisitors, but today she was treated as a guest of honor.

"Quite a kick, wasn't it?" The casualness of the sentence startled Carmen a bit, but he always appreciates on-point language than one that is unnecessarily flowery. The bishop gestured at that strange girl and introduced her.

"Miss Amanaita has been supplying our communion wine for years, and the congregation likes it. The taste is unique, yet the proof is not as strong as the red wine. I told her about the mission and she seemed eager to help us, so I thought, why not?"

Archbishop Saunière then gestured toward a young blondie with luggage that seemed too big for her small frame.

"Meet Miss Linceleste York. Miss York had traveled from Kindeance to Helvetia on her own. Usually, I would send her back, but apparently, his Father was one of the followers of The Order's teaching, and apparently Paladin Thomas's niece. She will go with you on this mission."

Finally putting down his goblet, Saunière patted Carmen's shoulder and bid a goodnight at the party.

"Tomorrow morning you will depart through the Secret Path under the monastery. Not even The Council spies know where it leads to. May your path always lead toward righteousness, my Children."

Then The archbishop retreated back to his chamber, leaving Carmen with his soon-to-be companions.

Besides the two strangers earlier, there were also familiar faces like Baroness Carnatia de Valmont, a nouveau riche whom, as that elven Case Officer suggested earlier might or might not be here for Casterdiar's interest.

Then, there is Mirielle. One of the Archbishop's bodyguards that in Carmen's opinion would fit more in an Inquisitional position.

Beside them. There are also hired men at arms, Each with their unique quirks that at first glance felt almost too overwhelming for him to process.

There was Ludvig Morsanqvist, a charming escape artist who seemed like he would be more sucessful as a theatre actor than a hired adventurer.
There was also Sten Rezello, a run-of-the-mill Westernant mercenary who looked pretty normal except for the sinister broken mask he insisted on wearing all the time.
And last, but not least, Osric Griswall. A local blacksmith and self-proclaimed inventor, who didn't seem bothered to make himself appear more presentable entering the place most would deem sacred.

Like he had assessed before, all with their own quirks. But he wouldn't complain much; no thanks to that troublesome Case Officer, they had wasted weeks hiring and un-hiring candidates for this mission, and this was his last straw. He had insisted that they had no more time to spare, and had told her that the order would send their Pontifical Gendarmeries with or without her approval, Council's opinions be damned.

And it somehow worked, and he got what he needed. The Council's approval, and most importantly, the communication devices that he could use to try to contact Thomas once they arrived in Sielse.

Of course he knew the elf wouldn't just hand out such devices without ulterior motives, but whatever it is, the benefit is far greater.

"I am sure some of you already know me, and some are not, and for that, let us start anew." He began, and to those he had not yet introduced himself, he placed his wide hat on his chest and bowed.

"My name is Carmen Andario Friston, pleased to make your acquaintance. Please feel free to enjoy the feast, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me."

It would take 40 days from here to Seielse, enough to get to know each other, But it wouldn't hurt to start at this very hall.
Where do we draw the Line in No Man's Land?


Greetings and welcome to my latest RP idea yet! This time we are going eastward, to a region that is totally not wartime Poland. You will play as Pontificials, a watered-down term for Mercenaries hired by a peacekeeping organization because The Cardinals have faces to save. Your mission? Already in the summary above, but why should we think too much about such bothersome parameters, right?

As long as we stay true to our moral compass, everything will be fine. After all, aren't we all the good guys?

There are multiple possible endings for this RP depending on the player's actions (nuff said), but before we carry on with unadulterated mayhem and hero complex, A fair warning: Actions have consequences, even if you mean well. NPCs may not like you, you may get betrayed, or backstabbed, and the classic no good deeds go unpunished may or may not befall your characters.


Away from anywhere, a poor province with unremarkable natural resources. Its people subsides primarily on agriculture, crafting, and animal husbandry. Its terrain consists of forestry, wetlands, and grassy plains that would turn into an unforgiving snowy wasteland in mid-November.

Like many other provinces and vassal states in Tretagor, The people of Sielse never get it easy, even after centuries of oppression from the Fredrin Dynasty finally came to its end, the people had to deal with decades of civil war between those who sought to continue the monarchy, and those who support revolution. It is currently controlled by both the Confederates and the Loyalists in which none seemed to have gained significant upper hands over the others for years. It is basically a no man's land, yet the people remain there, for they have nowhere else to go; Nobody can guarantee their safety in the neighboring province, that also facing a similar problem, and Westernant has closed its borders due to political reasons.

That's all we know about the region. The Council had discouraged conducting any operation in that area until the unforeseeable future, save some humanitarian missions sponsored by the Helvetian Government.

Character creation

It is a fantasy RP (duh) and takes place in the world I crafted with my co-writer years ago. So yeah, we have elves, demons, youkais, orcs. Sadly no dwarves though.
You may refer to this post to see what species are available for your character.
Do you have any other ideas besides the listed races? Ask away and I will see if I can make some compromise, though I don't see the point of having unique races for the context of the story.

Skills and spells
Like my previous RP a character can have 4 active skills/spells and 2 passives at maximum. The passive effect can be a negative or a positive, depending on your liking. Active skills may have cooldowns, generally the more powerful, the longer its cooldown and will use more mana.
A character may also have mundane skills to define who they are. For example, an adventurer who can cook, a mercenary who knows the right medical procedure, a venerer who can track animals and people, to name a few.

Keep in mind that your character skills and capabilities will have to be evaluated in a case-by-case manner by the GM before they can be officially accepted.

The CS format, I prefer to make it simple, but feel free if you prefer something more elaborated, as long as it still has the following elements

The rules and expectations

Yes, wouldn't be fun without some~
  • The pacing of this RP is slower than in my previous work, 1 post per week is the slowest, and 1 post in 3 days is the norm. Also, we aim for completion, so if you can't commit, this is may not the RP for you.
  • Keep it Roleplayer Guild friendly. Any content that is not allowed to be posted on the forum should not be in this roleplay.
  • No godmodding/power-playing/auto-hitting/controlling other players' characters and stuff like that.
  • Kindly do not gamejack the campaign. While we encourage unique backgrounds and motivations, trying to steer the game direction toward the plot or outcomes you want is unacceptable and may disrupt the other player's enjoyment.
  • Be friendly, tolerant, and tolerable. Respect everyone and don’t be afraid to communicate with them or the GM. If you have any problems or concerns about unfair rulings, please immediately reach out to the GMs.
  • If there is a dispute, the GM has the final say on that matter.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you'll be interested in the idea. I apologize if you find it difficult to understand my phrase, for English is not my first language. If there is something that is not quite clear, please feel free to ask.
@Randomness@A5G Your character is good to go. I think we can start the IC soon-ish

Your character is good to go!
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