Avatar of Mas Bagus


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12 mos ago
Current Forever alone.


Just your average Joe.
Bagus Surya is the name.
From Indonesia.

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A flash of blue lightning washed over the east part of the garrison when Rezello called upon the power from heaven and channeled it into his greatsword. Seeing the energy crackling in their opponent's weapon. The soldiers stopped their advance and seemed to reconsider their plan, but it was too late when Rezello sprung into action and launched his attack, blasting them with an electric wave. It hit them both, knocking them unconscious.

Turning, Rezello threw out two daggers toward the soldiers, one hit a soldier on his neck, while the second dagger bounced off a sergeant's hauberk.

"What is the plan now, Captain?"


There were a lot of things happening. It was so overwhelming Carmen could not hear Carnathia's question. The blood was still staining his mentor shield when he charged back into the crowd of soldiers. It was the moment when Lynx fell and her pursuers gathered around her like hungry wolves.

He saw the chain punched through a man's back with cruel effectiveness, then an eldrich-looking obelisk shot out from the ground, stained by blood, and black mist engulfed it. It knocked some soldiers nearby, and immediately cuts started to appear on their skin, blood spilled profusely, staining their clothes.

Most looked in confusion, one outright ran in mad fear.

"With! Witch! Woe to us! It's the terrible crone!" he cried before dashing frenziedly into the fire.

Carmen too, despite years of expertise, was almost taken aback. But he quickly shook it off by convincing himself that the so-called witch was on their side, and he still had Lynx to worry about.

That one soldier, who seemed undistracted by the uproar around him was next to her. He was the one who speared Lynx's horse, and he watched exuberantly how the beast was down with its rider. Now he lingered next to the fallen princess, delightfully watching when Lynx tried to inch away from him, and then with a hunger for revenge, he thrust his spear. Lynx tried to defend herself with her sword, but in this angle, a sword was barely an effective tool to block an incoming jab.

The spear bit her shoulder, but before it could go deep, a semi-transparent spider tackled him from his side, and either filled by the desire to protect its master or simply Lynx's control, it wrestled with the spearman and directed the end of its anterior to shot the spearman's face with its icy bolt.

Carmen felt his blood freeze, but still able to compose himself to shout out an order.

"Amaris! Swing your chains! Keep them away from Lynx!"

There was a soldier trying to intercept him from the side, but then a bullet suddenly hit him on the side of his stomach. The soldier slumped with stomach bursted open. Another shot could be faintly heard, and a distant soldier on his way to surround Lynx stumbled sideways with half of his arm flung off.

"Are you quick on your feet, Carmen? Keep up! Either very close to me or behind me!"

"I am on it, but Carnathia and Mirielle might be a bit late. We need to defend this position!"

Carmen repeatedly glanced between the gate and the commander's tent, where Mirielle was still helping Carnathia out of the burning debris. This was bad. They shouldn't have gone there. Why would she go there and waste the small, precious time to escape? What was she thinking? How would the two catch up with so many enemies approaching them?

Were we going to kill them all?

As Carmen moved forth to stab the downed soldier, his sense numbed, his judgment hardened, and all he thought was they deserved this. The reconstruction of the death of his fellow priests repeatedly played in his head, instinctively, as if the dead one whispered to him to avenge their suffering.

A bolt swished near the Captain's ear when he sprinted toward the patrolling arbalest. With shield still raised, he bashed the soldier before he could reload, and slashed his neck.


Lenceleste Lynx looked at the fire, and felt the heat, but seemed to fail to fully grasp the consequences of her action. In another reckless of bravado, she steered her horse back to the south side of the garrison, leaving her newly summoned construct that couldn't catch up with her galloping steed. As she gained her speed, the noble unsheathed a sword, and in a final mad dash, charged toward the lining musketeers.

One of them shifted their aim at her, but the horse trampled him first, the second musketeer fated a lot worse; the blade from the blonde noble cleaved his head.

Despite the relatively successful charge, the miscalculation was apparent. The speed needed for that charge had led the horse toward the line of soldiers. One of them failed to anticipate and collided with the beast. The others who fared better moved out of the way and sprinted to intercept the passing riders who were forced to slow down to accommodate a sudden turn to the right.

A soldier managed to stab the front horse's neck, and the beast pranced and neighed in fear. Taking advantage of the panicking beast, two other soldiers moved forth to surround the rider, one hacked the horse's front leg with a halberd, and the other slashed Lynx's calf with his sword, the horse flailed in a futile attempt to shake off the attacker, frantically trying to balance itself before collapsing to the side.
Rezello, who had been following Lynx's lead, exerted all of his expertise to parry the incoming attack with his spadone, all while trying to steer his horse to get away from the crowd. The mercenary skillfully drove off the attacker from the front, received some hits, returned some, and while his armor protected him from cuts and arrows, his horse wasn't as armored.

As he tried to control his horse to the left, a spear, thrown by some unknown soldier suddenly embedded deep into the beast's hind. It jolted, neighed in pain, and galloped a few distances before limping. Attacks seemed to cease as Rezello managed to gain more distance, but when he looked forth, his arrival had already been welcomed by the two soldiers.

A new chaos unfolding in the north. Suddenly an obsidian, chain-ridden obelisk shot out from the ground, knocking a soldier who hadn't engaged the stalled rider. A woman in black rushed afterward, shooting out a thorny chain from her sleeve and impaling one of the soldiers on the back.

The other soldiers had surrounded Lynx, their shouting and cursing cut through her stupor, and they were ready to do all manner of cruelty toward her.

Amaris propelled herself forward like a shadow of death, swinging her thorny chains in a wide sweep to welcome the returning patrollers.

The monstrous iron snapped and tore the first three legs they caught. Crushing the bone and shredding anything that was not protected with a horrifying crisp. Three patrollers were incapacitated in one sweep. Two foot-patrollers, the ones who impacted the least flung to the side and fell when the chains dented their graves.


Carmen felt a sense of relief when he saw Carnathia emerge from the falling tent. As much as he was eager to get out of this damned garrison, no one would be left behind.

The won on his forehead throbbed again.

It somehow reminded him of the falling priests. Their suffering and their demise in this hostile foreign land. The yellings and threats from the approaching soldiers did little to ease his burning nerves. There was suspicion, and now it turned out to be a strong realization, that these soldiers were responsible for the death of his brethren.

Carmen rushed toward the tower, composing himself as he saw the first three patrollers get incapacitated by Amaris' chains. The other two were knocked, still combat-effective, but they were the least of his concern.

The ranged unit had positioned themselves behind the downed patroller, aiming their weapons at Amaris. The arbalest shot first, and the Sarkazian deftly swung her chain to swat the incoming bolt. Carmen quickly picked up the rifle from the falling sharpshooter, shouldered it, and fired at the patroller's musketeer before he could fire first.

The recoil punched his shoulder stronger than anticipated, and the smoke was thicker and more acrid. The enemy musketeer fell with a bullet in his chest. But there was more.

Dropping the rifle, Carmen rushed to the Amaris' side. At least ten soldiers were approaching them, and at least two musketeers were on a stand-by next to the dwindling fire from the explosion earlier.

As he reached the fireplace between the tower and the gate, The captain brought up his shield and shouted.

"Amaris! Get out of the firing zone!"
Carmen accepted the bundle of white linen, pinched the end, and let the rest roll down to the grass. Placing his hat on a wheel, he noticed a conflagration formed in the middle of the garrison. Thankfully the spreading flames would delay the approaching soldiers, giving him and Mirielle enough time to roll the bandage on his forehead, tie a knot, and let some good portion of it dangle on the back of his head.

"I wish it was that easy." Carmen gritted his teeth when Mirielle helped him stand straight. "There is no magic at play here. But one thing for sure it is no less vile!"

Grimacing when wearing his hat again, the captain looked around. His eyes darted at the gate, that was suddenly breached open by the patrolling soldiers from the outside. At first, their attention was on the fire, broken wall, and burning tents, but their sergeants, (bless his sharp perception) quickly pointed out the main culprit.

Still fighting against dizziness and pain, Carmen readied his blade and turned at Carnathia, unaware that it was a mirror image. "Senorita De Valmont, we are leaving! Mirielle. Amaris! Double time!"

He thought it was a most sensible option, and without waiting, The Captain fished out the compass as he jogged forth, eyes fixed at the unlocked gate, now guarded by at least six soldiers. As far as his limited observation was concerned, they were the only thing that stood between him and his escape. "This is Carmen. Ready our horses, we are escaping from the main gate! Senorita Lynx, do you---"

Suddenly an explosion blasted the wall near the commander's tent.


With the rest of her illusionary copies spreading around the group, trying to draw any incoming attacks, Carnatia started to shift through the commander's tent, looking for the familiar sensation prompted by her Golden Prerogative skill.

Sill inside the tent, Carnathia managed to obtain several parchments likely containing important information about the occupation and limited intelligence about their enemies. However, one particular keg seemed to be the most striking object in that humble dwelling. It was no bigger than a lager barrel commonly found in rural taverns, but strangely this one was painted red, had no tap, but it had a valve secured by a metal seal. If one tried to take it from its holder, they would realize that it was surprisingly light for its size, like filled with sand rather than anything liquid.

When Carnathia busied herself rummaging through important documents or valuables, suddenly an explosion shocked the earth and it looked like there was an avalanche bulldozing from the outside. The canvas partition gave in, buckling under the sudden weight of dislodged logs, and the beam that supported the tent broke and fell. Some of the debris wedged the exit but thankfully Carnathia was on the west side of that large tent, knocked down by the falling tent yet unharmed by falling logs.

Not far from her, the lamps had been knocked down and snuffed out under the falling canvas.

Outside, fire from the bomb started to consume the woods, and soon the tent itself. The falling logs, and probably the explosion had crushed the two earthware vates nearby, spilling their contents onto the grass and nearby tent. The liquid was clear, and reeks of strong fish odor. Right now it was just a few inches away from the flames, and both were still spreading with alarming speed.


The last sharpshooter on the east tower looked up from his hideout. The flashes from the explosion had deterred him from taking any action, thinking that it could be another burning light from that foreign inquisitor.

Now he braved himself to observe. The commander was dead. Killed by those intruders. The fire was burning the garrison, and half of his friends were in complete disarray. He checked the gunpowder in his musket and aimed. While his friends warned him about the raid, he raised the barrel of his gun, trying to take a bead on the incoming invader. Staying low, he tried to scan the surroundings, from the explosion site to outside of the garrison. In a sense, It was impossible to assemble an army on the north side, so it had to be coming from the east or west.

And while observing, he caught a glimpse of two riders, just when the east wall was suddenly torn apart by another explosion.

With no other distractions coming his way from the fort, Osric focused on the first of the two men still perched on the east tower. There was already enough trouble on the ground for those inside as it were. Having to not worry about what was above them would help increase their odds of victory, or escape. Once he was sure his shot was lined, he pulled the trigger. With a flash and boom, the drum rifle pushed back into his shoulder, his hands keeping it in place. Osric chambered the next round.

Steadying his breath, a female blonde was already in his sight when suddenly a bullet plowed through his lower cheek. Red mist sprayed out from his destroyed jaws. Couldn't scream and in the process of a slow and painful death, nobody could help him now, nor he could call for any.

The commander would indeed reset and adjust his stance. Still gripping the spear, he extended his right foot forward, pushing the polearm toward Mirielle so her arm would no longer be outstretched. All to gain some distance, and he did; with one hand his hammer dived diagonally before returning up and brought down to smash Mireille's shoulder.

But the inquisitor disengaged her hold on the spear, leaving an enchantment so the contested weapon would emit a golden light. The searing light caused Melnik to drop the spear to the grass. Hammerhead landed harmlessly on the ground. As he bent forth, the spear turned upward and orbited for a second before coming down.

Melnik tried to dodge by taking a step backward but was unable to sufficiently predict the strike because of the spear's blinding light. The glowing lance impaled him on his left thigh.


Meanwhile, Amaris made her move, leaving the injured soldier at frightening speed after outstretching her chains to intimidate the incoming and surviving foes. But they were still far and would take a while to get here, and we had the carriage lined up between us and them.

So, taking down the commander would be the first priority. Amaris made a turn to attack the commander from behind. Chains fired when a holy lance struck him from above, but while the lance managed to pierce through his lightly protected leg, Amaris's chains could only dent the commander's steel breastplate.


Melnik turned, his wound was starting to sizzle but he still managed to muster a will to stand on his ground. Realizing that he had been flanked, his attention turned to Amaris and Carnathia. A lot of Carnathia, because what he saw now was nine carrotheads charging forth. He readied his hammer and swung at the incoming octuplets but his attack was for naught. Staggered as the seemingly invincible enemies were just a hair's breadth away from overpowering him, his fear was short-lived when the real Carnathia emerged from her mirror image and lunged forth, thrusting her rapier into the Commander's neck and cutting it sideways.

Blood sprayed the young baron's face when the commander stumbled backward, his hammer dropped, and his right hand pointed at Carnathia, eyes bulging as he looked at her in the eyes. After spinning and failing to keep his balance he fell, expiring on the ground.


Meanwhile, Carmen managed to stand upright. Either because of his fellow's inquisitor miracle or adrenaline, the captain could see the world clearer now; the rows of tents by the north had started burning and the closest path to reach them was by walking through a narrow passage between the fire and parked wagon.

He walked forth, unholstered his gun, and at the end of the front carriage, he aimed and shot. A soldier dead. Holstering his pistol back, he slid the shield back into his grip. The following soldier tried to attack him, but he deflected with his shield and buried his sword deep into the soldier's stomach.

"Stop forcing our hands, you heathens!"

In front of him, beside the wagons, two soldiers with a crossbow, and two with muskets aimed at him. The arbalests fired and Carmen raised his shield. Bolts bounced, and he spun to the side and leaned against the carriage. His sabre was ready, and the next bastard who tried to walk through this chokepoint would have his head cut open.

They had to get out of here, and when he was thinking about it, he witnessed the commander of the garrison fall with his throat sliced open.

And with that she lunged forward, her fading divine armor scattering glimmering gold in her wake, spearpoint poised to impale the commander's face clean through. Yet all was a feint, for at the last moment the broad spearhead pivoted to cleave along the shaft of his warhammer and take off his fingers in one clean sweep.

The Commander, surprisingly agile for his size bent his neck to dodge the incoming jab. He was astounded when the spear veered downward and slithered along the shaft, which seemed to be intended to injure his gripping fingers. The blade of Mireille's spear crowbarred into his grip, but rather than move his hands away, he smiled at the shallow tear on his palm, and the opportunity to clutch the spear with his iron grip.

He would not let go. The Captain tightened his grip, both on his adversary's weapon and on the shaft of his war hammer. The blade of the spear bit the skin, but barely blood could be seen, as if under that normal-looking epidermis were bones made of steel and sinews made of metal. With a rowdy strength, he yanked the spear toward him and at the same time shoved the protruding end of his Warhammer toward Mirielle's midsection.



Carmen was still desperately trying to overcome the excruciating pain on his forehead. To him, the world was upside down and drowned in the ringing noise that added to the burning sensation in his brain. He tried to breathe, and only by then he could get rid of the ringing and start hearing something else.

"Carmen! Get ahold of yourself, your work is not done yet!"

Ah yes, Mirielle. He could sense her presence and sense her zeal radiating in the air. Carmen still couldn't open both of his eyes, it was unnaturally warm, and felt like his own blood could sear his eyeballs.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, Carmen reached for his sword, trying with all of his might to open his eyes again. He raised his shield, trying to make sense of where the shot was fired from, he could see a glint of fire, broken walls, and panicking soldiers.

"Mirielle! We have to get out of here!"
[quote=@Soldat Elf]
Linceleste decided to detonate the planted bombs as the situation went to south. The bombs went to active and created a devastating explosion that may breached both sides of the northern walls. If the wall is torn down, she will try to blindly steer the drone toward the center of the garrison, relying on pure instinct.[/b][/i]


A fiery explosion erupted at the north of the camp, blasting the wooden structure and everything that held them together. The blast attracted the soldiers' attention, who were ready to swarm Carmen and the other, but now halted to prepare for an incoming invasion.

"The rebels! The rebels are attacking! To arms to arms!" Cried some of the soldiers who scrambled for their weapons and equipment. But no swarm of the enemies were coming. Instead, another explosion blasted the northwest wall, adding to the fire that had started to spread, it ignited the trees in the northwest and was already gnawing the tents in the northeast.

Meanwhile, the only invader would be Lynx's semi-transparent drone, which had stumbled its way through the fiery remains of torn-down fortifications and currently stood unmoving right in the middle of the garrison.

It still had one bomb remaining, and it waited.


Seeing the chaos that unfolded, Carnatia sharpened her mind, making sure her divination magic-derived defensive precognition was active, ready to respond to any attack.

Seeing flashes of images depicting two of the soldiers attacking her from her blind spot, Carnatia attempted to sidestep out of the way at the last minute, hoping to use the momentum of them suddenly missing their target to unbalance them. At the same time, she focused her mind on seeking their vital spot, looking to kill the two with a riposte.

Now that it had come to this, there was no longer any need to hold back. She doubted they would be open for cooperation after this

Carnathia stepped aside and turned toward her opponent as they lurched forward. A strike parried, and she thrusted her sword at the first soldier's collarbone, killing him instantly. The second soldier came in, and again she dodged him flawlessly, although the angle for the counterattack was not as perfect as the previous, the blade still bit deep into the second soldier's back, and he fell, face grazing the grass.

With the soldiers already closing in on her, Amaris gave them no time, waving her hand as she spun around making a chain of thorns materialize and spin around herself, forcing whichever enemies might be around to give a step back or be struck by the chain, rapidly spinning around her.

While she could make the chain spin in a wider arc, being amidst enemy soldiers might be the only thing avoiding the enemy musketeers to begin shooting at them in the very moment Mirielle's light faded down and they recovered themselves. As such, Amaris intended to use the other soldiers as cover for musket fire while dealing with them. The smaller, more contained attack perfect for that situation. Enough to hit those too close to her or forcing them to focus on dodging her quick attack instead of attacking her, still keep them close enough from her so that the musketeers might have some trouble hitting her and also not forcing her own allies to have to dodge her own attacks.

"It's been some time since I was allowed to go all out like this! How fun~!" she said with an amused smirk and a blood-chilling chuckle as she spun around together with her chain.

A thorny chain danced and whirled. A small circle now, but wide enough to warn the incoming soldier of the danger she exhibits. One soldier decided to be a fool and charged forth, flaunting its sword only for it to be caught by the whirling tempest and be flung widely toward Melnik's tent, creating a tear on the canvas. The unfortunate Soldier tried to retreat, but the chain started to tear his skin and muscles, blood started to conjoin with the whirling air and finally, his leg gave in, and he dropped himself to the ground.

"I yield!" he cried.

The other soldiers retreated toward the grain wagon, likely planning to join his friends, who weren't distracted by the explosion earlier. "Protect the captain! Here they are! They were with the rebels. Witch! Th-They ha--"

Amids the chaos, one unlucky soldier stumbled upon Lynx's semi-transparent drone. It reacted by pouncing that soldier and dropped the grenade from its hidden storage.

A moment later another explosion detonated, taking out the drone and nearby soldiers with it.
Chaos gripped that garrison and yellow light washed over the tent and remaining fortifications. The untrained recruits ran like headless chickens, some tried to arrange a formation toward the fiery opening, while the rest scrambled to assist their commander.

Only a few who were not unfazed by the chaos. The Redstripes sharpshooter was trained to remain calm under the mounting stress, and today they will demonstrate that calmness. The Sharpshooters in the east tower shouldered his rifle, aiming at the enemy in the far east. Even if the land beneath them turned into flames they would not be distracted. Even if their tower was burning, their aim must not be compromised:
they already had someone in their gunsight.

Their unshakable focus would be their undoing, however.

Osric quickly shifted focus. He took a shot at the first red-striped man he saw. Letting out his breath, he cranked the lever of his rifle. The barrel spun and locked into place, the weapon primed to fire so soon after the other. He adjusted his aim to the second person, or the first, depending on how they reacted to being shot at from behind.

A bullet hit the first sharpshooter on his neck, right when the last explosion from Lynx's drone occurred. The second sharpshooter, already aimed, pulled the trigger before he could be any more distracted by his slumping friend.

The bullet from the surviving sharpshooter flew straight. And he watched how the shot seemed to be hitting his mark. It was at that moment when the smirk had to stop and he had to see his friends, now gurgling blood on the floor. Hastily he picked up his friend's musket, scanning the general direction where he thought the enemy fire was coming from. Unfortunately for him, Osric's rifle had already been rechambered seconds later, and a follow-up shot pierced him in the chest, killing him.

The firing sound, loud as it may was perfectly masked by the explosive commotion inside. With faces as pale as a dried turd, the patrolling soldiers hastily retreat inside the garrison. As far as their perception was concerned, the attack was coming from the north side of the base.

Carmen was ready to press the attack when a bullet struck him on his forehead. The impact felt like something punching him in the side, yanking his right eye socket, and dragging him down to his left side with a sudden force. The captain found himself downed on the grass, disoriented, but soon his dizziness turned into a sharp pain as the blood started to drip from an elongated wound on his forehead.

It felt like someone was ripping his forehead open, he clutched his wound, screaming in pain as the pain started to radiate to his scalp and face. It felt like the fresh wound was touched by burning coal, and the pain was so unbearable Carmen was writhing on the grass.


Meanwhile, Captain Melnik ignored the downed captain and walked into his tent, only to return back into the fight with a nasty-looking Warhammer. A fire, almost as bright as the fire burning his wall flickered in his eyes and he focused his attention on Mirielle.

"Suka blyat! You will pay for this!"

Is this "full" full, full stop?

Unfortunately, yes. It is very hard to insert a new character into the campaign without leaving a pothole or two. Be seeing you in my next project then :)

There was no room to talk anymore, the commander had made up his mind, and so did Carmen.

The fight was on. Melnik lunged into action and rushed forth like a raging bull, breaking the table with his bare hands in a single smash and throwing a powerful punch toward Carmen.

The shield endured albeit with a protesting twang, but the recoil was immense the Captain felt his bones were twisting from the inside. It was like the Commander's fist was a sledgehammer.

"You are not walking out of here. None of you can! Until I say so! You've made your choice, Captain, a regrettable one! Men! Slay them all!" he taunted.

The hornet nest had been stirred awake. The soldiers on the west side of the camp started to arm themselves. The sentries were fully alerted and their Muskets had already been aimed at Mireille, who maneuvered toward the nearby watchtower and called upon the light of faith. Two soldiers who followed her were stunned, shielding their faces with their hands. One soldier on top of the nearby tower staggered and fell from the nest, while the other one hid like a literal bird.

Meanwhile, Carmen took a step back, taking advantage of the small windows in Melnik's onslaught by gaining more distance. The commander retreated, typical of him to let his men have a taste of their adversary first. The first soldier had his faceplate caved in when enraged Carmen bashed the side of his Mentor's shield into his face, knocking him down instantly. After that, his blade would clash with another soldier's longsword, who had a very poor stance Carmen could easily slip his sabre through his defense and slash his torso open.

Six more remained. Two were at Carnathia, attempting to strike her from a blind spot with their swords. Meanwhile, the two were attacking Amaris using the same strategy.

While Mirielle had 2 soldiers stunned, one fell and another in hiding, the soldiers from the west tower were still aiming for the party. If Mirielle was too bright to shoot, then they would only need to shift the muzzle of their rifled muskets toward the kingpin of the enemy's party.

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