Avatar of Massasauga


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@SgtEasy Got it.

I'm looking to do EOD or TAC-P. Real hard shit, but not throwing everything else out the window.
CAP. It's a volunteer auxiliary of the USAF, but I'm looking to join Active Duty.
@SgtEasy Hey, I work fast.

Was also late to the dinner so when I showed up one of the 1st. Lt.'s came up and announced that I had finally arrived. It was a good night.
Name: Melanie Callaway

Nickname: N/A

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: American

Rank: E-4 Corporal

Role: Reconnaissance

Appearance: 5' 11', 145 lb. Auburn hair and a stocky frame. A few scars and a Ranger tab tattoo on her back.

In-Depth Personality: Melanie isn't quick to panic. She prefers doing things quietly with surprise. A preference for subtlety makes her more cautious. Though somewhere in the middle with height and weight, taking things slow is her nature. Melanie isn't a fast runner unless she has to be. She also tends to be quiet and a bit lazy outside of battle. She doesn't drink, smoke, or does usually anything beyond reading and listening to music. She's a simple woman of simple tastes who finds relaxation in and out of the field. Her time in the Army led her to let the others do most of the thinking, but she isn't hesitant if someone's life is on the line.

Character background: Melanie was born in rural Hell, Michigan, out on a farm. Growing up outside the city led to a quiet but active childhood. Though helping out on the farm wasn't her favorite thing to do, she found little results in complaining about the work she was asked to do. A small farm on the end of it's life meant that she didn't have to do it for long, and when her parents got jobs elsewhere and sold off all of the main equipment and everything, Melanie found her life somewhat lacking. She was happy to not have to work, but she didn't have much else. Of course, going to school was a requirement for everyone so she at least had that to look forward to. Classes dragged on and on, and she found herself soon missing her time helping her father out back home.

It was here that she found a love of reading. Despite boring required reading by the public school system, she found enjoyment out of books. Melanie sought out non-fiction books about old historic time periods. She learned a lot about the military, and had a soft spot for the old west. She got her hands on just about everything she could, and even picked up some from the stores when she went out with her mother into town. Ever one to continue her passion, she often shut herself in her room and laid about, reading page after page. Her grades were above average and a comprehensive reading habit allowed her to excel up from her other classmates when it came to lessons and textbook passages. She was often poked fun of for being such a bookworm, but her time on the farm and in her father's company taught her not to settle for anyone else's trouble. And so, she was usually in the principal's office for fighting with other kids who tried making fun of her.

As time wore on, so did she. Her stories of history that she so loved brewed a calling in her to join the military. Though it wouldn't be easy, Melanie worked on her physical form almost as much as she had her brain over her years. At age 18, she enlisted in the Army and attended Ranger school. As usual, the physical strain was the toughest battle for her to overcome, but eventually she landed her slot in the 75th. Days spent out in the Middle East were a lot different than back home, especially with the line of work she found herself in. The cost of war weighs on everyone, but some carry unseen scars. Melanie, though wounded a few times on occasion, remained strong enough to continue fighting during an awful firefight. She did not what was asked of her, but what was expected of her in such a situation, and continued to operate despite her capacity. With others at the helm of command, she helped organize a MEDEVAC for the wounded before being taken out of the zone herself for shrapnel wounds inflicted by an enemy RPG.

Melanie was offered a job as she laid in the hospital bed during her recovery after the War on Terror was finally over. The man in the suit didn't say much about it, but other than she was perfect for the job.

  • Ohio Ordinance Works HCAR w/ suppressor, M145 Machine Gun Optic, angled foregrip
  • Rock Island Armory 1911 w/ threaded barrel and suppressor
  • 2 M84 Flashbangs, 2 M83 Smoke grenades
  • Ontario Knife Company M9 Bayonet
  • Magnetic vision goggles
  • Rappel rope, emergency boot knife, low-power binoculars, gas mask.

**No rocket launchers of any sort. Grenade launchers count for gadget and are only used by certain roles. We will be strict about unrealistic weapons and ammo. Keep it realistic**

**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**

Gotta head out for now. Be back after the dinner.
I sat out in the field back behind my house with the FN Browning Auto-5 for over 4 hours and didn't see or hear a thing. But, I got about an hour...alright, let's do this.

What class do we need?
Yeah, but you'll probably have to contend with me and the other guy with a WIP sheet.

Ain't that always how it goes.

I could whip something up but I've got a dinner to go to tonight and probably won't be back til late. May go coyote hunting but doubt it because I didn't hear or see anything last night.
Someone said this was still open?
Well, there was the fire. Joy didn't understand much about why the other girl was so mad, but then again she had a run-in with someone trying to get into her home just today too. Still, the business end of a rifle made her stop and think.

"Jeez, that's a big gun. What is that, an AR-15? No, it's definitely longer. The magazine is also different. It must be chambered for seven six two then. This is bad. I hoped that they'd want to avoid contact but now I'm getting held at gun point. Is my safety still on? No, okay at least there's that but still. What are the chances that I can make a step back without getting shot? Not very likely. I'm still in no position to make any sort of moves unless I want a new hole. Damn, this isn't how it's supposed to go! Wait...a girl? Maybe...it's worth a shot."

Slowly, Joy took her left hand off the handgun from the Weaver stance she was in, and swung the 1911 around slowly until she was pointing it at the wall. There was a soft metallic click as she reengaged the safety before carefully putting it into her holster. She still had her knife, though, so she knew that if anything happened she wasn't entirely defenseless. She put her hands up, but pointed into the doorway. Hopefully, Joslyn would have enough mental capacity to be able to make the distinction from military to GMG with her dog tag.
"Well, one thing's for sure, we certainly have our work cut out for us now that these guys think we're just in it for the money and nothing else. You can thank that loud-mouth back there for that, as well as announcing the intentions of us not wanting to be entirely cooperative or maybe even being suspicious of their forces. We have a right to err on the side of caution, but you must know the enemy and yourself if you hope to win. They know us, and we don't even know ourselves that well. Just take a look at what happened today, for example. Aside from that outburst in the command room, we had one of our guys just go all gung-ho right into the enemy line. I don't expect people to come from military backgrounds, but we don't have a need for heroes in our line of work."

Sabrina, cold as she said it, wasn't wrong about the situation. She laid down on a crawler and skirted around to the underside of the foot she was working on.

"It's as much our fault, though. We need to try to reel them in. Make them better so that things like that don't happen. We'll need to if everyone's suspicions about the XCD are right. We don't know what they really want, but I smell ulterior motives. I've been in something like this before, and my sixth sense is telling me that something's not quite right with this whole thing. It stinks. That doesn't mean we need to go looking for trouble, though. There's a lot of thought put into this, and it'll weigh on the commander's head. Any slip-ups we make as a unit will just cause more stress. This opportunity is as I said: too good to be true and too good to pass up. This unit needed to get back on its feet badly, but we need to be more careful about how we conduct ourselves along with our business."

She stopped and looked Maxwell in the eyes.

"The XCD have no cause or reason to show us mercy should they decide they no longer require our services. Do not show them any unless you want to be spending your next years six feet under without a pulse anymore. After all, who's going to miss a ratty bunch of mercs just trying to make some blood money to live by in a world like this? We'll be put on the news maybe, with our names listed if we're lucky, but no one will truly care but any family we have left. So unless you're content to get a few extra holes in you courtesy of their rifles, watch yourself out there."

She went back to her work, feeling as though she had said enough on the matter.
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