Avatar of Massasauga


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Real World Character

Name: Cheryl Becker

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Somewhat tall at 6' even, and a rather thin build due to high metabolism and lack of physical exercise, as well as being quite pale.

Short Bio:

For Cheryl, life was always about a fight. Sadly, she never was really good at fighting like how it usually would be in the streets, which led her to sequester herself in her room most days. A small gig doing gunsmithing on the black market with an old combat vet showing her how it's done helped pay her bills in the American mega city, but she always needed an escape. Books, movies, music, and eventually video games. Making friends with some of the bootleggers peddling video games like moonshine came to in her favor when she got a hold of Gun Burst Online, and she soon found herself extremely sick and tired of the North American server, as it was half the time dead and the other half saw the same roving band of players running around and wiping the floor with anyone they saw.

Cheryl was able to get her version and console spoofed and allowed her to connect and log in to the Japanese server while also giving her a translator for audio that would show up as subtitles on her HUD. This finally let Cheryl begin to hone her skills, and start leveling up her character. While still at the lower levels, there were some things you didn't need to level up to get skilled in. Cheryl learned how to tune her senses, wait for the right moments, and be aware of her surroundings. Eventually she broke down and bought the "Hell in the Jungle" pack that was chock full of old Vietnam style gear. She always had a soft spot for history and a respect for the classics, and she got as much in-game currency to do it as she could manage before paying the rest of it out of pocket.

With more room to practice and more people to fight, it wasn't long before Cheryl had begun to make a name for herself as a solo operator. It helped that she had a personal library chock full of old war stories and even some old US Army handbooks on things like Counter-Insurgency and Small Unit Tactics. Her usage of hand signals is well-known by those who have fought with her on occasion, along with her usage of quick text orders.

Gun Burst Online Character

Name: Leadslinger

Gender: Female

Appearance: 6' 2" and a more muscular build than her player's

Level: 44

- Fast Aim 1
- Improved Reflexes 1
- Improved Strength 1

Signature Weapon/Combat Style: Colt M16A1 with detachable M7 bayonet to be utilized in close quarters. Adept at night fighting and jungle warfare.

- US Army style Vietnam era olive drab jungle fatigues with EDRL "Low-lands" camouflage pattern helmet cover
- US M1 Helmet with late-war liner
- M69 Flak Jacket
- M17A1 Gas Mask
- Vietnam era pistol belt and suspenders with ammo pouches, holster, and canteen
- Colt M16A1 with "67" written in blue marker on the receiver
- Colt M1911A1
- M7 Bayonet with scabbard
- 2 M76 Frag grenades
- 1 M34 White Phosphorous grenade
- Camo paint
- Music module
- 4,000 Credits
- 10 Crystals


- Gunsmithing 1000
- First Aid 1000
- Assault Rifle Proficiency 1000
- Handgun Proficiency 500
- Bayonet and Knife Proficiency 200
- Stealth 150
- Salvaging 200

Sample post:

Real World Character

Name: Cheryl Becker

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Somewhat tall at 6' even, and a rather thin build due to high metabolism and lack of physical exercise, as well as being quite pale.

Short Bio:

For Cheryl, life was always about a fight. Sadly, she never was really good at fighting like how it usually would be in the streets, which led her to sequester herself in her room most days. A small gig doing gunsmithing on the black market with an old combat vet showing her how it's done helped pay her bills in the American mega city, but she always needed an escape. Books, movies, music, and eventually video games. Making friends with some of the bootleggers peddling video games like moonshine came to in her favor when she got a hold of Gun Burst Online, and she soon found herself extremely sick and tired of the North American server, as it was half the time dead and the other half saw the same roving band of players running around and wiping the floor with anyone they saw.

Cheryl was able to get her version and console spoofed and allowed her to connect and log in to the Japanese server while also giving her a translator for audio that would show up as subtitles on her HUD. This finally let Cheryl begin to hone her skills, and start leveling up her character. While still at the lower levels, there were some things you didn't need to level up to get skilled in. Cheryl learned how to tune her senses, wait for the right moments, and be aware of her surroundings. Eventually she broke down and bought the "Hell in the Jungle" pack that was chock full of old Vietnam style gear. She always had a soft spot for history and a respect for the classics, and she got as much in-game currency to do it as she could manage before paying the rest of it out of pocket.

With more room to practice and more people to fight, it wasn't long before Cheryl had begun to make a name for herself as a solo operator. It helped that she had a personal library chock full of old war stories and even some old US Army handbooks on things like Counter-Insurgency and Small Unit Tactics. Her usage of hand signals is well-known by those who have fought with her on occasion, along with her usage of quick text orders.

Gun Burst Online Character

Name: Leadslinger

Gender: Female

Appearance: 6' 2" and a more muscular build than her player's

Level: 44

- Fast Aim 1
- Improved Reflexes 1
- Improved Strength 1

Signature Weapon/Combat Style: Colt M16A1 with detachable M7 bayonet to be utilized in close quarters. Adept at night fighting and jungle warfare.

- US Army style Vietnam era olive drab jungle fatigues with EDRL "Low-lands" camouflage pattern helmet cover
- US M1 Helmet with late-war liner
- M69 Flak Jacket
- M17A1 Gas Mask
- Vietnam era pistol belt and suspenders with ammo pouches, holster, and canteen
- Colt M16A1 with "67" written in blue marker on the receiver
- Colt M1911A1
- M7 Bayonet with scabbard
- 2 M76 Frag grenades
- 1 M34 White Phosphorous grenade
- Camo paint
- Music module
- 4,000 Credits
- 10 Crystals


- Gunsmithing 1000
- First Aid 1000
- Assault Rifle Proficiency 1000
- Handgun Proficiency 500
- Bayonet and Knife Proficiency 200
- Stealth 150
- Salvaging 200

Sample post:

Everyone's wanting to be a rusher and I'm just over here listening to Hendrix and staring out into the distance.

Charlie's out there somewhere...
Anything I say is gonna give it away so I'm just going to post this and say if I can't have music be a big part of my character then I'll be slightly upset.
@Foster my inner spell check stops functioning at late night hours.
I was dragged hear against my will politely asked to volunteer to this. I don't usually RP on this site a lot but I can give it a shot.

Forewarning: My current profession sees me as an apprenticing gunsmith. If you have any questions about anything firearms related, I would be glad to help. Even if it is a video game.
Well I suppose I could always put up the app and see what you think.

What year is it, anyway?
Processing is hitting hiccups and I'm still not getting the sleep I should. Post eventually.
Someone soliticed me to check this out. I have an old character written up, but she's more of a wild card than completely on one side.
Alright, I'll be working on a post. These past two weeks have been just awful at work and my employment status is currently up in the air right now, but I go in for processing for the US Army tomorrow so there's that.
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