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She is there in spirit. Like Suzy Q.
So is she, technically
Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Lobby

“Good morning.” Max said brightly, a slight tilt to his head. “Are you a… new resident?”

Rebecca looked at Max a little quizzically. It was a weird expression, considering how tired she was. In her inattention, there was a thud onto the desk. She looked down and saw that Slick took advantage of her lapse in attention and escaped her jacket. Slick was a Mountain Pit Viper from Southeast Asia. Venomous, but lazy unless provoked. She stared at him. He stared...somewhere off into the rest of the building.

"You tryna make introductions, boy? Get back here." Rebecca said, picking the snake up and laying it around her arm and shoulders.

"Oh… right, uh, off the grid and covert…" she said, glancing between the card and Rebecca with a polite but slightly lost expression. "We definitely have some quieter units available like corner apartments and such… Good for, um… privacy?" She offered a hopeful smile. "But I’m not sure if we have any that are specifically off the grid… I mean, the whole apartment complex is off the grid, but our apartments themselves are pretty standard when it comes to that…"

She turned to Max as he glanced at her and asked if Rebecca was a new resident. “Indeed. Miss… “ She looked towards Rebecca, a gentle redness forming on her cheeks. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.” Theria extended her hand to greet Rebecca, Xena, the protector snake, playing close attention to the new resident. “My name is Elephtheria Lasthena. Do call me Theria. I’m the assistant manager here. May I have your name?”

It was exactly how it was described to her. A place for people in the same situation as her. People who couldn't coexist with the real world because they were monsters and creatures of the night. But for such a place, it seemed they took great lengths to make it appear more normal. Casual. Safe. Rebecca didn't like it. It made people complacent. But she bit her tongue and said nothing. After all, who was she to have a say in how things were run and how people should behave? It didn't shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach that
such carefree attitudes might end up coming back to bite them.

She put it out of her mind and started to fill out the form. Her age was...very spotty, so she left it blank. She was a walking anachronism, though. The Vietnam veteran, looking like they just came home from deployment like it was 1972. Under the species she wrote "Eldritch abomination" and had filled everything else out. She slid the paper back and looked to Max and then to Theria.

"No, but I can tell you who I am. Holloway, Rebecca. Fifth SFG. RT Boa." She replied, almost robotically, when she started going through the other information. She produced a small card and placed it on the desk. "I don't have a current driver's license, so this will have to do for ID."
Yeah, but she's a vampire with class and standards!

She's old as dirt too.

Did I say that out loud?
Or Yumeiko, or any other person who knows or can make use of the 'Holy' affinity, could just exorcise her and forcefully remove her from the mortal realm.

That’s pretty rude though
Spirits left in our world tend to have unfinished business and can’t pass over until it is resolved or equated. So basically either Suzy has to find out why she hasn’t moved on or has to help other people enough to balance out.
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>

Embarrassed, too, about psyching himself out over nothing. Though that, in turn, will make Rebecca even more mysterious.

Makes a great conversation starter though
Khalid is going to be very disappointed when he finds out “Slick” is literally just a pet snake.
Rebecca Holloway
Lobby Front Desk

The lobby seemed very spacious. Most everything was quiet, but Rebecca heard a lot of commotion carried from the upper floors through the halls. Muffled talking and moving. She paid little mind. She was perpetually tired after having walked all the way here for miles. All she really wanted right now was a bite and a bed, though she wasn't sure if she'd get any sleep at this hour. She barely even noticed the man at the front desk standing at her side, but said nothing anyway. She had business to attend to after all.

“I’m really sorry Miss. Is this your first time here? I’m afraid I do not recognize you.”

Rebecca turned to look at the woman who was made of snakes. It was a bit striking and she would've averted her eyes to keep from turning to stone if she didn't already look right at her, proving that she wasn't Medusa. She itched at the band-aid across her nose before digging into her pocket and producing a card with a scribbling of a name and address.

"Yeah I was told you help people like me. I'm looking for a place to stay. Quiet. Covert. Off the grid, so to speak. Friend of mine pointed me to this guy who said to come here. Wouldn't mind getting something to eat either."

Curt. Short. To the point. She slid the card across the desk and put her hand in her pocket. Something ruffled from under her field parka. The head of a snake poked out, staring intently at the head of snakes in front of it. Slowly, lazily, it slithered out from the parka until Rebecca put her hand to it and brought it back.

"Slick, no. Stay."
I just realized that there are 2 Shoggoth's that want to talk to Theria... Am I in danger?

I wouldn’t worry about it

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