She is there in spirit. Like Suzy Q.
“Good morning.” Max said brightly, a slight tilt to his head. “Are you a… new resident?”
"Oh… right, uh, off the grid and covert…" she said, glancing between the card and Rebecca with a polite but slightly lost expression. "We definitely have some quieter units available like corner apartments and such… Good for, um… privacy?" She offered a hopeful smile. "But I’m not sure if we have any that are specifically off the grid… I mean, the whole apartment complex is off the grid, but our apartments themselves are pretty standard when it comes to that…"
She turned to Max as he glanced at her and asked if Rebecca was a new resident. “Indeed. Miss… “ She looked towards Rebecca, a gentle redness forming on her cheeks. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.” Theria extended her hand to greet Rebecca, Xena, the protector snake, playing close attention to the new resident. “My name is Elephtheria Lasthena. Do call me Theria. I’m the assistant manager here. May I have your name?”
Yeah, but she's a vampire with class and standards!
Or Yumeiko, or any other person who knows or can make use of the 'Holy' affinity, could just exorcise her and forcefully remove her from the mortal realm.
<Snipped quote by Massasauga>
Embarrassed, too, about psyching himself out over nothing. Though that, in turn, will make Rebecca even more mysterious.
“I’m really sorry Miss. Is this your first time here? I’m afraid I do not recognize you.”
I just realized that there are 2 Shoggoth's that want to talk to Theria... Am I in danger?