Rebecca Holloway
Building 1 Cafeteria
The meal was amazing, but it was also the last she'd have of it for a while apparently. She looked up as she heard the announcement. Gremlins? She'd never heard nor seen a gremlin. Then again, she'd seen a lot of things that could be considered to be not exactly common knowledge when she was in combat. Many things she'd rather not revisit. She took up her empty plate and dropped it in the dish bin. Much of the other residents were getting their stuff together. Fixing to catch these gremlins themselves. It seemed fun, but she wouldn't want to participate. Too much time in the jungle laying traps to kill and not capture. Well, she had done a few prisoner snatches in her time. But still, she was too used to the killing. Plus it'd be kind of unfair for her to do so to the others.
Rebecca turned and saw Khalid. She remembered him from before. He was talking to another resident that she hadn't remembered the name of. She was always like that in the morning. But something about Khalid didn't sit right with her. To be more precise, something hanging around him was putting her off. She stared at him. If he met her gaze, she'd hold it for a split second with his before turning away. Well, like it or not, there was still foolishness afoot. Much as she didn't care for a prize, Rebecca did care about one thing overall. She wouldn't let those gremlins have the run of the place, lest they get into her room. She considered rigging up an M18 Claymore mine towards the front door just to further dissuade. Maybe later, but not right now.