Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by AndyC>

I feel without me, this RP would be memeingless.

You have basically existed as the running joke of the game just by merely existing. Now go write another sex scene, damn you. The public wants what it wants. Dance, monkey!
I sometimes think you breath in paragraphs.

I'm very reserved and quiet in real life. I think that's why I won't shut the fuck up online - I hold entirely too much in.

But, yeah. I know.
With a little over a month to go to the end of Season 1, how do you all feel about your Character's development and progress at this point? Are you accomplishing the story you've wanted to tell? Did you hope to be further along? What are some of the things you're looking forward to for next season that you didn't get to accomplish this season?

I'm more than a little mixed on how and where I've taken Bruce for the season, if I'm to be honest. For one thing, I do take pride in the fact that unlike many, many, way too many attempts in the past, I've yet to stop or really bail out on this version of Batman for whatever reason. The sheer fact that I've pushed ahead and told myself to just keep writing no matter what is a pretty shocking thing, if you know my track record for burning out fairly quickly. That tells me that I'm in it for the long-haul, and leaves me excited to explore future seasons.

However. Because I chose to go a more aimless, introductory route with my initial arc, and because that took up most of the season to complete (I didn't even plan to feature Deadshot, Ivy, or Jessica Jones), not only did I not get to a majority of what I had wanted to introduce, I also really haven't even scratched the surface of Bruce's fractured psychology. For whatever reason, the way I wrote Batman in UOU went from being a very bare-bones origin phase of the character to just being rather comfortably the character itself with sprinkles of the problems I wanted him to have. And the overall state of Gotham was meant to shift and change alot more, with the mob being phased out for the supervillains, but that's obviously not the case. Nashton was actually supposed to be the lynchpin of that and be the villain of this season, but so far he's been a background player. There was also alot more meant to be done with Selina Kyle and Barbara Gordon, who'd respectively be closer to becoming Catwoman and a legitimate ally of Batman's, but there just wasn't time. And perhaps most ambitiously, I actually wanted to do a whole origin story arc that showed Bruce going from ski-mask vigilante mode to donning the cape proper, since that's a story I've been dying to tell.

So I'm in a bit of an odd place where if I could do it all again, I'd make some serious changes. But I'm also not entirely regretful. I've had fun, and when it comes down to it, I don't think I nessescarily did a bad job at improvising an entire story. It certainly sets up interesting possibilities for Season Two. But there are many, many things that had to be moved to either a future season or scrapped entirely because of how the story panned out, and that does leave me feeling as though I didn't accomplish what I wanted to. So, eh. I'm very torn.

Though, I've got a big post coming up that'll be the first part of what sets the stage for Season Two - not to mention a crossover that I'm very excited for. And if I can throw Batman into the mix of the MME, that'll be the icing on the cake. So I'm still excited to move forward and tell these stories, they're just happening in a way and at a pace that I wish I had taken more control over.
I just realized @Morden Man got post #300.


Oh, shit, I could've been a dick and stole that one too?

Nuts. :(
(I too love The Phantom and Blankman is my absolute jam.)
As a more controversial conversation topic. We all know there have been some, questionably bad Superhero Films.

Of these films typically regarded to be bad, awful or 'eyeballs burning' bad, which is your favourite and why?

Batman Forever.

Even though logistically I'm supposed to despise the Schumacher era with every fiber of my being for how tone-deaf (not to mention tone-confused) they were, Forever holds a special place with me for a great multitude of reasons. For one, it's the first Batman film I have actual memories of seeing in theaters (I was five), so there are good memories there. And to the film's credit, I think whenever it actually chooses to focus on the more serious aspects of the mythos, it does a damn fine job of capturing Bruce Wayne's crisis of duality. Val Kilmer is vastly underrated in the role, being one of the few to pull off a good Bruce Wayne and Batman, and the Chase Meridian love subplot actually serves a purpose. And I genuinely didn't hate Chris O' Donnell as Robin for what it was, which was a mid-90's reinvention of the character. And The Batmobile was pretty cool.

Now granted, I can't defend the villains, even with the caveat that Carrey was doing his take on Frank Gorshin. I don't particularly like Elliot Goldenthal's score, there are undeniably cringe-worthy lines, and the nipples on the suits... are indefensibly dumb. I know Schumacher added them to mimick Roman Gladiator armor, but good lord.

But I honestly love the movie on the merits of it's strengths.
Alright, so I had some stuff come up that set me back a few hours, but here it comes. Good news is, a few of you benefit from this in that I'm going to treat this as though it is still Monday. Bad news is, for a few others, it doesn't quite matter.

The Weekly Post Check! (As of 8/20/18)

Over The Limit (Past 14 Days)

I'm not going to remove any of you because two have been fairly active OOC-wise and two had a pretty suitable excuse, so it's not as if anyone dropped off the face of the planet. But I am going say that I'll need at least a post soon, because eventually there's gonna have to be a hammer to drop on this kinda thing and this is the last time that I can justify being lenient.

Plus, I like all of your characters and don't want the game to be lacking them.

12 Days (With 2 To Go)

11 Days (With 3 To Go)
@Star Lord

7 Days (With 7 To Go)

In the immortal words (pencils?) of Bruce Timm...

<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

My only regret is that I didn't apply for T'Challa in this game and draw that out over the entire season.

That feels like nowhere near enough.

Hey, that is nothing compared to what you deserve for that Black Panther post from a few days ago.

Well, you could always watch it on Youtube. >:)

True. Hey, speaking of which, I just realized that I never directed you to the old Ultimate One Universe thread...
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