Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

Aaaaand now I'm gonna be singing the Queen song for the rest of the night. Thanks for that.

You should always be singing that.

Just a maaaaann...
With a man's purpose, you know he's...
Nothing but a maaaaan
And he can neeeeever faaaaail...

Gwen Stacy

Powers And Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, dexterity, agility, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Precognitive warning system known as “Spider Sense”. The ability to stick to any surface.

You know, the Spider-Man stuff. Only with a woman.

Season One Recap: Spider-Woman burst onto the scene in New York shortly before finding herself in the middle of a gang war between the Maggia and the South American Silk Cartel. Black Tarantula, leader of the cartel, wanted to add New York to his criminal empire. When Spider-Woman presented a problem, he turned to rogue AIM scientist Otto Octavius to help him neutralize the threat. Octavius was happy to help, believing that Spider-Woman was the key to curing a disease he had.

Gwen, meanwhile, struggled to keep her private and civilian lives separate when the increased metahuman activity in New York forced her father to lead a task force charged with capturing her. Gwen found comfort and understanding in her best friend turned boyfriend Peter Parker, who was her tech man as well as her guide when need be. Still, she felt guilty knowing it was he fault that Peter’s Uncle Ben had been killed.

As the Tarantula got more and more frustrated, he sent his hit squad known as the Enforcers after her. Spider-Woman was able to stop them eventually, which led to the dissolution of the group. In response, Octavius sent the Firefly to cause a distraction at Stryker’s Island and help them escape. Otto also turned heavy Flint Marko into the Sandman to try and stop Gwen.

As the gang water heated up in the city, Spider-Woman came in contact with the vigilante known as Punisher, as well as The Flash, who helped her take on the Sandman. Eventually, the Tarantula tired of waiting, and drew Gwen out by taking a hospital hostage. Spider-Woman faced him, unaware that Octavius had enhanced him with his Lizard Serum. The Tarantula, thanks to his power and fighting prowess, overwhelmed Gwen. She was saved, however, when her father arrived and killed the cartel leader. Gwen was then forced to tell her father her secret identity in order to escape.

Finally, she was present at the Raft when the Silver Surfer attacked it. She fought the Surfer but was ineffective, before helping to evacuate people from the heavily damaged facility. In response to the destruction of the Surfer's attack, Norman Osborn debuted his Goblin patrol robots, and put his support behind anti-superhuman mayoral candidate Calvin Cassidy.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?: While Gwen had to deal with a few super powered individuals last season, she’s going to be thrown into the deep end with them this season. She’ll be struggling to keep up with the ever changing criminal landscape of New York that will become deadlier and more dangerous by the day. She will also find it harder to juggle her personal life with her secret one, and will find someone to give her confidence in fights.

Supporting Characters:

Family, Friends, and Allies
Peter Parker - Boyfriend. Best friend. Tech wiz. Oscorp Intern
Captain George Stacy - NYPD detective and Gwen's father. Disgraced after letting Gwen go after she revealed her identity to him.
Mary Jane Watson - Best friend, bandmate, and spit fire.
Harry Osborn - Best friend, burgeoning anti-Spider-Woman leanings
May Parker - Peter's aunt, and surrogate mother to Gwen
Dr. Ashley Kafka - Gwen's mentor at Ravencroft Institute
Jean DeWolff - Member of NYPD anti-metahuman taskforce

Norman Osborn - Creator of the Goblin robots, Mayor Calvin Cassidy's biggest donor, attempting to unlock the secret behind Spider-Woman and the Lizard Formula
Curt Connors - Creator of the Lizard Formula. Peter's remaining mentor.

Octopus’s Gang
Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus - Vengeful super scientist and master criminal with a terminal disease. Wants to destroy Norman Osborn, AIM, and unlock the Lizard Formula in order to cure himself. He needs Spider-Woman to do so. Dead or alive.
Selina Kyle/The Black Cat - A mysterious femme fatale that works for Octavius for unknown reasons. A master thief and martial artist.
Flint Marko/The Sandman - Octavius's muscle

AIM Agents
Mac Gargan/The Scorpion - Former mercenary placed inside a scorpion battle suit.
Aleksi Sytsevich/The Rhino - Former mob muscle placed inside a rhino battle suit.

Midtwon High
Betty Brant - Bandmate
Glory Grant - Bandmate
Flash Gordon - Bully. Kind of an idiot. Has a crush on Spider-Woman.
Liz Allen - Bully. Hates Spider-Woman

Denizens of New York
J Jonah Jameson - Hot headed radio host and Spider-Woman's self-proclaimed arch nemesis
Mayor Calvin Cassidy - Anti-metahuman mayor of New York

Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone - Leader of a local gang in the Bronx. More than meets the eye. Will make Gwen question her motivations.
Richard Dragon - A mysterious martial artist in New York for an unknown mission.

Post Catalogue:

Will work on this and get it up in the next day or so.

Hmm. I don't know.

Seems like a concept that's a bit too out there, for me.
Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

The Unflinching Traitor to Mankind...Blue Beetle!
"Great. Just great. My psychotic Jiminy Cricket comes with an error message. Terrific."

Full Name

Jaime Reyes


Blue Beetle


Synaptic Symbiosis Interface: The Scarab Parasite has embedded itself within the genetic code of the human being known as Jaime Reyes. It's fused together with his internal structure seamlessly, altering his physiology on a molecular level to make Jaime a more perfect host body for the Scarab unit. These changes make Reyes far more robust, even in his 'ordinary' form, and his energy consumption has been made two hundred times more efficient for added endurance at less of a cost. Most importantly, however, it is what allows the Scarab to communicate with Jaime telepathically.

Technological and Biological Assimilation: There is no singular race in the entire universe that can be described as perfect. Each has flaws- gaps in it's knowledge that can be exploited. The Scarab was designed to circumvent this flaw. It's body is the perfect blend of technology and biology, forged with the express purpose of assimilating and absorbing any and all tech it encounters deemed to be useful in the pursuit of perfection. Thus far, the Scarab has encountered nothing it cannot absorb within itself and make use of. Assimilated parts are typically 'upgraded' using other bits of technology already installed in the Scarab.

Season One Recap

Jaime Reyes's life was turned on it's head when he encountered a piece of alien technology in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History that, when activated, crawled down his throat and took control of his body, using him to slaughter nearly twenty innocent people. He was captured by the international organization known as SHIELD and interrogated by one Jasper Sitwell. The interrogation went south, ending in the deaths of several SHIELD agents and Jaime fleeing from the scene with the dubious assistance of the alien squatting inside of his body. He returned to Washington, D.C, intent on discovering the truth when he found himself assailed by an unknown force.

He was kidnapped and brought to a facility owned by Doctor Niles Caulder, a paraplegic telepath with one of the greatest minds the world had ever seen, squandered by ambition and cruelty. The good doctor had spent his life chasing after ancient aliens and unearthly artifacts, bleeding himself and everyone around him dry in his attempt to change the world with his discoveries. He lost his legs in his chase for knowledge, though he gained much more: he and two of his colleagues were granted power beyond their own understanding, and it was with these powers that they pursued Jaime and the Scarab. Niles revealed that he was the one responsible for the Scarab attack; his attempt to communicate with the alien had apparently sent it into a blind rage.

For all of the doctor's attempts to coerce, persuade and force Jaime to give up the Scarab, Niles was unsuccessful in his operation. He had his lackey cast Reyes away, vowing that he would return to take the alien from him when the time was right.

A ragged, wounded and tired Jaime was then dragged into the world-spanning test of the Silver Surfer. Despite his sour state, the boy's conviction carried him to New York City, where he attempted to do battle for a world that had turned it's back on him. He did little in the grand scheme of things, but it gave him a taste for heroism, let him make critical connections with fellow metahumans, and even gave him his new alias...

The Blue Beetle.

Three months have passed since. Jaime lives out of the back of a van with his close friends and allies, Paco and Brenda. They've been dodging SHIELD and working to find the supposed second Beetle that Niles spoke of. Thus far, they've had little luck in the matter; most days the trio is too occupied keeping out of the law's watchful eye to continue pursuing their only lead.

It's far from a glamorous existence. The only money they have for food and gas come from care packages sent in by Brenda's aunt, and even then it often isn't enough to get them through the week. Local police tend to hound them for 'squatting,' and Jaime only attracts more negative attention when he 'suits up' to do nightly patrols. Both Paco and Brenda tell him it's moronic, but he doesn't care. The exhaustion he feels when he comes back helps him sleep.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Season One was about laying out the groundwork for Jaime as a character, and teasing the rest of the story I wanted to tell. Now that we're in Season Two, though, I can really kick it into full gear. Whereas before I was working in a vacuum to build up the mythos and tell Blue Beetle's Origin, this time around I'm looking to introduce him to the rest of the world and hopefully leave an impact on it by the end.

To that end, I've crafted a villain with a very specific motive that'll drag Jaime across the country and beat him to his knees worse than last season's villain ever could. This'll be the biggest threat that Reyes faces, and there's no chance he's going to be able to do it alone. His growth as a hero and as a person are both vital to learning to triumph over what lies ahead, and that includes learning that he can't handle everything on his own.

Many of the threads left unfinished from last season will find conclusions as well. In particular there'll be a focus on the guilt that Jaime has wrestled with, and revealing the ugly ways he's been attempting to absolve himself of it. If I could nail down the themes for this seasons, they'd definitely be redemption and triumph despite (or through) suffering.

Supporting Cast

Paco Tejas: Jaime and Paco have stuck together through thick and thin. They met all the way back in Kindergarten, and haven't spent more than a week apart from one another since. Paco's one of many middle children in a family of eight. He loves his family to death, but by God if he can't stand how crowded his tiny house is.

Despite his great size, Paco is generally a timid person. He has no room for violence in his heart, and could even by described as somewhat cowardly on his worst days. Still, he's proven himself to be invaluable his companions over the last three months with his technical skill and knowledge of all things mechanical. He wants to be supportive of Jaime's endeavors, but he can't help the feeling that something terrible is going to happen to him if he keeps it up; that armor of his doesn't make him invincible, after all.

Brenda Del Vecchio: The coolest person willing to associate with Jaime, Brenda's been part of the gang since seventh grade. Both her best friends were made aware of her...less than ideal home life a long time ago, and they've done their best to support her through her personal struggles.

Brenda's always had a fire in her that few could tame, but the recent months on the run have only seemed to fan those flames. Hunger and exhaustion has made her temperamental, and the constant need for vigilance against SHIELD has only exasperated her more. She often finds herself forced to keep the leash on Jaime and Paco, who don't seem to understand the danger they've put themselves in. To make matters worse, her aunt grows less and less supportive of her 'road trip' with each passing week, insisting that Brenda return home to El Paso where she can be safe. She's held steadfast thus far, but as the months drag on and their attempts continue to bear no fruit, Brenda's beginning to believe they'll never find this 'alien' Jaime insists they chase.

Ted Kord: Ted Kord is the owner and CEO of Kord Industries. Based out of Metropolis, the tech company is best known for it's advances in nanotechnology- it's one of a handful that's managed to avoid being devoured in the ever-growing titan that is lexCorp. Ted has always fashioned himself as a self made man, and he'll be damned if he sells his soul to anyone.

The Brotherhood of Evil: Led by Dr. Caulder, AKA The Brain, the Brotherhood is a group of metahumans and hired goons meant to assist Caulder in his attempts to capture and study Jaime Reyes. Though they haven't made an attempt on the boy since they dropped him off in Warpath, Caulder continues to keep a watchful eye on his activities, all the while mustering the strength needed to take what rightfully belongs to him.

The current members of the Brotherhood include The Brain, Warp and the deceased(?) Plasmus.

Baran Flinders: A mutant born with an incredible capacity for growth, Baran was an easy target for bullying as a child; he was far too tall for a boy his age, and due to his X-gene, he was often overweight. The cruelty continued as he grew older, seemingly only getting worse as the abuse turned physical. Driven to the edge of his sanity, Baran retreated into himself and began on a path toward self-improvement. He took advantage of his mutant abilities and packed on pounds upon pounds of muscle, cutting down his diet and transforming himself from an awkwardly shaped loser to a paragon of strength. His former bullies treated him quite differently afterward, and that only empowered Baran to exact his revenge against them. He began his own form of torment that escalated in cruelty and violence until he found himself behind bars.

Now, after twenty years, he's returned from prison, though felony assault charges have made life...difficult for him, to say the least.

La Dama: A faceless crimelord and the queen of Texas's underground. Real name unknown. Influences stretch all the way down to various Cartels in Latin and South America. After the Punisher tore his way from her territory and over to Los Angeles, she's grown paranoid and defensive over her holdings, fearing that New York City's Reaper would return to deal out his brand of lead-based justice. She's invested heavily in arming her gangsters for what she perceives as the coming storm.

Jasper Sitwell: The agent assigned to interrogate Jaime after the Smithsonian Incident, Jasper has suffered setback after setback in his search for the boy. More often than not, his own team has been responsible for the escalation of conflict with Jaime; no part of Sitwell enjoys leading a manhunt against a teenager, but the power Jaime wields is far too much to be left in the hands of someone that young. The massacre committed by his hands (whether accidental or not) proves that.

Issue #1

The Blue Beetle Series:

You think I'm brave because I carry a gun? Well, your fathers are much braver, because they carry responsibility — for you, your brothers, your sisters, and your mothers. And this responsibility is like a-a big rock that weighs a ton. It bends and it twists them until finally it buries them under the ground. --- The Magnificent Seven

Character You're Playing:

Greg Saunders
AKA Vigilante
AKA Host of The Spirit of Vengeance

Powers And Abilities:

The Spirit of Vengeance - Vigilante has learned to work hand in hand with The Spirit, lending him the powers of The Spirit of Vengeance. In a burst of flame he can transform into a skeletal version of himself, complete with hellfire-infused guns and lariat. Vigilante can bring on this transformation through concentration, or when forced into it through a life threatening situation. In this form, Vigilante is extremely durable, fast, and strong. He is slowly learning how to project blasts of hellfire, both from his hands and the maw of his skull, but it is still a learning process. The last ability this form affords him is the Penance Stare, allowing him to finish a weakened opponent by forcing them to suffer for all their sins for eternity.

The Silver - Vigilante’s motorcycle, The Silver, is a souped up chopper, painted a slick cherry red. It’s faster than most normal bikes have any right to be, and packed with a much sturdier frame than most bikes can attest to. It has two saddlebags on either side, typically packed with extra guns and ammo. In his Spirit form, the bike elongates, trading its metal architecture for a skeletal look, as if a skeleton had grown from the gas tank and began spewing hellfire. When enhanced in this fashion, the bike becomes stupendously fast, allowing him to make cross-country roadtrips at speeds comparable to jet aircrafts, though its much more difficult to get up to such speeds in tight spaces.

Gunslinger - Vigilante is a master gunslinger, likely one of the best pistoleros in the world. He has proficiency with other weapons, though mostly those of the ‘cowboy’ type; double barrel shotguns and level action rifles. Vigilante typically carries a half dozen six-shooters on him at any one time.

Whipfighter - Vigilante is a master of the lariat, able to consistently grab and throw objects with it, as well as disarm opponents.

Greasemonkey - Vig is an ace greasemonkey, with a love for modding and tricking out motorcycles in particular, though he is able to work with cars and other comparative machinery if the need arises.

Season One Recap:

Season One saw Vigilante and his team, The Seven Soldiers, returned from Hell and splitting up to chase various leads across the world, with Vig and Jonah Hex left in Warpath, Texas, to keep watch over the townsfolk and protect them from demonic incursion. Unbeknownst to the two, in New York, crime lord Roman J. Solomano, AKA The Hand, made arrangements with the Demon Lord Mephisto such that he would send metahuman assassins after Vigilante, lest his soul be taken.

The first of these assassins was The Dummy, an italian hitman empowered by Solomano. Vigilante was tricked by The Dummy on his arrival, allowing the villain to turn all the denizens of Warpath into living puppets, damned to an unmoving, unfeeling state of existence. Vigilante burst from his own state of dummification on account of The Spirit of Vengeance, allowing him to fight and kill The Dummy in the pitched battle, but leaving the townsfolk petrified.

After some time alone, caring for the wooden townsfolk and repelling the occasional daemonic attack, Vigilante found himself in contact with The Council of Riders, a collection of the previous holders of The Spirit of Vengeance. They warned him his next threat was on the horizon, a band of vengeful spirits known as The Bounty Hunters was inbound for Warpath, coming for Vig’s head. With the aid of The Punisher, Vigilante was able to defeat the swathes of attackers, only to discover that they had been sent by Solomano.

Eventually, Vig found himself challenged by The Silver Surfer. With Jaime Reyes at his side, Vigilante squared off with supervillain Black Star, empowered by the power cosmic. After coming to terms with The Spirit in his mind, the pair took off to New York to do battle with The Silver Surfer alongside Earth’s mightiest heroes. In return for his efforts, the town of Warpath now has a dedicated SHIELD Regiment within, to aid in the protection of the townsfolk and study the demonic energies of the town.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Last season was very introspective and slow and ways that I didn’t necessarily intend. Vig found himself alone, fighting a war in Warpath and wrestling with The Spirit. This season will flip the script, pairing Vig up with all of his supporting cast and sending him on a rollicking journey across America. With SHIELD posted up in Warpath, The Soldiers are free to leave the town and scour the US for all manner of magical artifacts they need for their ultimate showdown with Mephisto. They’ll find themselves pitted against demons, Gods, magical folks, and regular metahumans looking to give them a rough go of it. Further, this season will explore Vig’s relationships with each of the Soldiers, their pasts apart and together as a team, and just how their time in Hell changed each of them. But most of all, this season will ask of Vig to make sacrifices, and in going so, really explore what makes the ranchero of Miracle Mesa tick.

Supporting Characters:

Shining Knight- Sir Justin, a medieval Knight trapped in Hell for untold centuries. Over the past several months he searched for and ultimately was reunited with his flying horse, Winged Victory.

Jonah Hex- 1800s Cowboy and member of the Seven Soldiers. Currently trapped in a petrified state after his encounter with The Dummy.

Johnny Frankenstein- Frankenstein, amalgam man of the 1800s. Frankenstein has long been a hunter and researcher of the supernatural, but is no longer “up on things” after spending centuries trapped in Hell. He spent the past several months looking for the current Doctor Occult, and refreshing himself on whatever magical knowledge he could accrue.

Crimson Avenger - The first man Vig met in Hell, transported there after searching for the Miracle Mesa in the 1940s. Vig considers The Avenger one of his best friends and closest confidants. Over the past few months, Crimson Avenger aided The Shining Knight in his hunt for his horse.

Star Spangled Kid and Stripsey - The Kid and his sidekick Stripsey spent the bulk of the past few months trying to accrue SHIELD’s aid, only to come up woefully dry, until Vig came through for them.

Billy Gunn - Old family friend and current Sheriff of Warpath. Currently a petrified dummy in his own living room.

Doctor Occult - Latest in a long line of “Doctor Occult”s, a highly studied magical expert, he is the holder of the Mystic Symbol of The Seven and one of the world’s foremost scholars on the magical arts.

Mephisto - Technically, Mephisto is Vigilante’s current Boss. The demon is responsible for his Ghost Rider abilities and his escape from Hell.

Nebula Man - Herald of The Miracle Mesa, and representation of its power incarnate.

The Council of Riders - A sort of construct within The Spirit of Vengeance, an assembly of every past holder to give advice to the current bearer. Notable members include Johnny Blaze, El Diablo, and Grak.

Agent Meskin - Primary SHIELD Liaison in Warpath.

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Clark Joseph Kent


Powers & Abilities

Season One Recap:

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Clark has grown from being a down-and-dirty scrapper to a full-fledged superhero at this point, and his relationship with Lois has blossomed from partners-in-crime with a mutual crush to a genuine romance, so now I want to take the opportunity to develop some of the other denizens of Metropolis. I’m hoping to bring out some more of Superman’s rogues gallery, have some more newsroom hijinks with Jimmy and Perry and the like, and most importantly, establish the full-on enmity between Superman and Lex Luthor, developing their rivalry from two influential figures who dislike each other in the abstract, to the eternal nemeses they will eventually become.

Supporting Characters:

Post Catalogue:

Less than a day in and we've already gotten around to mocking Morden's propensity for being an old curmudgeon, a painful pun made by Sep, and Ink's inability to accept his own work.

Good to see that Season 2's OOC isn't going to change a thing.

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Playing: Batman/Bruce Wayne

Powers And Abilities: Having once trained around the world to hone his mind and body to the limits that made him capable of taking on the mob, Bruce Wayne is now twice as strong, agile, and keen in his abilities following a laborious three months of nightly training under his unconventional drill sergeant, Slade Wilson. As such, his abilities as a detective have grown, he's twice as formidable in hand-to-hand combat, and he's picked up a few new tricks along the way, such as utilizing a variety of disguises to seamlessly blend in, utilizing various means of distraction, and pinpointing the weak points of an enemy just through sheer physical contact.

As billionaire philanthropist, Wayne also has unparalleled access to discard military technology, giving him an array of gadgets and vehicles that are essential in his neverending war on crime. He uses these methods to effectively strike fear into his enemies, appearing as though he is a supernatural creature of the night.

Season One Recap: Feared by the mob and hunted by the police alike, Gotham City's mysterious Batman saw his reputation go from unlikely hero to unhinged enemy of the public at large after a series of violent attacks against the controlling sect of Carmine Falcone's empire, The Five Families, set the stage for a framing that made The Dark Knight look to be responsible for an attempt on the life of District Attorney Harvey Dent. The assassin was, in reality, a mind-controlled Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, whom Batman brought to justice before coming into conflict with the puppet master behind the plotted assassination - metahuman drug trafficker and self-proclaimed queen of the underworld, Poison Ivy. But all evidence of Batman's innocence in the crime were wiped clean by a reluctant Captain James Gordon, under the advisement of a morally ambiguous and well connected criminal profiler by the name of Edward Nashton.

With The Batman and the police coming to blows as the vigilante attempted to save the life of Deadshot's daughter, targeted by Ivy in retaliation for his botched hit on Dent, the vigilante gained some unlikely allies willing to take charge of the situation when he was seemingly brought to his mental breaking point - the enigmatic Oracle, secretly the wheelchair bound daughter of Captain Gordon, and superpowered private investigator Jessica Jones, whom Batman helped overcome Ivy's influence. While the villainess ultimately vanished into the night, her return seems not only likely, but inevitable.

Complicating matters further were the allegeances of Selina Kyle, once Bruce Wayne's trusted friend and link to the elite of Gotham's night life. Revealing her true colors as a member of The Five Families loyal to her father, Carmine Falcone, Selina unknowingly made herself an enemy of both Wayne and his alter-ego when attempting to murder the latter during an attack by a cryogenic madman calling himself Mr. Freeze. While Bruce's trust in The Roman's daughter was ultimately shattered, aswell as his heart being broken from lingering romantic inclinations that neither would admit to possessing, the result of this betrayal has left Wayne with a newly refocused purpose to step forward as Gotham's public benefactor. With The Batman having been all but tarnished in the public eye, billionaire Bruce Wayne is determined to be the beacon of hope that his masked persona could never be.

After an encounter with Metropolis' own protector, Superman, where the two heroes taught eachother a lesson about their respective limitations, it became apparent to Batman that he would have to expand upon his training to become smarter, tougher, and overall more formidable in the field. And only one person was capable of giving Bruce what he needed - former mentor and legendary mercenary-for-hire, Slade Wilson. But with Wilson's ruthlessness striking firmly against Batman's rigid code of ethics, how long will it be before Bruce succumbs to his own lingering madness enough to allow the man known the world over as "Deathstroke" to mold him from dark protector to sadistic killer?

All of this comes at a crucial point in time, as Gotham has just been thrust into a major metahuman street war by Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin, seeking to publically overthrow The Five Families - who themselves are looking to counter Cobblepot's coup with the help of a deadly group of allies and the recently revealed fifth controlling family, The Court Of Owls. Agent Nashton's true identity has also been revealed by his two closest confidants, making it clear that not only was he never truly a government official in any capacity, but that the cyber terrorist Edward Nigma possesses a machine capable of bending Gotham to his will. With the murder of Peyton Riley carried out by his loyal right-hand man signifying the start of a growing group of loyalists, Nigma's plan to pit The Batman and The GCPD against eachother is about to bring the city itself into his crosshairs.

And in the midst of the chaos, a grinning man of mysterious intent has just entrapped Dr. Harleen Quinzel into a scheme that threatens to unravel it all. Before 'Jack' is done, all work will lead to deadly play as Gotham City may fall to the deadliest hand in the deck - a Joker.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

I've gone on record in saying that Season One was very much table setting. Virtually all of it was unplanned and flying blind to establish this world. Now that it's established and I've got my toys out to play with, I get to delve into these characters. What makes this world tick, why certain people are the way they are, how some relationships are going to develop what we know as the proper Gotham City of any given superhero universe, and most importantly of all, how Bruce Wayne himself moves past being a borderline psychotic vigilante out to terrorize the mob into a relatively stable hero capable of saving Gotham from the many threats to come.

Obviously by the way things ended, his resilience is going to be tested in alot of different ways. The Penguin just made his power move and is going to bring about the paradigm shift in Gotham City from being mob controlled to being terrorized by what will become Batman's infamous rogues gallery. Deathstroke's introduction into the fold also makes things alot more complex, as Bruce has to strictly follow the orders of a man who openly kills in order to remake himself into a better, more formidable Batman, putting the lengths that he's willing to go for the crusade into question. And ontop of it all, Gotham's finally got itself a Joker. Nuff said.

But there's some light to add to the darkness. Oracle's still going to be doing her hacker thing, and if anyone liked my version of Kate Kane, just you wait. Kate's evolution this season is going to be something to behold. Especially in light of another young future protege that's currently out there, waiting for the hand of fate to put him on a path that leads to the origin of a certain Dynamic Duo. I'm not saying that this season will end with an up and running functioning Bat-Family, but... it might come close.

Feeling teased yet?

Supporting Characters:

Alfred Pennyworth: Former Agent Of SHIELD turned bodyguard and legal guardian of Bruce Wayne. Offers expertise and navigates the field with Bruce from The Batcave. His daughter, Julia Perry, has followed in his footsteps as a SHIELD operative. In the month of Bruce's absence, Alfred has overseen expanding Batman's influence through going back to work as a spy specifically seeking to gather intel on The Five Families. Undertaking the identity of Matthew 'Matches' Malone, Alfred has seamlessly found himself within the inner-circle of Capo Italiana.

Captain James Gordon: Enemy of The Batman, top cop of The GCPD. Despite his manipulation at the hands of 'Agent Nashton' in turning public opinion against the vigilante, he's still committed to ripping the police out from under the thumb of Sal Maroni and bringing justice to the streets. But as he works to combat against The Penguin's open declaration of war against the mob, Gordon's going to find that taking more desperate measures may do him more good than strictly following the letter of the law.

Catwoman/Selina Kyle: Socialite and daughter of mobster Carmine Falcone by day, thief by night. Having played both sides of the morality scale by simultaneously posing as Bruce Wayne's socialite confidant and the dutiful liason to The Five Families as led by her father, Selina has recently supplanted these roles in favor of a new one inspired by The Batman: The Catwoman, who will stop at nothing to steal what remains of The Roman's crumbling empire out of revenge for Falcone's murder of her mother. Whether Bruce Wayne or his alter-ego can ever trust her again remains to be seen.

Deathstroke/Slade Wilson: Bruce Wayne's cunning, completely merciless mentor. An ex-member of Special Forces, Wilson defected to the life of mercenary work under The Guild Of Assassins, sworn enemies to the terrorist cell known as The League Of Shadows. Earning the name 'Deathstroke', Slade has adopted a reputation of fear that even The Batman can respect - despite his lethal methods. In a desperate bid to hone his skills, Wayne entrusted Slade to help him in exchange for early release from a Bhutanese prison. For one long month, Wilson put Bruce through some of the most grueling training of his life, and Wayne emerged as a better warrior. But now that Slade's out, Deathstroke's not going to let his star pupil go that easily, as Batman has yet to learn the most important lesson of war: there are always casualties.

Oracle/Barbara Gordon: Proven ally of The Batman, daughter to Captain Gordon. Despite being wheelchair bound, the eighteen year-old is dedicated to bolstering Batman's crusade by enlisting the help of other aspiring vigilantes. Calling her recruitment drive 'Project Outsider', Barbara's looking to help shape a budding number of low-level vigilantes into a team capable of picking up the torch should The Dark Knight fall.

Kate Kane: Bruce Wayne's cousin, a troubled but good hearted seventeen-year-old struggling with her own sense of identity in more ways than one. While unaware of her billionaire relative's double life, she has recently taken an interest in the exploits of The Batman, leading to some ideas beginning to form about how to utilize her father's strict military training for the good of Gotham.

Edward Nigma: Sociopath looking to pull the strings. Under the alias of Agent Eddie Nashton, the sadistic hacker-turned-master manipulator seeks to elevate Gotham's intellectual standing by thrusting it's opposing "protectors", Batman and the GCPD, into a conflict that'll allow him to usurp them both and overthrow the established order. Nigma is seeking to build his own group of loyalists willing to carry out his extreme ends, and the worst part is, he has just the means to do it.

Harvey Dent: District Attorney of Gotham and Bruce Wayne's closest friend. After suffering a bullet wound to the temple that left him with a permanent scar on one side of his face, Dent has gone from neutral force for good into an almost obsessive opponent of The Batman's methods, leading the charge to bring the masked vigilante to justice with a task force of specially trained officers studying The Caped Crusader's every move.

Jason Todd: One of many spokes to the wheel of Batman's crusade, Jason acts as both a skilled mechanic and promising technological wizard aswell as the vigilante's occasional eye on the street. Recently, Todd has engaged in a dangerous solo mission for his mentor that has led him to join The Royal Flush Gang as a spy, led by anarchist The Red Hood.

Season One Post Catalogue:

Volume 1: Ninety-Six Hours

1. Signal In The Sky
2. Terrorized And Terrorizing
3. Shall We Play A Game?
4. Shot In The Dark
5. Deadly Influences
6. Motives Unclear
7. Roads Paved With Good Intentions
8. A New Player In Town
9. Allies In The Field
10. Temperate Toxicity
11. Roman's Holiday
12. Life Or Death
13. Out Of Your Element
14. A Fight You Can't Win
15. Desperate Measures
16. Rock And A Hard Place
17. Out Of Control
18. The Impressionable
19. When All's Said And Done

Volume 2: Dark Before Dawn

1. Second Chance
2. Matters Of Family
3. Cold Realities
4. Seeing The Light
5. Gathering Intelligences
6. Through The Mud
7. Fist Of Clay
8. Black And Blue: Part 1 (w/ AndyC)
9. Black And Blue: Part 2 (w/ AndyC)
10. Black And Blue: Part 3 (w/ AndyC)
11. Black And Blue: Part 4 (w/ AndyC)
12. Black And Blue: Part 5 (w/ AndyC)
13. Black And Blue: Part 6 (w/ AndyC)
14. Black And Blue: Part 7 (w/ AndyC)
15. Black And Blue: Part 8 (w/ AndyC)
16. Black And Blue: Finale (w/ AndyC)
17. Cards On The Table
18. The War Will Carry On
Just to make it clear, we're going back to the 24 hour rule period for this week as far as new characters go. So if you're playing someone else and anyone wants to contest your apps, they can. Returning characters, however, do not have to wait for approval.

With that being said...

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

“We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. We see around us empty lives, wanting fulfillment. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit. And to find that answer, we need only look within ourselves.” -- Richard Nixon

Character You're Applying For:

The Fantastic Four

Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic
Sue Storm – The Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
Ben Grimm – The Thing

Powers And Abilities:

The Fantastic Four’s powers and abilities are unchanged from last season – in that they are almost identical to most traditional depictions of the team. Ben suffered a facial wound in his fight with Hector Hammond at the end of last season which has left him slightly more vulnerable than we are used to. Otherwise, Johnny, Reed, and Sue remain pretty much the same, other than a change of scenery for the four of them.

Season One Recap:

Since arriving in the Ultimate One Universe, Reed has used science as a coping mechanism. Having failed to fulfil his promise to return the Fantastic Four home, Reed throws himself into science once again as a means of coping. Even more so than in his own universe, UOU Reed Richards was held up as a saviour of sorts – a visionary that would chart mankind’s way out of the darkness – and this season we’ll see Reed take that mantle on with both hands. Having “lost” his family, Reed seeks to construct a new one, all the while refusing to humour that his relationship with Sue might be a thing of the past.

Having tried her best to hold the Fantastic Four together last season, Sue embraces the newfound freedom the team’s breakup presents. Away from her brother and husband for the first time in years, Sue trades in New York for a completely new environment, and finds herself mired in a world of politics and intrigue that require her to rely on her wits more than her power – with the fate of millions resting on her shoulders.

The end of last season was particularly traumatic for Ben. Mind-controlled by a power cosmic-imbued Hector Hammond, Ben was forced to beat Guy Gardner within an inch of his life and then suffered a facial wound that he still bears the scar from. But a life on the sidelines is not the Grimm way – and when presented with an opportunity to help change the world in a more direct, impactful way by an old friend, Ben takes it. Though he soon learns that his new field is decidedly more murky than the one he left behind.

Johnny has perhaps struggled most of all. His first few months in the UOU were marred not only by sadness, but a deep, impotent anger towards anything and everyone, as he failed to process the loss of his world – and most of all his close friend Spider-Man. An encounter with Spider-Woman last season managed to help Johnny pull through the worst of his pain, but the destruction of the timecraft has plunged Johnny into despair once more. He, more than the others, is lost without the meaning the Fantastic Four lends to his life. Yet he may be on the cusp of discovering new meaning in his UOU counterpart’s past.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

The end of UOU Season One saw the destruction of the timecraft that brought the Fantastic Four to the Ultimate One Universe. Without a means to return home, Maria Hill (now Acting Director of SHIELD) presents them with a choice: assume the places of their dead UOU counterparts or be resettled under new identities and commit to never using their powers again. The Fantastic Four begrudgingly agree to the first option and SHIELD announce their “successful” return to distract from the fallout from the breakout at The Raft. Within weeks the strain of the facade gets too much for Ben, Johnny, Reed, and Sue, and they shock SHIELD – and the world – by announcing that the Fantastic Four are no more. Reeling from the trauma of losing their way back to their world, each member sets about carving out a new life for themselves away from the ghosts of their old life.

Post Catalogue:

1. New Frontier in Ruins
2. The Marquis of Death
3. Doom
4. 4th July
5. A Reed Moment
6. Enter: Guy Gardner
7. Interlinked
8. Magic Beans
9. Conflict Resolution
10. Imperius Rex
11. Unfinished Business
12. Home Sweet Home
13. Two Stretches
14. Mission: Fantastic
15. The Surfer Cometh
16. Prisoners
17. Specks of Dust
18. Righteous Fury
19. Snot-Nosed Punks
20. Great Responsibility – @HenryJonesJr
20a. Great Responsibility – Arachne
20b. Great Responsibility – Blubbing
20c. Great Responsibility – Uncle Ben
20d. Great Responsibility – The Promise
20e. Great Responsibility – Flame On!
21. Al Capone
22. An Invisible Woman Scorned
23. Some Egghead
24. The Eye of the Storm – @Lord Wraith
24a. The Eye of the Storm – Freedom
24b. The Eye of the Storm – Invincible No More
24c. The Eye of the Storm – Murderous Intent
24d. The Eye of the Storm – Homeward Bound
25. Fireman from Mars
26. A Question of Risk
27. Guy Hard with a Vengeance
28. No More Monologues
29. Mary Storm
30. It's Clobberin' Time
30a. It's Clobberin' Time – Chrome Dome
30b. It's Clobberin' Time – Supernova
30c. It's Clobberin' Time – Let Gods Be Gods
30d. It's Clobberin' Time – White Lies
31. Superman Returns

Also, my Batman application is officially up. So to all you fuckers looking to usurp me, tough luck!

As I update my sheet I need to ask, you guys going to do another IntChk? See if there's new blood out there, lurking.

Yeah, I'm throwing one up later today.
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