Avatar of Master Bruce


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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

Why does it feel like you're all speaking in code or something? Was there a scandal? Did Wraith try and fuck Morden's wife or something?
Maybe not to post, but it's been too long since I've got to read a Batman Post or Fantastic Four Post.

I'm still in the planning stages on my stuff. So you're just gonna have to fight through those withdrawals.

Just stick with one Batman Approves image, my god.

H4H App

I proudly, yet ANGRILY approve this.


It's not the most polished Character Application I've ever made, but it's got plenty of substance.

Also, for switching characters before the season even started, @Byrd Man has lost his banner privileges for the season. As there are no pictures of Adrian Chase and Misty Knight together, my only choice was to go for replacing Nemesis with someone else. So he gets The Bat-Finger Wag of Shame.

Welcome to the banner, @ErsatzEmperor!

I personally have no interest in it, but I think it's great that it exists for little girls to have a superhero cartoon of their own that isn't just Powerpuff Girls or some other off-shoot of female superheroes like Super Best Friends Forever, which always seemed fun but wasn't really pushed by Cartoon Network.

Sometimes it's just good for stuff to exist for target demographics beyond yourself, because without some of the media that catered to kids whenever we were that age, we probably wouldn't be there. I'm vehemently opposed to the idea that comics and comics media always has to be for us or, more specifically, our generation.
Well, since there's so many posts in here already I figured I might as well through up a CS for a little street-level hero you may have heard of while I still can. @Master Bruce

Even though you last edited 18 hours ago, I still have a tab open from when your application remained unedited and can see that the changes were fairly insignificant. So based on that, I'm gonna go ahead and give this one to you.

Welp, time to throw my hat in the ring after stalking season 1 for a while. Was thinking of a few different characters but decided to try for Ms Marvel.

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Carol Danvers a.k.a. Ms Marvel

Powers And Abilities:

Human/Kree physiology: With her genetic makeup changed forever quite a few changes have occurred in her body with a wide variety of effects.

Toxin Immunity: Her Kree biology has made her immune to most forms of toxins and poisons. Only the most exotic and unique of venoms and poisons have any chance at damaging her enhanced cellular structure.

Superhuman Strength/Durability: Her new genetic makeup has enhanced her strength by leaps and bounds. With her power she can roughly lift up the weight of a small space shuttle which is a rather impressive feat. Her new biology greatly strengthened her cellular structure allowing her to tank heavy blows from super powered opponents, as well as a strong resistance to conventional weaponry and the ability to absorb and redirect energy.

Superhuman Stamina: Already in good physical condition from her time in the Air Force, her enhanced body allows her to work for hours straight without a break. This makes long-haul type assignments much more manageable as well easily outlasting most opponents in a fight.

Superhuman Speed/Agility/Reflexes: Her years of service plus her enhanced senses have easily pushed herself to the levels of an Olympian Athlete and this is all without using her power of flight.

Superpowered Flight: The exact method of propulsion is unknown though it is theorized she is manipulating a sort of energy field around her body that is invisible and only affects her unique physiology. While flying she can easily exceed speeds way past the sound barrier and can maneuver as smoothly as a fighter jet through the air. Her top speed is unknown but she has yet to have a need to try and go faster than that.

Seventh-Sense: A unique ability that connects her to the cosmos on a rather mundane level. It basically works was a sort of prediction mechanism that tells her what an opponent is most likely to do; however, it is only a prediction and can therefore be faulty or even useless in snap-decision type moments. Until she can figure out how to effectively make use of it, the sense is better left alone for now.

Energy Absorption: Like a rechargeable battery, Carol Danvers is able to absorb a wide range of energy types which has the effect of supercharging her body. If given enough energy she can reach heights not yet determined. All of her powers can be amplified in this manner and even gives her a few new tricks such as cellular regeneration allowing her to heal from most wounds, and even the ability to molecularize her clothes to change their look and shape.

Photonic Blasts: Perhaps a byproduct of her energy absorption abilities she is able to form and fire photon and stellar energies as powerful blasts. Their power are heavily dependent on how much energy she has absorbed so the more energy you feed her the more powerful the blasts. At normal levels she can easily break apart machinery and so much more.

Military/Pilot Training: She can pilot most aircraft and has the affinity to learn spacecraft rather quickly. Also training in both unarmed and armed combat like every military officer.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

Carol Danvers was the oldest child in a rather traditional but poor family. Due to monetary constraints her parents could only pay for some of their kids' college tuition and to give some of her brothers a better chance her father decided to skip her despite her good grades. Wanting to go to college but unable to afford it, Carol Danvers decided to join the military to help pave her way and entered the Air Force. She managed to rise to the rank of Colonel before deciding to join NASA.

During her time at NASA while on assignment she met the enigmatic Walter Larson and the two formed a close bond. Later it is revealed to her that he is actually Captain Mar-vell, a spy of the Kree Empire. Devastated by the revelation, Carol was easily tricked and kidnapped by Colonel Yon-Rogg who uses her to plan Mar-vell’s, ultimate demise by luring him into a trap.

Mar-vell, feeling responsible for the abduction, quickly flied right into the trap for the fight of his life. During that battle and some misdirected fire from Yon-Rogg, an explosion occurs which exposed the Kree Psyche-Megatron’s energies to Carol. Due to its strange powers and abilities, along with the exposure to Kree technology and genetic structure, the strange device proceeded to warp and meld Carol’s body with the surrounding Kree, The result gave birth to the new Ms. Marvel.

After gaining her new abilities S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly learned of the alien conspiracy and the creation of the new human/kree hybrid Carol Danvers. Captain Mar-vell managed to keep his involvement as Walter Larson a secret but now S.H.I.E.L.D knew of a Kree operative on earth. Due to the alien involvement in the incident, S.W.O.R.D., the extraterrestrial off-shoot of S.H.I.E.L.D., became involved and spearheaded by Agent Abigail Brand has been keeping an eye on the new Ms. Marvel as well as any more Kree activity.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

This version of Ms. Marvel thankfully does not have to deal with the split personality from the Psyche-Megatron exposure and has had a fairly stable transition. All the power and changes to her body are still quite new to her so she is still getting a handle on her new situation. Due to the incident that created her she has developed some xenophobic tendencies. Despite this her friendship with Mar-vell, while rocky is salvageable because of his willingness to sacrifice himself and his reputation in the Kree Empire, she has somewhat forgiven him but maintains some distrust of him.

Due to a shaky start and her experience, this version of Ms. Marvel has already been semi-recruited by S.W.O.R.D. who is keeping a close eye on her. Trying to make sense of her new circumstances after essentially being expelled from NASA over the incident, she has only been doing the odd job here and there while she tries to figure herself out.

This Carol is someone who is confused about her current role in the world and the current rapid changes are forcing her to adapt quickly. Her identity as a hero hasn’t been defined yet and so this season more focuses on how she creates her new identity and steps into a strange, alien world.

Supporting Characters:

Captain Mar-vell/Walter Larson: A Kree spy on earth who took the identity of Walter Larson for his mission. Due to his time on Earth and getting to know earthlings, including Carol, he grew to like the planet and his people which has put him at odds with his mission. Due to his alien revelation to Carol, their relationship is rather strained at the moment.

Colonel Yon-Rogg: An aggressive and greedy member of the Kree Navy, he has always been somewhat of a rival to Captain Mar-vell and is always on the lookout for prestige and recognition. Catching wind of Mar-vell’s leaning allegiances, the Colonel took it as an opportunity to rat out a traitor and boost his own rank in the process. His kidnapping of Carol Danvers to lure Mar-vell into his trap was what started everything.

Abigail Brand: An agent of S.W.O.R.D. who has essentially been positioned as Carol’s new handler do to her expertise in aliens, though that expertise is limited of course. It is her duty to keep tabs on the new human/alien hybrid when she is not busy with her other duties, which is most of the time so mostly she just checks in from time to time. Her hair is a natural green which reveals some alien heritage.

Dr. Minn-Erva: A Kree scientist whose specialty is genetic engineering. Dr. Minerva has taken a special interest in Earth due to its unique genetics which has cause such a wide range of abilities to form. As the Kree have reached peek genetic homogeny where is very little genetic variability as a whole, so her aim is to find a way to adapt the human genome as a way to modify Kree genes and improve her race, or at the very least herself.

Joseph Danvers [Father]: Carol’s father, they don’t speak too much and are not on the best of terms. He can be blunt, crass, and downright disagreeable but he does care, though his sons take up more of his heart than Carol.

Salia Petrie: Carol met the red-headed Salia Petrie at Nasa where they started to work on projects together. Not very many women ended up in their section so they naturally started spending more time together than other co-workers. The two have a close bond and often confide in each other, though Carol now finds she is a bit limited in what she can say.

Character Picture:

Sample Post:

Y'all need to stop drinking.

How the hell do you think Sep we got through Season 1?
1) I totally saw Inkarnate's post, responded to it, and thought it was odd. What was the problem with me having Felicia on my CS? What was the issue? I did not *reread* said CS in question. I now understand. And I blame the PMs between me and @Master Bruce for confusing my simple mind.

A likely story.

*begins writing posts of Peter Parker well into the throes of his career as Robin*
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