Avatar of Master EffeX


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1 mo ago
Current Any MARVEL SNAPers out there lookin' to join an Alliance, maybe start the new week off with one tomorrow, I welcome anyone - search tag "DNA" and team name "S'NAPsis!"
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1 mo ago
Aaand nearly 1 and 1/2 hours later, I have answered the "simple" question of "what are you writing?" My ability to expressly fire off a composition is non-existent. 🤦‍♀️ (Appreciated the Q, tho).
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1 mo ago
I hear ya, Sp00ki. I'm currently writing something I want to be a web comic and also have a separate idea where I think comics could be a great jumping off point, but I don't have those artist skills.
2 mos ago
"What'd you expect? Black leather?" Because if so. . . . : telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmen…
2 mos ago
When you like what a reddit user had to say on a board from 2 yrs ago, but trying to Chat = unable to send invite message. -_- Now I'll never know if TheFantasticXMan1 and I could've been friends.


It all never happened ~ but in your mind!
It all never happened ~ but in your mind!

Aspiring Screenwriter. Imagination whiz jumping between many 🌎s.
Self-taught Pic/🎶 Editor, VFX Coordinator & Mixer.
Independent student of 🎞; ever learning.

'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.
'The Reality Is: X-Men woke something up in me.

The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'
The Reality Is: It's getting me through.'

The comic book world is such a rich sandbox! Perhaps none richer than the X-Men -mutations to mix, slice-of-life elements to turn into anything but ordinary -the lines are drawn but the colours exceed them ~care to embark on the eXploration with me?

*cue 🎶X-Men Animated Series theme🎼swelling into Fox Movies theme🎵*

Interest Checks:
Interest Checks:

DeoXys: A next gen X-Men/Comic Superhero RP

Cache of other X-Men concepts.

X-Men Envisionings: one passionate fan's riff on the FOX X-Men franchise.
Call it a fanfiction, call it what you will, but don't miss out!!

NeXt Envisionings Paused for Revision
NeXt Envisionings Paused for Revision

Be ready for the New (and Improved) Releases -- Sign Up now!
Be ready for the New (and Improved) Releases -- Sign Up now!

And/or consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:
And/or consider becoming an X-Envisioner yourself:


The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey
The X-Men continues to be this excellent odyssey

Where ever it takes me.
Where ever it takes me.

X-Men Envisionings, a sector of



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@Loksfjoer So, :) Who won?
(assuming there's been some PMed votes)

Xavier was a man of deep control. One had to be when you could connect yourself to the minds of everyone on the planet. Cerebro was a tool to help channel, target and enhance, but Xavier's mind was a well honed tool itself, and could do much on its own.

He could make people forget, he could implant impulses. A telepath could make you jump off buildings if they were skilled enough and so inclined.

Of course Xavier never was.
Inclined, that is. He was certainly that skilled, and the reality that he could do those things, easily, simply -as though he were writing a book and dictating the actions of a character, was exactly the reality that kept him in check.

A reality he had to keep a firm hold on if he were ever to see his dream of a peaceable existence between mutants and non-mutants.

All that to say, as much as Xavier kept in control was as much as he appeared in control; calm in the face of danger, benign. The unassuming old man in a wheelchair. Perhaps Ryder being Xavier's kin wasn't so foreign an idea when considered this way; he played the parts he had to, as well.

In Xavier's case, he never set out to deceive. Wasn't taking in information so he could launch an informed assault. He just. . .knew who he had to be for whom.

Like the teenager who would mouth off with friends, yet be the picture of manners with Grandma. It wasn't that one nature was true and the other false. It was that life prompted different aspects of yourself to be in the driver's seat at different times. Many selves made up the one, including secret selves.

Xavier wasn't looking to expose that "self" of Ryder, but he suspected there was something less hostile beside and behind the feral survivor who'd had to be in that driver's seat her entire life. Perhaps selves she didn't even acquaint herself with but might find she'd like to know.

All in good time.

And all that to say, Xavier wasn't quite so naive as he appeared, knocking on the wall of a highly fortified structure.
He crossed the threshold with vigilance. Yes, the hook-and-pull still felt as abrupt as you'd expect. Certain nervous reactions cannot be helped; the startle reflex from a sudden noise.

But he didn't feel genuinely afraid.
Instead, Xavier explored this space, running his hand along the peculiar wood paneling, feeling the cold against his fingers; symbolic of what "touch" she's known, he was sure. Staring out the windows into nothingness -a nothing somehow so complete it was like when people said you could "feel" the tension in a room; he felt like he was staring at something. As Ryder had observed, even negative space had a shape.

In a place so filled with hostility toward an occupant -a captive, it was easy for Xavier to imagine something hiding in that nothing. Like a child's claim of monsters being in all the dark places.

So alive,
yet unreal.

Xavier realized he was bracing himself, and in the next moment he understood; like feeling the shift in the atmosphere before a lightning strike.


Her words crashed through his every cell -as though trying to disconnect any of his that had to do with her, as though she wanted to be left alone on a genetic level.

There are some things in life even the most prepared -even the most prepared mind cannot fully be ready for.
Xavier found himself reeling,

and then she was right there before him as though she had been from the first second.
And of course, in a cerebral sense, she had.

A demand and a jacked threat.
Xavier anticipated something along these lines, yet naive perhaps he still was, as he hadn't expected it quite like this.

Regardless, he continued to exude calm as he answered her, but the type that could be defined as "careful treading"; picking through the mines. "We have been caring for your healing body. I will not lie and say interest in your mutation isn't also present. Jean is a geneticist, Hank's interests run the gamut, and yes, everyone is curious given your origins. . .But we are not Umbra. You may recall the purpose of this school, which I'm certain you know is where we are, is to help young mutants, powerful, or not," even so early in knowing of her, he spoke with every awareness that Ryder was, perhaps more than anyone he had or would encounter, most definitely in that first category, "to feel safe. Both within and over their environment. You are not a specimen here, Ryder, nor shall you be treated as one."

There was something of a promise there. If there had been any prodding that skewed more scientific than medical -besides the DNA confirmation which they did perform- there would be no more without consent. Xavier would make certain of that.

He had been explaining "himself" in a general way, but concluded more personally: "I am not interested in what you are, beyond what you have been in the eyes of others. Only who you are."

Now, there was a different kindness. He may see her as "his", though not so much in the possessive sense. Only a desire for some connection, and, at this point, more for her than for himself. Certainly she'd had none of any kind at Umbra.
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

'What next?' OfAll thought as something formed in the middle of the winds, and then-- Max!! No worse for wear.

Her heart lightened, despite the overcast she still felt.

She watched -and heard- as Max tried to combat the winds with magical ones of his own, but it didn't seem to work. She caught his look. After what'd just happened, was he actually expecting to circuit again? Like the winds around them, a question swirled in OfAll's mind, one that came into it a few moments ago; Max's present disposition possibly answered it some. Possibly not.

Pietro went off with Bethany and Guin, and by Lance's words, the rest of them would be doing their best to hold firm until those three managed to "shut down" the winds up ahead. If one mutant was enhancing another, OfAll had a fair feeling the other probably wasn't intending to be doing what they presently were. Especially as they couldn't see them, what reason would they have to blast wind down a hallway? Unless it was something of a knee jerk response to the prior explosion, but it still seemed reckless.

And, despite Magneto's words, "reckless" sounded like an apt moniker for this Cortez guy, at least.

In any case, OfAll hoped Pietro, Guin and Bethany could stop things peaceably. There were already enough face-offs for one day, though they were pretty much 0-for-X.

And if the rest of them were just essentially waiting, it seemed an advantageous time to ask that question of hers: "Max, is it just portalling that's dang--" Since she was keeping her arms to her back, all OfAll could do to shield her face was look away from the wind. As such she didn't see the tornado coming so much as she realized she was having to raise her voice above the wind more -realized by the intensifying sound that it was growing, still.

And then she squinted through --and in the next instant was whipped violently down the hall a few feet before banging into a corner of the ceiling and falling to the floor, the rest of the wind washing over her.

Those telltale words rose into her mind:
'Welcome to the X-Men. Hope you survive the experience.'

It's a Double Release Weekend! telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmenenvisionin…
Are you ready for it?!

Character Theme Songs
Character Theme Songs



Jean Grey
Jean Grey





Hi, Blitzyboi. Love your avatar.

What sort of stuff are you into? Original content exclusive? Some fandoms?
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll had to wonder if Max was mouthing "sorry" for just suddenly grabbing and pulling her somewhere, or for the fact she had manifested his magic. Perhaps he had a sense of what she'd wound up doing with it. And maybe she should've had the sense not to mention she had manifested it at all.

Max tried a circuit with herself and Neil, the latter of which not seeming so keen.

It was unlike any experience OfAll previously had. As if her body was operating through a network beyond her own brain; her internal rhythms shifting from her own to something more communal between herself, Max and Neil. She felt connected to something beyond them, like magic itself, and yet, untethered. . .as if she could go anywhere.

And then she was.

She opened her eyes to the physical world in front of her and found herself staring into an unsettlingly identifiable celestial object.

It took her precious seconds to realize what had just happened, and for the second time that day, and for the same reason, she found herself behind pulled out towards the uninhabitable expanse of space. This time with a set destination that would mean certain death -her spacesuit was already damaged.

Then Max gave the explanation -and solution, and with cautionary words just to her, he was gone.

Unshed tears held in her eyes. For a moment she was still, then she looked around.

Neil seemed concerned about Max. Bethany as well, though her comment to Magneto struck OfAll as a bit off.

Lance and Carolina seemed more. . .low key about it. Like they were familiar with Max doing this -just another day at the office. There was some reassurance to be had in that, besides Lance's comment about Max's oxygen.

Then there was Guin. She seemed livid. OfAll held back saying anything however, even an apology; that could come later. It seemed better just to move on from the moment. A major discussion was certain to follow this foray into space, like a battle of its own. Now was not the time.

Besides that, something was prickling in the back of OfAll's mind: it was something in Max's manner when he cautioned her, and something about the manner of his teammates now. . .She drew a refocusing breath just before a huge gust of wind struck through their hallway. Regular air moving over OfAll's arms caused pain --this was searing. She shifted at first not sure how to guard against it, and finally went with holding her arms behind her back and leaning against the wall.

She shook her head at Pietro --much as she wanted to know what was going on, she felt she was at the bottom of any prudent tag-along list.

"Who's on here with wind powers?!"OfAll yelled out to Magneto. There was no way it made sense to feel this amount of wind here, unless maybe all the oxygen was getting sucked out. Though it didn't feel that way. OfAll thought of Storm. She did not think Storm was up here, but what OfAll was thinking was how Storm could do a lot more than just manipulate wind. She could've caused that flood as well. Was there another mutant with weather powers? And if so, what else ought they prepare for?

Just noticed where that fifth entry got off to.
My vote remains as is, but love the existence. The piece itself is rather psychological...at once making you think, and making you feel perhaps manipulated. It almost reads more like...Not sure how to say it. More like prose? Less like a story? Cool submission style, in any case. You win in my book for fully embracing the theme!

The Uncle:
It felt like when the girl/woman would stare off and imagine her Uncle's stories, she would be literally transported there and perhaps disappear in her regular life for that time. I found that to be a fascinating concept. Breaking the Parts into different stages of the character's life was a neat way to do it, too. I liked the kind of takeaway at the end how most people are too busy with their own lives to care about listening to other people's, and the last sentence is one of those that stays with you. However, I'm not sure the story felt the most like an invisibility story to me, as a whole.

the girl unseen:
I liked the setting and the visuals, especially when Lorelei finds the book. I thought it was interesting, too, that time seemed to pass differently for her than for everyone else. That's always a fascinating concept. However, I found a couple of points in the story confusing: At the top it said she longed to be seen and heard, yet the wish she makes is to be invisible. Then when the wish comes true, all the world was said to have faded away to grey, not details, yet she felt excited to be able to go anywhere and she frolicked through the forest. I'm not sure if maybe the greyness was supposed to be only for a moment. It was a simpler story, but had a nice amount of interesting details.

To be seen:
Fascinating concept! And concept within a concept given how the movies seem to be filmed (fun titles). I also like the idea of getting close to this person, mostly not even physically seeing them. Really connecting with the person. However, the perspective of the story is from one who is not among the invisible, so it does come off more as a story about what it's like to know invisible people or be in a world with them, than what it's like to be one. What we do learn of Marilyn's life are details that could exist whether she was an invisible person or not, and I found "'They don't really see me' was a phrase many woman used because of the whole invisibility thing" a bit confusing within the concept which might've made more sense if the idea were explored from the women's perspective: why do so many choose to remain invisible? Is it so they are really seen?

That being said, my vote goes for 'To be seen'!
It's the one that gets me thinking / engaging with the presented world the most.

Revisions to Part 4 ahead of Part 5's release: telkjplang.wixsite.com/xmenenvisionin…
Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll's expression creased with a fresh twinge of responsibility as Magneto, in answering Guin, commented on what he didn't know to be her explosion. She caught what Pietro said. He also didn't realize the "psycho" in this case had been her, technically.

Lance, however, provided some reassurance for the second time in several minutes as he clearly doubted one thing had to do with the other.

Enough of that for now. OfAll refocused with the sound of Mira's voice. She turned to her, Neil and Antionette, smiling: "It's great to see you three alright." She wanted to ask what happened, but figuring out where next to go was the priority.

It was the opposite of reassuring when Lance next surmised the rest of the team they came to rescue -who must have decided to split up too, or started out that way- could be stuck in a room or something. OfAll hoped it wasn't a classic drama TV show situation where they were trapped in a room filling with water.

What were the powers of those who weren't here? She tried to think. Edus with his magic. She wasn't sure the extent he could do with it, but they seemed reliable at least. Perry...OfAll couldn't recall. Then Marygold's had plant based powers and, as OfAll recalled from the fight on the Mansion grounds, fire. That could potentially evaporate the water --depending on rate of influx...

Magneto's voice sounded over her thoughts, as he provided directional information.
So far in the match between his apparent benevolence and Guin's skepticism, the leader of the Brotherhood was coming out ahead.

"Thank you," she said to Magneto before walking from Lance and Guin over to another of their teammates. "Max, I manifested your magic. . . There was a bit of uncertainty evident in OfAll as she admitted this, but it wasn't the time to get into everything. As it was, she was speaking in a low tone; her voice not to carry much past who was immediately near her and Max. "If that might help at all with one of your circuits, now or up ahead." She'd just wanted him to be updated as he would know if her sharing his powers would be of any additional benefit. She wasn't looking to be told what to do with them, she could think something else up herself -still unsure as she was on using them again at all- though possibly, as an aside, Max could keep her from attempting something with them again that she ought not to.

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