I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
@Double As i said in the Interest Check, this is a sequel to a previous RP with people who have mostly left the site. The directors are all the party members of that old RP. We never ran into Apollomon then... Craniamon and the other Royal Knights on the otherhand...
Also, people, if you have been accepted, please post your CS in the Characters section. With enough players, i will make an intro as soon as i can.
@Martian "I love books and poetry" *Partners with a literal tank* Love it. Accepted.
@Crimson Flame "Seems fairly well adjusted at first, but is a hot fucking wreck inside" Are you sure this isn't a lost Tamers character? Accepted.
@Renny Yet another steaming mess of problems for the crew. But considering his Mega form, that's going to raise a LOT of alarms when he finally does go Mega for the first time. Approved.
@BladeSS4 Only problem with this is that, ATLAS' memory-wipe program would have also included them fixing any and all damage his digimon did so that he didn't ask questions post-wipe. The other thing is that Craniamon is another one that will be on the list of digimon that will make the entire Board of Directors show Visible Concern. But i am not against it. Approved
Sorry about not saying anything the last few days, been rather busy.
@Hammerman So, is your first post going to be her meeting her partner? That's perfectly good, i just want to make sure of where everyone is at the start of the RP.
@Renny I appreciate the idea behind Aegiomon being his partner, but at the same time, one of the things i was going to add to the original post that, being that you are working for an organization, one of the things that will be limiting your characters are permissions. Essentially, each mission will limit you to specific levels of Digivolution, this does mean that you can have access to Ultimate or Mega from the start, but without permission from the higher-ups, digivolving will be penalized. Naturally, you are a secret service and he directors appreciate that maybe dropping a 30ft firebreathing T-Rex in the middle of the situation might not be the most subtle approach. That being said, if he wants to maintain Champion when around the base, that's fine. Just note that unless he gets permission, then out in the field, he will be limited to Elecmon.
Sorry if this screws with your plans, but it's the best way i can think of to allow the Veteran characters and Recruit characters serve on the same team with the same power balancing.
The only other problem i see is the "Obsidian Digizoid Katana" Which i appreciate the sentiment and the rule of cool, but, without spoiling anything, the existance of an ATLAS agent with a Digizoid sword is a direct contradiction to one of the main plots I had in mind for this. Sorry if this seems to have shat all over your character proposition. The core of your character is solid, but there's a few little things that need addressing.
Digimon used to be creatures of urban myth and legend, those shadows you see in the corner of your computer screen, when your computer monitor starts going fuzzy, that was supposed to be them, the little monsters in the Internet, I mean... If I walked up to you and said "Hey, there're tiny little monsters living in your computer." you'd say I was nuts. Well, 11 years ago, the Internet went nuts with rumours that were quickly squashed by the Japanese government. Rumours that those creatures were real and that Godzilla could come crawling out of your computer at any moment without warning. It was around this time that pictures surfaced of mysterious vans with "A.D.C.U." Popped up everywhere. No liscence plates, no other markings, most of them were deleted shortly afterwards and any mention of them was quickly scrubbed from blogs and social media and everywhere other than the deepest depths of the web.
Shortly after Youtube calmed down with the natural reaction of a "A.D.C.U. paranoid conspiracy phase" new video's, the big news was an EMP going off in the middle of Tokyo, the Highton View Terrace area went dark for almost 10 hours as, supposedly, planes fell out of the sky and crashed. The area was coordoned off and it became the new big paranoid conspiracy. However, the A.D.C.U. meme was reignited when what was clearly a fake movie trailer or something along those lines hit the various social media and video sharing sites of a Giant Lion attacking one of those vans. It was condemned as "Poor Taste" as the footage clearly showed this taking place in Highton View Terrace at the same time as the disaster. But as usual, sanity prevailed and "Someone taking advantage of human suffering with a hoax video" seemed far more plausable to the majority than there actually being computer monsters fighting a shady government agency. Of course, the internet didn't give up that easily, but the tin foil hat society is one that endures so long as some information remains classified.
So, this is all quite interesting but the big question is "Where do i come into all of this?" Well, the answer is quite simple. You may have been out and about when your phone started acting up, you might have been sat at home watching anime when the TV started to freak, you may have been at alone at the arcade when suddenly every machine turned off but one... In any case, you have just found yourself face to face with something friendly, sarcastic, cute, iconic or some combination of those.
In any case, you have just found yourself with a friend that you will find yourself following and leading it to hell and back. Shortly afterwards, you find yourself being approached by someone dressed as what could best be described as Thunderbirds Reject who will question you about you about your new partner. Try to run or fight and you'll find that they also have an Ally of the same kind and he is FAR more experienced than you. In any case, you are going back to HQ with them where you will find out about ATLAS. An orginization secretly sanctioned by United Nations that operate at the highest levels of discretion. You are then given a choice:
1) Memory wipe. You wake up in your bed, believing whatever you want to believe and you will never see, hear from, or have any kind of contact with ATLAS or these weird little monsters ever again. 2) You sign a non-disclosure form, you are given the tour and congratulations, you are now a member of ATLAS, your mission, to find others that have bonded with Digimon and bring them in or wipe their memories. You can still live your normal life, but you must let NOBODY know about your new friend or ATLAS and whenever your new device goes off, you drop whatever you are doing and report for duty.
So, what's your choice? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Director Siggy - Founder and leader of ATLAS, partner is NeonGuilmon. Leads all operations within Asia. Director Zei - Wife of Director Siggy, partners with Dorumon. Leads operations in North America. Director Jordan - One of the later-comers to the original board of Directors, Partners with Shrewmon. Leads operations within Oceania. Director Lucas - Head of ATLAS security and is notorious for being one of the most aggressive people alive, partners with Elecmon. Director Leon - Possibly one of the most laid-back people in the world and the one always thinking outside of the box. Leads operations within Europe and partners with Veemon. Director Dirk - The rarely seen, rarely heard from leader of operations within Africa. Partners with Impmon. Director Ari - The youngest director by far, Director Ari is Director Siggy's younger sister and leads operations within South America. She partners with Patamon. Kate Kobayashi - Director Dirks adoptive Mother and the head of Hospitality within ATLAS, sort of serving as a surrogate mother to most of the staff. Partners with Guardromon. Commander Elle - Leader of ATLAS' Combat Unit. Partner's with DemiMeramon. Herald - A mysterious being that wears a mask with the symbol of Courage on it and is usually seen walking around with a BlackFlamedramon. He carrys a Digivice and a Bokken. He serves as the Liason between ATLAS and the Sovereigns of the Digital World.
Human CS:
Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Picture or description will do) Personality: Skills: Bio:
Digimon CS:
Name: Gender: Personality: Appearance and abilities: Digivolution Chart:
So after wracking my brain to help balance the power in this, i've decided that this is how Digivolution works:
Everyone has access to at least Champion from the start, but it makes little sense that a fresh-faced recruit will reach the ability to reach Ultimate at the same time as the 10 year veteran. So, you can have whatever level of digivolution you like from the start. However, you will be working for an organization who are trying to keep a low profile and sometimes, dropping a 100ft tall Robot Dino-Dragon in the middle of a crowded city is not the best way to deal with a couple of Goblimon on the loose. So, before you Digivolve, you need to wait for the mission leader to give you permission.
Example: *We got a runner with his Digimon partner, let's not escalate the situation to dangerous levels, keep them at Rookie. *Ogremon and Leomon are fighting and are getting close to a public place where they might be seen? Champions can handle that. *ShogunGekomon and his Gekomon army have taken over the local resevoir? Champions might be able to handle it, but not before somebody notices, Ultimate level approved. *Diaboromon has clawed his way out of the deepest darkest dredges of the internet, hellbent on firing every nuke in the world? Nah, fuck that noise, Mega approved.
@Martian Frankly, i've been in a Digimon mood for the last few months, but since nobody else wanted to make something, i decided to run my own. Got an idea for a character/partner?